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A few days after the tournament was over, inside the hospital suite that Kurogane Shishio was recovering at, he received two visitors. His father, Tenma and his son Kazuya had visited him early in the morning before he would attend school again.

"Have you been well father?" Kazuya asked. "How is your wound?" being a person who had been shot as well, he had a lot of questions which made the unfeeling Shishio feel the boy's concern.

"I should be fine soon. It's just that I'm probably not as young as I used to be and the recovery is taking much longer than expected." He tried to hide the fact that he could barely use his left arm at the moment.

Shishio couldn't afford such a disadvantage with their clan gathering coming so soon. He was already aware of his older brother's movements trying to pin the blame on him. The only comfort he had was that he had been assigned a different task while his stupid elder brother was digging his own grave

"What brings the two of you here so early?" Shishio immediately shifted the topic.

"Kazuya here will be busy for a while because of his preparations for both his exams and the next Kendo tournament." Tenma replied. "He asked to see you before he did so and that's why we are here."

"I'm glad to see that you're recovering well father. I hoped that there weren't any complications after your surgery." Kazuya couldn't help but laugh in his mind after the micro expression that Shishio couldn't hide revealed what he wanted to confirm. "Now I can go back to school without worry." Kazuya politely bid his goodbyes before taking the escorts that Tenma provided to take him to school.

"You didn't come all the way here just to see Kazuya off, didn't you father?" Shishio turned to Tenma who had been silent after Kazuya's departure.

"I personally wanted to tell you that the boy has been quite helpful despite the current troubles the company is facing." Tenma turned to his guards who immediately went out to stand watch outside.

"Helpful?" Shishio felt a little doubtful. Though he taught Kazuya a lot, even he had trouble trying to figure out a way out of the mess they are currently in.

"His relationship with the Stocktons' princess has been improving steadily ever since he foiled my plans during the competition. Though it might have been unexpected, this made him able to request her father to contact me by asking the little girl." Tenma explained.

"What did Stockton Jonson have to say?" Shishio's interest was quickly piqued.

"As much as you would expect. He said that he would see what he could do. Though it wasn't much, at least letting him know of the plight of the boy in his daughter's eye will prompt him to do something at some point. Though after the recent conversation I had with the boy, I don't think I would need his help." Tenma grinned.

"Did Kazuya say something…?" Shishio was a little surprised. Though Kazuya proved to be intelligent, he lacked the experience to solve a problem such as this very easily.

"The mind of that child is truly impressive. I only asked for his opinion on a whim but he was able to come up with a reply that might change the way our company does things." Tenma crossed his arms. "I told him about the clients that were trying to backout of their contracts. My initial purpose was that so he could tell it to the Stockton girl and have her request her father to move quicker but what he said left me speechless. He casually said that we should just ask them to pay for the highest amount of penalty we could and make money out of them one last time."

"Are you joking?" Shishio didn't like the idea at all. Though they could really do that, while making a quick buck, they would lose out in the long run.

"His words were; 'We don't need them. We can just go to their competitors and offer them a deal that could give them the edge over those who dare back out on their deals.'" Tenma grinned. "He spoke with the pride of the Kurogane."

"But that would only put as back in terms the reputation we're slowly regaining." Shishio was slightly proud of what he heard but still couldn't help voicing out his concern.

"That is what I said as well. He replied with; 'don't we already have a bad reputation to begin with? Why don't we just use that as our edge against all those other hypocrites who try to hide their flaws? I wouldn't be afraid of something as trivial as reputation. I would use it as a selling point and show them that the Kuroganes don't care what they think we are a business, not a charity.'" Tenma laughed out loud as he felt proud.

"That…" Shishio couldn't help but praise his son as well. His words were indeed like someone who came from their family.

"That's why I've decided to lay the groundwork for his ascension. We're going to stray away from the usual practices and make sure to make those people who cross us regret what they did." Tenma was fired up.

