Ecstas Online

Chapter Prologue


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When I see an acquaintance in an unexpected place, I lose confidence in myself for a moment, wondering if it was the person in question or someone else resembling them. All the more when wearing something I’m not used seeing.

– Y… you’re.

On the deserted ramparts. A blue robe emerges from the light of the stars and the light of Caldart.

Standing in front of me is a priest of the Orzelia order who offered the Orzelia armor to Satan. The man who planned to convert Orzelia order into Hellandia’s religion in return for the armor. A mysterious character who behaves in a way uncharacteristic of NPCs.

That man took off the plague mask modeled after a bird’s face.

From below, a face I had never imagined appeared.

– That’s mean. Did you forget me?

A weak smile appeared on his mouth and Akagami shrugged his shoulders.

──Year 2 Class A Akagami Souma.

– No, no… I’m surprised.

As I answered that, Akagami showed a satisfied-looking smile on his face.

When he brings down the hood that is part of the robe and pulls out his head, a reddish hair appears. The bangs shook in front of the downcast eyes.

Akagami always gathered in a corner of the classroom with three or four people to talk about anime and games. It goes without saying it’s the lowest group when it comes to Year 2 Class A’s school caste. By the way, I don’t belong to any group, so I’m not subjected to this rating, I’d say I’m the lowest in general… anyway, I remembered Akagami as one of the persons of the lowest groups.

The seats of such lowest group are very close to my seat. I also have a deep knowledge of anime and games even if I say so myself. So I was often interested in the conversations I heard.

But even if we had the same hobbies, I didn’t feel like hanging out with them. Certainly, it would be fun if people with similar interests talk about the same topic. However, that’s a momentary pleasure. Nothing comes out of it, it just increases the cost and risk of human relationships frivolously.

Anyway, based on the conversations I’ve heard, Akagami didn’t seem to particularly stand out in the group. He had the impression of being a weak-willed man who gets refuted, doesn’t say anything back, is laughed at and is deceived.

Akagami smiled and raised his hands lightly.

– Haha, that’s right. Sorry, sorry. So you were surprised, huh.

His mood is different from when we were in the classroom… his way of talking felt strangely cheerful, but also uncomfortable. He isn’t that sociable and I’ve never seen him talking to anyone other than his mates.

– Even though things may appear this way, my intention was to not be noticed. I’m sorry for disturbing your date with Asagiri-san in Laguna.

– Wha… n-no, it was nothing… like a date.

The smiling face of Akagami changed to a thin へ all of a sudden.

– By the way, have those guys from 2A Guild noticed the truth of this world?

The truth of this… world?

– No… I mean, I don’t understand what you’re asking.

What on earth are you bringing up and why? Are you going to give sermons of Orzelia order or talk about your brain settings?

Akagami raised his index finger and closed one eye. A terribly pompous gesture.

– Listen, Doumeguri-kun. This is the world of the game 『Exodia Exodus』.

– Wha!?

——How do you know that!?

– Yare yare, I surprised you again.

Akagami tilted his head to the side and smiled in a good mood.

But it’s not a laughing matter for me.

Calm down, Doumeguri Kakeru. Stay cool. I don’t know the fact. Therefore, it’s common to doubt what Akagami says. Then, as I question him, I’ll find out why he knows that information.

– Certainly, I thought it was a game-like world, but… how can you affirm that it’s that Ex… that it’s a game?

– Well, that’s easy. My job was to debug at the game’s company development.

– ──!?


My heart is pounding loudly.

Akagami is a debugger?

I worked at home, so I never met any employees other than Aikawa-san. To say nothing of an acquaintance with a debugging part-time job. Similarly, Akagami probably doesn’t know I had a development part-time job.

However, if he knows the situation, then he should understand the difficult situation we’re in and thus cooperate for the solution of the problem──,

No, wait.

I swallowed saliva.

If that’s the case, then why is he playing the role of an Orzelia order priest?

And why did he support Satan?

And why is he approaching me?

