Easy Cultivation

Chapter 10

"Hehehe..." a creepy laughter suddenly echoed in the storehouse as the silhouette of a young man could be seen huddling in a corner while stroking a certain item on his hand.

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"My precious..." the creepy young man muttered under his breath.

At a glance, it could be seen that the item on the creepy young man's hand was a grey-colored cube. From appearances alone, it looked very ordinary. However, the strange black patterns engraved on the six sides of the cube gave it a very mysterious aura.

Naturally, this was the Magic Cube.

Oh, and the guy stroking it was me, but we don't talk about that.­

The other names for the Magic Cube were the Stone of Eternal Life or the Divine Crystal Magic Cube. But although the memories of the names were still clear on my mind, I could barely remember where the cube was initially found.

It'd already been a long time now since I've finished reading Martial World. Some major events are still easy to remember, but most of the details have been completely forgotten. It's not surprising considering there were exactly 2,261 chapters. If it weren't for the fact that my desperation made me remember Lin Ming was a deboning expert and the cube was found by coincidence because of that, I might have missed my chance for greatness.

After having my fill of the Magic Cube, I decided to rest. Xiaodong already bid me farewell a couple hours ago and I could see the blissful smile on his face as he left the restaurant with a full stomach. He really must've really enjoyed himself.

I washed off the cube and hid it on my chest as I went off to the room I was shown when I was accepted. It was modestly furnished yet had a classy feel. I could only say that it was expected from Grand Clarity Pavilion, everything was of a high standard.

With a quick swish of my clothes, I slumped on the comfortable bed almost entirely naked. Today was a very tiring day, both physically and mentally. Soon enough, I feel asleep.

In my sleep, I had a strange dream. However, I knew that this was no dream. It was actually the memories of the previous holder of the Magic Cube, Mo Eversnow.

In the memory, I could see various images of her previous sect, the Verdant Feather Holy Lands. Seeing it for myself, it was just like what I'd expect of an immortal paradise, only grander and more colorful. However, this beautiful scene soon changed as ten thousand martial artists suddenly appeared in the skies and simultaneously sent out streams of light. It was a beautiful sight to behold, as if watching a rain of descending fireworks. However, when it struck the land, the entire place was decimated.

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A war began.

The leader of the enemy group was a traitor of the sect, Tian Mingzi. He was a very ruthless and ambitious individual with outstanding patience. Reading about him always reminded me of another character in another novel, Leylin Farlier. He was the main character in Warlock of the Magus World and was also very ruthless. I would like to talk more, but I'm getting off-track here, so...

Moving on.

Soon, the scene of destruction transformed into a land of endless ice and snow. A breathtaking beauty could be seen just a few feet across from me. This beauty was none other than Mo Eversnow.

Afterwards, ten thousand figures appeared in the skies, following her all the way from the Verdant Feather Holy Lands, giving her no way out. Mo Eversnow then vaguely spoke out a series of words as she held onto a one cubic inch cube, it was the Magic Cube.



An earth-shaking explosion rang out as space itself was rent apart. The skies were twisted into a raging whirlpool with seemingly infinite power as a whirlpool swept through the heavens and earth, reducing everything it touched to nothing but dust. Except for the vigilant Tian Mingzi, all ten thousand martial artists were killed without a chance to escape. Their souls fragmented and absorbed into the cube!

"Holy crap!"

Standing in the middle of all this, I could feel myself drenched in cold sweat. Although I remained unaffected as an observer, the experience was indescribable and was an utterly unforgettable experience for a formerly twenty-year-old guy from Earth. Actually, if anybody else saw this for the first time, they'd be just as shocked as well.

After which, I suddenly found myself at incredibly vast and dark space. Seeing this, I couldn't help but cry out in excitement, "Finally!"

Looking around, various specks of light of all kinds of sizes could be seen hovering aimlessly in the void. I was already looking forward to the memories I will find before long. At the center of this space, there was a sphere of light which emitted a soft and sacred glow.

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I instinctively knew this was the soul of Mo Eversnow. It did, after all, possess the very same aura I felt from her illusion moments ago. For now, she was still weak and I couldn't communicate with her. I wouldn't want to anyway because I didn't know what to say. Get revenge for her? I know her past? I can find her sister? The system can save you? Actually, I don't know about the last one.

As I was about to ask the system about this, I suddenly remembered something important.

