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"Mom!" Mahiru shouted to her mom that was being blocked by the woman that was pretending to be an official.

"Are you willing to be more cooperative now?" the woman arrogantly looked at Matsuri whose face was failing to remain calm.

"Unfortunately for you, the leadership structure for this company has long been decided" Matsuri sighed. She looked at Ousame and Mame who were standing behind her who returned her look apologetically.

Although it was true, Matsuri also said it because she didn't want to issue a command that would directly betray Mei and Kazuya who had not only given her a second chance, but also provided everything she and her daughter were now privileged with. They had given her so much trust and she felt that she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she did something to betray it.

"Are you sure?" the woman gave one of the men holding Mahiru's arms a look.

"AHH!" Mahiru's face was painted with pain after her arm was twisted.

"Nothing will change even if you held me hostage with her instead" Matsuri stepped in and stood before the woman and the thugs she brought with her. "Give it a try if you'd like. I am a mere secretary that has no real power here"

The woman was stunned. Matsuri willingly gave herself up in their custody and the security team who stood behind her as if protecting her didn't do a thing. This was a testament to Matsuri's words that they indeed would not comply with her orders.

This made things more complicated as a physical confrontation was looking to be more likely to happen if they wanted to barge into the building. The woman and her team couldn't afford a standoff because as the attacking party, their lime was limited to how long they could stop the ones that were capable of sending them away.

Mei watched from the inside of the building looking worried at the scene. She hadn't expected that the day she made use of her office would be the day that such an attack was to happen. Matsuri's decision to hand herself over worried her but it also made her realize how wise and dedicated her former upperclassman was.

Not only was she able to stop them from hurting her daughter, Matsuri was even able to stall for more time while making them realize that the cards on their hands were severely lacking.

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"Boss! We have a situation" one of the thugs came running from outside the facility. "Some of the guys have run into trouble and are laying unconscious on the streets they were assigned to block" he was startled and whispered loud enough for Matsuri, who was standing near overheard.

"What!? Who did it!?" she signaled the men to prevent Matsuri from returning to inform the security group who had no idea what was going on.

"We don't know. We only found a kid who said that they were attacked by a group of men riding motorcycles who didn't want to take a detour" he explained.

"A kid?" her eyebrows twitched. There weren't supposed to be any witnesses and she assumed that the kid got through because of the incident. A sudden idea popped into her head when she glanced at Matsuri who wore a gloomy expression after hearing that it wasn't the people she was expecting.

"What do we do? Should we place more people to continue redirecting the people?" he asked.

"Take a few men and prevent them from coming close to the area" a mischievous grin appeared on her face. "Bring the kid here"

"Right away!" he rushed out and took some of the men who were acting as lookouts by the entrance.

"I applaud your dedication to the job and even admire your loyalty. To even let yourself and your daughter get hurt for the sake of protecting your precious company secrets" the woman sarcastically said.

The man who reported soon came back accompanying a boy who was wearing a uniform that was similar to Matsuri's daughter.

"Why did you bring me here mister?" the boy innocently asked.

"There has been reports of an incident here so you have to stay in this area to be safe" the man lied and brought Kazuya into Kazuno Tech's premises where he was able to see the situation up close.

"K-kazuya-kun!?" Mahiru was the first to react.

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Everyone from Kazuno Tech's side heard her and laid their eyes on the boy who seemed to have been tricked into coming along. Matsuri couldn't help but shudder at Kazuya's arrival while the security personnel who recognized him tried to hold back their desire to grin. They had no idea who they just brought into this whole mess.

"Looks like your daughter recognizes this kid" the grin on the woman's face grew wider. "You may be willing to see your daughter get hurt but what about her friend? Are all the people here willing to see a young kid get punished for your company's stubbornness?" she laughed. "I can see the headlines now, [Company Sacrifices a Child to Protect Secrets] all over the news!" she laughed out loud.

"Hey did you guys lie to me?" Kazuya innocently asked the man who led him here.

"I did? What of it?" the man scoffed at him. "If you want to blame anyone, blame these guys for being stubborn"

Mei who was observing from the building didn't fail to notice Kazuya's arrival. She looked worriedly at the scene and was about to step out when a sound from her pocket followed by a chain of melodies and vibrations.

"[Don't worry about me big sis]" was the message she received in her phone. There were also instructions that said to activate the mechanism to block the building's view from the inside.

Mei went to her desk and activated the mechanism which tinted the windows to prevent everyone from seeing what was happening on the outside. This was a mechanism that they installed to prevent others from seeing inside. She couldn't help but worry a little but she was sure that Kazuya could handle himself and asked to do so because he didn't want his identity exposed just yet.

From the outside, the changes in Kazuno Tech's building was eye catching as the windows darkened. Kazuya took the opportunity to take out his phone casually and began to type an additional message to send to Mei.

"What do you think you're doing!?" the man who led Kazuya grabbed the phone in the boy's hand. "Huh?"

"What is it?" the woman who noticed her subordinate's outburst turned her attention towards them. She thought that Kazuya Tech's employees were being black hearted for refusing to see what they would do to their new hostage. "The kid wouldn't be able to send out messages anyway. What did he try to say?"

"Looks like he was sending a message to his sister boss. It said; [It will all be over soon, Granpa's students will attack as soon as they see blood]?" he read the message out loud. "What? There are other students here aside from you?" the man hurriedly asked Kazuya.