Cold sweat soaked my whole body.

The first thing I have to know is what this guy is thinking, and what he’s planning.

The low-profile classmate suddenly feels like an eerie monster.

… Get information from him now. And never show your cards. Think calmly. What kind of reaction do I take when I hear this story without any prior information?

I folded my arms and inclined my head to the side.

– Then… in this game we’re in, we were allowed to participate in the game? But we didn’t get to hear about a game like this Exowhatever, you know?

– Yeah. It hasn’t been announced yet. However, a rumor among enthusiasts said that HELLZDOMAIN was developing a great game.

I didn’t expect to hear that company name from anyone other than Aikawa-san in this world. Damn you company that exploits its employees!

– What’s wrong? Doumeguri-kun?

– Oh, it’s nothing… I think I’ve heard HELLZDOMAIN somewhere, but… having a game this realistic is… impossible, isn’t it?

With a troubled smile, Akagami shook his hands to the left and right.

– Oh, no. This is Exodia Exodus, but it’s not Exodia Exodus. It’s a game, but not a game.

…? What do you want to say?

Akagami spread his deep blue Orzelia order robe as if spreading his wings.

– This is the game world. But we aren’t logged in to the game. Which means! This is a different world based on the game 『Exodia Exodus』! We have reincarnated in another world!

I gazed at Akagami’s face with my mouth still unconsciously opened. Akagami’s cheeks are somewhat blushing, and his always downcast eyes were wide opened.

– To think it would happen to me! Such a miracle really happens! It’s wonderful! Truly marvelous!

With both hands open, Akagami looks up at the starry sky.

– I was chosen by the world… by God. No, maybe God saw me, who was being treated improperly, and noticed his mistake.

– …Akagami.

──Are you sane?

I held back from saying those words.

– In short… there’s a game, a completely different world that Akagami knows and we were thrown there? Is that what you mean?

Akagami lightly put his palms together as if clapping.

– This is not a minor matter, Doumeguri-kun. You’re very calm. Although one would generally deny it from the start, you accepted the truth meekly.

– No, it’s not like I completely agree with it…

I mean, look how serious you are.

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Akagami smiled and said in a tone of voice as if looking down from above.

– I think it’s justified. Rather, you can take pride in your understanding and adaptability.

– Is, is that… so?

Suddenly, the figure of a person appeared about 100 meters behind Akagami. The silhouette in simple armor is that of a guard who protects Caldart. He walks on the ramparts in this direction, but it’s a simple NPC, so I don’t have to be particularly careful about him.

– But why Akagami never showed himself to 2A Guild until now?

– I have no intention of acting with 2A Guild.

Akagami showed a bitter smile. That way of laughing suddenly reminded me of Akagami in the real world.

– Everyone in 2A… yes. If possible, I don’t want to bring the relationships of the original world into this world.

I felt an eerie darkness spread in the back of his laughing eyes. I can’t understand what Akagami is thinking from his distorted laughter.

– Hey, Doumeguri-kun, you never thought about this? We weren’t rewarded in our world. Because our world was wrong. But it’s different in this world. This time I can show my true power…

Suddenly, I remembered being tossed into Exodia Exodus. I became the Demon King l and reign as an absolute ruler. Thousands of Hellander and four leaders I can trust in.

On the other hand, there’s Doumeguri Kakeru from 2A Guild. In the real world, I never talked to my classmates properly, but before I knew, I talked equally with the top-caste Ichinomiya and Asagiri and manipulated and guided everyone from 2A to my intended path.

I came here and… changed?

──No. Don’t be deceived.

I showed an ironic smile on my face and shook my head in denial.

– I wonder… I feel that I haven’t changed much since coming here. But Akagami is… different, right?

– Doumeguri-kun…

Akagami gazed at me with sad-looking eyes.

– Is that so…? Like I thought, you’re treated like that by 2A Guild.

And this time it turns into a sharp look in his eyes as if he had gotten a little angry.

