Ecstas Online

Chapter 5

Chapter 5      Demon King VS Demon King

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Witnessing how their ship burned, 2A Guild was now stranded. They are in an artificial island city floating on the sea. The Satan Army is drawing near from behind. In such a situation, there’s no other choice. As promised, 2A Guild and I formed an alliance and headed to Satan’s subjugation.

I put the communication gem in my ear in the captain’s cabin and listened carefully to the voice heard from there.

『Eh? You’re coming here already?]

– Yes, some things have happened, Satan’s army is advancing and Asagiri is already at the limit…

Aikawa let out a troubled-sounding voice.

『I still haven’t found the book we talked about. It’s probable here though. I should be able to find it in two or three days based on the number of warehouses I haven’t checked. Can’t you wait until then?』

It’s been a whole day since sailing from Laguna. It takes three days to reach Infermia.

– Maybe, at the peace we’re going, we’ll arrive at Infermia at about that time. I’m sorry, but continue searching as you have──

– Hell-sama!

Forneus came jumping in all of a sudden.

– Fo!? Forneus! I’ve told you not to come in as you please!

I scream while hurriedly hiding the communication gem. Good grief, can’t the Demon King have some privacy?

– More importantly, is it true we’ll fight together with those people!?

– It’s true.

Or perhaps I should say, you noticed it at this late hour!?  She didn’t pay attention at all?

– Even if we don’t use humans, there’s nothing to worry about because you have Forneus! Forneus asks you to drive the humans out!

– Forneus, your power is certainly and absolutely essential. But they have their uses. Besides, they have Holy Grave that you brought up, no?

– I guess?

– That sword can only be used by humans. I cannot help but use them. Have some patience.

I tried again, but, as expected, I couldn’t equip Holy Grave. 2A group couldn’t say they disliked 「I’ll beat Satan up, you just have to finish him off. Can you do it?」 which I said half tricking them.

– Muu… I have no choice…

Folding her wings downheartedly, Forneus went out.

When it comes to Forneus, she may have felt like she was slighted. Would it be good though if she pushed herself too much, trying to show off her own value?

When I finish my regular calls with Aikawa-san, I have nothing else to do for the time being. I made a big growth.

Should I leave the room once in a while for a change of mood …?

Frequently appearing before 2A group made the Demon King lose value, so I refrained from going out as much as possible. To put it bluntly, a hikikomori. And… well, although it was for the sake of putting together the opinion of 2A in the midst of that confusion, I argued to that extent. There are a few people I don’t really want to see.

I opened the door and went out to the deck.

– Ah…

Whether the timing was good or bad, Asagiri was there.

– … Asagiri, huh. How are you?

She glanced at me and turned her face away. The pattern of the curse engraved into her cheeks is painful to look at.

– Don’t talk to me.

– But we have formed an alliance. Information exchange is necessary to carry out the operation. Until we defeat Satan.

– You call that Alliance…? Aren’t we more like your subordinates? Saying it without shame.

Asagiri looked away and replied unpleasantly.

– In the end, it has been decided that we will deliver the final blow to Satan.

With only her eyes pointed at me, Asagiri gazed at me with a terrifying gaze.

– And… you did that to me, not only twice, but thrice…

Eh!? Three times? That lotion massage is also included!?

– I had my circumstances. They can’t be told now.

– If there are any circumstances, that sort of thing with four people…

Probably because she remembered that thing of that time, Asagiri’s cheeks dye red.

– Do you agree? It will forever be a secret for 2A.

– I promise.

Because I agreed quickly, Asagiri looked like she was disappointed.

– T-then! What’s Satan identity? It’s necessary to undo the seal of Holy Grave.

– I have my circumstances. We’ll undo the seal just before fighting Satan.

Looking amazed, Asagiri sighed.

– If we undo the seal in advance, won’t I be killed by Holy Grave?

It won’t work against me if it’s undone with Satan’s password. I’d hate to try it though.

– … Other than that, give Holy Grave to another person. And don’t participate in the battle, I mean it. Stay on this ship. You heard me?

Asagiri bit her lips and turned annoyed eyes at me.

– I won’t follow your instructions.

She turned on her heels and went back to the cabin. When Asagiri disappeared, I leaned against the edge of the ship and gazed at the ocean.

Hellandia and Infermia are ahead.

And Satan.

Wait a bit more. Asagiri.

Just a bit more and I’ll free you from that curse.




+      +      +




We entered the inland sea by ship and brought the ship to the shore behind Infermia.

From here on is land route. Leaving Asagiri on the ship, we landed on the grassy shore and headed for Infermia directly. It takes less than half a day to get there from here by walking. Moreover, unlike the time of the capture of Caldart, our troops, including me, are of 15 people only. Handling them is comfortable though.

The problem is that I still don’t know the password for Holy Grave. Aikawa-san said that she was close to finish looking for it….

As we go through the hilly area where green sod grows, the grass gradually becomes sparse and becomes a dry wasteland.

Beyond the wasteland, I can see a small hill with large rocks. I climbed the hill and I saw a black castle with dark clouds above it. A splendorous castle with five towers.

──I came back. To Infermia.

All Hellzekter also got a view of Infermia’s shape, seemingly moved. Grasha bares his fangs and groans.

– I can’t stomach the stinking smell of Satan Army.

2A group also climbed the hill later. Ichinomiya saw Infermia and the situation around it and caught his breath.

– …What are you going to do? Hellshaft. It looks like their welcome preparations are ready.

As Ichinomiya pointed out, Satan Army’s forces were lying in wait in front of the castle. Their number is about 15,000. The great majority of them are NG monsters. Moreover, it’s composed of the former Demon King’s Vampire Corps, Magic Beasts Corps, Dark Elf Corps and the Undead Corps Hellanders.

Shizukuishi folded her arms and showed a fearless smile.

– 15,000 VS 15… this handicap is too precise.

– It’s impossible! 1 VS 1,500? We can’t do it!

Ougiya retorts in a crying-sounding voice.

– Like they say, one is a match for a thousand, don’t you agree!?

– This is impossible. Isn’t it a waste to do it?

– Y-yeah… no matter how you put it, it’s just us…

They completely back away. Only Leonhardt had a strangely high excitement, the others ended up losing their fighting spirit due to the large army in front of their faces.

But then, at that moment, I heard a cheerful, bright voice.

– It’s okay. It’s not 15 people.

That voice is──.

When I turned around, I saw a figure climbing the hill. When she climbed to the top of the hill in a light manner, she smiled brightly.

– There’s one more person so it’s 16 people.


– Ririko!?

– Asagiri?

– Asagiri-san!

The 2A group unanimously greets her with surprised voices.

──Why… why did you come!?  Asagiri!

I shout bitterly in my heart.

Hinazawa showed a wry smile.

– Really… even if we go from 15 people to 16 people, it doesn’t change that much.

Ichinomiya stood in front of Asagiri who responded with a smile.

– Ririko. Why──

– After all, I decided to fight. At least I, who wears the cursed ring, is okay with fighting against Satan with Holy Grave. I’m going to die at this rate, so you can call it efficiency, right? It doesn’t make sense to risk someone else’s life and having 2 people die when one can do it.

Taking a deep sigh, Ichinomiya shook his head.

– I understand your feelings… but Ririko isn’t in a state where she can fight.

As if ignoring those swords, Asagiri held out her hand to Ichinomiya.

– Return Holy Grave.

