Eastern Palace

Chapter 37

Eastern Palace: Chapter 37

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Li Cheng Yin summoned an official, who revealed the accusations against me one after another, such as being disrespectful and not following the palace rules. I am not virtuous at all, so these accusations were correct. There were only two serious accusations: the witchcraft and causing the death of Xu Bao Lin.

I was confined in the Kang Xue Palace, the most remote part of the Eastern Palace, where no one has ever lived here before. This must be what people refer to as the cold palace.

When the Empress was deposed, I realized that if Li Cheng Yin ever wanted to depose me from the position of Crown Princess, then it would be a very complicated process. It would require his Majesty to hand over the imperial edict to the ministers for approval. But those old ministers with white beards are not easy to persuade. Last time when the Empress was deposed, one minister had opposed the idea, arguing that he would kill himself by knocking himself on the stairs of the Cheng Tian gate. Someone really did knock himself, but fortunately didn't die. His Majesty was very angry, and the Empress was still deposed.

Actually I thought that maybe the guards here would slack off, then it would be easier for A'Du and I to escape.

When Yue Niang came to see me, I was growing flowers in the courtyard.

Both of my hands were covered with mud. Yue Niang smiled first and then showed a worried expression: "His Majesty sent me here to see you, how did this happen?"

It was only then I realized that his Majesty's new imperial concubine, referred to as "Niang Zi[1]," was actually Yue Niang.

I looked at Yue Niang, who was wearing new palace clothes of yellow silk garment, looking very magnificent. I faintly smiled and said: "Luckily Li Cheng Yin doesn't want me, otherwise I will have to call you Mother, that would be too unfortunate!"

However Yue Niang wrinkled her brows: "You can still smile?" She looked at me, then said: "Look at yourself, you still have the mood to grow flowers?"

Yue Niang told me about things I didn't know of.

Apparently Zhao Liang Di's family have great influence in the imperial court. Now she wants to place these accusations onto me and put me to death. His Majesty was in a very difficult position. It was said that he had privately summoned Li Cheng Yin to discuss but because there was no one else there, no one knows what was said. Afterwards his Majesty was in an angry mood and Li Cheng Yin furiously left. Now even the royal father and son have fallen apart, Yue Niang was pleading on the side, but she couldn't do anything.

Yue Niang said: "I know these are false accusations, but right now the situation is pressing. I begged his Majesty to allow me to see you. Do you have anything you want to say or anyone you want to meet?"

I find this baffling: "I don't want to see anyone!"

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Knowing that I didn't understand, Yue Niang patiently explained. Apparently she meant that she wanted me to go see Li Cheng Yin and say some soft words to him. As long as Li Chengyin was willing to suppress the matter, even if Zhao Liang Di wanted to cause trouble, there were still ways of turning this situation into an insignificant matter. After all, the dead Xu Bao Lin does not have any sort of background. Also the witchcraft could either be a significant or insignificant matter.

Yue Niang said: "I heard that in the past, witchcraft has occurred in the palace. It involved the most favored imperial consort. At that time, Emperor Zhongzong[2] killed the palace maid by beating her with a stick without further investigation. Other people would gossip about it, but what can they do?"

Acknowledging that it was my fault to Li Cheng Yin would be much harder than just killing me.

I coldly said: "I didn't do those things. Since they have wrongly accused me, they can kill or cut me into pieces, whatever they want. But to beg him for mercy, never."

Yue Niang tried to persuade me for a long time, but I refused. She was so anxious that she was about to cry, yet I pulled her to see the flowers I planted.

I had planted many roses in the cold palace. The people in charge of guarding the cold palace were very polite to A'Du and I. If I wanted flower seeds, they would buy flower seeds for me. If I wanted flower soil, then they would buy it for me. Only the Central Plains have these kinds of roses. Before when I went to Ming Yu Fang, Yue Niang always love to put a flower in her hair. I said to Yue Niang: "When these flowers bloom, I'll give you some to put in your hair."

Yue Niang wrinkled her brows, said: "Are you not worried about yourself at all?"

I held up a water ladle to water the roses: "Look at these flowers, they have been planted in the soil, dug up by others, and then sold here again. But they still survived anyways, blooming into beautiful flowers. They never worry about themselves because they're alive. Why worry about these things, whatever happens will happen, what is there to be afraid of?"

Besides there was no use in worrying, Li Cheng Yin won't believe me. The things in the past, I really wish I have forgotten. Fortunately only I had remembered, he doesn't remember. Anyway, I've been waiting for a chance. I want to end everything, and then leave here. I don't want to see Li Cheng Yin ever again.

Hearing me say this, Yue Niang doesn't know whether to cry or laugh. Feeling helpless, she could only return to her own palace.

Besides the food not being very good, I felt that the days spent in the cold palace wasn't bad because it's quiet.

I used to love lively places.

One day during midnight, A'Du suddenly woke me up. I rubbed my eyes and asked: "What's wrong?"

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A'Du looked very panicked, she urgently pulled me to the east window, pointing at the wall.