– In our world, no matter how hard you try, you’re not rewarded.  If you aren’t rightfully appreciated, what you do is just useless. But here, true strength is recognized. Both you and I.

As I turn my face down, I make my brain go full operation.

How serious is Akagami? Why is he talking to me so kindly?  I’m sure he has an objective. Does he want companions with similar circumstances? Or….

– Hey, Akagami… Are you saying we can be properly estimated here, in this world?

– That’s right. I have a special power to prove that.

At that moment, the NPC guard passed by the side of Akagami.

Akagami suddenly grabbed the guard’s shoulder and immediately pulled it down and behind.

– H-hey!? What are you doing Aka──

The guard groans and falls down. Even if it is a mere NPC, it will retaliate if attacked. Just as I thought, the guard stood up and drew the sword he had on his hip.

Whoa, fighting in the city is troublesome! The guard springs up, shopping can no longer be done. If you do it poorly, you’ll be penalized, that means, you’re prohibited from entering and leaving buildings.*

*TN: I have no idea what “shopping can no longer be done”. It’s a literal translation as I couldn’t find anything explaining what it means.

However, Akagami scowled at the guard in a calm manner. He frowned and power is put into his eyes. It looked as if a light of madness dwelled in them.

– You don’t have time to point your sword at me, do you?

The moment the guard nodded obediently, countless letters and symbols ran on the whole body of the guard.

– That’s right.


– Now, go down fast and rampage in the street stalls. That’s your job, no?

– I know even if you don’t tell me. It’s none of your business.


The guard went down the stairs with his naked drawn sword.

What? Was that just now?

Akagami turned around and laughed cheerfully.

– Hahaha, you have a face that says “I don’t get it”.

– Yeah… you certainly were attacked by the guard…

– You see. I can control the behavior of others. I have the ability to give absolute orders.


– No way… no, no matter how you look at it, that sort of thing──

– Then what do you think I did now?

– Hyp…hypnosis? Suggestion…? Some kind of magic that restricts the behavior──

– That’s just changes the way you say it, no?

– ……

Akagami smiles as if enjoying my reaction.

– In a few moments, you’ll understand even if you don’t like it.

The words that Akagami said earlier.

『Now, go down fast and rampage in the street stalls. That’s your job, no? 』

That’s going to be fulfilled?

What if he really can’t fight against the order of Akagami?

Don’t fool around… isn’t that way too unparalleled?

No way.

Am I also being controlled by Akagami? Before I realized it?

Without being able to hide my confusion, I stared at Akagami with quavering eyes.

– Though it’s not perfect. It doesn’t work with beings that came from another world──namely, those guys from Year 2 Class A.

I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart. It seems that my whole body loses strength spontaneously.

– Is… is that so?

– Yes. So I won’t brainwash you. You don’t have to be frightened.

I heard the screams of people and sounds of something breaking in the distance.

– Oh, it looks like it has begun.

Akagami beckoned with a seemingly happy face. I go to the end of the ramparts and look down.

– That’s…

The guard destroys stalls and rampages.

– Is he really… executing it? Akagami’s order?

– Yup.

He answered carelessly.

The sword wielded by the guard slashes the back of a customer who tried to escape and pierces the owner of a store who tried to protect their stall.

– Isn’t… that terrible?

– Why?

– Don’t “why” at me! There’ll be victims. They’ll really die!

– Ah, but they’re NPCs… I mean, when we talk about this world, there are many of them. Well, they’re like extras, so they aren’t important. And even if they die, there won’t be any effect so it’s okay.

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– Okay…?

What’s this guy’s okay standard?

Well, there are times I point to battle as the Demon King Hellshaft. And many NPCs have actually died. Is my thought to accuse Akagami selfish?

I overlooked the street stalls again. A complete change from the pleasant night until a moment ago: A picture of hell unfolded there. The guard who rampaged indiscriminately destroyed the stalls, killed people and dyed the area with blood as the number of victims increased one by one.

