Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1708: 1708

Chapter 1708 Citadel Battle 9

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The seconds seemed to stretch into eternity as Emery navigated the winding, dimly-lit tunnels of the Citadel. A heavy sense of dread weighed on his heart, every beat echoing his growing fear for the safety of Master Flemming. She was alone, vulnerable in the chamber that housed the spirit soul room, a place of immeasurable value, and now, a potential target.

As he drew closer, his spirit sense began to pick up signs of disturbance. The sensation was subtle at first but quickly intensified, a ripple in the fabric of magical energy that told him something was terribly wrong.

Someone was definitely fighting in that room. The sense of urgency escalated into a sharp pang of fear that tightened around his chest, squeezing the air from his lungs.

He sprinted the last few yards, his heart pounding in his ears, and burst into the room, only to be greeted by the very sight he had feared.


The female master, Master Flemming, had already fallen to the assassin's knife. She lay trembling on the floor, her life's essence pooling around her in a gruesome testament to the violence that had occurred.

Emery's eyes widened, and for a moment, the world seemed to stop. Time and sound ceased to exist as he took in the horrific scene.

"Ahh, you are too late, again..." came a cold, taunting voice that snapped Emery back to the brutal reality.

The terrible sight ignited a fury within [Twilight Transformation]

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His form began to shift, his body contorting and reshaping as the transformation took hold.

The beastly rage that filled him propelled him forward with inhuman speed. His eyes were locked on the dark elf.

For the first time, the elf didn't run. Instead, a ghastly shape began to form around his body, a spectral armor made of shadows and whispers, a manifestation of his dark power. Simultaneously, two blades of pure light materialized on his arms, gleaming with an ethereal radiance.

The clash was immediate and ferocious.
Emery pounced, claws extended, aiming for the dark elf's throat. The elf met him with his light blades, the very sharp edges dancing and slashing through the air, meeting Emery's fury with skill and precision.

Within just two clashes, the blades managed to cut apart Emery's claw, drawing a gush of blood. The Khans were smiling, confident in their advantage, ready for a killing move.

But Emery did not hesitate.

Driven by anger and the need for retribution, he allowed the blade to pierce his chest. Pain shot through him, but it was nothing compared to the fire in his heart. His two furry arms grabbed the dark elf's shoulders, crushing them apart with raw, brute strength.


The scream of pain from the dark elf was music to Emery's ears, a sweet symphony of suffering. He was ready to split the dark elf's neck apart, to end this fight and exact his revenge.

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But the spectral armor ignite a sudden surge of energy, it blasted with force, turning into a life-saving spell that sent Emery flying back a few meters. He crashed into the wall, momentarily stunned.

Both were wounded, the battle far from over. Emery, fierce as ever, stood up, his body aching but his resolve unshaken. His eyes met the elf's, a gaze so intense it made the assassin tremble.

"You are a fucking beast!!" the elf spat, his voice shaking with fear and loathing.

Emery was too angry to chat, his mind focused on one thing only: killing the dark elf. His body tensed, ready to launch forward again.

But the scarred dark elf surprised him. Instead of charging at Emery, he turned his attention to the glass container.

"You dare!!!" Emery roared, realizing the dark elf's intention.

Emery's mind was a whirlwind of rage as he rushed towards the dark elf, understanding that the assassin's target was no longer him but the fragile human spirit souls contained within the container. The souls were vulnerable, precious, and the dark elf's intentions were clear: destroy them all.

The dark elf acted with a sleek maneuver. With a wicked grin, he jumped back, tossing an object toward the glass container holding the spirit souls. Time seemed to slow as Emery's eyes locked onto the item, recognizing it as a threat.

Instinct took over. Without a second's hesitation, Emery threw himself over the item, using his body as a shield. His mind didn't pause to consider the danger to himself; the spirit souls were paramount.


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The explosion was deafening, a violent eruption that sent shockwaves that blasted the glass apart. Emery was lifted off the ground and thrown into the ceiling, his body wracked with pain. The wounds from before were exacerbated by the blast, and he knew he was in no condition to fight.

But he couldn't give in.

Through the haze of pain, he glanced at the glass container, seeing the chaotic spirit souls swirling out. He could only hope that none were hurt by the blast.

The dark elf emerged from the shadows, his voice dripping with condescension. "Humans and your foolishness," he sneered, looking at Emery's battered form.

Emery forced himself to stand, his body protesting with every movement. But his innate ability, [undecaying flesh], began to work its magic, healing his flesh wound rapidly. The dark elf's eyes widened, and he hesitated, a flicker of doubt crossing his face.

Emery's rage burned hotter, and he was ready to charge, but suddenly the two sensed a figure rushing toward the room. The dark elf glanced towards the entrance and retreated back into the shadows, his voice a chilling promise. "I will come back for you and these souls later."

"Bastard!! Dont RUN!!"

As his eyes followed toward the entrance, Emery saw the arrival of Magus Kenzo. He, too, was a magus proficient in shadow magic, and his eyes flickered with the readiness to pursue the dark elf who had just fled. But as he scanned the room and its contents, his pragmatic nature took over.

"We should secure the room first," Kenzo said, his voice calm but authoritative, his eyes lingering on the destroyed glass containers filled with humans and also the one filled with the dark elf spirit souls.

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Emery's rage was a storm within him, He snarled, "You secure the room; I will chase him!!" n0veLuSb.c0m

But as he took a step, ready to pursue his quarry, his movement was stopped by a frail, feminine whisper that cut through the chaos of the room like a knife. "Emery..."

Master Flemming's voice. Weak, pained, but unmistakably hers.

Emery's heart froze, and he rushed to the female apothecary's side, his hands already glowing with healing magic. The sight of her, trembling on the floor in a pool of her own blood, was a blow to his soul. His hands worked frantically, trying to mend the wounds, but it was too late. The same toxin that had claimed others had already entered her veins.

"Argh!!" Emery screamed, his voice filled with despair and frustration.

Master Flemming's eyes met his. She used the last of her strength to whisper, "..saving lives... comes first..." Her voice trailed off, her eyes dimming as she took her last breath.

The room was silent, the only sound was Emery's ragged breathing as he struggled to come to terms with what had just happened. He calmed his turmoil, knowing that Master Flemming's spirit soul needed to be preserved. With practiced motions, he extracted it, a tear slipping down his cheek as he did so.

At the same time, Magus Kenzo was collecting the other spirit souls into two special pouches, one for the human and one for the dark elves. He looked at Emery, his eyes filled with understanding but also urgency.

"We need to go now!"

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