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Fortunately, Kazuya's identity had yet to be revealed. This was mainly because his name already carries the weight of reputation. The incident two years ago made sure of it.

They had yet to discuss the stage name that Kazuya was going to use but it looked like it had been decided just like that. Kanade felt that it was a loss to have given the director a free bone just like that but she was not aware that he had some connection to the famous sword saint of the middle school kendo competitions.

"Are you and the sword saint on bad terms?" Kanade curiously asked. She wasn't the only one who waited silently as her staff also wanted to know what kind of relationship he had with Ayame because they never saw this cool kid lose his calm like that.

"You could say that" The term 'sword saint' they had been using sounded like a joke. How would they react if they found out that the reason they weren't on good terms was that Ayame never came close to beating him? She even went as far as challenging him off of the competition stage but Kazuya mercilessly rejected her. "Please make sure that she doesn't know"

Kazuya looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. He could hardly recognize himself and he even felt that it was disturbing that it looked so natural. He would never have thought that he would see himself like this but here he was.

This was supposed to have been something that was simple but it had grown into something quite troublesome. Kazuya felt very reluctant because he had nothing to gain by helping Kurumi and Maron when he heard about the trouble they were going to experience but helped out any way to repay a debt. He felt that the repayment had been blown out of proportion and there was nothing he could do about it.

Mei put this repayment deed of his to good use and took advantage of the situation to solve something she had trouble with. Who else would be better to represent their company's image other than the one who started and made it grow in the first place?

"I doubt that even your own classmates would recognize you, much less someone who you don't really encounter too much" Kanade had been confident but Kazuya could understand why. "I'm quite curious as to how you know such a popular girl but I can ask Takaya about that later"

Ayame's fame had come as a surprise to Kazuya as well. He had rejected both her challenges and advances because it never really had anything to do with knowing who he really was. She was caught in some sort of illusion that they had been bound together by fate because she had detected his mana amidst all of the other people.

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This could all be blamed on Nagato Tsuna. Ayame was quite young back then and her grandfather looked up to that man extremely. It was when he told Ayame that she was a special person that could only be understood by those who she could perceive were like her as she grew up. Tsuna's image and words have been engraved in young girl's mind as she was called special and extraordinary amongst her peers because of affinity towards mana.

"Interesting" Ayame who heard about Kazuya's suggestion had a cold smile inside her dressing room. "Does this person know who I am?" she asked the person who informed her.

"I believe so" he replied. This was one of the personnel Komori asked to act as her manager while escorting her around.

"I'll look forward to it then" she really didn't mind but was rather interested in the person who wanted to challenge her despite her reputation. The kendo tournaments had been quite boring for Ayame since she hadn't found someone of the same caliber as Kazuya or even Tomoyo.

It didn't take long before the set was ready for Kazuya and Ayame's scenes. Both of them were students so from today onwards was specially set for the both of them to get their scenes done.

"I look forward to seeing what you can do" Ayame looked at the shorter yet alluring girl in front of her when she and 'Kaguya' were introduced. She only gave him a quick glance before giving him the cold shoulder.

This made Kazuya feel relieved. Ayame was usually very clingy and talkative so the fact that she treated him like everyone else made Kazuya feel relieved. He had to consciously hold back his mana from the slightest leak because even he had to admit that Ayame's senses were quite sharp. For the first time, he was glad that someone saw and treated him like mere dirt.

What Kazuya didn't know was that the main reason that Ayame was even here was that of something she declared to him. She said that she would one day let him turn towards her so he should wait for the day that he realizes that he had taken her for granted.

To make sure that it happened, Ayame even used her new-found popularity to enter the scene which would make Kazuya look at her even if it wasn't in person. To Ayame, as long as he catches a glimpse of her when he hits the age where he is attracted to girls it would be the day she would welcome him to her arms, albeit after a little bit of revenge.

"Alright then, positions please!" the director announced after the set had been prepared.

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Kazuya had already rehearsed for the scenes today and with Kanade's guidance, everything went smoothly. Everyone shared the same opinion that his performance was not bad considering this was his first time appearing on camera. They all thought that Kazuya already had a mindset of a professional. What they didn't know was that he just wanted to get things over with so that he could leave all of this behind.

Sure enough, the director was surprised and very much satisfied with Kazuya's performance. The fact that he could change the tone of his voice to fit the character made him think that Kazuya had even more potential than Kanade might have let on. The director looked forward to seeing what this new talent the Aoki group seemed to have uncovered could really do and was already thinking about future collaborations.

The first day of shooting only lasted a few hours because the younger cast that had school started in the afternoon. Everyone was still a little tense including Kazuya, because he had not done something like this before. He recieved praise in the end but he had no other way of telling if he had done what had been expected of him or not because Kanade had been quiet about it.