I saw thick smoke and burning flames, I couldn't help but be startled. How could it suddenly catch on fire? The fire was burning quickly. A'Du kicked open the west window and we climbed out of the window, she then pulled me up onto the back wall. We hadn't yet stood firmly on the wall when suddenly a strong gust of wind was blown towards us. A'Du pushed me and I fell down, seeing A'Du cut through something with her knife, a 'ding' sound could be heard. Apparently it was an arrow, A'Du bent down and rushed over to grab me. I don't know where these arrows came from, but the second arrow, third arrow kept coming one after another......A'Du had cut down several arrows already but the arrows were like locusts, smashing the glazed tiles on the walls and turning them into powder. I watched an arrow fly and shoot into her shoulder, suddenly blood spattered, I shouted "A'Du!" but she didn't stop to take care of her injury, instead just rushing over to grab my hand. The wind swept through my ears. I remembered one time when we were trying to climb over the wall and arrows were shot at us. At that time A'Du wasn't able to grab onto me, it was Pei Zhao who had caught me, but right now Pei Zhao wasn't here. I know and A'Du knows as well.

In the thick rain of arrows, A'Du finally pulled my arm, her golden inlaid knife had drawn a long stroke of golden sparks on the wall, the hard bricks turning into powder once it has fallen to the ground. But we still fell very fast, her right shoulder was injured, unable to use force, so the knife could not penetrate the wall. The arrows were getting more concentrated. I was so anxious that I shouted: "A'Du, you let go! Let go!"

If she doesn't let go, we'll both fall and die together. The wall was high and the ground was made out of bricks, if we fall then it would be impossible for us to not turn into a meat paste.

A'Du's blood was dripping on my face. I tried to break out of her grasp but she suddenly swung me up with all of her strength and I was thrown into midair, as if I was soaring to the clouds. My hand tried to grasp onto something, finally I grasped onto the glazed roof tiles, wanting to climb up the wall. I saw A'Du being shot by several arrows, although she didn't have the strength to block the arrows anymore. Fortunately she finally was able to penetrate the wall using her knife, preventing herself from falling. But she didn't have any strength left in her hand, finally she let go, falling to the ground. I cried out loud. On such a dark night, arrows were shot at the glazed tiles next to me, 'peng peng' sounds could be heard repeatedly, broken pieces splashed on my face, very painful. I cried out repeatedly calling A'Du's name with arrows falling around me like rain, I was enveloped by it. I had never felt so helpless and lonely.

Someone stood in front of me, he just waved his sleeves and the arrows being shot were scattered, as if they had lost all its' accuracy, falling down crookedly. With my blurry eyes that were filled with tears, I saw his white robe that was as bright as the moonlight.

Gu Jian!

He waved away the arrows, pulling me onto the glazed roof tiles of the palace. I shouted: "Also A'Du! Hurry and save A'Du!"

After Gu Jian pushed me to the edge of the roof, he turned around and flew down from the wall. I saw his sleeves being blown by the wind, like a white bird flying from the wall. At the bottom, suddenly there were countless meteor-like fire arrows shooting through the silent night, those concentrated fire arrows were aimed at Gu Jian. I heard numerous arrows crashing into the wall, 'pa pa' like summer moths bumping into lamps that were covered in sheepskin. The ignited fire arrows lit up the air, then were rapidly extinguished. Gu Jian was very fast, he had already picked up A'Du, but those fire arrows were very close, the air was filled with a burning smell. The arrows carried a sound of sharpness, firing from all directions towards Gu Jian. I looked down from the top of the wall and saw layers of black armored people. The clanging sounds of their armor could be heard as they marched, tightly encircling layer by layer. I don't know how many thousands of people were involved in this ambush. Gu Jian was holding A'Du in one hand while holding a sword in the other hand cutting those arrows. There were a pile of broken arrows below him, but those arrows were still lit. The light reflected on his white robe, very ethereal. He was like a ghost, looking back and forth at the arrows being shot, which after being cut down, fell in front of him. But the arrows were coming from all directions like locusts, he could hardly break out of the circle. His white robe was spattered with blood, I'm unsure if it was his blood or A'Du's blood. Although A'Du was held by him, she was motionless, so I was unsure of the condition of her injury. If this continues, him and A'Du will definitely be shot to death by those arrows. I was very worried, also I didn't know who was responsible for the ambush. I suddenly thought about these people who were wearing heavy armor and shooting fire arrows in the Eastern Palace, such a large movement could not be organized by an assassin. Thinking up to here, I suddenly stood up but someone from behind gently pressed onto my sleeveless inner garment, who said: "Bend down."

I looked back and apparently it was Pei Zhao, behind him were the armored Yu Lin army that was standing on the glazed roof tiles. They were all standing there in silence, the bows and arrows in their hands half-opened, pointed at the surrounding area below. These people were standing at the top, even if Gu Jian could break out of the circle, they would definitely shoot their arrows, forcing him to move back to the middle.

I was very anxious, I hurriedly told Pei Zhao: "Hurry and tell them to stop!"

Pei Zhao lowered his voice and said: "Crown Princess, Crown Prince has ordered for the assassin to be killed, and this subject cannot disobey the order."