In a tone of voice that didn’t say yes or no, Ichinomiya showed confusion.

– … I’m telling you, don’t be too──

The mouth of Ichinomiya stopped moving.

The piercing-like gaze of Asagiri moves Ichinomiya.

It was a strange force.

──Asagiri is serious.

– Please, Akira-kun.

If he refuses, she will use grab it by sheer strength. It sounded like she was going to do so.

The strength of her tenacious determination even gives the illusion of having the determination to kill.

Ichinomiya opens the menu while having a grim face. And when he took out Holy Grave, he handed it to Asagiri.

– Thank you. Akira-kun.

– … What are you going to do? Your HP is extremely low.

Hinazawa showed a stiffened smile as if agreeing with Ichinomiya.

– I, I know right? Naturally, there’s defense and recovery magic, but things have their limit…

Asagiri replied to the questions of the two.

– I should just not get hit, right?

Turning her back to the dumbfounded two, Asagiri comes straight to me. And stopped in front of me.

– Hellshaft.

Asagiri looked up at me with her frank gaze.

– Protect me.

… Asagiri.

– Take me. To Satan.

The pattern of the curse that spread to the face of Asagiri. It’s already. Almost──

– I will defeat Satan.

Is that so?

– If so, don’t get away from me.

– Wha…

Not only Ichinomiya and Hinazawa, the other 2A Guild guys and even the Hellzekter couldn’t hide their surprise.

– Wa-wait a minute! That will trouble Hell-sama, I can’t allow it!

I told Forneus who hurriedly came to me.

– It’s not a problem. In any case, I have to take one of them to Satan’s side. The effort required is the same.

– T… that’s…

The other Hellzekter: Adra, Grasha and Satanachia seem to be convinced by my explanation. Only Forneus expresses her discontent, grumbling.

I spread the flame cloak and looked over at everyone.

– Are you ready? Following the briefing session, the strategy will go unchanged.

Arisugawa trembled as he hugged his staff.

– T-then… as expected.

I drew my flame sword and pointed its tip at Infermia.

– Cut their forces openly!

Tension runs in 2A Guild’s faces.

– Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Together with the war cry, I began to run, taking the lead. Asagiri also kicked the ground and lined up next to me. She runs down the hill and follow my speed. Even if her HP has gone down, her speed is still going strong.

And Hellzekter follows my back.

– Uoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Grasha howled.

– We’ll go too!

When Ichinomiya shouts, 2A Guild also runs, following the Hellzekter.

– Uoooowaaaaa!

– We have no choice but to do it!

– *Eeeek*!

The 2A group felt afraid, but they came along with us.

I clearly explained to them that they aren’t going to have a direct confrontation with Satan. Even If they die, they can revive as usual. That sense of security barely lets them put their feet on the battlefield.

However, if this operation fails, they’ll really die sooner or later.

– Don’t fall behind! Humans!

I turn around and encourage them strongly in a loud voice.

– The aim is the back gate to the east! Only one breakthrough point! Don’t let them see you!

Grasha passed next to me as I shouted.

– I’ll be the first one to get there!

His face full of joy directed was to the fight. With a smile that seems to be having fun, he puts his strength into the feet kicking the ground. Then he rushed, dragging his huge beast-transformed arms.

However, there were white wings jumping over his head.

– The first one to arrive will be Forneus ♡.

– Ah!? Damn you! Forneus, you’re sly!

Without listening to Grasha’s complaint, Forneus accelerates, flapping her wings greatly.

– Humph. Forneus will be the one that helps Hell-sama the most!

The ring on her waist shed light.

– Sacred!!

A white light cuts Satan Army in a straight line and runs toward the castle gate. After a moment, several explosions blew Satan Army away. The monsters’ bodies soar in the air like leaves of trees.

I pointed my sword where the Satan army had collapsed.

– The enemy’s formation has crumbled! Burst in!

– *Eeeeeeeeek*! D-do we really have to do iiiit!?

– It’s kind of unreasonable thooough!

Ougiya and Busujima shouted as if they had already surrendered. Ichinomiya turns around and calls them out.

– Even if you’re killed, you can be revived! Like always! Don’t be anxious and fight like we use to!

Grasha kicked the ground and jumped into the tear of Satan Army created by Forneus.

– Woooooooo! Heree I gooooooooooooooo!

While running, he knocked off a former subordinate who stood in front of him. His terrifying strong arm blew away nearly ten demons with a single blow.

Trampling down the fallen monster, Grasha rushes without stopping.

– Uraaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

A black fog in the shape of a bat passed by the rampant Grasha. The fog gathers in the middle of the Vampire Corps and crystallizes into a butler-like figure.

– The failure of the subordinates is the responsibility of the corps commander.

Surrounded by the Vampire Corps controlled by Satan, Adra draws a red glowing sword.

– Become ashes.

At that moment, a blood splash flies and the sword and blood draw a red curve in the air. Adra swung his sword at a tremendous speed, building piles of corpses one after another.

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– Hellshaft-sama, I will go first.

Satanachia shoots arrows while going in front of me.

– Please do, Satanachia!

I protected Asagiri next to me as I’m guided by Satanachia and plunged into Satan’s forces.

– Kyaaaaa!

The scream of Asagiri echoed. The armored Dark Elf Corps attacks from the left and right. I lightly brushed off the swords swung down at Asagiri with my fist. However, I can’t keep protecting her like this.

– Asagiri! Get on!

I hold Asagiri with my left arm.

– … !!

Asagiri clung to my neck.

– Don’t get shaken off!

– O-okay!

The roads created by Forneus and Grasha have a short life span. Satan Army quickly tries to fill in the gap that was finally created. As the enemies get closer, Satanachia cannot use the bow. She turned the bow into a sword and fought desperately in front of me.

Even behind me, 2A Guild’s desperate battle unfolds.

– Tanks! Stand firm!

Shouting so, Ichinomiya himself frantically held the shield. The fighters Ougiya, Yamada and Yuuki hold large shields with both hands and advance while protecting the Sorcerers and Divine Artists. The swords swung down at the shields made loud noises. Each time, shock runs in the arms holding the shields, the Tanks clench their teeth.

Furthermore, armored skeletons rush to crush 2A from the left and right. Resounding continuously, armor and armor collide with each other, making dull metallic sounds. The high-pitched sounds of swords and shields hitting each other. Swords and spears suddenly force themselves through the gaps of the shields and injure them.

An apparent burning smell and the smell of blood spread.

Without a gap that can be called a road already, it’s as if we’re advancing inside a rush hour train. We managed to proceed while pushing Satan Army away.

– Oh no! The sensation of my hands is gone!

In response to Ougiya’s shout, the Divine Artist Arisugawa applies recovery magic to him.

– 『Heal』!

Hinazawa and Busujima also apply assist magic that restores Ichinomiya’s, Yamada’s and Yuuki’s physical strength, and further increases their defenses.

– 『Mega Destruction!』

A large explosion occurs behind 2A Guild.

The magic of the Sorcerer Shizukuishi blew away the vampires that were rushing from behind.

– 『Thunderbolt』!

– 『Flame Storm』!

Leonhardt adds attack magic to enemies on the right and Miyakoshi on the left, reducing the burden on the Tanks.

Satan Army covers its path, we can no longer tell which way to go.

Satanachia, who desperately responds to attacks in front of me, has been damaged quite a lot already. Blood was flowing on her beautiful brown skin.

