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The exams for Kazuya's class were always like a tourist attraction for one reason. Since the students were not allowed to take out anything or even touch their bags before the test period was over, Kazuya would start sleeping on his desk just a few minutes after it began.

A lot of exam proctors were concerned by this action at first but after hearing of the unbroken record of perfect scores, they all saw it as something normal. Truly the confidence when he declared that he was already fit for higher education when he first transferred to their school wasn't said lightly.

Students would come over during break times to catch a glimpse of the peaceful sleeping face that they could take advantage of. Though Kazuya seemed to be approachable, his classmates always felt that he was a little stiff. Seeing him in his peaceful sleeping state had been a sort of attraction because of this.

He had become the light amongst the darkness and students would even leave some snacks and offer a prayer to the sleeping deity who never ceases to claim the top spot. Their department's studying deity was undoubtedly Kazuya and his sleeping face in the hearts of those who had lost hope.

"Finally over!" the students exclaimed after the last of the exams have been collected.

*tug tug* Tomoyo turned towards Kazuya who had been napping.

*yawn* "Is it over?" he rubbed his eyes and looked around to find his classmates celebrating.


"Did you do well?" he asked.

"…" the robot girl stared at him with a blank expression.

"You don't know huh…" Kazuya sighed. "That's too bad, I was going to give you your present earlier if you did well since there were some excuses that said I was tutoring you" Kazuya teased and watched the usual blank stare turn a little muddled.

"Yo!" Takaya entered the room. He took the exam along with his original class so he had been separated from them. "Did you guys miss— Whoa!" he got lifted off his feet after getting near Kazuya. His shirt was immediately grabbed and created a scene which no one had seen in a while.

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"You fooled me on purpose" he commented. It was only until things settled down was he able to find the time to read up on this role that he was supposed to play. He was a little embarrassed because of his initial reaction to it because he had gotten a bit mad when he read that he was going to be playing a 'princess'.

"It was you who made that assumption in the first place!" Takaya already got used to this as his feet clearly didn't touch the ground anymore. "Why are you even mad!? Isn't this better for you?" he got dropped down and his feet once again touched the ground.

"You should have corrected me the first time" Kazuya sighed. It was indeed his fault for assuming that he was assigned to play the role of a girl. After Kazuya got a chance to study the script, he understood why he only had a few lines or why he was needed to act via expressions.

The princess he was going to portray was actually a boy that needed to act like a princess to buy their clan some time. His clan would bide their time and prepare to strike against the family that wanted to take over by means of using marriage.

It was a historical drama so he was still required to look like a girl. Though the actual fact that he was going to play a guy was better than playing a girl.

"So you better not cut that hair of yours short or you'd be forced to wear those wigs like I do at times" Takaya warned. "The exams are already over so I went over to ask on behalf of my parents if you were free for rehearsal today"

"Well…" Kazuya pondered. "I haven't told my mom about this yet" though he wanted to tell Kyouko, she had been pretty occupied lately. Both he and Mei didn't know what was going on but she had been coming home pretty late these past few days.

"You're not planning on going back on your word are you?" Takaya looked at him worriedly. He already convinced his parents that Kazuya would definitely agree so he would be in trouble if he suddenly rejected the role this late.

"I don't think she will be against it" Kazuya could imagine just how excited Kyouko and Mei would be because they had the hobby of making him dress up in different clothes or playing with his hair so they would definitely jump towards the opportunity to see him wearing fancy traditional clothes that could be seen on television. "I'll go to this rehearsal of yours today then"

"Sweet!" he almost jumped for joy as he leapt outside to inform his parents.

Kazuya sent a message to Mei informing her that he would be a little late since he had some business to attend to at the Aoki theatre group. She was training and working in his laboratory after the recent incident because Kazuya didn't want to take any chances and had her use the avatar which would allow her to appear in several places of the company as Winter Fog if needed.

There were two people listening in on their conversation who were able to tell what was happening. Kurumi happened to have overheard this conversation a few times to be able to patch the details together. She highly anticipated Kazuya's role on television. It took her a while but she was able to learn what it was going to be and had her father show support for it and push for it to be done earlier.

