Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 548: 548

With the reinforcement of many domestic and foreign strongholds, the battle situation of Longcheng, which had entered the crisis, was gradually stabilized because of the reaction of many foreign races and began to carry out key encirclement and suppression.

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Moreover, under the command of the strategic command department with the "four sages of military strategists" as the main body, they launched an all-round counter offensive against the alien race.

However, this promotion test, the most critical battlefield or "dragon city" headquarters.

Like a mermaid, a mackerel handling millions of tons of waves; It grows golden wings, fast as lightning, and chews human flesh in its mouth; Just standing on the ground, the bloody evil Qi will melt the surrounding creatures completely; A hawk man whose body is big enough to block out the sky and a pair of claws can tear the space; The appearance is like a floating round balloon, the exhaust gas can ignite all the material "flame family"

There are 30 or 40 most powerful alien races, with a number of two or three thousand.

This is the core of the main stronghold of Longcheng, facing the opponent!


On the top of the Dragon City, the Qi carrying five clawed dragon, which is more than 1000 meters in size and has reached the extraordinary seventh level, is flying across the sky. Facing the alien people coming from all directions, it sends out bursts of dragon chants.

On the ground, there is a wall only 10 meters high. The walls of bluestone are gray and black, and the skin is mottled and peeled off. It is full of traces of the ages, and it is also full of scars caused by knives, guns, arrows and axes. There is a beacon tower every other distance, on which the smoke is burning.

Such a low wall, but firmly blocked thousands of extraordinary alien, even some of the size of hundreds of kilometers of giant alien.

Or the overwhelming flight of alien species, also can not cross.

Great Wall

Level: extraordinary level 7

Rank: Legend

Explanation: the ancient military fortifications of the Dragon kingdom had the characteristics of blocking the entry of all foreign races.


A giant with a height of 1000 meters, red fire in his eyes, upside down chest like two hills, and the dignity of a God on his body, an arm armor with an ancient flavor, clenched his arms and fell towards the wall under his feet.


The moment the huge fist fell, the extraordinary fifth level energy burst out, and the great wall more than 100 meters was smashed into ruins.

Titans, also belong to the earth myth and legend, and widely spread in many games.

However, after the Titan's fist was raised, the ruins on the ground disappeared in a flash, and a complete section of the wall reappeared, making it still unable to cross the great wall and enter the dragon city.

It's just an angry roar in the mouth.

The Great Wall, as its name suggests, has a total length of 10000 Li, unless the entire length of 10000 Li is completely destroyed.

Otherwise, this wall will not disappear.

Moreover, because the purpose of the construction of the Great Wall is to limit the invasion of foreign nationalities in the north, so in this inheritance place, it has a strong and extraordinary characteristic: restrict the entry of all foreign nationalities!

Therefore, although there are a large number of alien races, they have not been able to enter Longcheng so far.

Of course, in the face of thousands of extraordinary levels of alien race, it is impossible for the ten thousand Li city wall to last long. What the dragon city really relies on is certainly not this "heavy weapon" which is purely defensive and has no attack ability.

But inside the city wall, composed of 100000 extraordinary, legendary fighters, it is a "quasi myth" formation which covers the whole city and is similar to the eight trigrams.

[Fenghou · Bagua array]

Rank: quasi myth

Explanation: Based on his own legendary "eight array map", Zhuge Marquis Wu, together with many outstanding soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom, successfully restored the "eight array map" of the ancient "quasi myth" players.

Gong Gai three country, known as the eight array map, river stone does not turn, hate lost swallow Wu.

"Eight battle formations" is undoubtedly one of the most well-known military formations in ancient China.

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In the romance of the Three Kingdoms, it is only by accumulating eight formations with stones that one can stop the 100000 troops of the eastern Wu Dynasty. In history, Zhuge Liang also relied on the "eight formations" to defend the checkpoint, making Sima Yi, who had more than 100000 troops, unable to go south.

Not to mention the history of the "eight formations", we can actually push forward.