Yes, they’re NPCs, but… it’s not for the sake of protecting anything, or for the sake of accomplishing some great cause. It’s like killing people for amusement. However, it’s certain they aren’t people living in the real world. Damn──

– Oh, the guards came.

According to what Akagami says, about ten armed guards run down the main street. They’re guards with a high fighting strength that rush when there’s a player killer. Unlike ordinary guards, they wear plate armor that covers the entire body and carry a sword with high lethality. With this, the matter will be settled at last.

Thinking so, Akagami said, looking excited.

– Now! Watch from here. Look carefully, Doumeguri-kun.

An armed guard draws his sword and attacks the rampant guard. However, the guard wields his sword one moment faster than him. The shockwave blew away ten armed guards.

What the hell is that!?

The guard thrust the sword towards the fallen armed guard, as if attacking a routed enemy. The armed guards convulsed lightly and stopped moving, still collapsed on the ground.

– Why was that guy… that strong?

– This is my other special ability.

Another, one?

– I can improve the ability of an equipped item. If I use this ability, no matter how weak a weapon is, I can turn it into the strongest weapon.

As if to prove his words, the powerless guard, whose main role is to lookout, is giving hell to the armed guards of the conflict group in succession.

There were running figures against the escaping surging crowd.

One is a dignified man like a hero. The other is a pure shaped-like swordswoman.

– What is this ruckus!?

– Everyone! Run away fast! Leave it to 2A Guild!

Ichinomiya! Asagiri!

I heard a clicking-tongue sound next to me.

– 2A Guild… yare yare. Spoiling the fun, huh.

While Akagami mutters, Ichinomiya raises his set-to-fire sword overhead.

– Sunshine Blaze!

The sword that was swung down smashed the guard’s sword.

Asagiri quickly cuts her way into the enemy from behind Ichinomiya. When she passed by the guard, she swung an incredibly fast sword. A light-like sword trajectory bisects the guard.

– Lightning!

The guard’s torso is now cut right in half and disappeared as light.


I unconsciously scream in my heart. In contrast to that, I hear a sulky voice coming from my side.

– Even if they hadn’t butted in, the durability of the weapon had already ran out… the more strengthened it is, the shorter the life of the item will be. If given the choice, I would have explained that too. Well, doesn’t this look like I set the table for the sake of 2A Guild?

Ichinomiya and Asagiri were surrounded by the townspeople and received their thanks. Averting his eyes from that, Akagami scratched his head with a disappointed facial expression.

– Well, now you know my power at least, right? Any monster isn’t an enemy as long as the ability to give absolute orders and the ability to strengthen equipment is there. To tell the truth, it’s cheating even if I say so myself. In the original world of Exodia Exodus, I had no such ability. That’s why this power is the proof that I am the chosen one. It’s a proof that this world is different!

I see… Is that the reason why you say this world is a different world?

– I’m invincible in this world. For example, that Satan, I could always beat him if I felt like it.


– But it was better to use him than killing him, so I kept him alive. I pretended to be the God of Orzelia and put Satan in a cursed armor.

What? Wasn’t that a Shintai?

– Actually, did you know it’s an armor called 『Blue Blood Armor』… in Brabus mountain pass?

– No… I’ve never heard of it.

Oh, I see──Akagami spilled.

– There’s a small wayside shrine halfway up the mountain. You’ll never find it just by walking normally. The cursed armor is there. And I borrowed it.

This guy… knows the world too well.

– Originally, its magic defense is perfect and its durability is by far the best. So I used my abilities to raise the defense power regarding physical attacks to cheat levels. You can say it’s the completion of the perfect armor.

If you hadn’t done an unnecessary think like that… I wouldn’t have had that much trouble, and I… I wouldn’t have to pay that much!

– However, the problem is that once you wear it, your mental status will drop, and you will soon become a living corpse… or at least that’s what the curse does. Usually, it’s worn by players, so if you are unable to act, you can just remove the equipment, but that’s not the case in this world. Immediately after Satan put the armor on, he was in a mindless state. But when I used my absolute order ability, he acted nicely as I ordered.

