Ecstas Online

Chapter Pr


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– Which do you want to hear, good news or bad news?

That’s a cliché expression one often hears.

Still, I don’t remember hearing it that much in real life. The one who uses it is undoubtedly an excessively self-conscious person who likes to say things in a theatrical way and seems eager to show me that she’s superior to others.

I magnificently declared to Aikawa Shuuko-san, the slave that is my boss and the interrogator with a voice tinged with stiffness.

– I just want to hear good news.

What a beautiful and perfect answer, don’t you think?

But Aikawa-san literally looked down at me with her chin raised and scornful-looking eyes. Moreover, she also clicked her tongue, saying「Tsk」. By the way, I squeezed myself in the Demon King’s armor and did a seiza on the floor.

This is the Demon King’s room. In other words, my room at Demon King’s Castle Infermia. I summoned Aikawa-san under the pretext that I would enjoy myself and torment a slave, but of course my real intention was another.

What’s the best way to safely escape and survive in the world of this next-gen VRMMORPG 『Exodia Exodus』? My aim is to hold a preparatory meeting for that. At any rate, problems have piled up. The Public Minami Myoujin High School 2nd Year Class A, a total of 36 people, including me, have been taken captive while logged in to Exodia Exodus. Moreover, no one but I became the boss character of the enemies called Demon King Hellshaft. If the others defeat me, they can clear the game and return to the original world, at least that’s what they believe. Well, that’s true. Certainly by clearing the game they’ll log out.

But reality isn’t so sweet. A serious system trouble has occurred and the link with our actual bodies has disappeared. If they log out now, the consciousness data that has lost its destination will disappear, and they’ll really die. Still, that’s better than my situation. Aikawa-san and I have become enemy characters, so if we die in the game we can’t revive. While the 2A lot can be revived no matter how many times they die, we know that death in the game = death in reality.

Despite such a difficult situation, I have to stand in front of them as the final boss Demon King Hellshaft to protect the lives of the 2A lot.

However, Hellshaft, which is supposed to be the strongest character that combines powerful magic and strong physical attacks, ended up being in a state in which he can’t use any cause and effect or decent magic.

However, I’m still a Demon King. I must take advantage of my position as the Demon King and lead the Demon King Army Hellander, including the four leaders Hellzekter and exterminate the 『2A Guild』which was formed by 2nd Year Class A. Despite having been annihilated in Caldart Capture Battle, they will soon return to the offensive.

In order to deceive both humans and demons and return everyone who is logged in to the original world safely, I’m carrying a preparatory meeting with Aikawa-san to move the world in a true sense of how to keep conducting myself.

――That’s how it should have been.

Why is a slave making me, the Demon King Hellshaft, do a seiza?

This world is full of absurdity.

– You were able to annihilate the 2A guild in Caldart Capture Battle, but what have you been doing for the past two weeks? You haven’t obtained good results since then! Where and what have you been doing!?

I looked up at Aikawa-san as if searching for mercy and replied in a subdued, low voice.

– Well, no, I wasn’t playing around or anything like that… I’m helping with the reconstruction of Caldart with 2A… mainly repairing the guild hall…

Aikawa-san rendered speechless for a moment and immediately breathed in, blushing. And shouted at me with a vigor that felt like fire breathing out of her mouth.

– Aren’t you stupid!?

… Well, it’s been two weeks after Caldart Capture Battle. It’s true that I couldn’t spend my time very effectively, I’ve been negligent. Let’s cooperate with everyone to reconstruct! I don’t like normie-ish enthusiasm, but I ended up being carried away by 2A’s impetus. I was particularly overcome by the smile and voice of Asagiri, who said 「Let’s do our best today too, Doumeguri-kun ❤」and that’s a fact. By the way, the last heart symbol is my own idea.

– Still, why is that I can’t even take a few days off?

I got tired of doing quite the big job called Caldart Capture Battle … hey, aren’t I like a company employee in a paid vacation? This is so enviable. Not even students have paid vacations, you know?

At that moment, the air froze. Fear ran through my back, my instinct was signaling danger. I fearfully looked up at Aikawa-san and her face looked like the one of a demigod.

– There’s no reason for you to take paid vacations, is there!? How can you say using paid vacations when I work on day offs, even on weekends!? Paid vacations are mysterious numbers placed on a pay slip!

My body trembled due to the explosion of anger and the gushing of dissatisfaction that felt as if Mount Vesuvius had erupted. Apparently I pulled out the scale of the dragon that I shouldn’t have touched.

