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At the Kurogane estate.


Multiple gunshots echoed throughout the halls as the targets swiftly got taken down. Kazuya waited a few more seconds before finally putting down his left arm. There were no more targets left.

*clap clap*

"Impressive. So it really is true that you're ambidextrous." Tenma applauded as he gave this grandson of his a proud pat on the shoulder. "I'm sure you'll break records and give those fools a surprise at the competition.

Tenma expected to get some resistance from Kazuya after it was announced that he would be participating on the shooting competition under Kurogane Kazuya. The conversation he had prepared for turned out for the better as it never happened. This convinced him that it must have been Kazuya who convinced the stubborn Kou to accept the entry as it was. He assumed that Kazuya was proudly going to carry the name so he didn't ask about it.

"I've hit the targets but it takes me a few shots before getting used to the gun. I think I would need to practice with the guns that would be provided in the competition so I won't have to waste a few points." Kazuya honestly replied as he took a glance at the number of customized guns that his grandfather let him use.

"Speaking of which, I have something for you." Tenma grinned as he signaled one of the servants to bring over the wooden box he was holding.

"This is…" Kazuya already knew what it was judging from the box that was similar to all the other ones that held the different types of guns in Tenma's collection. Kazuya opened it to find a gun that he had not expected.

"M1911 Style, chambered for .45 automatic colt pistol rounds. It has a muzzle compensator that will reduce recoil and muzzle rise together with the reinforced and thickened slides around the chamber and firing mechanism." Tenma proudly announced.

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"Did you have this made by the person who makes your guns grandfather?" Kazuya asked while still looking at the gun presented to him. "The ejection port is on the left side… so this is for left handed people. The trigger is also customized from the usual M1911 and the double stack magazines you always have customized on your guns." Kazuya picked up the gun and gripped it with his left hand. It surprisingly felt to be made just for him.

"I didn't know what kind of sight you preferred so I just used a combat sight. You seem to have no problems with both of them anyway." Tenma smiled after seeing the knowledge his grandson said. It hadn't been long since he first held his first gun so Tenma was glad that the customizations he didn't mention were given notice.

Kazuya grabbed Tenma's favorite desert eagle with his right hand and had them prepare the moving target practice at a high difficulty setting. It was at that moment that Kazuya realized just how much better he could perform with a gun that was customized for himself compared to ones he adjusted to himself.

*TINK TINK TINK TINK* Targets continuously got shot down as Kazuya's concentration improved.

"(Looks like I've been underestimating the skills of this grandson of mine…)" Tenma watched in awe as he differentiated Kazuya's earlier performance and his current one. Other people may not have the eye to notice because of how much of an enigma this boy was but Tenma could.

Just the sheer weight of the heavily customized weapon was enough to make someone in Kazuya's age have difficulty holding it in one hand. Tenma selected the heavy amount of customization carefully as he spent time with this amazing grandson of his who continued to surprise him despite all his experiences. Kazuya also didn't require much instructions as he took it upon himself to learn more about guns after he got a slight interest in them.

This was very much unlike the current generation of Kuroganes in which Tenma had to nurture and instruct most of them so that they could do better for the clan. Tenma's fondness towards this grandson of his grew more whenever they would meet this was why he couldn't wait until for the moment the enemies that he shared Kazuya with have been dealt with.

"(This rotten old bastard may be too late from saving but he sure does know his stuff.)" oblivious to the feelings of Tenma, Kazuya stared at the weapon on his left hand and held a little appreciation for Tenma's keen eye. This gun was customized for him but it would better suit him once he grows more. A grin couldn't help but form on Kazuya's face as he thought about the sentiment that was shown through this weapon.


Meanwhile, in the faculty lounge in the middle school department of Sacred Forest Academy.

"Sigh… it has been two weeks." Hikaru sighed on her desk. She was scolded after the news reached the ears of the department head about her argument with Kouzuki Kazuya.