I grabbed his arm: "He's not an assassin, and he's holding A'Du, who's not an assassin. Hurry and tell them to stop!"

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Pei Zhao's expression was as if he was in a dilemma, but little by little, he pulled his arm out of my fingers. I was so angry that I shouted: "Even if Gu Jian had once tried to assassinate his Majesty, he didn't hurt him. Also since you wanted to capture Gu Jian, then go capture him! A'Du is innocent, hurry and tell them to stop!"

Pei Zhao lowered his voice to say: "His Highness has ordered for the assassin to be killed as soon as he appears, we cannot allow him to escape. Please forgive me Crown Princess, this subject cannot disobey the order."

I was furious and said: "What if it was me? If Gu Jian grabbed me, would you shoot arrows and kill the both of us?"


Pei Zhao raised his head to look at me, his eyes were dark, the distant flames reflected in his eyes, like ignited sparks, but disappears in an instant. I said: "Hurry and order them to stop, or else I will jump down and die with them."

Pei Zhao suddenly reached out his hand, saying: "Then this subject will have no choice but to be disrespectful to Crown Princess! Please forgive me." I felt sudden numbness in my acupuncture points, my feet became soft, and with one movement I suddenly just sat there. My limbs were so stiff that I could no longer move. He had actually locked my acupuncture points, not allowing me to move.

I shouted, but Pei Zhao ignored me, turned around and shouted: "Rise!"

The three thousand soldiers on the top of the roof stood up with a half kneeling posture, drawing back the bows in their hands to the full extent, the arrows pointing at the two people below.

I was so anxious that I burst into tears, I screamed: "Pei Zhao! If you shoot the arrows today, I will definitely kill you!"

Pei Zhao ignored me, turned around and shouted: "Shoot!"

I heard the sound of chaos as countless arrows flew over my head straight down to the people in the surrounding area. Gu Jian rose into the air and wanted to break out, but was forced back by the thick rain of arrows. My eyes were blurred by my tears, watching the arrows that were covering the sky without wind. Gu Jian suddenly placed A'Du on the ground. He must have wanted to escape alone, the arrows became more concentrated. In a moment, the arrows were raining down side by side, without revealing a single gap. Gu Jian and A'Du could no longer be seen at all. I was furious and constantly yelling nonstop but Pei Zhao seemed to turn a deaf ear. Afterwards I started to cry, I had never cried so hard. In the darkness, I even begged him not to shoot again, but Pei Zhao was just indifferent.

I didn't know how much time had passed before Pei Zhao finally shouted 'Stop'. Teardrops had blurred my vision, I could only see a pile of arrows forming into a small mountain underneath, I couldn't see any trace of human. The first row of heavily armored Yu Lin army stepped back, revealing the second row of the Yu Lin army. Those soldiers worked together to lift the mountain of arrows.

I saw that Gu Jian's white robe was now soaked with blood, almost turning into a red robe.

My mouth was hanging wide open, but I couldn't cry out loud, large teardrops rolled down my cheeks and into my mouth, bitter and salty. A'Du, my A'Du.

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My A'Du, who had spent the past three years with me, not being able to take revenge for her family and country, coming all the way here with me, using her life to protect me......I couldn't do anything, but to watch her get shot by those arrows.

I don't know when Pei Zhao brought me down from the roof. He unlocked my acupuncture points, I grabbed his sword and pointed it at him. He looked at me, quietly said: "Crown Princess, if you want to kill me, then kill. It was his Highness' order, and this subject cannot disobey!"

I ran to the people in the surrounding area, but those soldiers wouldn't let me go through. I looked at Pei Zhao, who waved his hand. Those soldiers moved to the side, creating a gap.

A'Du's face was covered with blood. I cried out loud, tears were dripping onto her face. Her body was still warm, so I reached out my hand to check her body to see where she was injured and if it could be healed. Her upper body miraculously didn't get shot by any arrows, but her leg was shot by arrows several times. I cried while screaming out her name, her eyes suddenly moved.

I was surprised and grateful, calling out her name with a crying voice. She finally opened her eyes, but she couldn't speak. She used all of her remaining strength to point at Gu Jian. I didn't understand what she meant, but her eyes were looking at Gu Jian, firmly grasping my clothes.

"You want me to go see him?" I finally guessed what she had meant, she nodded slightly.

I don't know why A'Du wanted me to do that, but she's dying, and if she wants me to do something, I will definitely do it.

I went to Gu Jian's side, his eyes were half opened, but he was not dead.

I was shocked, his eyes flickered slightly, recognizing me. His back was covered with dozens, hundreds of arrows, closely packed together resembling the back of a hedgehog, without an inch of perfect skin left. I was very sad, he had once saved me again and again. He saved me in the Tian Gen mountain, he had also saved me in the midst of arrows. I crouched down and called his name.

I didn't know Li Cheng Yin would set up a trap here, I had dragged Gu Jian into this.



[1] 娘子 Niang Zi- This is a formal way of addressing one's wife.

[2] 唐中宗 Emperor Zhongzong- The fourth emperor of the Tang dynasty.

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