Dou Xian, a famous general of the Eastern Han Dynasty, won the highest military honor of "Yan Ran Le Shi" with ten thousand troops and eight battle plans to defeat fifty thousand Huns' iron cavalry and soldiers. Further on, there are myths and legends that Fu Xi's descendants, Fenghou, one of the "three gongs" under the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan, once used "eight battle plans" to assist Xuanyuan emperor to defeat Chiyou's army and lay the foundation of the Dragon kingdom.Therefore, it can be said that whether in history or in literature, the "eight array map" will not be common in the place of inheritance.

The quasi mythological eight battle formations are divided into eight battle formations: Heaven and earth, dragon, tiger, bird and snake.

"Tianzhen 16, the outer square and the inner circle, four for the wind, the image of heaven, is the leader of the array, the first of the soldiers. If we make good use of the three armed forces, we will not be biased. "

Located in the position of "heaven", a middle-aged general is wearing gold armor, with a big red cape behind him hunting in the wind, and a military book named "the art of war of Wei Gong" is suspended on his side.

Li Jing, the commander of Tianzhen, is the Duke of Wei in the Tang Dynasty.

It's not the Li Jing of Chen Tangguan in the myth, but the founder of the Tang Dynasty who is one of the ten sages in the temple and stands at the top of the famous generals in ancient times!

Not only Li Jing, standing in the position of the sky array, but also 50 outstanding people of the Tang Dynasty riding on the extraordinary dragon in the thunder sky, Pei Xingjian, Su dingfang, Xue Rengui, Qin Qiong, Yuchi Jingde, Cheng Yaojin and so on, jointly led the "Xuanjia army" of the Tang Dynasty, which was one of the top ten legendary arms in ancient times.

Black cloud pressure City, city to destroy, a light to the sun golden scale open!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

There are more than 10000 people in the formation of the battle line, all kinds of changes suddenly appear around.

In some places, the temperature is extremely low, and the exhaled air has turned into ice fog in the air. The local temperature is as high as tens of thousands of degrees, and the air burns out of thin air... Sky array features: you can change and adjust the whole coverage area of the sky and earth pole, and any "days (physical properties)".

"Poop, poop, poop..."

The alien race, which had been fighting, was restrained and became sluggish and weak.

Immediately, it was covered and destroyed by the overwhelming attack of "Xuanjia army" through the force of battle array!


A small number of powerful alien races, under various abnormal circumstances and attacks, rushed to the front of the battle line and jumped into the air, trying to break through the Great Wall with their powerful bodies and disrupt the battle line layout of the general of the Tang Dynasty.

However, their bodies just jumped into the air, but they suddenly fell down and hit the ground. They even knelt on their knees and couldn't get up.

"Days" change, gravity strengthen 100 times!


And then, the ground suddenly split out of a huge abyss, several kneeling creatures "engulfed" and buried alive.

"The earth array 12 is square in shape. The cloud dominates the four corners. It's hard to attack the enemy. Its body is unpredictable. It can be used infinitely and independently. It's worthy of Yang."

Dressed in bloody armor, his face was as cold as frost. The commander of the ground array, Wu'an Jun, was a butcher!

Behind him are not only the heroes of the Qin Dynasty who unified the world, but also the heroes of the Qin Dynasty who had been founded for hundreds of years, Meng Tian, Meng Yi, Wang Jian, Sima Cuo, Zhang Han and so on.

The king of Qin sweeps the six harmonies. Is it the king's land in the whole world? The characteristics of the earth array: you can change the surrounding terrain and environment at any time, turning the mountain into the plain, and turning the distance into the end of the world.


The extraordinary creatures have strong vitality. Even if they are buried in the land, they are struggling to resist. The huge force runs through the rocks, making continuous cracks appear on the surface of the earth.


Bai Qi's face is expressionless. He raises his hand and thrusts his long bloody sword toward the ground. His real intention of killing runs across the ground. The vibration of the ground stops abruptly. The color of the ground gradually changes into blood.

"The wind has no shape. It is attached to the sky and turns into a snake. Its meaning is becoming more and more mysterious. The wind blows things around. The snake can do it. The three armies are afraid of it."