That was that much of a scary armor…? But then that means Satan followed Akagami’s orders all this time?

– Then Akagami was always controlling Satan?

– Well, it’s a hassle to issue detailed instructions, so I only gave him rough instructions, you know? “Satan, accomplish your objective. Dominate this world and defeat God. And make of Orzelia order a state religion”──something like that.

Now I get it… That’s why Satan easily accepted Orzelia order.

Other than that, this just reaffirmed Satan’s original purpose. Was it originally that nature of his or the order of Akagami that persisted in defeating God? After all this time, I still don’t know.

– And there was a bug in the original world of Blue Blood Armor. When attacked, the defensive power of the player himself increases. Sure enough, Blue Blood Armor in this world had the same ability.

That wasn’t an ability but a bug…?

– But to think he would end up being defeated. Can you tell me how you defeated him?

As one would expect, I can’t tell the truth. Prior to that, Doumeguri Kakeru wasn’t there.

– Well… I didn’t participate in that fight.

– Oh, I see. But have you heard anything?

– Hmm… what I know is that we cooperated with the Demon King Army──with Hellshaft.

Akagami showed a gesture like he was pondering.

– Hellshaft, huh… shouldn’t you have defeated it first?

My back trembled.

Certainly, if it’s this person’s ability, he can do it. Terrifyingly strengthened weapons and armor. If he were to form an army of NPCs equipped with them, he’ll be able to crush Hellshaft with the strength of a few people.

On the other hand, I cannot move the Demon King Army. If I do so, Akagami’s special ability will easily take the Demon King army from me. Akagami can take the Demon King’s army and use it as his subordinates, or he can make them attack each other. I’ll have everything taken away from me, without being able to do anything. My country, Infermia.


When Satan was alive, they kept their loyalty to me.

But this time is different.《LOYALTY》 isn’t a problem at all.

They can’t go against Akagami’s absolute orders.

Therefore, it’s not possible to bring Hellzekter close to Akagami.

Those are the only ones… I don’t want to lose.

Akagami scratched his head with a relaxed face.

– Well, I’ll keep that last boss in reserve. After all──the hero will finally defeat the Demon King.

– Eh?

– Oh, it’s nothing. It’s the beauty of form of the original game. The Demon King has to be there as the Demon King.

Something worries me, but… it’s troublesome to press, become grumpy and be suspected.

– But Akagami. Strengthening and controlling Satan… why did you do such an elaborate thing like that?

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Akagami laughed “ahaha” and said, “why, you ask?“ And started explaining.

– Religion has the power to control a nation, right? Therefore, if I spread Orzelia order, then I can rule a country. Hellandia is also one of them. You can’t ignore the military power over there. Then, if all the countries of the world become Orzelia order countries, it will be the same as controlling the world. The pope ranks above the king.

… Big words there again. But with the powers of this guy, it’s not impossible. I imagined a scene in which countries such as Hellandia, Arzheim and Rowalrinna, and city-states such as Caldart and Laguna were ruled by Orzelia order.

– Is Akagami a Pope?

– No. The Pope is──someone else. Well, I’m a close friend of them though.

Cold sweat flows down my cheeks. To think the quiet guy in the corner of the classroom was such a tactician. Besides, his special abilities that have lots of practicality and are different from mine. To put it bluntly, a Demon King whose only value is ero magic and paid items is no match for him. Moreover, he has tons of information about Exodia Exodus, which made good use of his experience as a debugger. So boasting about being a cheat class is natural.

– Also, there’s one thing I couldn’t do without using Satan’s power.

– Something you can’t do…? Like making Hellshaft fall down?

– You serious? I can do that by myself. It’s not that…

Akagami frowned.

– I wanted a way to completely erase 2A Guild.

I felt like a knife was suddenly thrust at me. The inside of my chest quickly gets cold.