Damn! We haven’t even entered the castle yet!

Asagiri was staring at Satanachia who was desperately fighting while sustaining wounds with painful eyes. Every time Satanachia, the enemy, is cut, she frowns as if she were cut.

– Naru-chan!*

*TN: Naru-chan is an abbreviated slang for narcissist too.

Asagiri turned around and called Hinazawa.

– What? I’m busy right now!

– Apply recovery magic to Satanachia!

– Huh!? W-what are you saying…?

– Please!

Hinazawa’s expression reveals a conflict in her heart.

– Aaa geez! 『Heal』!!

When she raised the staff, a beautiful light shone at its tip. At the same time, a glittering light coils about Satanachia’s body, healing her injuries.

– This is…

When Satanachia turned around, she saw Hinazawa holding her staff overhead.

– Thank you.

– ──Ugh.

Hinazawa unintentionally blocked the words. Satanachia swung her sword as if making a circle, wiping out the nearby orcs and looked up at me.

– Hellshaft-sama, can I borrow your shoulder?

– Of course! Use it!

Satanachia returned the sword to a bow and jumped on my right shoulder and nocks an arrow. She aimed the arrow toward Hinazawa.

Both Hinazawa and Asagiri look up at Satanachia with astonished eyes.

– Eh, ho──

The arrow left the bow, heading toward the flustered Hinazawa. The arrow fired at point-blank range flew to Hinazawa’s location in an instant──

It transformed into a large reptile.

– Wah! What is thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis!?

The body, which is about 4 meters long, is supported by four strong legs, it looks like an herbivorous dinosaur. However, the large jaw and sharp fangs at the end of the long neck belong to a carnivorous dinosaur. The monster covered with thorns and a thick skin-armor attacked Satan Army to protect 2A Guild. It blows away the magic beasts with a blow of its tail and crushes the bones of the undead it bit at.

That’s the trump arrow of Satanachia. A 『Sauros』 that turns into a dinosaur-like monster.

Sauros rampaged and kept sending Satan Army flying. However, its legs stopped. I also swing my sword and slash at an orc rushing on me from the front. However, it’s a next-to-impossible task to continue again. The target, the back gate, is about 300 meters away.

I shouted towards the sky.

– Forneus! Clear the land!

– Got it!

When the floating-in-the-sky Forneus salutes, a sacred light again runs from above again, traversing Satan Army horizontally from before me to the castle gate. Together with big explosions, orcs and goblins were blown away. Forneus’ Sacred is, so to speak, a main battery. To tell the truth, I’d like to make her fire it continuously, but that consumes a large amount of MP. It can’t be fired continuously that often.

– Run!

I shouted so and started running. 2A Guild follows me in a hurry. At the end of the road made by Forneus, I saw Grasha and Adra again. Their clothes and hair are messy and blood oozes from everywhere. As a trade for their work, both of them must have been considerably exhausted.

The voices of Arisugawa and Busujima were heard from behind.

– 『Heal』!

Then, healing lights wrapped around the bodies of Grasha and Adra. Startled, Grasha looked closely around his body.

– Hey, this…

Fixing the position of the glasses, Adra also muttered shamefully.

– Unnecessary…

And just as he turns around, he cuts down a goblin that tried to attack him.

– Keep moving, we’re almost there.

– Yes!

Once again, Grasha and Adra secure the way, and we run through it. And after a hard work, we finally arrived at the castle gate. This is the back gate on the opposite side of the main gate, so it’s not that large. With a height of about 3 meters, it’s difficult for the trolls and their big bodies to go through it.

– Fortify the surroundings! Don’t let Satan Army come near until we destroy the gate!

Since the back gate is small, it’s easy to destroy. However, the gates and walls are thoroughly endowed with magic defense. A large number of magicians is needed to destroy the gates with magic, it takes a considerable amount of time. The Allied Forces of 2A and the Elves destroying the walls of Infermia was the result of the Elf Magicians and Shizukuishi persistently cancelling and attacking its magic defenses.

– Alright! It’s my turn.

Grasha stands in front of the gate as he cracks his fists. At the end of the day, physically breaking through it was the fastest way.

– I leave it to you, Grasha.

Clapping Grasha’s shoulder, I stared at the approaching Satan Army.

– Forneus!

The moment I shouted so, the light of Sacred shone, sweeping sideways, wiping Satan Army.

– Satanachia!

– Hah!

Satanachia nocks an arrow on her favorite bow, Blackheart Shooter. The pattern engraved on the bow glows green. The dark elf’s magic power and the divine-protected bow give power to the magic-filled arrow.

Satanachia’s deadly arrow is as powerful as Sacred, but it takes time to shoot. It’s difficult to use in a confused fight, but if it’s now──

Satanachia’s fingers move away from the bowstring and the arrows fly while dragging air with it. And that, eventually, caused a tornado, becoming a giant drill, plunging forward. The drill, which turned the air into a sharp blade, makes a huge hole in Satan Army that came over Sacred’s explosion.

She continues, firing the same arrow two, three times. However, Satan Army approached in between the attacks of Satanachia.

Adra stands in front of it.

A plunging orc was cut in half in an instant while passing each other. The corpse of the orc fell apart and rolled, disappearing as light.

Adra fights like a demon god, cutting down the approaching Satan Army one after another. However, they avoided Adra and went after the people attacking the castle gate. A horde of enraged magic beasts attacked 2A Guild, the last line of defense that protects the gate.

Ichinomiya gives a command with a voice full of tension.

– Here they come! Sorcerers!

– 『Flame Storm』!!

The offensive magic of the Sorcerer group engages a group of magic beasts. They reduce their HP, but it wasn’t enough to bring them down.

– Go!

Ichinomiya drew his sword and cut down the plunging magic beasts.

– Alright! I’m tired of holding the shield the whole time! Let’s go!

Ougiya punched a weakened magic beast. Steel gloves are put on his arms. A melee equipment exclusively for fighters.

– E-eih!

Yuuki came rolling in front of him and nervously punched an orc that stopped moving already.

The true value of Yuuki can only be shown when crying, huh….

Behind them, A Divine Artist, who ran out of MP, was gulping Spiritas. It had the appearance of canned juice. No matter how I looked at it, it was as if they were drinking energy drinks. Hinazawa, who put her hand on her waist and chugged Spiritas in one go, sighed lively.

– Puhaa! Kikkuuuuuu!!

*TN: I honestly don’t know how to translate “kikkuuuuuu”.

Arisugawa and Busujima finished drinking it and returned to the front with a more relaxed look than before.

If they turn their backs to the castle gate, they won’t be attacked from behind, at least. Because they can afford to do it. This combination will buy us some time.

– How is it!? Grasha!

Grasha thrust his arms against the castle gate and tried to tear it apart with all his might. Even the thick and beast-transformed arms become even thicker due to overuse of the muscles with all his power.

– This thing is… s-surprisingly, h…

A squeezing-like voice can be heard through the clenched teeth. His arms and back were shaking and his legs were sinking into the ground.

──Dammit. Is it impossible!? Grasha!

Asagiri’s eyes staring at him were swaying pitifully. The fingers of Asagiri brought near my chest are firmly clasped.

– H-Hellshaft, force strengthening magic will at least ──

– I don’t need it!!

Grasha cried with blood in his mouth

– If I borrow the help of humans, the name of Grasha will be disgraced! I can do it by myself!