The third battle line, Fengzhen, is in charge of Weiqing.

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Behind them are the Han Dynasty generals such as Zhou Yafu, Ban Gu, Cao Shen, Feng Yi, Dou Xian and so on. Each of them is riding on a blue dragon!

Many heroes of the Han Dynasty did not choose to stay in the city wall after they formed the battle line. Instead, they turned into an invisible wind and rushed into the alien groups around the city wall.

"Poop, poop, poop..."

Between the professional is the alien limb flying, the sky is changing color.

The extraordinary ability of wind array · wind invisible: it can transform the whole battle array into invisible wind. It can not only avoid damage, but also divide all alien formations. In a moment, the wind will change the human form again, and suddenly kill the alien!

"When a cloud is attached to the earth, it becomes invisible at the beginning, and becomes a flying bird. The shape of the bird is formed. The bird can stand out, the cloud can be obscure, and the sound of the golden revolution is ever-changing."The wind array corresponds to the cloud array, and its leader is Zhao Yun.

Yes, Zhao Yun's evaluation has been promoted from the original perfect to "legend".

Moreover, after consuming a lot of experience and learning, he is not inferior to the real top generals in history in terms of the ability of leading troops.

Behind Zhao Yun, there are 50 heroes of the water margin who originally belonged to Longcheng and have been promoted to the extraordinary level. Lu Zhishen, Wu Song, Lu Junyi, Qin Ming and others are among them. Everyone is also riding an extraordinary dragon.

The strength of the battle line has formed a thick cloud around the fighters, covering the human race and the alien race together.

Then, fighting broke out in the clouds. A large number of foreigners tried to kill human beings, only to find that they were surrounded by "own people", and many of them attacked it.

Cloud array feature: cloud has no appearance, which can transform the people, weapons and objects in the battle array into any form.

Including pretending to be alien!

The four formations of heaven, earth, wind and cloud can be transformed into the elements of heaven and earth by human power to modify the elements of heaven, time and place on the battlefield.

In terms of strategy, the alien race has been greatly passive.

The other four formations are the dragon, tiger, bird and snake formations formed by the combination of the original four image formations of Longcheng.

"When the heaven and the earth rush back, the Dragon changes into one with claws, feet, back and chest. The potential is unpredictable, the movement is infinite, the formation is impressive, the name is like the dragon

Green Dragon array commander, Guan Yu.

Behind them are 50 heroes of the Three Kingdoms riding on the wind system dragon.

Huang Zhong, Wei Yan, Zhang Liao, pound, Tai Shici, Zhou Tai... The heroes of Wei, Shu and Wu gathered together, with 50 extraordinary bronze dragons on their legs.

And ten thousand "green dragon guards" selected by Longcheng elites and armed with swords.

All of them stood still until the alien broke through the city wall and suddenly waved their swords with Guan Yu.


A gap was torn between heaven and earth, and a huge sword was hung to form a green dragon with the power of thunder. No matter the trees, vegetation or hills on the ground within more than ten kilometers were destroyed, and hundreds of extraterrestrial people were killed in one blow, and all the spirits were destroyed!

"The heaven and the earth rush forward and become the wings of the tiger. The tiger will fight, and its power will flourish. Huaiyin use, into Wuji, cuxia of the meeting, Lu unpredictable

In the Western camp, a 30-year-old general in tiger head armor has a calm face.

"Fight against the back of the river... Build the plank road in the open, spend the past in the dark, die in the dark, and the younger generation, the more the better, pull out the flag and change the flag..."

In the face of rushing over the extraordinary alien, the face is not anxious, mouth slowly read out one idiom after another!

Every idiom read out, the army behind will have a corresponding response.

More is better: all the soldiers are divided into two, two into four, four into eight. In a flash, the number of soldiers on the battlefield doubled out of thin air.

Build a plank road in the open and build a warehouse in the dark: half of the soldiers are hidden and can't be attacked by the enemy.

All the soldiers will exert their utmost strength in the next attack.