– The dreadful thing about Satan is that he can completely eliminate defeated enemies. Unlike other guys, the guys from Year 2 Class A will be revived no matter how many times they die, right? I just wanted to secure a way to erase them… in case of emergency.

Akagami, who felt like the god of death, said so. My throat makes a sound.

– Erase…? Why do you need such a method?

Akagami puts a hand on his chin and ponders. However, the worries transmitted from his face are shallow. It’s as carefree as thinking about what to eat for lunch.

– Hmm, of course I’m not going to use it. But I don’t know what it is. Rather, I’d like to secure a way for the time being. Like, if they try to harm this world, I have to fight to protect this world. If I don’t have a way at that time, we’ll be at a loss.

No, don’t make it us. You’re the one who’ll be greatly troubled!

– Doumeguri-kun, I’d like you to not misunderstand. I don’t want to do it if possible. But they don’t understand this world. This world is different from our world. However, everyone is being troubled by behaving selfishly as if they were in our world. I’m worried that they have such illusions that common sense, rules, relationships and hierarchy pass as the same as in our world.

I gradually came to understand that.

I don’t know if Akagami really believes this world as a different world. But at least he’s acting on that premise. Returning to our world isn’t in his head. Like me, the opening movie when logging in may not have been played.

And he’s trying to get back the share he didn’t get in the real world in this world. And clinging to interest more than the initial investment.

I haven’t grasped it well yet… Akagami is taking a calm and composed attitude, but in reality he seems to be the type that is nervous and has a strong self-esteem. If that’s the case, there’s the risk of danger that he’ll rampage with thoughtless remarks. The weapon this guy holds is a real bomb. Depending on how he uses it, it’s as dangerous as a nuclear bomb. So as to not step on Akagami’s landmines, I’ll have to look for a way out while I avoid them skillfully.

Fuck. Now I have a headache.

– Hey, Akagami… Why are you having this conversation with me? After all, as Akagami says, I’m also one of those guys who don’t understand this world, right?

Akagami laughed scornfully.

– If that were the case, I wouldn’t talk to you, would I? To begin with, you’re being left out, right? But you still estimate 2A Guild, yes? To whom do you feel such loyalty?

– That’s…

He dared touch a sore spot. Akagami speaks calmly with a kind-looking smile.

– Say, Doumeguri-kun. You should be the same as me. Didn’t you think it’s unpleasant to see that the self-proclaimed, high-caste group acts self-importantly? In their hearts, they look down on us. Even though we were finally reincarnated in a different world, there’s no need to maintain that hierarchy. Don’t you think your circumstances now are unfair? Don’t you think it’s unreasonable? Don’t you think it’s wrong?

Don’t sweet talk into me, Akagami.

It feels good looking down on me… no, that’s not it.

– I’ve got something to ask you──won’t you help me out?

– Me?

– I want you to be my companion… to join Orzelia order.

──I knew it.

Akagami’s eyes smiled happily. As if they enjoyed my reaction. Akagami is waiting, although excited, making a bit of cruelty run on his lips.

Until now, Akagami has been searching for me as a companion… no, to see if I can be a subordinate of his.

In other words, I have no choice, do I?

If I decline here, I’ll lost connection with Akagami. If that were to happen, I won’t grasp his actions. Based on what I heard of his plans regarding 2A Guild, I shouldn’t leave him alone… and, if I refused, he’ll go into a frenzy and I’ll end up being killed.

Without a moment’s delay, I made a glad-looking face for an instant. However──,

– But Akagami has great abilities… what would my role be…?

Akagami turned his wrist and pointed at me.

– But you want to take revenge on 2A Guild, right? For that reason, you betrayed 2A Guild once and tried to side with Satan.

– That’s.

– At that time, you had already made a decision. “To take revenge on 2A Guild”.

I’m surprised as if that had hit the mark. And I hung my head to avoid Akagami’s gaze.

– At… at that time, it was the only way to save my life… nobody from 2A guild can be trusted or relied on.

How was this… answer?

