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Kouzuki Kazuya was escorted by some of the security personnel that weren't able to accompany Kurogane Shishio to the hospital. The security team weren't aware of the plans that transpired earlier this evening so they were tasked by Kurogane Tenma to protect their precious young master. It looked like someone was targeting the next head of the Kurogane clan so this was a necessary step to prevent any form of suspicion from leading back towards them.

Since there was an incident, Kazuya was held up and asked a few details by the officers who arrived at the scene. To his surprise, there were a lot of detectives that showed up. One of them was a young woman who unlike the other detectives, was both familiar to him and appeared to be a detective as well.

"(Officer Sanada? Why is she a detective?)"

This woman was Sanada Yuriko, a police officer that was stationed in the vicinity of the Doumyouji clan's territory in Kazuya's previous life. This girl was a fresh graduate of the academy who was stationed there to get some experience before moving higher up in the ranks in Kazuya's previous life.

Thinking back, he had a couple of conversations with this person and knew that she was a clever person. She stopped him a couple of times because he usually worked late so he had to explain his circumstances to this person. If he should describe this person, a simple 'straightforward and courageous' would not be enough.

This woman's career was regrettably hindered because of an unfortunate apprehension she bravely made against the groups who were creating havoc when they were taking over the Domyouji clan's territory. Because of their influence, this talented woman's career was sealed and she wasn't able to rise up from her current predicament in Kazuya's previous life.

"(Looks like she made it in this life)" Kazuya was glad that she didn't share the same fate as Hamasaki Hikaru who somehow had her blissful life as a celebrity taken away in this life. He smiled at the detective who coincidentally looked over his direction and immediately walked towards Kazuya.

"Halt" the overprotective guards that surrounded Kazuya immediately blocked her path. The security personnel of the Kurogane clan was infamous for not respecting authorities so even though there were various detectives who arrived at the scene, not many wanted to get close to them.

"Let her through. I want to be able to go inside already." Kazuya looked towards the surprised woman who didn't expect him to do that.

Yuriko was a little surprised by Kazuya's attitude. She did indeed approach him but she had long heard about how those who had a large influence were always uncooperative. This was even more so with those involved with the Kuroganes. What's more was that she felt that the smile this boy directed towards her felt that it didn't come from a stranger.

"Have we met someplace before?" Yuriko wasn't the type to think silently about matters that confused her so she immediately asked. Kazuya was a little surprised but smiled after he heard her question.

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"If I didn't know any better, I would think that that was a pick-up line 'detective'." Kazuya gave a light laugh. He was truly glad that this person hadn't changed a bit. He was amused at the woman's shocked reaction before continuing. "This would be the first time we've met. (in this lifetime anyway) My name is Kouzuki Kazuya." He knew this woman's personality as she would always react violently to those who tried to take liberties with her. As an attractive female officer in a troubled area, she had no shortage of these fellows.

"Kouzuki Kazuya…" she muttered and wore a face as if she had gained some sort of insight. She believed that coming here had suddenly been worthwhile because this person played a very important part in her theory towards the case she had been working on.

"Is something the matter?" Kazuya didn't miss the changes in her expressions and was somewhat confused. Why did she show that kind of reaction? He never had any contact with the authorities nor this woman who was once a deterrent for those individuals who tried to bully him when he moved around late at night.

"Ah, pardon my rudeness. It's just that I am a person that practices kendo myself. I have heard of your reputation but this is the first time I've put a face to the name." Yuriko quickly made an excuse. For some reason, she had her guard up against this kid who didn't seem like a kid at all. She couldn't understand it herself but it was basically her instincts acting in reflex.

"Is that so?" Kazuya of course didn't believe a word of it. He believed that there was something she was definitely hiding. "I would like to enter the venue before the event begins so…" as much as he liked seeing an old face, they had nothing to do with each other in this life and Kazuya preferred it to stay that way. He didn't want her involved with him in this life because her position would not be of any help to him compared to his previous life. It would only put him in risk.