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Ambush on all sides, soldier immortal God is handsome

In history, there is only one person who can have so many allusions and idioms.

The commander of white tiger camp, Han Xin, has the ability to turn all allusions related to himself into a kind of extraordinary power. Next time, it will be on himself or his soldiers.

Under his command are the heroes of the Warring States period, such as Yan, Zhao, Qi, Chu, Lianpo, Lixin, zhaoshe, Tiandan, and so on. Each of them has an extraordinary metal dragon. After being inspired by the battle force, they build a six winged white tiger. Just the roaring breath in their mouth, they first turn over a pile of extraordinary alien races rushing over the ground.

"Birds of prey will fight, must first soar, potential near Xiaohan, birds of prey. If the trial goes down, there must be slander. If a man attacks, the three armed forces are not to blame. "

At the same time, in the south, a flaming rosefinch soared into the sky, aiming at the flying alien.

The golden mouth position of rosefinch is a young general who is wearing golden red armor and looks only about 20 years old.

At the age of 20, however, he was able to lead one side of the battle like Guan Yu, Li Jing and Bai Qi. In the whole history of the Dragon Kingdom, there was only one person, Hou Huo Qubing, the champion of the rosefinch formation.

Huo Qubing is not the top of the legendary heroes.

However, his natural ability of "bravery over the three armed forces" can directly obtain the blessing of the whole army under his command. Therefore, in local battles, he is no inferior to the overlord of eight thousand Jiangdong soldiers!“%¥#@*!”

Several golden winged nocturnal fork kings released their extraordinary power and built golden city walls, trying to block the rosefinch's way to the sky.

"Poop, poop, poop..."

But it was in contact with the golden armor for a moment, like a piece of paper was pierced, and even the yakha king himself could not hum a sound, was engulfed by the flames all over the sky.

The giant rosefinch, like a sharp sword, pierces the dense flying alien formations in the air, leaving an endless sea of fire.

A large number of dead alien body fragments, with scorched black rolling rain general fall!

"The wind is serpentine, attached to the sky and shaped, surrounded by potential energy, with flexing and stretching performance. Among the four wonders, they are neighbors of tigers, and then they become Changshan, and they are trapped in each other. "

The last "Xuanwu" commander was a middle-aged general in black armor, with a firm face and distinct eyes.

Qi Jiguang, commander of Xuanwu army.

As well as 50 outstanding people of the Ming Dynasty, Xu Da, Chang Yuchun, Li Wenzhong, Fu Youde, Li Dingguo and Lu Shengxiang, who belong to the "no peace, no reparation, no land cutting, no tribute, the emperor guarding the country, the king dying"

"Yuanyang formation!"

In other strongholds, each branch of arms is more unified and different. Qi Jiguang's Renjie's Mount Dragon includes red dragon, jade dragon, brass dragon, metal dragon, gem dragon and crystal dragon. His 10000 legendary arms "Qi Jiajun" also hold shields, sickle guns, waist knives, muskets and other weapons.

The legendary "mandarin duck array" is characterized by the fact that each military array and adjacent military arrays can achieve mutual transformation in space, and each mandarin duck array forms a scale of giant tortoise and snake.

In the big array, there is a small array, and the tortoise and snake are changeable between attack and defense.

The eight military formations are combined to form the "eight formations map", which has the extraordinary power of changing the environment and changing its own form, including Tianfu, dizai, Fengyang and yunchui, as well as four forms, such as thunder green dragon, flaming rosefinch, ice water Xuanwu, Taibai golden tiger and so on!

With 400 extraordinary generals, 400 extraordinary dragons and 80000 soldiers, the army will be able to shed more than ordinary people.

Such a luxury lineup, even if only half of the number of alien attacks outside, but also enough to fight back and forth.

After all, although the number of alien species is huge, because all the extraordinary levels are extremely destructive, and some of them are hundreds of meters in size, they can't completely rush on.

In fact, in the city of the Terran, Ji ye saw the drawing of "eight formations" among the quasi mythical props, and thought about whether she needed to buy it at that time.