This guy is so obstinate… I’d like to give priority to his feelings, but we have no time.

– But Grasha. Your work doesn’t end here. You have to keep working. It’s too early to use up all your strength.

– Ku…

– This is neither shameful nor dishonors your pride. Human beings are requesting and want to be your strength. Wouldn’t it be best to be a vessel that would grant their wish?

Grasha’s arms lost strength.

– … Understood. If King-sama says so, then it cannot be helped.

Asagiri made a relief look and came down from my arm.

– Then, I’ll call a Divine Artist.

– Umm… go call that one.

Beyond the point Grasha pointed at, Yuuki Uiko was trembling nervously like a small animal.

Asagiri was confused, but brought Yuuki with her.

Yuki was about to cry just because she was put standing in front of Grasha. She shivered with a ghastly pale face.

As if looking down on Yuuki, Grasha said.

– Hey, chibi. Give a hand.

– …… Eh.

Without waiting for a reply, Grasha placed both hands on the gate again. However, this time on the left side of the door that opens from left to right. The right side is empty.

– Hurry up! You want me to eat you!?

– *Eeek*!

Yuuki hurriedly jumped at the door. But she just put her hands on it. Not being filled with strength, probably because of fear, she just trembled in that same position.

– Hey! Are you messing with me!? Put strength into it! If we don’t open it quickly, even your friends will be wiped out!

– T… that’s, e-even if you tell me…

Tears spilled and fell from Yuuki’s eyes.

– It’s impossible… I’m scared….

Even when she cried was impossible? Like I thought, if the emotional pressure doesn’t go beyond the limit, the original power of Yuuki won’t come out. But when she went crazy, she showed strength that overwhelmed even Grasha. If that’s the case, I feel bad for Yuuki, but keep getting pressured by Grasha.

Grasha cried as if living up to my expectations.

– Stop fooling around! Didn’t you fight with me? Compared to that, destroying a gate like this is nothing!

– T-that’s…

– I carry the expectations of King-sama on my back. The power I borrow from you is a lump, but if we don’t break this door, I’ll betray King-sama’s expectations. I just can’t do that.

Seemingly curious, Yuuki turned to Grasha.

– Don’t take a break! Push as hard as you can!

Hanging her head reflexively, Yuuki timidly asked Grasha.

– Umm… why, did… you, call me?

Grasha, who once again put all his strength into it, replied loudly.

– Huuh!? Because you seemed to be the strongest! You chibi!

Saying so as if spitting out, he pushed the door again with all his might.

– Won’t it be great if you go seriously!? Come on, do it!

Yuuki’s tears stopped.

Strength is put into her hands. The door on the right side creaked.


The mood of Yuuki changed. Certainly, Grasha’s angry voice wasn’t a mere threat or a call to just scare her.

Did that resonate emotionally with Yuuki? It’s not what I expected… but this might work.

Yuuki whispered under a painful expression.

– I… I’m not a chibi.

Grasha, who put all the strength of his body into it, asked through the gap between the clenched teeth.

– That’s, true. So, what’s… your, name?

– It’s Yu, Yuuki…

– Oh?

Grasha bared his sharp canines and showed a smiling face.

– Courage, huh. A nice name.

*TN: 勇気 = ゆうき = Yuuki. While that’s not how her name is written using Kanji, the way Grasha “says it” means courage, bravery, valor.

– Eh…?

Yuki raised her face and gave a sidelong glance to Grasha.

The gate shook, making a creaking noise.

– Then show your courage! And put it into a battle shout! Smash it down! Yuukiiii!

– Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

A scream surges from Yuuki’s mouth. A crack in the ground ran beneath her.

Grasha’s arms quiver. His face blushed.

Waterfall-like sweat flows from their foreheads. They made their whole bodies quiver and put all their strength into it. For what was important for each other. Just to break the gate.


Inside the gate, there was a sound of something breaking. A number of breaking sounds continue to sound.

And the door opened vigorously as if the support suddenly had died. The door was removed while being thrown violently against the wall, making a loud noise.

Resistance was lost all of a sudden and Grasha and Yuuki fell forward as if jumping in.

– Uiko-chan! Are you okay?!

Looking worried, Asagiri runs up to her, calling her name. However, Yuuki stood up by herself and shook her head to the left and right.

– I-I’m okay… it’s nothing. I can get up by myself.

Asagiri nodded with a smile like a mother staring at her hard-working child.

I pick up Asagiri in my arms again and looked down at Grasha. Grasha, now in the shape of the “dai” 大Kanji, looks up at me.

– Hehe… we did it, King-sama.

– Well done, Grasha. As expected of you.

Grasha smiled happily, but he seemed to have no strength in his limbs. However, he managed to get up despite staggering.

There, Forneus, with her wings spread, descended from the sky.

– Humph. Relying on something like humans is pathetic.

Grasha bared his fangs.

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– Shut up! You couldn’t destroy the gate either. Don’t talk so proud of yourself!

Forneus had tears in her eyes and put her mouth in a へ shape.

At times like this, I don’t want internal discord.

I put my hand on the head of Forneus.

– Understand this. If we borrow their help──

But Forneus shook my hand.

– Hell-sama is also relying only on humans! Forneus is the most helpful to Hell-sama!  I will defeat even Satan alone without relying on humans!

Spreading her wings in a big way, Forneus soared into the sky.

– Wait! Forneus!

– Since we’re inside the gates, now it’s up to me!

After saying that, she flew to the upper reaches of the Demon King’s Tower in the blink of an eye. Then broke a window and entered the tower.


I shout at everyone.

– Enter fast and close the gate!

They all run into the castle as if being pulled.

Grasha and Yuki turned around, lifted the giant bolt and plugged it into the gate again. Now the bunch outside can’t come in. It’s not perfect, but we’ll gain time.

– Let’s go! Our objective is the central tower, the Demon King’s Tower!

Hellzekter, 2A Guild and I ran through warehouses, barracks and other facilities. It seems that Hellander is practically outside the castle walls, the interior of the castle was rather empty.

After running for a while, we reach the plaza. The Demon King’s Tower stands in the center of it. It’s a huge tower between my room and the audience room. I stopped in my tracks and looked up at the tower.

──Satan is at the top of it.

Is Forneus alright? If only she wasn’t so hasty… Anyway, I have to run after her quickly.


I stared at the enemies waiting for us.

– It doesn’t look like they’ll let us go in so easily.

There were NG monster Black Knights resurrected from the graveyard in the plaza. Their number is about twenty. And in front of the entrance to the tower, there was a troublesome gatekeeper. He’s twice as tall as the Black Knights. And he had six arms like the statue of Asura. A sword is clasped in all his arms.

He clearly gives the feeling of a mid-boss.

– Here they come! Watch out!

The Black Knights started to move all at once. They’re quick, we attack them before they fix their formation. In the blink of an eye, it became a melee battle.

However, the six-arm guy doesn’t move an inch. As if to say “if you want to enter the tower, try knocking me down”.

I held my sword with my right hand and aimed at the six-arm guy.

But Ichinomiya put himself between us.

– I’ll get rid of him. Hellshaft, go to Satan, fast.

Ichinomiya glanced up at Asagiri’s face.

– Ririko is already at the limit.

Saying so, Ichinomiya took his eyes off the pattern of the curse and stared at me.

– I can’t save Ririko. Please. Hellshaft.

──Leave it to me, Ichinomiya.

– Adra.

– Yes.