Just simply replying “I’ll be your companion” isn’t enough.

Whether or not it’s worth making a companion, the answer should have already made it. If he thinks it holds no value, he won’t talk to me.

So what I should do is have no lingering attachment to 2A Guild or have personal connections. To make Akagami believe there are no factors that will betray him.

“Yeah, this guy called Doumeguri has no other option than to rely on me”, so if I can make Akagami believe that——,

Akagami opened his arms with a smile that made him feel even ecstatic.

– I’ll tell you something good. Something about the creed of Orzelia order. Only life suitable for living exists in this world. To the public, the interpretation is that『The beings that live in this world exist because they’re suitable for living 』. But the hidden meaning is──『With the exception of the life judged to be suitable for living, they should be eliminated from this world』.

I see… then the words he said to Satan and the words he said to the believers in the church are an interpretation of both the front and hidden meaning?

– I don’t want to punish people of my own free will. But when their existences are unforgivable, I have to become an angel and punish them. Doumeguri-kun, you’ll be the one to give punishment. That’s your mission. So there’s no need to feel guilty about trying to side with Satan and antagonizing 2A Guild.

I don’t understand the ones called humans. To think Akagami was this eloquent. The fact that he came to this world and changed might be true as far as Akagami is concerned.

– I don’t know if I have such qualifications, but… I think Akagami can make a better decision than me. If Akagami says it, I…

Akagami put his hand on my shoulder. Strength is put into his fingertips.

– I guarantee it. As long as you hear what I say and believe in the God of Orzelia.

– … Understood. Include me in your group, in Orzelia order.

– Yeah, I welcome you.

It seems I have passed, for now. I breathed a sigh of relief in my mind.

– That’s right, from now on, won’t you call me Souma?

Eh? What’s with this somewhat shameful suggestion?

– T-then… call me Kakeru, alright?

When I forced myself and match him, Akagami held out his right hand.

– It’ll be a pleasure working with you, Kakeru.

Extending my hand, I took Akagami’s right hand and shook hands.

– It is I who should say so. It’ll be a pleasure working with you, S-Souma.

I succeeded, but I don’t know if it’s a perfect score or just a passing grade. However, and for the time being, it seems that I can come back home alive. Don’t be relieved, thinking you can eat food again.

– I know it’s immediate, but there’s something I’d like to ask Kakeru. A difficult mission for you. But only you can do it.

Hey hey, that fast? You surprisingly work your employees hard, did you know?

– Sure. What should I do?

– Please rejoin 2A Guild and tell me what they are doing.

──So that… was it. I knew it.

Akagami has no way to obtain information from 2A Guild. That’s where I come. The pitiful loner ostracized by 2A Guild. However, I still have a chance to return to 2A Guild. I’m truly the most suitable talented person.

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I deliberately made a difficult-looking expression and folded my arms.

– If I can help Souma, then I’d like to do that… but I’m being excluded, so it will probably take some time to return to 2A Guild?

– It’s better than rushing and failing.

It’s really something he wants to hurry, but his priority is making me agree with it.

– Under──

No, wait? With Akagami’s special ability, I can solve that problem that has been troubling me for a long time.

– Souma. Actually, there’s another problem. It’s an embarrassing story, but my level, compared to the others, doesn’t go up at all. My attack power and defense are low… that’s one of the reasons why 2A Guild doesn’t listen to me…

Clapping his hands, Akagami laughed loudly.

– You serious? According to people, the way levels and status go up is different, so they don’t care. Can you lend the items you usually use?

I handed the weapon and accessories that I usually use with 2A Guild.

– You’re using a weak weapon, huh. Its durability is running low, so you might have to replace it. The bracelet and the chain will do…

Akagami grasped tightly the thin leather bracelet that I always wear and the silver chain attached to my waist with both hands. Countless numbers emerge in his hands.

– Yes. Try equipping them.

It’s extremely quick. I re-equipped them, half in doubt.

– Whoa!? What is this?