– Ca-calm down, uh… th-that’s right, summer vacation, as expected, the New Year’s holiday is――.

– Huh!? I heard the bell ring 108 times last year at the office, so what!? And summer vacation? Do you think there are forty days like when you were a student? I have three days, three days! Moreover, being told to take them once the hectic project is completed? After the project is completed? How many years will that take!?

It seems that I stepped on a mine that I shouldn’t have stepped on with the foot I drew out my superior’s wrath.

At last, Aikawa-san wiped her sweaty forehead, and tossed away her long hair, looking annoyed. As she does so, her big breasts that don’t wear underwear bounce.

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The leather restraint on the tattered business shirt was hollowed only around the chest, emphasizing her breasts. Two round bulges that peek through the tightly constricted bondage show a presence as if dismembering just that part from her body. Then, the masses of fat that protrude from the holes prepared on the left and right sides shake nicely. The shaking expresses their weight and softness in a truly natural way, without making me aware that I’m in a game world at all, and in a sense, it’s possible to say that this is beyond reality.

For example, Aikawa-san’s breasts against gravity. Those large breasts maintain a stunning rocket shape without any sagging in spite of wearing no underwear. It’s hard enough to keep their shape, and yet, they’re so soft that feel like touching an angel’s cheeks. An insurrection to reality, so to speak. To admire the resistance to great power, I ogled, no, stared at their divine silhouettes.

I’m so glad that at times like this I have the Demon King’s helmet. After all, my eyes are unseen, not just the eyeballs. In other words, others don’t know exactly where I am looking. As expected of the Demon King. No matter what part of the body I’m staring at, they have nothing against me!

– … I understand your feelings, but will you not stare hard at me? I feel like the number of polygons is decreasing somehow.

Wha!? I-I was found out!?

– Ah, Aikawa-hyan, what could you be talking about? I am sorry, but I have no idea at all.

Aikawa-san stiffened her face like she was amazed and began to talk without caring about me who tried to make an excuse.

– Forget it… jeez. I finally had big news today, you know? If Doumeguri-kun wouldn’t have said anything unnecessary, then the conversation would have been a bit good.

Big news?

– What’s that?

– So you want to hear good news or bad news? I asked you, didn’t I?

After giving me a threat――a gaze of contempt like seeing trash, Aikawa-san puffed up with pride, looking triumphant.

– Then the good news first. In a month or so, exactly on Christmas…

Aikawa-san, who gave herself an air of importance, said with an unparalleled triumphant look.

– They’ve decided to apply a patch!

– … A patch?

It’s often the case to find bugs in both games and OS after release. To deal with them, patches are distributed. There are various ways to call patches and update files. They’re indispensable for eroge, it’d be lonely without them.

It’s a gentleman’s etiquette to go to the manufacturer’s website before installing them to see if a fix is available. You’re not a minor, are you? Those boorish retorts are unbecoming of a gentleman, so will you stop? Anyway――,

– Is that a fix for Exodia Exodus made by the developers outside so we can you go back to reality? Is it!?

Aikawa smiled apologetically and shrugged her shoulders.

– It’s impossible to jump that much in a short time. But our current complex situation is resolved. They’ll be able to contact all those who logged in and I’ll be able to send emails.

That means … she can tell the truth of the situation set for the 2A group. Not only that. The whereabouts known among the people of 2nd Year Class A are 12, including me. The whereabouts of the remaining 24 people aren’t known yet. In the worst case, when the system trouble occurred, the consciousness data was broken and the possibility that they are already dead cannot be denied, but if they’re alive, we may know where they are.

– Well, it’s still amazing! With this, they’ll accept the truth and be convinced to not kill me!

I unconsciously stood up and raised my voice, being excited.

– You’re right. I wish for that.

Aikawa also smiled softly, seeming to want to say that she felt relieved of her burden. And took a deep breath from the barely opened lips. And then――she just added a few more words.

– They can’t restart the system so it will be updated while running, which tells me that it’s a neat and tricky program. That’s why it took so long, I think. Oh, the name of the patch is 『Santa-X』.

*TN: X must be read as “cross”.

– Pretty much… a Christmas present for us, huh.

– Yeah. For Doumeguri-kun, who logged in a month ago or so, but I’ve been a slave for seven months. I wonder if I can finally be saved from this hell and return from being a livestock to a human… that makes me want to cry.