In response to my call, Adra comes nearby.

– Lend him a hand.

– Understood.

Adra approaches the six-arm guy readily. Ichinomiya followed him hurriedly. Whether he notices the approaching opponents or not, the six-arm guy is completely still.


His arms suddenly moved when they were 5 meters away from him. A move that suddenly reaches the maximum speed from a standstill state. Powerful blows slash Adra’s and Ichinomiya’s body.

– !?

The two held their swords right away and intercepted the blows of the six arms with their swords. Although they blocked them, their bodies were still blown back. They stand firm on their legs and slide side-by-side on the ground. And when the two got out of the alert range, the six-arm guy stopped moving again.

Adra lowered his sword and spoke to Ichinomiya while staring at the six-arm guy.

– Hey, you.

– … What?

– Keep the three arms to his right occupied.

Ichinomiya made a sound with his throat. However, as he grinned, he operated the menu and replaced the equipment with a shield and a light sword that could be handled with one hand.

– Stingy man. Leave everything to me.

Exchanging Adra’s sharp gaze with a fearless smile, this time Ichinomiya goes first. The moment he got in the range of the six arms, a sharp blow hit Ichinomiya like before.

– Kuh!

He takes that blow with the shield. And then two, three blows. The swords, he desperately catches them with the shield. He must be fighting the temptation of pulling himself out of the six-arm guy’s space. However, and without escaping, Ichinomiya endured the fourth blow. At that moment, the shield broke.

– Oh n──

The sword that received the fifth blow breaks.

And the sixth blow.

The sword of the six-arm guy attacked the completely defenseless Ichinomiya.

– Your mouth is too big, but in the end, this was all that you got.

He heard Adra’s composed words.

– ──But your role was enough to make a gap.

One of the swords of the six-arm guy slips next to Ichinomiya and pierces the ground.

– Wha…?

An arm was cut off from the shoulder.

Adra, who stands on the shoulder of the six-arm guy, stabs the sword into the head of the six-arm guy. And the remaining five arms fall to the ground. The six-arm guy lurched, shook violently and fell to the ground, pitching forward. Ichinomiya looked up at Adra who trampled down on its back.

– Thank you. Adra.

– Do not get me wrong. I am making way for my King, I am not helping you. You are a human anyway. Once the battle ends, we will be enemies.

Ichinomiya throws away the broken sword and pulls out a new sword and shield from the equipment list.

– I know that too. But now──

Interrupting Ichinomiya’s words, Adra bowed to me.

– Sorry to have kept you waiting, my King.

– Well done. Splendid.

I burst into the entrance of the tower while holding Asagiri. The stairwell that goes from the hall on the first floor to the farthest top floor. There’s a spiral staircase around it and I have to climb it.

I went up the stairs as if I were running on flatland.

Staring at my face seen from the side, Asagiri asked in a slightly uneasy voice.

– Hey, what about Holy Grave? I have to write the answer before the confrontation with Satan…

– Yes. About that──

When I had gone up till the middle of the tower, my feet stopped.

──These are…

White feathers are scattered on the floor. And a red puddle of blood spread out on the floor.

Asagiri also had her breath taken away from that scene.

– This is… no way.


There is an audience room on this floor. If that’s true!

I ran through the hallway as if I had been snapped and jumped into the audience room.

– !!

The situation made me understand that a fierce battle took place. The beautiful sculptures on the walls are shattered and the paintings on the ceiling are burnt down. The walls collapsed, the floor caved in in several places and it was full of cracks. Blood-stained wings were scattered there. I don’t know how devastating the fight was. But it was clear that the outcome had been decided.

The winner was standing in front of the throne.


Satan wore gold armor. And the loser was grasped in his hand.

– Forneus!!

She hung without force, the wings on her back grasped by Satan. She looked worn-out, and blood was trickling down from her feet.

– So you came. Hellshaft.

Satan shook his arm and threw Forneus at me.

– !

Asagiri suddenly comes down from my arm. I opened my hands and caught Forneus in my arms.

– Forneus…

As if she were dead, I stroked the exhausted Forneus with trembling hands. Asagiri also frowned and stared at the completely changed appearance of Forneus.

– … This is terrible.

– Hey! Forneus! Answer me!

As I called her desperately, Forneus’ eyelids opened slightly.

– Ah… Hell, sama.

──She’s alive.

I feel relieved.

– It’s strange, everything… that Forneus did didn’t work… Forneus…it wasn’t good at all… nothing was effective, not even Sacred.

– Is that so? It’s okay, don’t worry.

I stroked her cheek and tears overflowed from Forneus’ eyes, running down endlessly.

– But… I did my best… no matter if I was stepped… or my feathers were plucked many times. That’s true, you know? Hell-sama, Forneus did her best… for Hell-sama’s… sake.

The body of the weakened Forneus loses strength.

– Forneus!!

The hand of Asagiri stopped me who shook her body desperately.

– Calm down, Hellshaft! She just fainted! Don’t shake her so much!

Certainly, when I look closely at her, the status said she hadn’t died.

– … Sorry.

I laid Forneus’ body in a corner of the audience room.

– Asagiri, I leave Forneus to you.

– Y-yes…

Asagiri looked up at me with worried eyes.

I get up and slowly walk to the center of the room. Staring at me, Satan asked composedly.

– Hellshaft. What is that fallen angel?

– …

– Is she an entertainer? Or did she think that the power of God would reach me? If that’s the case, she’s stupid. Because I wear Orzelia’s divinity and was reborn as the God Demon King Satan. The power of God and the power of the Devil can no longer reach me. I have already reached a realm that is far beyond the power of the likes of you.

I silently heard Satan’s words.

– Hellshaft. At this stage, you’re no longer something to worry about. I have no intentions of wasting my time and words on lowly beings such as yourself.

– …

– Go home already. Hellshaft.

An uncontrollable resentment boils up in me.

It doesn’t matter now. It doesn’t matter if I have Holy Grave or not.

──I’ll beat you to death.

The flame cloak gushed out from my back. I push one arm forward and point at Satan.


– Temporary ruler, Dreamer of moments
Are you ready?
Go to hell  Return to hell  Your showtime starts here
My bright red-stained nemesis is on the verge of exploding


The flame cloak swirls and transforms into a sword. I grab the sword and charged into Satan right away.

– Uoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

In a moment, I jumped into the space my sword reaches him and unleashed a blow that included my whole weight and acceleration at Satan’s armor.

– ──!?

Satan received the blow without moving at all. The dull golden armor gave off sparks and a high-pitched metal sound. But that’s it. The blow that contained all my might was disappointingly repelled by Orzelia’s armor which defended Satan.

And──a flame swirls on Satan’s palm.

– Fool. Do you think that an attack like that will do something?

Satan thrust that hand at my abdomen. A dazzling light explodes between Satan’s palm and the armor of my abdomen.


A shock as if having my stomach blown by a log hit me. The pain and shock felt as if my internal organs had been torn to pieces and tried to pull my consciousness out of my body.

– Gugahhhhh!

I fly for nearly a hundred meters, my body is violently thrown against the wall near the entrance. The marble on the wall was crushed, my body was half sunken in it.

– Hellshaft!

Asagiri let out a shrieking-sounding voice.

– Kuh… I-I’m okay…

When I got out of the wall, I fell to my knees on the floor.