My ability score is supposed to be terrible. The attack power and defense, which were originally around 20, suddenly rise to 140. This is a value equivalent to level 25.

The eyes of Akagami, who was full of expectations, stared at me.

– You’re amazing! You’re really amazing, Souma! It’s a miracle, I mean, you’re really unrivaled!

Akagami broke out into a delighted face.

– Hahaha. I’m not amazing at all.

– Yes, you are. You’re way too humble I dislike it.

– Stop it, Kakeru. Actually, it’s not a big deal for me.

The smiling face of Akagami who replied, looking embarrassed, was like a child’s smile.

– And their durability has gone down, so they’ll break. That’s right, it’s my spare item, but I’ll give you one. If it breaks, I’ll do it again.

I thanked him many times and received the items.

– By the way, Souma. Is there another person from Year 2 Class A other than Souma in Orzelia order?

– Hmm? No, I’m the only… no, there’s another person.

– Oh, so there’s another one. Who?

With an impish smile, he turned his finger around and pointed at me.

– What are you talking about? That one is Kakeru, no?

– Ah…

Akagami spouted out, seeing me expose a stupid look for a moment.

– Ahahaha, no, don’t laugh. Don’t laugh?

I hold down the neck of Akagami who endured the laughter.

– Souma! Damn you!

– Ahahahahahaha! Sorry, sorry! That was just a small teasing, alright?

Like the often jokes in the classroom.

Exactly like friends, the springtime of life, sort of.

But neither I nor Akagami remember doing that in our original world.

What is this?

Is this a game of make-believe?

For me, it’s a way to soften Akagami’s wariness.

However, my chest mysteriously hurts. Is it because I feeling that this isn’t bad?

Slipping through my hand, Akagami escaped to the stairs. Akagami, who had tears in his eyes for laughing so hard, turns his head.

– I’m returning soon.

– I see… when will we meet again?

– I’ll get in touch with you. For the time being, return to 2A Guild. Do your best.

We waved our hands to each other and exchanged farewell words, then Akagami disappeared.

I fell into the place as if my whole body had lost strength.

After playing at being fake friends, the heavy reality weighs on me.

I-I’m tiiiiiiiiiiiiiired──…..

I lay down just like that and looked up at the starry sky.

──Even though,

Annoying things increased. No, they aren’t annoying or something like that. Akagami is more of a threat than Satan. The biggest crisis for both 2A and Hellander.


– Cancelling the dissatisfaction in our world in this world, huh…

He’s using the advantages he got in this world without hesitation and to his heart’s content. Straight to his desires. There’s no hesitation there.

I have a problem with what he’s doing and I don’t know what dangerous things he’ll do in the future.

However, he is so lively and bright, he’s like a different person from Akagami when he was in the classroom.

And to make a comparison, why am I spending such difficult days every day? Why am I doing something I don’t want to do?

I’m as free as he is──Hmm?

I feel a slight vibration from the pocket of my jacket.

I lay down, took out the purple gem from my pocket and put it near my ears.

– Yes, this is Doumeguri──

『How long are you going to keep me waiting────!!』

I jumped up due to my conditioned reflex. And immediately stood at attention.

『Because you said we’ll have a meeting, I finished early and now I’m waiting! It’s already 15 minutes past the promised time, you know!? What and where are you having fun!?』

– A-Aikawa-san, I wasn’t having fun. I was a bit busy so I──

『Then send me a message saying you’ll be late! It’s common sense! Or? Are you telling me that your promise with me means nothing to you!?』

A different kind of cold sweat than before flows down.

– I’m sorry! I’ll explain it later! I’m very sorry! I’ll be back right away.

I bend 90 degrees towards the empty night sky.

『If you have time to apologize, then come soon!』

– Yeeeeeees! Yes ma’am!

When I put the communication gem down, I open the menu in a hurry and look for the teleport category.

What I have in my mind now is to go back to Infermia and apologize to Aikawa-san? With that much.

The troubles I had just before were completely blown away.

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