Well, even if Aikawa-san were to return to reality, she fundamentally wouldn’t change because she would return from the demon’s kingdom to a hellish exploiting company and from being a slave to a corporate slave… I feel like I can’t hinder this moving scene.

– Anyway, just a bit more until we escape from this terrible situation for now.

– I agree. Even if it’s bad news for them, let’s get through this by joining forces.

Oh, that’s right. I felt so optimistic that I forgot about them. Rather, I guess it’s okay to just forget about them.

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– This rumor is a hot topic in the castle. A rumor that has arrived in the slave room.

– What do you mean?

– That’s――

When Aikawa-san opened her mouth, the door of the room was knocked slightly stronger.

– Hell-sama! Heelll-saamaaa!

*Gasp!*, isn’t that the bird-brained Forneus!?

I whispered at Aikawa-san’s ear.

– This is bad! I summoned Aikawa-san under the pretext of teasing you, but she’ll be suspicious of me because it doesn’t look like I have done anything like that! Her《LOYALTY》will go down again!

The Hellzekter, who lead the Demon King’s Four Army Corps, are very dependable subordinates, but if I don’t act like the Demon King, their loyalty drops. That’s quite the deal. If I don’t pay attention to it, they’ll start aiming to overthrown and kill me; a real brutal game system.

If I pay attention to《LOYALTY》, they’ll be really loyal, competent and cute subordinates, but always keeping an eye on things, listening to all that I say, evaluating my work. I also need to show off good things once in a while.

Like the part-timer of an exploiting company that is some sort of manager. And Aikawa-san, who manages me, helplessly looks around in the room, looking for a place to hide.

– Even if you say me that, what should I do?

This time I heard a quiet knocking sound.

– Hellshaft-sama, is there any problem? If you are sick, do you want to massage my boobs?

Satanachia makes a distorted erotic statement with a serious voice. Damn, even though Forneus alone is a pain, why did they come together?

– Aikawa-san, to be honest… there’s something about you that feels as if I can blame you for being erotic, so it’d be extremely helpful if you can create it on the bed.

Then Aikawa-san blushed, even her ears reddened and hugged her body to protect it.

– W-what do you want to do to your boss, you misfit! Pervert!

At that moment, there was a violent knocking sound.

– Is that the voice of the slave? Hey, King-sama! Answer me if you can hear me!

Grasha, even you’re here!? In this case, I don’t know when he’ll break the door by sheer strength. I have to think of a way to deceive them quickly!

As if confirming my anxiety, the sound of knocking on the door gets gradually louder and faster, indicating the frustration of Grasha.

– Could it be that it’s not working? I’m losing my patience, I’ll break the door!

I knew iiiiiiiit!

– Wait, you worthless dog.

An indisputable tone of voice stopped the movement of Grasha who seemed to have raised his fist overhead. His cold and strict beautiful voice resounds, loaded with who knows how much disdain.

– This is the room of the king. Destroying the door isn’t something that can be done, it is way past the limits.

It’s Adra’s voice. As expected of his good judgment. 100 points for you.

– I am properly prepared with a duplicate key.

Craaaaap! You’re way too prepared, Adra!

– Aikawa-san! Pardon me.

I apologized, opened the menu window and opened the magic list.

– Huh? Why are you apologizing!? Stop!

Aikawa-san’s complexion turns blue with a bad feeling. But unfortunately, her presentiment is right. This is our only choice now, be prepared!

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– Ecstas!

This is one of only two magic I can use. A special magic in adult mode that was allowed only to me.

In this next-gen VRMMORPG 『Exodia Exodus』, the ultra-premium membership course『Adult Mode』is prepared with the exception of the general course. However, I am the only currently logged-in user with adult mode applied. That’s why I can use erotic acts, erotic magic, and even billing items that the 2A lot can’t use.

Following the metallic sound of unlocking, there was a solemn sound of a heavy door opening.

– Excuse me. King.

– What’s wrong, Adra? I’m in the middle of something now.

I sat cross-legged on the bed and made Aikawa-san sit on my lap. I hugged her from behind, rubbed her breasts with one hand, and with the other hand I spread her legs, holding one of her knees.

Even though I caused Aikawa-san to be in such an immodest posture and that she complained, her facial expression was of ecstasy.

This is my magic, 『Ecstas』, exclusive for Adult Mode.

A magic that gives an aphrodisiac effect to my partner, steals their normal train of thought and makes them a captive of pleasure.

