Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1653: 1653

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The raucous echoes of clashing metal and the deafening roars of monstrous creatures reverberated through the air, creating a symphony of chaos and violence. Julian's voice, raw and urgent, cut through the cacophony, "Klea, we need to retreat! Now!"

But Klea, the Egyptian queen, remained resolute in her decision to stay and face the impending danger head-on. Amidst the tumultuous battlefield, the cries of a wounded Sphinx intertwined with the clash of weapons, a haunting reminder of the merciless struggle unfolding before them.

"Julian, we must help her," Klea asserted, her voice brimming with unwavering determination. 

Desperation tinged Julian's voice as he pleaded, "Klea, this creature is not our concern. We must seize this opportunity to escape while we still can!"

Unyielding, Klea dismounted her majestic black tiger with a graceful leap, her landing exuding an aura of unwavering resolve. Her emerald eyes gleamed with determination as she declared, "Leave if you wish. But I am staying."

To Julian's surprise, a deep chuckle echoed above the relentless turmoil of battle. It emanated from Thrax, the warrior whose towering presence mirrored his indomitable spirit. Inspired by Klea's unwavering courage, Thrax chose to stand alongside her, leaving Julian with no choice but to align himself with their bold defiance.

In a swift motion, Klea commanded her faithful black tiger to carry the young monk, Damo, away from the imminent danger. 

As the battlefield raged on, Julian turned to Klea and asked, "So, what's the plan?" His eyes darted across the landscape, the grim tableau of death and destruction, as he tried to grasp the dire reality of their situation.

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Undeterred by the foreboding ambiance, Klea calmly offered her thought "We have more space to maneuver this time, with Damo out of harm's way and also the aid of the beast! We can win this!"

Despite Klea's confident words, Julian's eyes betrayed his deep-seated concerns. He pointed out the imminent vulnerability of his summoned praetorian soldiers, questioning their ability to hold off the relentless onslaught of the thousands of abyss creatures.

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With nonchalant assurance, Klea dismissed his worries, saying, "You can handle them." She then turned her gaze toward Thrax, a spark of determination in her eyes, and declared, "Let's kick that giant's ass!"

Without hesitation, Klea drew her Lavender Sword, its ethereal blade shimmering ominously amidst the chaos. With a surge of power, she summoned a Tier 6 spell, a feat achievable only by those who have reached the pinnacle of magus level and possess an intimate understanding of the laws.

[Armor of the Lightning]

As Klea chanted the incantation, the air crackled with electricity, and her body became enveloped in a brilliant aura of lightning. The arcane energy surged through her veins, fortifying her agility and speed to an extraordinary level, rendering her movements almost imperceptible.

But Klea's arsenal of spells was not yet exhausted. Harnessing her newfound powers, she channeled another formidable Tier 6 spell.

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[Armor of the Ice]

With a whispered incantation, a misty chill enshrouded Klea, transforming her into an ethereal figure encased in dazzling ice armor. This imposing barrier of frozen beauty seemed impervious to any threat, exuding an air of invincibility.????????????????????????????????.????????????

Emboldened by her newfound powers, Klea issued a command, her voice slicing through the tumultuous battlefield like a sharpened blade. "Forward, Thrax!" 

Without a moment's hesitation, she surged into action, leading the charge toward the grotesque, one eye behemoth with her lavender sword held high.

Thrax, a stalwart and mighty warrior, answered her call with a deep, resonant laugh that reverberated across the field of conflict. With each step, his massive spear, its crimson hue reflecting the blood-soaked sky, glowed ominously.  I think you should take a look at

Julian watched, captivated by the sight of Klea and Thrax as they defied the odds. 

Klea moved with unparalleled speed and agility, her movements resembling a graceful waltz amidst the crumbling ruins. Guided by the profound principles of the [36 Dao Divine Technique], her sword found its mark time and again, carving deep, painful wounds into the giant's grotesque form.