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She was reprimanded after news spread that Kouzuki Kazuya will not be participating in a club aside from his usual participation in the kendo club. The boy in question answered multiple clubs that he was going to be participating in the national gun competition so he had no time to participate in another club.

There was a strict anti-firearm law in the country so this kind of competition was not allowed in schools. Even normal individuals would have to go through a lot of processes before they would be allowed to be in possession of guns. Even if they had licenses, these firearms were only to be kept and not to be carried because even law enforcement officers who had the right to carry firearms had to apply for various permits before they even had the permission to carry one with them.

Though Kazuya provided a legitimate reason, the department head thought that it had something to do with his argument with Hamasaki Hikaru whose own students seemed to have sided with Kazuya. A more decisive proof of this was the halted attendance of known S-Class students who have helped improve the reputation of the special class over the years.

"Don't worry too much Hamasaki-sensei, it will all be cleared up once Kouzuki-san returns to school." One of the other teachers tried to comfort her. "Kouzuki-san is actually a very reasonable person. I'm sure that you would be pardoned once the department head confirms that his reluctance to participate in another club has nothing to do with you."

"I… hope so…" she sighed at her desk once again. She wasn't very optimistic about it because Kouzuki Kazuya had already avoided entering class 2-B's room. There were reports of him either being in the school library or inside the school's training facilities whenever he went to school. She wasn't sure if she was really wrong in her assumption about him or if it was another way of him trying to mess with her.

"If you want to make up with him, why don't you ask for Shiroyuki Tomoyo's help?" another teacher joined the conversation. "She's the only person outside of S class that is close to Kouzuki-kun."

"I…" Hikaru was a little perplexed. She was quite fond of Tomoyo but she had grown a little cold towards her after Kazuya stopped attending their class. She was initially afraid that a pure girl such as Tomoyo was spending time with Kazuya but other than her weird attachment towards him, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. At least, once you disregard her reluctance to speak.

Kazuya was right to think that Hikaru had some kind of prejudice towards him. He already asked Ika to find out any leads that connected them together but aside from her clean record, there seemed to be nothing else that would connect the two. This was something that he had not expected because there had to be a connection between them somewhere so he instructed Ika to keep digging. Her record may have been clean, but it did not match the one in his previous memories.

"I will try my best…" Hikaru couldn't think of any other option as she was afraid that her chance to continue working at this prestigious place would be in peril if the situation remained the same.

It had already been two weeks but the talks about Kazuya hasn't died down yet. Students liked to gossip about who he would have been engaged to or who was a perfect match for him. The scene of Kurumi hugging him while sobbing which was witnessed by a few students were also being talked about. Many students opinions were convinced that it was Tomoyo because of their history together but there were some others that believed Kazuya's partner to be someone either much older or younger than him.

Hamasaki Hikaru sought Tomoyo and met up with her near the garden at the school gates where she would usually have lunch with Kazuya and Takaya. She was still hesitant about it but after giving it much thought, Tomoyo was probably the only one who knew Kouzuki Kazuya well enough to let her find out if her suspicions were correct.

"Shiroyuki-san?" Hikaru calmly called out as she brought a lunchbox together with her. "Can I join you?"

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"…" Tomoyo didn't respond but looked directly at Hikaru's eyes as if trying to figure out why she was here.

Hikaru felt as if Tomoyo's eyes were able to see through her soul. Her beautiful yet expressionless face couldn't give her a clue as to what Tomoyo was currently thinking. They stared at each other in silence for a few moments as Hikaru waited for Tomoyo's approval.

"I know you might have grown to dislike me because it was my fault that your friends stopped attending classes." Hikaru broke the silence and walked closer. "That's why I wanted to talk to you and try to understand more about your friend. I want to clear up any misunderstandings so that things would go back to how they were before." She explained.

*…nod* Tomoyo finally responded. Hikaru was finally allowed to sit with her.