"But father, what about… the Kouzuki clan?" they still weren't able to solve the problem about Kyouko. The plan had failed and he still hasn't recovered from it. Shishio was worried about the deal they had about it.

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"That is the main reason why I am here. The police have been desperately grasping at anything because of what happened to Shiroyuki Tomoyo. They've already set their sights on your philanthropist friend and they would surely find out about our clan's generous 'contributions'." Tenma's eyes turned serious. "I want you to stay here even after you've recovered. They would be less likely to be rough on a sick man than an able man."

"Stay here?" Though Shishio was relieved to have gotten an excuse to prolong his recovery, with their precautions, it was very unlikely for the officials to have found anything suspicious. "What about the next plan for—"

"Remain in this place as you help with the tasks our businesses will be needing. I've gotten word that someone in the investigation is specifically putting suspicions towards us so we can't afford to make them even more suspicious." Tenma interrupted. "Enough about that for now, we still need to discuss on how to go on about his new business plan that my grandson has come up with."


When Kazuya arrived at school, the students were greeted with a scene that was different from what they had been used to for the past few years. Another girl was standing in the position that everyone thought to have been eternally reserved to the widely popular robot girl.

Kouzuki Kazuya was back at school after his dominating performance in the national arms competition. He stood in the middle of the Stockton cousins who greeted him as soon as he arrived.

"I still can't forgive you two for leaving me out on something so interesting." Maron complained while ignoring all the stares. She was resting peacefully after her club's training session so no one bothered to inform her of the events until she looked for her cousin's whereabouts.

"Sorry Maron-chan. Next time okay?" Kurumi apologized again.

"No." Kazuya rejected the idea. "I prefer my trips to be peaceful."

"Are you saying that I'm noisy?" Maron's eyebrow twitched.

"Yes. Unnecessarily loud and annoying." He bluntly told her as he swayed to avoid her strikes while walking.

Though news already spread about what happened to Shiroyuki Tomoyo, this was still a sight that was new to them. The good news was, information had been slowly going around that Tomoyo had survived the ordeal and was slowly recuperating at her residence. Speculations already suggested that the lack of any signs of a funeral indicated that Tomoyo really did survive.

"Should we go to the S-class lounge?" Kurumi couldn't help but ask since they seemed to have been walking farther away from the middle school department's main building.

"No. The kendo club has special guests today." Numerous students wearing sports attires that were different from Sacred Forest's were gathered around the Kendo hall.

Noticing the arrival of the three, the tension immediately lightened up after they saw the three attractive figures that approached. The kendo club of Akaryuu had come for a practice match.

"Oh my god! he really came!"

"Th-that's Kouzuki Kazuya!"

"I want a picture of him holding a sword or a gun on my throat…"

Though Kurumi had been more popular inside the Sacred Forest Academy, this was only because more students were aware of her status. In terms of being known, Kazuya's feats over the years had spread his name towards those of the same generation and those who were invested in the sports he had participated in. To them though Kurumi was a pretty rare beauty, they didn't know who she was.

"Why is everyone waiting outside?" Though it looked like they had just arrived, there was more than enough room inside the kendo hall to accommodate them. "Where is your coach?" he asked.

"Umm…" the visiting students froze as soon as they saw Nanami shyly moving towards Kazuya. "The coach for the middle school department called in sick today so I was asked to replace him. From what we heard, it seems like your coach went out drinking with him so both of them weren't able to get out of bed." Nanami explained.

Rumors around the Akaryuu school said that the proud Akabane Nanami was like a shy lamb around Kouzuki Kazuya. No one believed it, especially the middle school team who looked up to her. It was only a few moments ago that she was lecturing them to appear disciplined and proud when facing their rivals so they were shocked to see the rumor suddenly confirmed.

"I see… so that's explains why you're here" Kazuya nodded. "I've been wanting to see you for a while now so I'm glad that you're here." Kazuya gave her a warm smile. He already heard about what she did from Jirou so he was quite proud of his brave girl.

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""(No honorifics!?)""