"You better answer so that we don't be too hard on you little boy" the woman approached bringing Mahiru who she grabbed from behind in front of him. "You don't want to see this friend of yours hurt because of you right?" she threatened.

"Leave him out of this you goons!" Mahiru shouted. She was about to get hit by the woman but Kazuya slowly raised his arm to catch their attention.

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"It's quite simple" the arm quickly accelerated as Kazuya formed a fist before swiftly leaping into the air.

The unprepared chin of the man who brought Kazuya along couldn't escape from the sudden attack. Luckily for him, he lost his consciousness or he would have felt his jaw breaking and witnessed the shattered teeth fly off from his mouth as the force from Kazuya's punch launched him to the air.

Kazuya of course wasted no time and pushed the girl infront of him towards her mother before kicking the woman who was closest to him on the knee. Matsuri covered her daughter's eyes immediately after seeing what the boy who looked frail and harmless did and took her daughter towards the building immediately.

"What?!" She felt a force hit her which caused her to suddenly lose her balance. She then glanced at her knee only to see that her leg was bending in the direction where it wasn't supposed to. "AHHH!" She was shocked and clutched it in pain only to find that she couldn't move her foot.

"Since you willingly walked into hell yourself then allow me to make your stay worthwhile" Kazuya stomped on both her elbows and invoked a bone shilling scream. "Now then…" he turned to Oosame and Mame who halted their steps after witnessing what he did. "What are you all waiting for?"

It truly had been a while so they already forgot how fierce this hidden boss of theirs really was. Mame and Oosame were especially affected since both of them suffered in his hands before. The two quickly ordered everyone to attack without mercy and subdue all those who dared step foot into their headquarters.

Kazuya wasn't idle either. After making sure that the security personnel made their move, he turned around and led the attack. Unfortunately for the attackers, those who Kazuya touched would most likely need surgery or would end up crippled. They dared attack his castle when the queen was present so they needed a lesson that they wouldn't forget.

Unfortunately, the windows were not soundproof so the screams of the attackers reached the inside of the building. Mahiru shuddered after hearing the screams because she was also once on the receiving end of Kazuya's merciless temper. She was quite happy to see him so close because ever since she moved up to middle school, she rarely caught a glimpse of him.

She remembered the words that their coach once said to her that Kazuya was someone who wasn't really adept in social interactions so his way of dealing with awkward situations is to remain cold and indifferent. This really wasn't completely wrong but because Mahiru was not aware of the connection between Kazuya and this place, she misunderstood and thought that he was mad for her sake.

Soon, a pile of either unconscious or squirming people were all over the ground. The security personnel were very reliable in times like these but they still couldn't compare to the amount of punishment Kazuya delivered to the ones he dealt with. Those who had not seen Kazuya throw a fit before were not aware what he was capable of and made sure to remember not to underestimate this frail looking boy.

"Y-young master" Oosame and Mame cautiously approached Kazuya who stood in front of the woman who was leading the men.

"Order a few men to keep watch at the gates" he turned to Mame. "There are still a few goons trying to redirect witnesses so make sure to chase them away"

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"Right away!" Mame's eyes looked at Kazuya with admiration. He really looked up to him and was very thankful because if it wasn't for this new boss of theirs, they would never have discovered or even started to learn using internal energy. They all agreed that this was better than their old way of life where they were disdained and feared by people.

"I don't need to ask you to know that the Muiminas or the Kuroganes sent you" Kazuya lifted the woman in the air and stared at her fear filled eyes. "Your fate was sealed the moment you stepped into this place on this day. You have two choices, descend into a deeper hell or tell me which group of thugs you work for"

"N-no… They will kill me" she didn't deny that she was indeed send by those families but refused to divulge the specific group that sent her.

"Is that so?" Kazuya expected as much. These were not like Oosame who was not part of a specific group officially. To these kinds of people, betrayal could lead to death. He really didn't have anything against it but to him, death was but a quick release for those who betrayed him. "Then shall I show you that there are things much worse than death?" an evil grin crawled up Kazuya's face as an ominous aura came from him.

"I will never talk" she tried to wriggle away from his grasp but Kazuya threw her towards Oosame instead. "Take her to the security office. I'll make this one know what it means to wish for death"

"Y-yes young master" Kazuya recovered his phone from the ground and dialed a number.

"Winter? Where are you? The headquarters is under attack! What do you need from this LEGEND?!" this was the head of their network security named Munie Ika otherwise known as Squid God.

"The situation is being taken care of. I want you to track a few numbers that I'll be sending you later. Contact me right away once you've got any leads" Kazuya immediately ended the call because Komori just arrived and looked at the result of what just happened.

He moved quietly to head towards the security office and tried to avoid the old man. The old man should be able to handle things from here. What happened today was pretty much a lesson to them. The enemy was able to cut off all their communication from the outside splendidly which paralyzed their attempts in trying to verify various things such as the authenticity of the forged documents.

Although there were a lot of smart people in the building, none of them were able to think of a way out of this stalemate which gave the enemy time to formulate other and more despicable means of getting what they wanted. Kazuya frowned as he needed to think of ways to resolve this problem.

He entered the security department's rest area where the woman was placed on a couch. Oosame who was accompanied by Mame greeted him and let the other people wait outside the door.

"Now then… Have you thought about changing your answer or are you going to let me train my craft in making people feel endless pain?"


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