"I understand. I will be taking your statement then." Though both of them didn't believe each other's excuses, they both judged each other to be a lot smarter than they let on. Yuriko didn't let her judgement stop her from doing her job as she listened to Kazuya's narration of what transpired.

Of course, Kazuya explained it in a way that didn't involve his mother much. That way, they wouldn't even bother her as he did not want this woman and her intuition to grasp the tail of the Kuroganes and their failed plan. Going against them was only going to let her suffer the same fate in Kazuya's previous lifetime after all.

"… and that's what happened." Kazuya finished telling his story. He watched Yuriko crossing her arms as if deep in thought.

"Why didn't you go with your father to the hospital?" This was the first thing that she asked. Though she already knew of Kazuya's past through his records, she was curious as to why this young man appeared so calm and collected after seeing his own father getting shot by a bullet.

"My paternal grandfather asked me to take my father's place as a representative for the Kurogane family." Kazuya answered directly but, in his thoughts, he didn't care whether Shishio lived or died after the stunt he just pulled tonight. He was only lucky that nothing happened to Kyouko or the Kuroganes would have been wiped out if there had been as much as a scratch on her.

"Don't you care what happens to him?" she observed Kazuya's every reaction and tried to get some insight into this boy's personality.

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"Though you may not believe me, I've studied a bit of medicine. I already checked my father's wound. The bullet had gone through and it did not hit any vitals. Though it would take some time to recover, it was not a fatal wound." He calmly replied.

"But he…" Yuriko stopped as she remembered that this boy already had an experience of being shot before. Even as a police officer, she had never experienced any cases that involved firearms. This boy could have already been considered to have more experiences than her when it came to danger so she could only think of this as the reason for his calmness.

"If there is nothing else, am I free to go now?" Kazuya wasn't interested in hanging out with her for much longer. He knew that she was up to something and didn't want to feed her curiosity because it would only cause this person to relentlessly go after him like whoever her prey was in his past life.

"Yes… you are free to go. I will be putting your statement in my report." Having no other excuses to detain him, Yuriko had no choice but to let him go. She didn't want to arouse this clever boy's suspicion so she could only hope that tonight's meeting could open up another opportunity for her in the future.

"As much as it is a pleasure to be hanging out with a lovely lady such as yourself, I hope that the next time we meet, it would be under non-official circumstances." Kazuya couldn't resist teasing this lady officer who detained him as a suspicious individual before he left.

Yuriko stood there dumbfounded as she had been shocked by Kazuya's words. Did a kid just flirt with her and get away with it? She wasn't the only one who thought so as the guards that walked with Kazuya looked at their young master with admiration.


A senior detective patted Yuriko on the shoulder with a grin. It was only then that she realized that most of the busy looking detectives when she was talking to Kazuya only looked to be doing something else while paying attention to their conversation.

"Sir…" she felt embarrassed that she was fooled around with.

"What are you frowning for? You should consider extremely lucky." He lightly knocked on her head. "Most people in that kid's standing are a bunch of arrogant brats. Not only had he been greatly cooperative when he didn't have to, he even answered all your questions. Having a connection with that kid might prove helpful to a headstrong person like you. I advise you as your senior to not ruin it!"

How could Yuriko not understand what her superior meant? While it was true that she was a detective, she was still inexperienced and was like most young people who believed that everything would be alright as long as justice was on their side. A person that was connected to various influential families that had much influence in their force like the Shiroyukis or the Kuronumas was indeed a great asset for someone like her.

"Thank you sir. I will keep that in mind." Yuriko turned around and returned to the crime scene. She pieced together Kazuya's statement with the reports from the other witnesses. While they already had another big case in their hands, a case like this which was witnessed by various reporters needed to be solved immediately.

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Kazuya entered Jazz Star Hotel and was led to the venue. He immediately found Kyouko and Yumi with his senses and they were sitting on a table together with Stockton Jonson and various other foreign businessmen. He was relieved when he saw his mother in her usual business mode and decided to not to disturb her. He didn't want to ruin her image with his presence after all.

"(Hmm…?)"Kazuya immediately felt a few intense stares directed at him. He already caught the attention of a few people when he entered the hall with the Kurogane guards but the starting was a little intense.