She... can actually see everything outside!

"What in tarnation." I was suddenly stumped. Before this, I've always been using my system very discreetly to avoid suspicion.. The system was my exclusive cheat and I wouldn't want anyone else to know about it and cause unnecessary trouble. But if I were to carry around this cube everywhere I go, I would no doubt be completely exposing myself to this woman!

If I did that, I might as well stay naked for the rest of my life!

After a bit of brainstorming, I suddenly thought up of two possible solutions. For the first one, I could simply ask the system right now if it can fool her sense. The system was overpowered, so it must definitely be able to do something about it. That was my undying belief. Then again, it would prove to be very troublesome if she ever discovers something off.

The second solution was also something that required the system, but that could be done for later. For now, however, I have to focus on my first choice of memories.

Seeing the various specks of lights hovering around me, I felt very hesitant. As far as I can see, there were thousands of fragmented souls, if not thousands. Each one had unique memories regarding martial arts. Among them, many would hold precious secrets, but how many could hold peerless secrets? Without a doubt, only a few would have it. If I just randomly picked out a soul, it wouldn't be surprising if I managed to get myself the amazing techniques, but the truly supreme ones were the ones most worth looking for!

The better techniques I start with, the better my foundation will be, and the easier my path to cultivation shall be!

Without thinking any further, I mentally called out, 'System, find the best rice-grain sized soul fragment that's basically tailor-made for me.'

[Ding! Command confirmed.]

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[Ding! Finding best rice-grain sized soul fragment...]

[Ding! Item found.] The system replied and promptly showed the location.

'All right!' I quickly moved according to the directions of the system. There was a reason why I chose such a small size. Mainly because I know that the bigger the soul fragment, the bigger the risk it poses. There were two parts to a person's soul; one's consciousness and memories. The cube erases those consciousness, turning the souls ownerless. However, these ownerless souls would still act on instinct. And the soul's instinctive nature is stronger the bigger the soul. With my nearly non-existent cultivation, I can only handle the insignificant specks or I would turn into a human basket!

Before long, I arrived at the location and saw my target. As expected, it was the size of a grain of rice. However, compared to other specks of similar sizes, it light was very bright! Even if it weren't for the precise directions of the system, it wasn't easy to miss!

After a moment of hesitation, I took a deep breath and resolved myself for the incoming torture. Stretching a finger, the speck of light instantly flowed into my fingertip upon contact. With no time to respond, I immediately fell down as I felt as though my head had been suddenly struck down by a hammer! It was very painful!

"AAAHHH!" The pain was absolutely intolerable. It felt as though a hand was invading my mind and clutching it over and over again, causing me to desperately wish to cut off this hand or my skull to forcefully remove that hand! Compared to the time when I integrated with Lin Ming's memories, the other was heaven while this was hell!

In my mind, only thoughts on a way to lessen the pain remained. Vaguely, a certain memory surfaced within my mind.

Let the masochism flow within you...

I nearly choked on myself.

"Damn you!" When my concentration lapsed for a moment, a surge of pain nearly overwhelmed me to unconsciousness. For a moment, I suddenly had the urge to punch someone. Alas, there was no one here but me, so I could only hold it in or let it flow within me. However, I would never let myself succumb to the dark side. Never!

Thankfully, a sweet sound rang out, bringing light to my darkness.

[Ding! A foreign soul is invading the host's mind. Would you like to terminate the soul?]

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'What? No! Help me assimilate!' I responded in a hurry.

[Ding! Command confirmed. Assimilating the soul... Integrating the soul's memories...]

Time passed as the pain gradually lessened to the point that it was even somewhat comfortable. Various images swooped past as new experiences and knowledge filled my mind. After who knew how long, the process was finally done.

[Ding! Assimilation of the soul complete!]

[Ding! Congratulations, you have obtained the Body Training Stage Formula, Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians!]

[Ding! Congratulations, you have obtained the cultivation technique, Tome of the Dragon King!]

[Ding! Congratulations, you have obtained the spear technique, Dragon King's Domination!]

[Ding! Congratulations, you have obtained the martial skill...]

[Ding! Congratulations, you have obtained the sword technique...]

[Ding! Congratulations, you have obtained...]

[Ding! Congratulations...]

Hearing the constant stream of system alerts, my eyes bulged in shock, and then exhilaration! The next moment, I finally woke up.

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