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A few weeks passed and it was dinnertime at the Kouzuki household. It had been unusually quiet for the past few dinners they had so Kyouko was a bit concerned. Her assistant who would usually bother her son to no end had actually been behaving properly. She thought that it was because of the recent exams that Kazuya was preparing for but it that was already over and there still wasn't a change.

"Mei?" Kyouko called out but Mei had been deep in thought about her collaboration with Kazuya that she didn't notice. This was the reason why she couldn't spend her time fooling around.

"Big sis" Kazuya's call however made her respond instantly and made her turn to him. "Mom is calling you" he gave a wry smile.

"What is it Kyouko?" Mei looked at her boss while continuing to eat. She had to use her time effectively.

"Did you happen to get a lover recently?" Kyouko's question almost made Mei choke on her food.

*cough cough* Mei almost choked on the food she was chewing after she heard what Kyouko said.

Kazuya immediately moved to pat her back. Although he knew the reason his mother asked the question, he couldn't help but praise her imagination for coming up with such a conclusion. Mei had been busy enough as it was that without him continuously maintaining her health, she would have collapsed because of her own dedication.

"What the hell!? Where did that assumption come from!?" she felt insulted. Although her boss didn't know it, both she and her son had been working hard for Kyouko's sake.

"You've been acting really weird these past few weeks. Always sneaking off whenever you have free time to who knows where. I appreciated the fact that you left Kazuya alone when he was about to take exams but I see that it wasn't the exams that made you change"

"Are you calling me unfaithful? You don't have to worry about that since Kazu and I have been closer than ever! He even started snuggling to me in his sleep!" Mei proudly declared and caused Kyouko's jaw to almost drop.

"Stop using my son as a body pillow!"

"Too bad! Kazu always soothes my fatigue and lets me wake up fresh every morning! He even invited me to go out tomorrow!" even though he did, it was mostly because of business.

It had been a while but these two began bickering again. Kazuya silently excused himself after he had his fill and entered his private study next to the house. He logged on to New Gods Online earlier than usual because he had an appointment with a few people.

Kazuya logged on to his Winter Fog account and met with the people inside their guild house. He successfully created a guild called 'Midnight Wanderers' which was a created in honor of his old group. This guild was mostly made up of those who Kazuya had intended to recruit to his company.

With Void Android's help, he was successfully able to gather a lot of people that would eventually make their own names in the future. Of course, he did avoid those who were successful but only took credit for the works of others. He decided to hold an early meeting to give them an announcement as well as to avoid the presence of Autumn Mist who still had no idea that he was recruiting these people to build his own company.

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[Void Android: There's already so many of us boss. How are the preparations going?]

[Winter Fog: Have all of you already moved to H city?]

[Void Android: Of course! Some of us even moved in the same apartment complex. You haven't answered the question yet boss]

Although he gathered quite the number of people, some of them didn't adhere to the strictness of the contract. Kazuya already thought he might lose some of them because of his harsh requirements but he didn't hold it against them but Kazuya's knowledge of their research and the amount of manpower he had was all he needed to recreate those people's ideas.

The number of people who signed without complaints were already more than he expected. They even recommended their talented companions who have been tested by Kazuya and Void Android themselves so their capabilities were guaranteed.

[Winter Fog: We'll meet soon. The company has been established on paper already and the construction for our headquarters is going well. It won't be long now]

[Void Android: We've already gathered and met and like you said, started collaborating our ideas together. It's possible to integrate our different ideas together but we'd need your help the most to make it happen]

[Winter Fog: I assume so. Everything should be ready after new years so you guys better enjoy your last days as members of the unemployed because all of you will be stuck working on your projects both separately and together]

Everyone laughed. All of them did not look forward to seeing their workplace as much as they wanted to meet with this mysterious boss of theirs. He always reminded them not to be too surprised when they met him which was now a running joke in their guild. Everyone knew that Winter Fog and Autumn Mist were students but they really didn't mind since he acted pretty much like one of them.

[Winter Fog: I'm serious. Also, I want to tell everyone that since I'm still as student, you will all have to answer to my future wife which would be the CEO. She's scary when she's mad so don't mess with her]

It was as if everyone had lag issues. The amount of dots flooded the chat made Kazuya laugh out loud. It was with these people that he could openly be himself. It would be a lie if he said that he wasn't afraid of being found out as a child so he expressed his own personality as much as he could so to give these bunch the shock of their lives.

[Void Android: Since everyone is afraid to ask… Is little miss Autumn our little boss now?]

[Winter Fog: (¬_¬) ]

[Void Android: She's not?]

[Winter Fog: Of course not. We only met through the game]

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Everyone spammed the [ Σ(゚Д゚) ] emote this time. The guild was mostly made up of the future employees of Kazuya's company but they still welcomed Autumn Mist since she was been with Kazuya ever since they met him. They only talked about business whenever she wasn't around and played the game normally.

They were quite a popular guild since even though their primary objective was just to play during their spare time, Kazuya's knowledge everyone's progression to even rival the gamers who worked hard to test out information he already had in his memory.

Many people wanted to gather information through their members but which member didn't get interviewed by Kazuya himself? He actually shared this knowledge to test out of any information would leak out. He was the boss so he didn't need to explain himself when providing information. The credibility of Kazuya's information made them trust him more which led to a big factor in accepting his terms upon employment.

[Squid Buddha: This legend only has one important question; will there be women employees? I know most of the people in the guild and most of us are guys! The guy to girl ratio is an important matter!]

Kazuya sighed. This person was a well-known hacker who eventually invented the programs he was going to use to help with the projects that will help his co-workers in the future. He found him by chance when he was exploring a high leveled area with Autumn. He was going to be in charge of their network security.