– Aaan… noo, d-don’t look…

Aikawa-san looks up at me with tears in her eyes. However, although she says no, her body is trembling with joy. The shame was making the pleasure more intense, and the body repeatedly twitched.

Looking at me and Aikawa-san in that state, Forneus cutely pouts.

– Are you playing with that slave again? Forneus is going to go wild with the flames of jealousy.

Her voice and gestures are pretty, but her eyes aren’t laughing. Aikawa-san trembles violently before those sharp eyes.

– Well, more importantly. What’s your business with me?

I thought it wouldn’t be good to change the conversation, but surprisingly, tension ran between the Hellzekter. Forneus and Satanachia, who had knocked lightly before, also shut their mouths and Grasha scratched his head, seeming hesitant to say something.

…? What? What’s the matter?

In the end, Adra stared at me with a serious look and confessed.

– The 『Holy Grave』has been excavated.

*TN: Holy Grave is the furigana reading for “The Demon King Slayer Sword”.

– …――!?

After I hardened for an instant, I screamed.

– Wh… wh… what the heeeeeeeeeeell――――!?!?

– K-King. Please calm down――

I reflexively talked back to Adra who tries to calm me.

– Hell no! Like hell I can calm down! It’s an anti-Demon King equipment, isn’t it? Rather than dealing a lot of damage in one hit, this may kill me in an instant!

– Hell…sama.

I can hear Forneus’s uneasy-sounding voice, but I panicked. Well, it’s the item I was most afraid of, right?

The Holy Grave has a part in which a name is carved on the blade. The Demon King’s identity is engraved on that part, and if it’s correct, the Holy Grave becomes a sword that can kill the Demon King.

My real identity hasn’t been revealed, my thought was too hasty. With such a sword in their hands, the 2A lot may be crazy about disclosing the real identity of the Demon King.

– This is bad, damn bad… what do I――

Suddenly, I noticed that the atmosphere was changing. In contrast to me who is panicking, everyone looks at me with eyes as if looking something insignificant with cold eyes.

– What’s wrong gu――!?

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When I concentrate my senses, window pops up next to everyone’s faces. What was displayed there was the value of 《LOYALTY》, which was dropping at a tremendous rate.

Their loyalty to me crashed greatly.

Da-dammiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit! I almost panicked and ended up shouting what I shouldn’t say!

As the numbers go down, everyone changes their expression from cold ones to ones that implied killing intent. Dammit!

Rather than being killed by the Holy Grave, I’m about to be killed by my subordinates right now! I have to show a Demon King-like appearance and restore their《LOYALTY》!

I covered my helmet-protected face with a steel-covered hand.

– Fu, fufufufufu…

– ? Hellshaft…sama?

Satanachia frowns with a suspicious face.

I tossed away my flame cloak. The cloak creeps on the floor like a creature and the flames fully cover the whole room in an instant as if burning it to nothing. But the room isn’t actually burned down. I can adjust the heat with just one of my intentions.

With the burning flames behind, I bend myself backward and declare splendidly.


– Protected by a fourfold shield, by this Perfect Guard

Holy Grave? No problem

I still don’t know the meaning of the word crisis.


The four Hellzekter stood stock still, dumbfounded by my words. Then, a tinge of red appears on their cheeks. At the same time, their《LOYALTY》stopped going down and Grasha made a sound with his throat.

– H-hey, King-sama. What’s that… fourfold shield?

I let a smile leak and turned my back on the Hellzekter.

– The Demon King Hellshaft is invincible. But no one can stand before me. Why, you may ask?

And looked back at them over my shoulder.

– I have four subordinates who are incredibly strong and dependable. Why would this threat approach me?

Tears immediately overflow from the eyes of Grasha.

– K…King-sama.

– Hell-samaa…

Forneus put her fingers together and made her eyes be moist with a spellbound face.

And Satanachia pressed her lips and hung her head.

– Hellshaft-sama… even if you replace me…

– These words… I am unworthy of them.

Adra takes off his glasses and wipes his eyes with a handkerchief he took out from his chest.

And the four Hellzekter kneeled all at once.

– We four. We will put our lives on the line and we shall show you that we will definitely protect you to the end.

I nodded silently. I sighed with relief in my mind as the《LOYALTY》of the four, which was only reflected in my eyes, rose all the way up to the safety zone.

But it’s too early to be relieved. No problem has been solved.

That Holy Grave… I have no choice but to do something myself.

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