This guy…isn’t an opponent that will be taken care of with fighting spirit and willpower. That overwhelmingly powerful magic. And impregnable armor. It’s impossible to win colliding with it honestly. What should I──,

At that moment, the incoming indicator of the communication gem appeared in front of me with an unfamiliar electronic sound.


I select the communication stone from the item list and put the stone that appears in my hand in my ear.

『I kept you waiting! I got the password! 』

– I waited impatiently for it!

I got up and ran to Asagiri. I shouted briefly to Asagiri who looked up at me with a confused look.

– The Holy Grave!

Asagiri, who guessed my intention, immediately operated the menu and made a white porcelain sword appear in her hand.

『The password was a meaningless character string! I’ll be saying each character in Roman alphabet! 』

– Asagiri! Enter the password!

There’s a flattened part on the middle part of the blade, that’s where one inputs the data. Asagiri nodded silently and puts her finger on it.

In the distance, Satan lets out a scream that felt like it resounded from the bottom of the earth.

– What is it? What are you doing so secretly?

We’re doing something important now so don’t disturb us!

I turn my back on Satan and become Asagiri’s shield.

– Hellshaft… Are you turning your back on me? Is that confidence or submission?

『Here we go! S • A • I』

– Answer meeee! Hellshaaaaaaft!!

A shock that was like a rock crumbling ran on my back. Satan’s flame magic continues scorching my back like a jet.


It was so hot that I thought “won’t the armor on my back melt?”

– Ku…hh!

I clenched my teeth for a while and endured it, then, the effect of the flame magic ended. When I was released from the hell of fire, my whole body lost strength, I felt like I was about to collapse just like that.

– He-Hellshaft!!? Are you okay!?

– Ku… Let’s go! S • A • I.

Through force of will, I convey Aikawa-san’s voice to Asagiri. Asagiri hurriedly wrote the characters on the sword with her fingertip.

『I • A • S • R • R』

– I • A • S • R • R.

– Hellshaft! Why aren’t you… looking this waaaaaaaaay!?

A sign that Satan will fire flame magic once again.

Shit! If I eat that again…

『N • A • I • I • T』

– N • A • I • I • T.

A roaring sound and heat draw near from behind.

──It’s coming!

The sweat of heat and the cold sweat of fear flow.

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– 『Flame Tempest』!!


From the entrance of the audience room, a tornado of flames came barging in like a dragon. The flames ran past me and crashed into Satan’s magic approaching from behind me. Flames and flames collide with each other, emitting a dazzling light while offsetting each other.

The figure that held a grimoire in one of her hands and fired the flames is──

– Now that you have the chance! Fast!

──Shizukuishi Non!!

『G • R • K • A • O, that’s all! 』

– G • R • K • A • O, that’s all!

The moment Asagiri finished writing the last character, Holy Grave shone radiantly. Asagiri gives a surprised voice.

– This is…

– It’s a success! Asagiri!

The brightness of the sword is reflected in Asagiri’s eyes. With the shining sword in her hand, Asagiri looked up at me.


Asagiri is fixedly gazing at me.

──I see. “With this Holy Sword, I can kill Hellshaft”──Is that what she’s thinking?

Unfortunately, Satan’s password has no effect… it shouldn’t.

However, from Asagiri’s point of view, this is a great opportunity. Just a try, it’s worth a try. It’s no surprise she’s thinking so. But what if she truly──,

Asagiri readied the sword towards me.


I can’t read the emotions from Asagiri’s eyes.

If by any chance, the effect of Holy Grave is activated. I──,

– The enemy isn’t Hellshaft-sama. It’s Satan.

Shizukuishi stood behind Asagiri.

Flame magic is on her palm. She amasses the swirling flames so that they can be fired at Asagiri’s back at any time. They exchanged sharp-as-cold-blade gazes.

– You worry too much, Nonnon…

Asagiri further thrusts the sword readied and pointed at me.

– Move, Hellshaft.

I pull myself to get out of the way. Then, Satan was at the end where Holy Grave was pointing to.

– Go!! Ririko!

Flames were released again from Shizukuishi’s hand. At the same time, Asagiri started running. The flames of Shizukuishi graze over Asagiri’s overhead and swoop down on Satan. The Flame Dragon hit Satan’s chest directly.

– Magic has no effect on this armor. You fools.

However, Asagiri runs under the flames. For Satan, the road becomes a blind spot.

– Naïve!

Satan’s left hand shook off the flames as if slapping it. Then, he swings his right fist toward Asagiri running underneath it.

– Nuh!?

Asagiri isn’t there.

– Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Asagiri thrust Holy Grave into the defenseless left side of Satan.

Asagiri jumped to the right the moment Satan doused the flames. It was a stunt unique to Asagiri’s speed.


In my heart, I danced wildly and waited for the next development. Whether Satan will collapse or disappear, or──

But Satan was still there.


Then, he swung his golden right fist downward toward Asagiri.

– Escape! Asagiri!!

– U──kuh!?

Asagiri evaded it with paper-thin difference. Then, while twisting her body, she jumped far to the back and distanced herself from Satan.

Satan lightly brushes off his side and said as if looking down on us.

– That magic item… is some kind of holy tool?

No way… that armor protects him against Holy Grave!?

– There’s no exception whatsoever, this armor does block magic. God’s power included. That’s why the power of the fallen angel there had no effect on me.

I glanced at the pitiful figure of Forneus lying in one corner of the room. Inside me, the feeling of despair greatly shakes my emotional support.

The trump card isn’t useful.

Isn’t there anything I can do?

Asagiri comes to me and lets out a shrieking-sounding voice.

– Hellshaft! Holy Grave doesn’t work!

Shizukuishi complained with a crying face.

– What do we do!? Shouldn’t it… be able to defeat Satan!?

Goddammit! Even if you tell me that, I don’t know! Fuck! Is there anything that I can do to that armor!?

An armor that prevents any magic or magical items, even the power of God──Orzelia’s divinity.

As if laughing at the desperate me, the divinity-wearing Demon King Satan stepped forward.

He comes to me while making footsteps echo.

– I’m already an existence that surpassed God and the Devil. I’m the God Demon King Satan.

He has perfect protection and dreadful magic that I don’t have.

– Hellshaft, if you want to call yourself the Demon King, go ahead. I’m already in a realm you can’t reach.

On the other hand, the ones that I have and the ones he doesn’t──

Asagiri’s sorrowful voice hit my earlobe.

– It’s enough! Run away, Hellshaft! Nonnon!

– What the hell… in the end, it turned out to be this way…

Shizukuishi murmured with a completely resigned face.

I answered them.

– It’s too early to give up.

Shizukuishi’s face suddenly brightens.

– That’s true! There’s still a way!

I nodded and told them the only way to defeat Satan.

– That is to punch him physically.

– Eh…?

Shizukuishi showed a clear facial expression of disappointment.

That’s to be expected, no? Without being able to accept reality, the pathetic loser who cannot analyze the current situation anymore clings to impossible means with evasion and assumption. Appearing to be so, there’s no other way.

But I have a unique weapon that Satan cannot have.

I put my right hand forward, twisted my hand and displayed the menu.

– Still struggling, Hellshaft?

– Yeah. The special ability of that armor was so great that I thought too much about it and with difficulty. But now that I collected myself, it’s not that at all. The point is──

I moved my finger and opened the desired category.

– Isn’t it okay if I destroy it?

– Impossible. There’s no power capable of destroying this God’s clothing!

An icon that isn’t usually used is displayed on the menu.