This was why Takaya had approached Kazuya without waiting for him to realize his mistake. He was glad that it had worked out for him as Kazuya reacted as he should but his parents were actually under a little time pressure because of the involvement of Kurumi's father.

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"I guess I won't be able to accompany you to go home today" Kazuya turned to Tomoyo.

*nod* She understood and was also looking forward to seeing him in television. From what she knew, it will be one of those historical dramas that involved sword fights. She hoped that Kazuya would have a turn at it so she could watch him looking cool like the historical drama actors she's seen.

Kazuya, Tomoyo and Takaya walked out of the classroom and went towards where Takaya would be picked up. On their way, they stumbled upon two people who were also done with their exams and were waiting for their cars.

"…" Tomoyo immediately moved in front of Kazuya because she knew that Suzaku and Ringo didn't harbor good intentions towards Kazuya.

"Heh…" Suzaku laughed. "Trying to hide behind a girl as usual?" he mocked.

"…" Kazuya merely gave him a glance before patting the top of the robot girl's head to pacify her. She didn't need to bother with them. So he went back to his conversation with Takaya.

"Got nothing to say huh? Looks like you can only run your mouth when you're behind someone else" Suzaku didn't stop. He was quite confident in himself because he felt like he had gotten a hold of one of Kazuya's weaknesses. He didn't tell Ringo about it because of Shishio's advice so she was curious as to why Suzaku was provoking Kazuya like this.

"I know you're stupid so why do I have to lower myself to your level? Has your brain melted during the exam period?" Kazuya glanced at Suzaku once more. "If I wanted to hurt you, not even your petty clan can protect you" Kazuya grinned. "You think I'm hiding behind the robot girl but from my point of view, she's clearly protecting you from me" he shrugged. "What a dumbass"

*tug tug* Tomoyo pulled on his sleeve so that they could move to another area. Kazuya wanted to comply but Suzaku didn't want him to have the last word.

"That's big talk for someone who's keeping that girl holed up in his house" Suzaku's words stopped Kazuya in his tracks. To make sure that he would bring up his end of the bargain, Suzaku ordered some people find out more about Mei and her whereabouts.

"I see…" Suzaku had Kazuya's full attention this time as he turned to face the arrogant boy for the first time. "Do you like the little girl beside you? Is she important to you?" Kazuya's eyes narrowed as he looked at both of them.

Seeing as Ringo was affected by the sudden question. Suzaku answered with "Why wouldn't I? She's my future wife and no one else can say otherwise" he boldly declared which made Kazuya smile.

"Then I hope she doesn't end up joining Dokuro Domon and Domyouji Kuuga because of what you just told me" before Suzaku and Ringo could react, Kazuya raised his arm forward as if grabbing air. A gust of wind from behind the two distracted them as Ringo clutched her skirt.

"What did you mean by that!?" Ringo who was still holding onto her skirt didn't even think that it had been Kazuya responsible for her embarrassment. She turned to ask what he meant because her family had been trying every means they had to find Dokuro Domon.

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"Domyouji Kuuga…" Suzaku glanced at Kazuya's group who already walked away and mused. "Does he know…?"

Kazuya had successfully been provoked but no matter what, they were still inside the school. Not even those two, with their influence could bring in their own bodyguards. He was there while Kuuga was informing Suzaku of his and Mei's connection to Kazuno tech so how could he not know what he was so confident about?
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"(Since you want to play, I'm going to be changing the board a little)" Kazuya's grin scared even the thick skinned Takaya who was trying to lighten the mood. He may not have understood what they had been talking about but it was clear what Kazuya implied when he asked Suzaku that question; since Suzaku threatened him with a person he cared about, it would be an eye for an eye.

The mood didn't lighten up as Kazuya rode with Takaya towards the Aoki group's offices. Takaya couldn't help but watch quietly as the usual book reading boy beside him had been sending multiple messages with his cell phone.

"(He really likes that big sis of his huh...)" seeing how affected the usually carefree Kazuya was, Takaya felt like he learned something new. He didn't dare let him notice the thoughts he had on his mind. He also feared a bit about the fate of those two idiots. Kazuya had rarely been serious about something so he feared what would happen to those two if they continued messing with his friend like this.