Meanwhile, Thrax embodied an unstoppable force, a tempest unleashed upon the battlefield. With precise and calculated strikes, he relentlessly targeted the giant's lower body, destabilizing the creature with each attack. The ground quaked beneath the one eye behemoth as its balance faltered, gradually diminishing its threat and fueling the hope of imminent victory.

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Exhaling a sigh of relief, Julian joined the fray, fulfilling the task entrusted to him. Rallying the surviving praetorians, he urged them to descend from the pyramids and take up strategic positions. Simultaneously, he extended his hands towards the earth, his connection with the elemental forces flowing through him. The ground responded to his command, as multiple walls of solid earth rose, forming an intricate maze around the soldiers.

Though Julian's spell was considered relatively low-tier among elemental magic, his adept control transformed the walls into an impregnable fortress. This new defensive structure complemented the skills of the sky-level soldiers who held the encroaching abyss creatures at bay with their spears and precisely thrown javelins.

The battle raged on, both sides locked in a fierce struggle with neither gaining a decisive advantage. Waves of abyss creatures continued to surge forth from the ground, and the one-eyed giant displayed a seemingly endless regenerative ability, its roars reverberating with defiance.

But Klea's unwavering spirit burned brighter than ever. With a defiant roar, she declared, "Let's see who tires first!" Her determination echoed across the battlefield, inspiring her allies to fight with renewed vigor.

The standoff persisted for what felt like an eternity, a grueling half-hour of unyielding conflict. Finally, signs of weakness began to surface in the one-eyed giant - its recovery slowed, its roars tainted with pain. Sensing the opportune moment, Klea cast her combination spell, [Misty Cloud], shrouding the creature's vision in a dense fog.

Caught off guard and unable to perceive the imminent danger, the blinded giant faltered, unable to prevent Thrax from launching his spear with astonishing speed and precision.

"Unleash your full strength, Gae Bolg!" Thrax commanded. His [Fearless Thrust] found its mark, the spearhead piercing the one-eyed giant's solitary eye. The impact resounded with a bone-chilling sound, followed by a gruesome splatter of blood and an ear-splitting, agonized wail from the wounded beast. The giant collapsed, its massive form convulsing the very ground beneath them.

"We did it!" Klea's triumphant smile illuminated her face, a beacon of pride and accomplishment. She raised her thumb in a victorious gesture towards Thrax, who stood atop the fallen beast, his spear still firmly lodged within its eye.

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Yet, their moment of triumph proved to be short-lived. The earth trembled once more, a sinister omen announcing the arrival of a second one-eyed giant. The shattered remnants of their triumphant bubble cast a grim shadow over their hearts as the chilling sight of another monstrous behemoth clawing its way out of the abyss filled them with dread. And to their dismay, a third giant emerged, its dreadful roar shaking the very foundation of their resolve, plunging them deeper into the abyss of despair.

"No! This is Madness!" Klea's voice quivered, uncertainty seeping into her tone. The sheer magnitude of the impending battle weighed heavily upon her, and Julian, sharing her concerns, urged a strategic retreat. But Klea remained resolute, her gaze filled with unwavering determination. "Julian, where can we run? What fate awaits us if these creatures breach the surface? We must stop them here!"

The battlefield erupted into turmoil as the Praetorian guards' defensive wall crumbled under the relentless assault of the abyssal creatures, and the fallen giant began to stir, fueling their growing desperation. The prospect of facing two more one-eyed giants seemed insurmountable, their earlier triumph a distant memory. Klea's anguished cry resonated through the chaos, "What do we do now?"

Just as despair threatened to consume them, a small female voice pierced through the pandemonium, "They're coming... They're coming..." Initially dismissing the child's words as stating the obvious, Klea quickly realized the true meaning behind the proclamation. An indescribable sense of awe washed over her and her allies as they sensed the approach of multiple magus-level powers from above.

The ground quaked, and rocks crumbled, revealing three awe-inspiring figures.

A muscular, long-haired man, a beautiful blonde woman, and a charismatic man. Recognition dawned on the trio; they were the legendary Kronos magus - Ares, Athena, and Zeus.

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