However, in the end, they did not choose to spend civilization money to buy.

Just because before he entered the land of inheritance, Longcheng had already successfully attracted a hero who was listed in the legend rating as Guan Yu and Cao Cao.

In the center of dragon city, above the Qi Yun of Qi Yun five clawed dragon, a man was wearing a black military robe, waving a white feather fan in his hand. He was eight feet long, his face was like a crown of jade, his head was wearing a silk scarf, his body was wearing a crane cloak, and his eyes were as deep as stars.

[Zhuge Liang]

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Level: extraordinary level 7

Rank: Legend

Explanation: Kong Ming, named Wolong, is the Prime Minister of Shu Han Dynasty. He devoted himself to his life and became a model of loyal officials and wise men in Chinese traditional culture!

As one of the top legendary heroes in the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang has all kinds of information in his memory.

In order to prepare for the war, Longcheng has attracted many strategists and strategists from ancient times to the present, a large number of commanders and generals, and hundreds of people to work together. Finally, before the promotion, Longcheng successfully promoted this battle.

With 100000 elite soldiers consuming a lot of experience to drill and familiarize themselves, the scene on the battlefield is presented.

The champion faces Hanhai with long flat wings and strong wind; Cloud horizontal tiger falls array, air embraces Dragon City Rainbow!

Half of the eight legendary heroes are famous for fighting against foreign nations in history. Wei Qing and Huo Qubing fought against Xiongnu in the north, Li Jing defeated Eastern Turks, Qi Jiguang fought against Japanese pirates in the south, and fought against Tatar in the north. The legendary arms of "Han Dynasty cavalry", "Qi Jia army" and "Xuanjia army" also made great achievements in fighting against foreign nations in history.

In this battle, even more high morale, the potential to sweep the Huns do not care!

The stars are falling in the army's sleep, and the moon is in the air; Thousands of miles away, Hu Yun is poor for a hundred years!

However, the alien race is really strong. In the face of the battle of dragon city, you give up the idea of competing with each other.

Different races choose to cooperate with each other, and the superposed extraordinary forces constantly pierce the battle array, causing a large number of casualties to the soldiers who make up the battle array."Seven stars, according to fate..."

Seeing this, Zhuge Liang, standing on the dragon head, waved his feather fan gently.

The altar below produces a large number of golden light spots, which are densely placed in the whole altar area. More than 100000 oil lamps emit light. These light spots gather in the sky above Zhuge Liang's head, forming seven giant golden stars, which spread light and cover the wounded fighters.

"Kill, kill, kill..."

Subsequently, these injured people, even if they are seriously injured enough to be fatal and their blood runs dry, will not fall to the ground and die.

But with a ferocious intention to kill on his face, he continued to fight with the alien race.

[seven star lamp]

Level: extraordinary level 7

Rank: Legend rare

Explanation: it's a secret method that can continue life for people!

On the main battlefield of Longcheng, everyone on the altar corresponds to a seven star lamp.

As long as the seven star light does not go out, the fighters will not die.

Even if the lamp oil is consumed quickly because of too much intelligence, and goes out after it dries up, someone will immediately supplement it.

Because, in addition to 80000 people who are fighting, Longcheng has also arranged 20000 reserve personnel.

Like the "eight array map", the "Seven Star Lamp" is also Zhuge Liang's own secret method. The combination of the two makes the defensive force of Longcheng build a very high level.

"Kill, kill, kill..."

The Big Dipper is in the air, and the eight battle charts are constantly rotating after the wind. The elite of 100000 celebrities are fighting against the influx of other races.

One end after another, different races in the extraordinary city were defeated or even killed. The huge dragon city seemed to be a meat grinder, constantly harvesting life. Around the Dragon City, the ground was covered with all kinds of corpses of different races and human beings, and a large number of dead blood of different races even gathered into rivers and lakes

And the more distant outposts, At the same time, the battle also entered the white hot stage, and hundreds of creatures were killed every moment.

Along with it, an invisible and mysterious force gradually converges and breeds in this situation< br>

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