"[You order one of my secretaries and leave me without protection while you escort Kyouko and Yumi around in a grand fashion?]" a bitter voice entered Kazuya's mind.

"[Sorry big sis. There wasn't really any time for me to ask someone else. It would have been more suspicious if I went myself after attracting that much attention.]" Kazuya turned towards Mei who was coldly standing close to a pillar with a wine glass on her hand.

"[How do you plan to make it up to me?]" a mischievous grin appeared on the cold expression Mei held to fend of those who wanted to approach her.

"[isn't our company part of the selection for tonight's charity? I happen to have been granted Kurogane Shishio's authority for selecting where their funds will be going to.]" Kazuya made his intentions clear.

Kazuno Technologies were indeed involved in tonight's selection. They were researching the integration of the technology for one of their most popular innovations; 'Rucy-chan'. Their research will help this A.I. be integrated into something that can be used for education. Their goal is to help those places or countries where there is a lack for educational institutions. If everything went as they planned, 'Rucy-chan' can become a teacher and reach areas where education is a luxury rather than a privilege.

"[Won't you get in trouble with Kurogane Tenma for that?]" Mei was surprised by Kazuya's decision because not only was the Kouzuki family supposed to be at odds with Mei, the Kuroganes have taken a stance of leaving Kazuno tech alone because of their agreement. Helping Kazuno Tech now will only bury Kurogane Sousuke's dying Ringo Corporation even further.

"[You leave that to me big sis. I just have one question… is this enough to make it up to you?]" There was no longer a need for him to be courteous with the Kuroganes after what they did tonight.

"[Not enough! Do you think you can get away with neglecting your big sis with money!? I want to be accompanied to a grand event and enter in even a grander manner with you!]" Mei demanded.

"[That goes without saying.]" Kazuya grinned. He truly missed spending time with Mei and wanted her to return back to where she belonged. "[One day, I will accompany big sis to walk down the aisle as you wear a grand white dress in front of everyone.]" he referenced the dream he envisioned in his previous life unaware that he was unconsciously sending his personal thought through the whisper skill.

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This immediately made Mei almost spit out the wine she was drinking. She tried to hide her embarrassed expression from his sight and hid behind the big pillar. She breathed deeply and tried to control her heartbeat as the unconscious and careless thought Kazuya made reached her.

"Huh? [What? Did something happ-]"

"Kazuya-kun" a voice interrupted this transmission as the guards allowed a person past their perimeter.

"It's you…" still having a presence that was hard to detect if he didn't concentrate, Stockton Kurumi stood behind him with a smile. "You really should avoid standing behind me like a ghost. It's dangerous you know." Kazuya warned.

"Hehe…" Kurumi giggled. She thought that he was just trying to hide his embarrassment. "Is uncle going to be okay?"

"Uncle?" Kazuya took a few moments before he understood who she meant. This was his confirmation that something indeed happened between Shishio and the Stocktons for this girl to refer to him that way. "He's going to be fine. Did you guys meet before?"

"He was having dinner with your grandfather in the same restaurant. I didn't know that he played the piano like you do." Kurumi was happy, she longed for these kinds of normal conversations with him.

"He did? I wasn't aware. I've only started spending time with him not too long ago. All he ever talks about is business though." Kazuya couldn't care less about Shishio. This girl seemed to be thinking that since he was Kazuya's father that they would get along. What he could only do was ruin the image Shishio implanted in this naïve girl's head.

"Do you… not get along with uncle Shishio?" Kurumi asked with concern. She pinned some hope on this uncle and it was with him that her chances of getting engaged to Kazuya lay.

Kazuya successfully baited this girl, he had already cast an invisible sound barrier between them as soon as they talked about Shishio to prevent the guards from eavesdropping. He couldn't use his whisper skill with this girl after all.

"Kurogane Shishio wouldn't have shown up in front of me if I remained the same boy before I lost my memories. What he is interested in is not that I am his son, rather how my standing and capabilities will help the Kurogane clan. This is why he has been trying hard to get close to me."


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