""(First name basis!?)""

""(Wanting to see her for a while?!)""

Kurumi and the students couldn't help but react in their minds. Though it was already a known fact that Kazuya had something to do with Nanami's sudden improvement that ended up beating the undefeated Ayame, no one present knew about what kind of relationship these two had.

"I apologize for not having anyone to meet with you sooner. Why don't we get ourselves inside first." Kazuya led them to go inside but turned towards Maron after taking a few steps. "I'll send a message to the teachers so I'll leave you to fetch someone to watch over the practice match."

"You're making me go!?" Maron was immediately annoyed. He didn't even ask if she was willing to do it.

"I have to entertain the guests as the vice-captain of the club. The current members inside were probably starstruck by Nanami so I doubt any one of them could hold a conversation." Nanami trembled as soon as she heard this. "I can't send Kurumi who isn't trained in an athletic club like you and practice matches are usually only for members. Should I just send the both of you to the S-class lounge?" Kazuya grinned.

"F-fine!" Maron clicked her tongue and sprinted away.

Kazuya led them inside and as he predicted, the members' eyes were immediately on Nanami. She was the one who beat Kuronuma Ayame whose popularity soared after all. He led Nanami and her team to one side of the dojo and showed them around.

"Please make yourselves comfortable for now." Kazuya then turned to glare towards his own team. "Have you guys grown arrogant enough to forget common etiquette!?" He didn't shout but Kazuya's voice made the Sacred Forest Academy's kendo club members tremble in fear. This was their vice-captain who even the captain nor the coach don't dare to disturb.

"Would our guests have been left outside in the heat if I hadn't decided to come? I'm sure that none of you failed to see them outside as you entered so why hasn't anyone showed them any courtesy!?" he didn't hold back and scolded them for making Nanami wait outside.

"We apologize for our discourtesy!"

Led by the captains, all of them immediately lowered their heads and apologized to Nanami and her team. In the kendo club, though Kazuya was assigned as their vice-captain, his word was law. Though he never really used any authority, his words carried more weight than their coach.

"It's quite alright Kazuya-kun, we really didn't wait that long…" Nanami shyly pulled on his sleeve. She knew that he had scolded them on her account but she didn't want him to stay mad.

"I would like to apologize for this as well. I will not be participating for the practice match but for our joint training session today, I will be joining the Akaryuu side if you don't mind." Kazuya turned towards his own team whose expressions were already fearful. "Looks like these guys need to be taught a lesson."

"What do you guys think?" Nanami turned to her team. She was only a replacement so she valued their opinions even though she was wanted to accept his offer immediately.

""Yes!!!"" they immediately approved of this. In their minds, if they had a chance to win over Sacred Forest Academy's kendo team, it would be now. The official matches would always have Kouzuki Kazuya and Shiroyuki Tomoyo on their side so as long as they were in the same range as them, they would have almost no chance of winning.

"'Alright, get ready for the practice match!"" both Nanami and Kazuya gave commands.

"What about the role for the referee?" Nanami asked.

"Since I'm still considered to be part of the team, it would be better if you're the one who did it." Kazuya turned towards the entrance as soon as he felt two presences approaching.

Kazuya immediately saw the grin on Maron's face and couldn't help but smile. One of this girl's antics finally brought something good. One of the day's agenda was to see Hamasaki Hikaru and she was brought here by Maron to oversee the activities between the two schools.

"I brought someone over!" Maron declared as she hurried to sit next to Kurumi to avoid Kazuya's expected retaliation. She specifically asked for Hikaru since she knew that Kazuya didn't like this person.

"Alright, so sit with Kurumi and watch quietly." Kazuya wasted no time with Maron and turned to Hikaru. "Thank you for coming on such short notice. I don't know what Maron there said but…" he explained the current situation to Hikaru.

"I see…" Hikaru glanced at Maron who avoided her gaze immediately. "I've gotten permission from the department head so there will be no problems." She was s little relieved that Kazuya didn't treat her with hostility.