They arrived at the Aoki group's office without speaking a word to each other. Takaya could finally breathe normally after getting off the car because the atmosphere as they were making their way made him feel a little uncomfortable. His friend was definitely up to no good and it was probably something that wasn't simple.

"You're finally here Kazuya-kun!" Takaya's mother, Aoki Kanade welcomed him. She was in charge of his rehearsal today because he was playing a princess-like character after all.

"Thank you for looking after me" he was polite because Kazuya was aware of just how much Takaya's parents compromised with his demands.

"You've really improved! That was almost believable" Kanade giggled. "You don't need to pretend to like this role because we were informed that it is to return a favor you owed my son?"

"Television was a little out of my expectations but I know that it was because of your considerations towards my schedule. For that, you have my gratitude" Kazuya was a little hopeful but he still couldn't fool the eyes of a professional. What he didn't know was that Kanade had been shocked at how natural his actions seemed. Kazuya had improved a lot from the last time she had last seen him.

"Let's begin the dress rehearsal shall we?" Kazuya's eyebrows raised but before he could turn and grab Takaya who had been stepping back, he was grabbed by Kanade and pulled towards the dressing rooms.

"There have been a few changes to your script but it still mostly involves your ability to show expressions. What we need to focus on more now is what will fit your character best!" Kanade's eyes shined as she gestured the staff members to gather around Kazuya.

There were very few things that fazed Kazuya because he had literally went up against monsters and demons but he was a little fearful towards these women who were looking at him with shining eyes. They all couldn't wait to get their turn at him as they moved together to smoothly take his measurements, fix his hair, decide what kind of makeup to put on him, etc.

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Kazuya couldn't help but curse his friend silently. He had been led to a trap. Kazuya expected to have a few scenarios from the script practiced but he was given another copy of a script which didn't change much but he actually had some speaking lines as well.

He didn't really mind because unlike the first script, this involved his character as a guy. His role got relatively a little more screen time but he was still but a minor character. The actual places where they would be shooting were included along with the filming schedule so it made it easier for him to tell Kyouko all about it.

"I heard that Kyouko-san still isn't aware of your role in this project?" Kanade spoke to him as the ladies were taking out different fabrics and putting it against his back.

"Not yet. She's been pretty busy lately" Kazuya didn't find anything with this question until he answered. He could see the sparkle in Kanade's eyes after his reply.

"As you may be aware of, your Kouzuki Corporation has an agency that has a hand in the entertainment industry. Since we are already familiar with the restrictions you have, how about making us represent you in your career?" Kanade enthusiastically pitched her suggestion.

"Career? I don't think there would be a second time for this to happen again" Kazuya quickly dismissed her suggestion.

"Now, now don't be too hasty to reject" Kanade smiled as if she expected his rejection. She was quite fond of Kazuya's bluntness. It was the complete opposite of her son's mischief and he was definitely easier to read. "Kyouko-san's reputation as a mother who dotes on her son is well known so how do you think she will react if her son is going to go on television?" she smiled and admired how fast Kazuya came to a conclusion.

"(She would definitely let me join the company's entertainment branch…)" Kazuya's face paled. This was the ultimate excuse for Kyouko to doll him up officially and show him off. "I can accept your offer but don't you need a guardian's permission since I'm still a minor?" after thinking about the consequences, Kazuya was desperate for a countermeasure.

"Don't you have more than one guardian?" Kanade smiled as if expecting his response. "I can make sure to only inform you about offers that would fit your criteria and it will be up to you and your guardian if you want to accept it or not"

"I think I would be okay with that" Kazuya breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good news and it came at just the right time. There was an offer to let you act as your own character in the show to interact with a certain company's product. It will be their first CM and they requested you especially" Kanade suddenly pitched.

"Huh?!" Kazuya blinked multiple times. The show hadn't been released and he was already being hired? "What company actually dared to hire a character whose casting wasn't even finalized yet"

"I found it strange as well but I'm sure you'd be surprised that it was from a company who had been stirring things lately. It's none other than Kazuno Technology!" Kanade said with enthusiasm. Kazuya's face was filled with black lines in comparison as his palm slowly made it to his face.

"(This was a trap!!!)"


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