– Don’t make fun of the Demon King Hellshaft.

I chose that icon.

– Or Adult Mode!!

『Age verification──This is an inappropriate function for people under the age of 18.

Are you sure you want to use it? 』

I immediately pressed the OK button. Then another window appears.

『Notice──this is a paid item. 98,000 yen will be charged. Are you sure? 』

– Come! Succubi!

When I press the OK button without hesitation, a pink fog springs up.

Then, seductive witches appeared from inside the fog.

From young girls to mature limbs, the bodies lining up were shaped to men’s desires. All of them wore inflammatory clothes, they were almost naked. Beautiful and mysterious beauties revolve in the air elegantly, making their bodies bend loosely back and forth. They happily flew around me, with happy and teasing-looking faces.

Satan stared at me with a horrible face.

– Did you lose your mind? What can you do with Succubi like that?

– Fu…  Succubi, entertain Satan!

– ──What?

When I ordered so, the Succubi clung to Satan. They press their plump breasts and make their tongues crawl.

– Wha… damn you, Hellshaft! What on earth are you doing!?

It’s obvious I decided to buy time, you moron.

– Entertain yourself at least. You can have your fill, God Demon King Satan.

– Wha… what, I feel strangely giddy. Magic shouldn’t work…

As expected of Adult Mode. The aphrodisiac of a Succubus also works with Satan, huh.

With that gap, I open the menu again.

Certainly, Orzelia’s armor is a threat. Any magic attack will be reduced to nothing.

But physical attacks are another story. Direct blow attacks will go through.

Before physical attacks, the special abilities of the armor are irrelevant. It’s simply tough.


I do have the means to crush that armor.

A destructive power that is normally impossible,

The attack power to smash Orzelia’s divinity,

The means to get it! That is!


──Paid item 『Stronger』.


It’s what I usually use to trick 2A group. 500 yean each. It’s a plain item that increases attack power by one.

But it’s a terrifying thing that it doesn’t have duplicate usage restrictions.

I show a crazy smile on my mouth.

──Let’s go.

– Uoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!

I consecutively hit the buy button with a tremendous momentum.

The bill increases by 500 yen. A high-speed barrage that makes my finger cramp. The amount of money is rewritten so fast that it’s blurry, it cannot be seen.

How much attack power do I need to defeat him? 400? 500? I have no idea.

I’ll go to the maximum I can go!

To me, there’s no limit for paid items!

My attack power went up to 330. The current billing is 65,000 yen.

Adrenaline runs around in my body.

Intracerebral narcotics overflow from my head.

Without noticing it, a laughter came out of my mouth.



That bastard,

To erase him from this world,

I don’t care how much the debt is, I’ll shoulder it!

The number used was more than 400 and the amount surpassed 200,000 yen. My body was starting to shine weakly. A faint red light. As if the armor itself of the Demon King emitted heat.

Then Satan noticed my strange phenomenon.

– Hellshaft… what are you doing?

Satan shook free from the Succubi that clung to him.

– I’m asking you what are you doing!

Satan hit the Succubi who tried to hold him and came to me.

At that moment,

An explosion of light occurred.

My body sheds a dazzling light.

– Wha… what is that!?

Asagiri and Shizukuishi also cover their eyes and endure the dazzle.

– He-Hellshaft?

──What is this?

My body is hot.

As if magma gushes fort from inside my body.

I feel the power that is surging infinitely.

I saw the purchase result displayed on the menu.

Stronger’s number of purchases is 1024. My attack power is 1224. The amount of money is 512,000 yen.

The power of that amount of money is running riot inside me.

The ferocious power is calling, wishing for an exit.

Then now,

No matter what, I can destroy it.

Eventually, the light subsided and I looked down at my body.

– ──This is.

The black Demon King’s armor was dyed red.

A reddish copper color as if iron burned bright red.

The color that seems it would burn you if touched──

Was like the color of blood.

Satan stood stock still in astonishment.

– Im… impossible. Is this?

I open both hands towards Satan.


– Farewell out-of-season Santa──X
You bloomed out of season   Naked King
Pray! Your worship to me
The God of Death and the King of Purgatory   Demon King Hellshaft!


– You’re saying… nonseeeeeeeense!

Satan opens his hand towards me. Magic light gathers on the palm of his hand.

I smiled a little in my heart.

– What a careless thing to do, Satan.

– What… guagah!?

My fist shot through Satan’s face.

Satan, who was unperturbed by the flame sword, had his face bent backwards and groaned.

Shaking violently, his body leans down and his legs fall back.

The magic light that was on Satan’s hands scattered like dissolving.

──It worked.

– Satan. You think you have time to fire magic and the like.

– Wha… you think a mere blow will be effective against m──

I punched him again.

– I’m the God Demon King Sata──

I punched him again.

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– Damn y──

I punched him. I punched him. I punched him. I punched him. I punched him. I punched him.

– …! Gaaaaaaaaaa!!

My face turns away with a shock that felt like my jaw was broken. Satan was punching me back.

– You inferior being! Someone like you really think that can defeat the God Demon King!?

– Taste it well, Satan! The defeat and disgrace!

I drove a punch as fast as the speed of sound into Satan’s chest.

– Gu… hah!

A blue liquid splatters through the chinks in Satan’s armor. It looked like Satan’s blood. Satan immediately dispatches his spiked fist into my chest.

– Guoh!

My armor cracked. I’m about to stumble to the back, but I desperately hold my ground. And punched Satan back.

Satan’s face distorts, the horn of his helm breaks.

A shock runs in my face and a cracking sound is heard.

– Uooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

– Guaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

A grand fist fight started.

We don’t avoid them.

We don’t guard either.

We just, we just hit each other with our fists.

It was just a primitive, technique-lacking fist fight.

The fists of each other intersect. There’s no discrimination, we just crush and smash our opponent. Hatred, anger and combat instincts collide.

Blue blood flows and falls from the joints of Satan’s armor.

Red fresh blood overflows and flies from the joints of my armor.

– Return to darkness! Ancient Demon King!

– Perish! New Demon King!

The armor screams at the strong fists thrown violently at a tremendous speed. The armor of each other cracks and fragments fly around. The horns are broken and the armor comes off.

Blood flows from my helmet, eyes, neck, chest, arms and legs.

The fists thrown countlessly reached the limit. Together with a crushing sound, my fist was smashed and blood sprayed.

A pain like it pierces the top of my head attacks me.

Not only I feel it in my arms, I feel it all over my body.

Like my heart was broken.

If I collapse like this, how comfortable would it be?

Such temptation attacks me from the inside.

A shock like sparks scattering explodes in front of me. Satan’s fist sank into my face.

At that moment,

The crying and trembling-with-fear Asagiri crossed my mind.

A blow that seems to spit out even the internal organs pierces my abdomen.

At that moment,

I remembered the Hellzekter gazing at the burning cabin,

And Forneus, who lay down in a pitiful shape.

– Uaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

As if scooping the floor up, I drove a punch into Satan’s stomach. The fist, loaded with more than enough centrifugal force and somewhat large weight, crushed Satan’s stomach armor.

– Gob…!?

Blue blood jetted out from Satan’s mouth.

– Satan! I simply can’t forgive you!

I unleash my fists several times faster than before and continue punching him.

The limit has already been crossed.

But I cannot afford to stop.

– Gu, gah… t-this──

Without being able to endure it, Satan tried to use magic. Magic light is refined in his hand.