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"Good morning Hamasaki-sensei." Nanami came over to pay her respects as well. She was the acting representative of their school but she was glad to see Hikaru who she had not seen since the incident.

"Akabane-san? Do you have any news about…" she immediately asked about Tomoyo since all she's been hearing are rumors.

Nanami turned to Kazuya and wondered if she should answer this question. They have been keeping any news about Tomoyo a secret since the person who tried to kill her was still at large.

"She's fine. She has yet to regain consciousness, but the danger has already passed." Kazuya replied before turning towards the changing room to prepare as well.

Though Akaryuu and Sacred Forest were bitter rivals, the coaches of each team were once students of the schools they represented. This was why both clubs would have these sorts of joint training sessions. Kazuya had quite the busy schedule so this was the first one he was going to attend.

They would usually start with a practice match in the morning. Joint training and sparring sessions and then one last practice match to end it. Nanami had taken part of these in the past which was she had been sent to replace her missing coach. She explained the process to both Kazuya and Hikaru before agreeing to proceed as they would usually do.

"Final score 4-1! Team Akaryuu wins!" Nanami shouted the result for team battle of the girls' team.

"Final score 4-1! Team Akaryuu's victory!" The result for the match between the boys' team came next.

Morale had already been low for the Sacred Forest team because of what happened earlier so it was no surprise for them to have lost miserably. Kazuya's refusal to participate in the match and Tomoyo's absence made them think that they had no chance of winning.

"Alright. I want you guys to rest up and reflect on the matches before we begin with the joint training session." Kazuya said to the club members before walking towards the wall to take out two wooden swords that were placed there.

"Huh?" Nanami sensed something incoming and turned to catch a wooden sword that was tossed to her. "This is…?"

"Everyone move to the side and make as much room as possible." Kazuya ordered both teams. "It will be quite dangerous for anyone to step in so please do not to approach us." He warned.

Everyone turned their heads towards Nanami who still looked puzzled. This clearly looked like a challenge from Kouzuki Kazuya, a middle school student against Nanami who was in high school.

"Kouzuki-kun, what are you doing? Those are real wooden swords." Hikaru moved to stand between the two of them.

"Sensei, though I'm thankful to hear that you helped Tomoyo and Nanami when they were attacked, Nanami here still feels guilty over not being able to protect Tomoyo completely." Nanami shook after hearing his words. "I want to see how far she's gotten to make up for the loss she suffered under the hands of a person who has taken lives before."

"But Nanami-san is clearly a high schooler while you're—"

"It will be fine Hamasaki-sensei." Nanami interrupted. "Shiroyuki-san, Kuronuma-san and I have never won a single match against Kazuya-kun." This made Hikaru's mouth gape as she looked at Kazuya who could only sigh. She had witnessed first hand how fierce and capable Nanami was so she couldn't believe what she had just heard.

"Looks like you've made up your mind." Kazuya smiled. He turned towards the club members who acted quickly to pull Hikaru to the side.

"If only he was the one there instead of me, Shiroyuki-san wouldn't have gotten a single scratch on her." Hikaru heard a soft and regretful statement from Nanami before the high school girl tied up her hear and prepared to fight.

"I want you to come at me as if I was that person who attacked that day."


That afternoon, when the joint training session between Akaryuu and Sacred Forest kendo teams was over, the visiting students left with various emotions. Though they had trained for the rest of the day, everyone's minds were still on the match that took place between Nanami and Kazuya.

They never thought that such intensity could have been born from a real fight. It was as if they had been watching a movie because they never would have thought that humans were capable of such movements in real life. Both teams and their impressions on both people have changed greatly.

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They once thought that the last bout between Kuronuma Ayame and Akabane Nanami was legendary. After today, it was like watching a sparring match compared to witnessing a fight from the legendary feudal era. No one thought that they would forget what they had witnessed.

