Easy Cultivation

Chapter 8

After the Yin-Yang duo left in a miserable fashion, the crowd quickly dispersed because there was no more to see.

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Because it was only a minor scuffle between a few young martial artists, the people from the Seven Profound Martial House chose to ignore the situation. They only considered it as a fight among children.

Soon, the area resumed to its usual bustle, but the content of their conversations were about the earlier incident.

"Hey, that black-robed guy looks strong."

"Which black-robed guy are you talking about?"

"Are you an idiot? I'm talking about that guy who wanted to cut in line!"

"Do you think he's already at the Second Stage of Body Training?"

"Can't be. He's clearly still at the first stage!"

"Then how can you explain him beating the other guy so easily? He was at the peak of the first stage!"

"You ask me, but who am I supposed to ask?"

Soon enough, I earned myself a bit of notoriety amongst the crowd.

Hearing the words of the nearby martial artists, I couldn't help feeling a tingle of embarrassmant and pride. Of course, that was only on the inside. On the outside, I remained composed because I didn't want to ruin my image just yet.

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"Damn, Brother Ming. You were truly domineering back there." Lin Xiaodong approached with enthusiasm.

"Haha, I was just lucky." I chuckled before changing the topic, "Come on, let's go."

"Hm? Go where?" Lin Xiaodong was taken aback, "Don't tell me..."

"Where else other than to cut in line!" I said with a toothy smile.

After which, I approached the guy in front, "Excuse me, is your spot for sale?"

This time, things went smoothly and without a hitch. After a few more minutes, we finally registered ourselves.

In the world of martial arts, strength was king. If one didn't have the strength, they can only choose to be pushed around. After seeing the earlier show of strength, no one was willing to pointlessly provoke us anymore. Besides, no one wouldn't want to waste away a free gold tael. All in all, I only had to spend a bit more than a hundred gold taels.

[Ding! Congratulations, you have earned a new title, "He Who Cuts In Line".]

I nearly stumbled when I heard the system's alert. I knew these titles were useless!

"Brother Ming, since when did you become so lavish?" Lin Xiaodong suddenly asked as we finished registering.

"Hehe, that's a secret." I smiled mysteriously.

"And here I thought we were brothers," he sighed and shook his head in sorrow.

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"Hey, don't go crying now. Even if I told you, you probably wouldn't believe me."

"If you don't want to say it, then just say so."

"Okay, I won't say." following which, I walked away.

"Where are you going?" Lin Xiadong quickly followed up.

"To Grand Clarity Pavilion."

"What?" Lin Xiaodong was stunned.

Grand Clarity Pavilion was the most famous and luxurious restaurant in Sky Fortune City. The people who dined there were all of the highest class and possessed strong backgrounds. In the story, Lin Ming went there after being forced to evict by the landlady in the place he rented. It was then when he found the Magic Cube.

And that was exactly my goal.

According to how things originally went, Zhu Yan was about to arrive any moment now. However, I honestly couldn't care less about him at the moment. There were more important things to do than to bicker with him over a girl. Although she wasn't a bad person, she wasn't waifu material.

As expected, the gates reserved for nobles soon opened and two young men strode out. One of them was handsome youth wearing blue clothes, a sword was attached to his waist and his hair was tied up in a gold-colored head piece. This was none other than Zhu Yan.

When the nobles waiting outside saw the two youths, they respectfully followed them from behind.

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As they were walking, however, a calling shout from afar caused the group to pause their steps, "Young Master Wang!"

Soon, the miserable figures of the black-white, slim-fat duo came into view.

The teenager beside Zhu Yan furrowed his brows, "What do you want?"

"Young Master Wang, you must definitely avenge me..."

As it turned out, the slim youth's backer was actually Wang Yigao, the son of the kingdom's Second Army Lord.

The slim youth was the one who mainly spoke while the fatty remained silent from the side. He then proceeded to express his indignance and speak about the earlier humiliating incident. Of course, not everything he said was true. To get the Young Master to avenge him, he had to exaggerate certain parts and even fabricate lies. Meanwhile, the fatty at the side kept nodding furiously, only adding oil to the fire.

"He dares trample on you even after hearing this Young Master's name?" Wang Yigao was enraged. Truth be told, the lives of his lackeys were of no concern to him at all. However, his reputation was another matter. If his peers were to ever hear of this and he didn't do anything, he felt he would be a become a laughingstock. In addition, Zhu Yan, a high-ranking inner Heavenly Abode disciple of the Seven Profound Martial House, was right beside him. He must definitely not lose face!

"Who's the idiot who disrespected me?" Wang Yigao suddenly asked the slim youth.

The slim youth surnamed Li immediately perked up and said eagerly, "He never said his name, but I mangaged to ask one of the staff from the registration. I think it was Lin Ming."

"Lin Ming?" Zhu Yan was suddenly surprised, then he frowned.

"Mm?" seeing Zhu Yan frowning, a light suddenly lit up Wang Yigao's eyes, "Brother Zhu, do you know this Lin Ming?"

Zhu Yan was silent for a moment before nodding.

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Wang Yigao then carefully asked, "Do you have some feud with this Lin MIng?"

Zhu Yan coldly snorted, "It's none of your business."

How could Zhu Yan reveal that their feud was because of a woman? Although Lan Yunyue was already willingly engaged to him, she was still filled with guilt towards Lin Ming and thus remained within his grasp. Even until now, she refused to perform any sort of intimate acts with him. As a man, Zhu Yan's pride couldn't accept this matter so simply.

Although he was rebuffed in the end, Wang Yigao didn't show his displeasure. Instead, he smiled as he thought of a plan. To think this was the case! This was definitely a good opportunity to get onto the good books of Zhu Yan.


By evening, Xiaodong and I have finally arrived Grand Clarity Pavilion.

Before we got there, however, I went to the place I currently rented and packed my belongings. The landlady was momentarily bewildered when she saw me packing up, but since I simply ignored her and didn't ask for a refund, she quickly forgot about it. Soon after, we then went to a clothing store to make ourselves look presentable and to get some spare. After all, I was planning on temporarily living in Grand Clarity Pavilion to avoid some trouble, just in case.

As soon as we arrived, we were immediately welcomed by a waiter in a favorable manner, befitting the best dining establishment in the kingdom. Although we looked young, we gave off the vibe of a nouveau riche. The perfect type of customer.

"What would you like to have, Sir?" the waiter gave a professional smile.

"I would like to have a job."

The waiter's smile instantly froze.

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