But during that time, Satan is defenseless.

Dozens, hundreds of blows keep hitting Satan. The cracks in his armor spread all over the body, his armor comes off, and the body of Satan beneath it began to be visible.

At that moment, magic flames formed in Satan’s left hand.

– I, I! From this moment, I’ll defeat God as I’m the Demon King──the God Demon King Satan!

Satan sticks out his left hand towards me.

– This is the end! For the likes of you! I’m not going to be defeated! Being defeated at a place like this is unthinkable! Isn’t that right!? Hellshaaaaaaaaaaaaaft!!

I twist my body and pull my right fist.

I put everything in this blow.

Everyone’s thoughts,

Everyone’s lives,

I shot out my best blow.

– Uooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!

The magical light that shines on Satan’s left hand illuminates my face brightly.

My fist runs toward that hand.

– ──!?

I can hear Satan’s voiceless shout.

The swift fist brushed against Satan’s palm before the magic was fired.

Breaking Satan’s extended little finger, that palm faces outward.

The fired flames of Satan, at the expense of armor’s defenses, burned my shoulders.

The armor on the right shoulder is melted and blown away.

My fist extends to go down Satan’s arm.

My fist advances while smashing the armor of Satan’s arm.

My fist,

Cut off the arm,

Crossed Satan’s arm,

And ran into his face.

Satan’s helmet burst open as if it had exploded.

My fist sank into Satan’s face underneath it.

– Gyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

A scream welled up from Satan’s mouth, and his body blew away. Dragging his feet, he goes flying horizontally. Flying tens of meters, Satan’s body was struck against the wall.

– Gu… aah? A, a, aaaaaaaaaaaaa!?

And Satan moaned as if he had seen something unbelievable.

It collapsed.

Orzelia’s armor was smashed up.

The helmet,

Chest armor,



They break into fragments and fall to the floor.

And after that, only the figure of the original Satan as the Devil remained.

I support my body, which is about to collapse, with force of will.

– How is it? The feeling of being naked? It’s refreshing, isn’t it?

Satan showed a dumbfounded facial expression, grimaced and then began to laugh all of a sudden.

– Fuhahahahahahaha! To think, to think Orzelia’s armor would really be destroyed! But you have my thanks. Hellshaft!

– What?

– The attacks you have driven into me until now are boiling and becoming a burning power in me! Yes, yes! It feels good! Hahahaha, it’s definitely refreshing! Exhilarating!

Satan laughs at me while raising his body sunken into the wall.

– I’ll tell you something good, Hellshaft. All the attacks you have given to me have been converted into my own defense and absorbed by my body! In other words, you’re nothing but the fact that you yourself piled up attacks that would become a sacrifice for my sake until now!

– Is that so? I, for your sake, huh.

I quietly listened to Satan’s explanation.

– Hellshaft. I don’t know what kind of trick you used to increase your attack power. But all its purpose is about giving me strength. Yes…that’s right! Everything in this world is for me! To use that strength so that I can defeat God! Fuhahahahaha! Because the God Demon King Satan rules the heavens too! Yes, for that reason. I was born for that! So that I can’t be beaten by the likes of you! Something like that should have been evident, but I of all people ended up losing composure for a moment! Fuahahahaha!

– Fu, fufufufu….

Satan smiles as if looking down on me who let out a stifled laugh.

– What’s wrong? Did despair make you go crazy? Hellshaft.

– Certainly, your defense is almost at the maximum value of the system. Even if I were to hit you hard, I won’t do any damage. But──

I turned around.

There are two faces looking up at me there. Both of them must have been watching the battle between me and Satan the whole time. Asagiri’s eyes are congested with blood and tears gather and overflow from her eyes. And Shizukuishi had flushed cheeks and was already shedding a flood of tears.

– Look carefully. Black-haired witch.

I opened the menu, pulled out a certain equipment and put it on my shoulders.

Seeing that, Asagiri blurts out unconsciously.

– That’s…

Black outside, red inside. It’s made of a special material that wraps my body.

This is the cloak that Asagiri made for me.

The proof that we traveled.

Unfolding that proof, I opened my arms as if inviting Asagiri in.

– Let’s go, Asagiri.

– ──

Asagiri silently jumped on my arm. I hold Asagiri and look at Satan.

– You should only think of killing Satan.

Asagiri also stared at Satan and nodded.

– Hellshaft… why are you…

I bend my knees and stored strength in my legs.

– Why are you helping me?

– … I’m sure I said it.

──I won’t let you die.

I kick the floor.

I run through the room like a bullet.

Aiming at Satan.

A red flame burns on Satan’s arms.

– Dying while holding a woman in your arms is excellent! Hellshaft!

A bright red hellfire comes from his arms.

I wrap Asagiri in the cloak.

The defense of the magical material protects Asagiri.

I push my way through the flames.

My feet are about to stop due to its terrible pressure.

My armor that has already exceeded the limit screams.

Together with the screaming, my armor comes off.

However, my heart doesn’t back down.

Neither I nor the Demon King Armor,

Nor Asagiri in my arms.

For the tomorrow we haven’t seen yet, for the future that we believe exists.

As long as it’s possible,

As long as there’s life.

At that moment, the flame of Satan came to an end.

– Asagiri!

I threw the cloak. At that moment, Asagiri jumps towards Satan.

She holds the sword and goes in a straight line.

She flies towards Satan as if running in the sky.

However, Satan’s strong arm aims at her and tries to knock her down.

– You worthless!

His arm is swung down.

──But it didn’t move.

A black and red cloth was entwined around Satan’s arm.

It’s the cloak that moves with my will.

The proof of our memories.

Our trump card that creates a momentary gap.

– Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Asagiri thrust Holy Grave into Satan’s chest.

However, the condescending smile showed on Satan’s face.

– Even if you use that petty trick, that kind of──

Holy Grave pierces Satan’s body without any resistance.

– Wh──What?

Satan grimaced as if he had seen something implausible.

Holy Grave shone white and a white light ran on Satan’s body. It fills Satan’s body completely like capillary vessels running throughout one’s body. The blue blood of Satan turns white.

– Im-impossible… what, is this? W-what’s happening, to me?

I approached Satan and stood next to Asagiri.

– Hey, Herushafuto, i-it hurts, I, a, a Ipawo, 29081;2asjioo822wjga26mx101000010100101010101010010101000000000000000001010.

The next moment, a radiant light enough to dye the entire Infermia white shone.

And Satan’s body exploded.

Its radiance runs high in the sky, piercing the clouds and reaching the heavens.

Eventually, a white, shining and snow-like brilliance fell from the sky. It passed through the building and poured down from the ceiling.

Asagiri held out her left hand to receive that light in her palm. The black ring put on the ring finger collapsed and fell like snow.

– You… saved me.

She gently muttered and looked up at me. I also looked back at Asagiri’s gentle smile.

Yes, indeed.

That Satan was defeated.

We won. Against fate.

I’m glad. Asagiri.

I’m really am.

– Hellshaft-sama…

Though Shizukuishi smiled, she was crying. The tears that fall from her eyes shine with a momentary flash of light.

I spread my cloak and pose.


– Behold   Witness of history
The world wants  The eras seek  And destiny falls in love
With the advent of the Messiah called I.


*TN: I is the furigana reading for Demon King. This is the case for almost all of his speeches in huge text btw.

And turned to Shizukuishi and said.

– This is a miracle.

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