"Thank you for today Kazuya-kun." Nanami gave a genuine smile. The words that Kazuya had said to her during their match was still fresh in her mind. He had praised her for not backing down in the face of a known killer even though she had been given a chance to survive. He mentioned that she had no reason to be guilty because all of them had walked out alive and the difficulty she suffered was a reason for her to keep improving.

"[I've made terrible choices in the past and made friends that have betrayed me horribly. I want to thank you for showing me that I did not make the same mistake when I decided to risk trying to make friends again.]" these were the words that Kazuya said to her.

"From here on out, rather than skills to be used for winning competitions, we're going to be focusing on actual skills for battles alright?" Kazuya smiled before turning to his team who expressed their gratitude and respects towards their visitors.

"Yes!" Nanami replied. Though part of the current training he did with Tomoyo and Nanami already involved some sort of simulation for real battle, he inevitably refrained from doing it too much because the two girls were the types to feel and not think before they act. There was a high chance that they would disqualify themselves in official competitions.

As they left, Kazuya left the members to clean up and turned to Hikaru.

"Thank you for watching over the activities. I apologize if we've taken up much of your time." Kazuya gave a light bow.

Hikaru imagined various different scenarios but it was only at this point that she evaluated Kazuya in such high regard. He showed the demeanor of a mature young man and did not show her any discourtesy despite their last encounter with each other. She felt that she had been worrying for nothing and both Tomoyo and Nanami's information about him was accurate. She thought that they had been oblivious to his shortcomings because they were developing feelings for him.

"Kouzuki-kun, do you have time to talk?" Hikaru didn't want to waste the opportunity because there was very little ways that she could get in contact with him.

"Talk?" Kazuya's interest was piqued. He knew that this teacher and Tomoyo had gotten close after he stopped attending class which led to them her presence when they were attacked. He initially planned on getting more information about her identity before confronting her. "Is it about something personal?"

"I…" she hesitated. "I guess it would be something like that."

"A personal matter that involves me? I don't think we've developed a relationship close enough for such matters sensei." He joked.

"You…" making it sound like she was flirting with him, of course she was annoyed. She tried holding her temper. Hikaru wondered what it was that those two saw in Kazuya aside from his pleasing looks.

"I have a small errand I need to run but I will be free afterwards." Kazuya checked the time. "we can meet by some place close to sensei's home after I settle my matters." He didn't want her setting the place and time to be cautious so he immediately entered the club after giving her his contact information.

Kazuya left the school immediately after changing and headed for a place that coincidentally, he needed to go to later today. This was one of the most common residential areas in town and he stopped by an old apartment complex with mixed emotions.

"(This is the place?)" he blinked multiple times and checked the name. Kazuya couldn't believe that this was a place that one of the associates of the Kurogane family was staying in. What happened to the successful singer who won many awards for her songs? Why was Hamasaki Hikaru living in such a place?

He went up the stairs and checked the names on the doors he passed. Kazuya had been hoping that he was at the wrong place but unfortunately, he found the teacher's name at the apartment which looked to be the farthest and smallest. It was a quiet neighborhood and Kazuya sensed no one in the vicinity so he picked the old lock and entered quietly.

Information about Hamasaki Hikaru was surprisingly well-hidden, so he had taken it upon himself to discover this perosn's identity. He let Ika focus on more important things as his plans for the Kuroganes were already moving.


Entering the room cautiously, it was as small as he expected it to be. It reminded Kazuya of the much smaller room he had to stay in after he was left on his own. The place was surprisingly well kept and clean despite how the small apartment complex appeared on the outside.

There wasn't much furniture. From the entrance, Kazuya saw a desk with a computer, a small shelf that was full of books, and the foot of a bed. After taking off his shoes, he locked the door behind him and carefully entered to find out what kind of secrets this person had been hiding before he went for the 'talk' she suggested later today.

Just as he made it towards the main part of the room, Kazuya froze in his tracks as a voice called out from behind him without warning.

"I'm glad you finally came to visit, Father!"


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