[Winter Fog: That will be dependent on the amount results you guys can come up with. The CEO refuted the suggestion of hiring more girls when I suggested it. We talked about it for a while and came to a consensus. We will start out as a small company so we don't need that many employees. Most jobs will be shared by you guys including menial tasks]

[Squid Buddha: What a ruthless wife you're going to have!]

[Winter Fog: However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. As long as we're successful, our company will grow bigger and bigger. She promised to grant the request of hiring more female personnel as an incentive to you guys BUT… all of them would have to go through me first]

[Squid Buddha: You two are a match… both ruthless]

The other members were silent but they agreed. Everyone had experienced being interviewed by Kazuya so they all went through that unique experience. Those that failed felt bitter but those who passed didn't make much of a difference afterwards. They understood why he had to do it. They realized how big his ambitions were just by how strict the interview process was but that didn't stop them from feeling pity towards those who were going to go through that.

[Winter Fog: Don't say that. The only personnel that need to go through me are the ones that are going to have access to restricted areas. Don't forget, if our companies get big enough, even interns would be lining up and it would be a great chance for you]

All of them cheered. They really looked forward to the company's opening. Most of them already moved and awaiting the construction of their headquarters to finish. They even went to the address to deliver their signed contracts in person and met up with Matsuri who was always at the scene. They were excited after seeing the building and the amount of security already present. From their perspective, their boss was indeed justified in being extra strict with his recruitment.

[Void Android: Boss, since it's almost the end of the year, we were thinking of having a gathering near the end of the year. It would be a good time for you to show up before us don't you think?]

[Winter Fog: A year end gathering sounds like a great idea. Hmm… I would like to but I have no way of escaping my family once winter break begins. Most of you already know this but I'm keeping this company a secret from my mom until we make it big]

It was true, most of them already knew this. They were impressed that a person as down to earth as him acted like a normal person that didn't dare look down on them. Most young masters that were capable of establishing a company as big as the one he was planning would have rather recruited people from top universities or more marketable research.

This was the reason they all appreciated and liked Kazuya. They not only gave them a chance when everyone else shunned them, he even treated someone like them who had very low standings as equals. They were truly thankful for meeting him and trying out this game.

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[Winter Fog: I'll ask Matsuri-san to set something up. Even though I can't probably come, it would be good for you guys to meet your CEO. I will warn you again, never have any ideas or even look at her rudely. You will be fired even before we launch the company. I've given her complete control over the matter]

[Void Android: I never knew you were such an overprotective husband, boss]

[Winter Fog: No… I'm warning you for your own good. You'll understand once you see her. Her senses are sharp so try not to get on her bad side]

[Grace Wall: A young woman CEO. I really like your style boss. She's a role model to us women]


A notification then interrupted the conversation as Autumn Mist logged on. She always made it a habit to log off inside their headquarters so she was surprised to appear after a large group had gathered. She excused herself earlier than usual lately because of the recent exams so this was the day she finally got to log on without time constrictions.

[Autumn Mist: Huh? Is there a guild event happening here?]

Everyone felt hesitant in replying to her. They were just talking about the just confirmed fiancé their boss had declared and here came the girl everyone knew liked their boss except for maybe the person himself.

[Winter Fog: You're just in time. I'm about to discuss the strategy for the raid we'll be doing]

[Autumn Mist: What?! I haven't been active much lately… Also, although the exams are over, I can't play regularly until winter break begins because I have to attend a competition]

[Winter Fog: competition? What a coincidence, I'm also going to attend a national competition next week]

[Autumn Mist: Huh? You're going to participate in a national competition?]

[Void Android: Boss is that true!?]

There was a commotion amongst them. They wanted to support their boss and thought that Autumn would be in the same competition. The two meeting was juicier than any news they would ever hear from the game so they silently hoped that it was the case. Sadly, reality was not in their favor.

[Winter Fog: I am. I'm part of a sports team. It will be held at the western prefecture this year so I doubt you guys will be able to make it]

[Autumn Mist: Eh?! A sports club?]

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They were all surprised. This seemingly intelligent leader of theirs who wasn't afraid to talk in code language was actually a member of a sports team. Kazuya was assumed to be the average intellectual type so what they just learned made him even more of an enigma to them.

[Winter Fog: Can't I be part of one?]

[Void Android: You're not suddenly going to tell us you can play musical instruments like a professional, are you?]

This made him remember the music classes he had in his first life together with the music he learned from his journeys. He hasn't tried playing an instrument in a long while but Kazuya was confident that he could do it. What he was confident in was his memory and the control of his own body.

[Winter Fog: I don't know anything about playing like a pro but I know how to play a few instruments]

[Void Android: You're too unbelievable boss]

[Autumn Mist: Hehe… I look forward to hearing you play now]

[Winter Fog: I haven't played in ages though]

[Autumn Mist: You should play for us at the raid channel!]

[Winter Fog: Why? It's better if we just use the bot to play music]

[Autumn Mist: But everyone wants to hear it! right everyone?]

The chat was spammed with different types of agreeing words to support Autumn. Everyone couldn't help but jump at the chance to get back at their boss since no one in the group could make him suffer a loss aside from Autumn. She had nothing to lose by making fun of him.

[Winter Fog: I could but I won't =P]

[Autumn Mist: That's so mean! I'm not going to introduce you to SummerBreeze!]

Kazuya froze behind his keyboard. This girl's strange luck at finding or obtaining things that he wanted hasn't changed since his last life. She was able to find one of the targets he had been looking for to recruit for their company.


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