Shiroyuki Tomoyo's circumstances were explained to her before she met class 2-B. This was so that Hikaru wont give her a hard time for not speaking much because since they met Tomoyo, there have only been a limited number of times in which they heard this girl speak. Since Tomoyo wasn't mute, Hikaru tried her best to help change this pitiful girl as she empathized with the robot girl. It was then she knew that she was a little late because the key to this innocent girl's voice was already with someone who she didn't get along with.

"Why don't we start with telling me how you two met…"


Police headquarters, detectives department. A number of officers gathered as they were baffled with the current case that has started in the past few days. The higherups have been pressuring them to solve this incident as these involved the murder of several people that had to do with law enforcement.

"Alright everyone, I know there are people here from various different departments. I'm aware of the rivalries between most of us but this is a case that requires us to think and work together so that we can avoid any more deaths of our people." One of the lead detectives spoke.

"So far, there are three detectives and two prosecutors that have been murdered. Even though the reports say that their causes of death were different from each other, there has been five deaths in just a span of a few weeks. I do not think this is a coincidence.

First and foremost, for all of those who don't know me, I am Lt. Takagi Heiji. I hope that everyone cooperate and inform us of any clues that may help solve these crimes. Our reputation as law enforcers as well as the lives of future victims are what's at stake."

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From all the detectives present, there weren't many people who didn't know Takagi Heiji. He was a detective from the main headquarters but he used to be a local officer in the prefecture. With his talent, he was able to rise up through the ranks and was involved in many high profile cases. His knowledge of the area as well as his reputation was the reason he was sent to solve this case before this causes panic amongst the citizens.

"Sir!" a lady officer approached Takagi after everyone started discussing about how they should contribute to the case. "I think this case may have something to do with organized crime." She whispered because this was a topic that was a sensitive one.

"Oh? Why do you think so?" Heiji didn't know who this young officer was but from her attire, she looks to be a detective.

"I originally thought that this was connected to a certain person because of the connection that the victims all shared but after I found out that that person died already, I moved on to my second theory. I think that it may be something like a cleanup job after the big moves that these clans have been making these past few years." Her explanation caught Takagi's attention immediately because aside from him, she was the only person who came to him after finding the same connection that he did.

Things in the H prefecture have been shaky for the past couple of years. Since this was the place where big families are not as harmonious as they seem, there have been a lot of troubles that have made the public lose their trust in law enforcement.

This was especially during the case about the war between the founder of the Ringo corporation whose sudden disappearance made their corporation fall into the hands of their future in-laws. Though they were aware of most of the details that led to the fall of the Muiminas, there was nothing they could do about it because it involved large clans such as the Domyouji clan and the Akabane clan.

Though these two groups are categorized as 'Yakuza' clans, they are on the list that are on the better side because not only do they help or cooperate when the law asks for it, they hate it when there are crimes committed in their territory. They are the rare kind of former yakuza clans that hate dishonorable things or people who prey on the weak.

The police aren't openly allowed to go against these types of people because not only are most officers afraid of what might happen to their friends and family, their own government tries to prevent large scale disturbances so that the other countries wouldn't label the country as a dangerous place.

But it isn't as if the police aren't doing anything to arrest these bad groups. These types of Yakuzas have grown smarter when it came to grey lines with the law ever since the last attempt of the government to crack down on yakuza groups. The higher-ups only decide to move against them when they are sure that there is a 100% chance of conviction and little to no retaliation in the process.

"You may be young but I'm impressed you found the connection among the victims." Takagi crossed his arms and took another look at this promising young talent. It was only then that he noticed the attention they were getting from the males amongst the area which Takagi assumed were her admirers. "Let me just make sure we share the same opinion, are you talking about the guy who recently died in prison?" he ignored the people and focused on this interesting detective's theory.

"Yes. The serial killer known as 'Knives'. The person who Takagi-san helped put in prison as well as the person who killed Shiroyuki Touya, the son of the Shiroyuki Jirou."


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