Before they knew it, two days passed and it was finally time for Kazuya to take a day off. He had already reviewed the script and was disturbed by what he slowly found out about the project. His role had still been a minor one but much more background and focus had been directed towards the direction of the script.

To make things worse, Kazuya found out that the director had found the main sponsor which was surprisingly Stockton International. This had answered so many questions which gave Kazuya a headache. He was convinced that Kurumi had found out about his part in this which was why her father's company had taken quite an interest in a trivial drama series.

"What's wrong, Kazuya?" Kyouko entered the living room and saw her son mulling over something.

"Just thinking about how complicated it became to return a favor" he sighed. Kyouko still didn't know about his matters with the Aoiki group. He thought about it for a moment and decided he should tell her about it.

"Well, it's about the time I've been spending at Takaya's place recently…" Kazuya was about to tell her everything when Yui rushed in wearing a nervous expression.

"E-excuse me b-but grandma is wondering what should we do with the guests that just arrived" she stuttered. Kazuya was a little intrigued since this girl had always been brazen even with him. What could have made this girl nervous?

"Visitors? Why do you need to ask us for permission?" Kyouko wondered as she looked at the little girl. Yui had been helping out more ever since Akane said that she was going to be trained to serve the house in the future. She had taken a completely different route compared to her sister but Kyouko was glad that at least someone could look after Kazuya when both Akane and herself were busy.

"It's umm… Kurogane Shishio and Nagisa with a few people…" Yui glanced at Kazuya and saw his eyes narrow.

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It was still very early. From what his recovered memories told him, Kurogane Shishio was supposed to have dropped by near autumn season. The accident he and Kyouko were involved in would take place in winter after Nagisa's plot was completed. He didn't know if those two were in it together but that didn't matter to him in the least.
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"What do they want?" Kyouko's mood soured as she already knew what Kazuya's prediction entailed. The shameless couple would have barged into their home but they could not in this life because there were personnel that would block their path if they muscled their way through.

"T-they said… They wanted to see the young master" Yui meekly replied. She could feel pressure from the mother and son duo who did not expect a visit from the shameless couple so soon.

"No need to send them in. I will go meet them by the gates myself" Kyouko declared as she sent Yui back. She did not want either of them to enter their house because, with their evil intentions, it would be better if they didn't get any other ideas as they did in Kazuya's premonition.

The timing may had been early but the reason remained the same. Kazuya was still used as the main excuse to meet with her and they were already expecting it. It was only a matter of sending them back to where they came from that mattered now.

"Mom" Kazuya moved to Kyouko's side and squeezed her hand. "You don't need to worry about a thing" Kazuya reassured her. Though Kyouko didn't know that Kazuya meant that no matter what would happen, he would be able to settle it, she still looked warmly upon her son and grew much more confidence knowing that he was at her side.

"Is this how the illustrious Kouzuki family treats their guests?" Nagisa was displeased after being barred at the gates. She wanted to see what kind of lifestyle Kyouko led in her own home so she could find something to look down on.

"Guests are of course welcome in this household but I would rather not call people who conspire and threaten the members of this house's family, guests, now would I?" Akane replied sarcastically. She had no reason to be respectful to these individuals no matter how high their statuses were. They put both her mistress and her young master through too much and they wanted to be treated as guests? Just how shameless can they be?

"Are you depriving my client of his visitation rights towards his son?" The man wearing glasses who stood sternly behind the couple looked at Akane who stood behind the protection of the security assigned by Jirou. One of them was the surprisingly passionate Mame who looked up to Kazuya.

"Visitation rights? There should be a law that prohibits trash parents like this from ever coming into contact with their children" Mame commented. There had been talks amongst them about whatever they knew about Kazuya. He was surprised that the boy who seemed like he had everything had such a past.

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This was why Jirou put him on the team to look after Kazuya. Mame was quite a passionate person so he was not afraid to speak his mind. The lawyer arrogantly glanced at Mame and scrutinized him from head to toe.

"Seriously… What kind of security is this? Mere thugs trying to talk about what should and what shouldn't be laws?" he scoffed.

"You don't need to know much about the law to be able to protect someone, Mr. Glasses. One just needs to know how to stop and at times beat the living daylights out of scumbags who try to use their backgrounds or influence to look down on us normal folks" Mame crunched his knuckles and intimidated the lawyer who took a step back in response.

Shishio frowned. He didn't expect to be barred at the door. The Kouzuki family had been quite consistent about living like normal people. They didn't need security because they hardly had enemies so he was wondering what could have occurred for them to change like this. They were in much more danger when their families clashed the first time but they still maintained the same stance. Could they have been expecting him? He thought.

"No one is depriving anyone of visitation rights one has so graciously ignored for almost a decade" Kyouko arrived while holding her son's hand. She looked at both Shishio and Nagisa coldly as the guards slightly made way so that they wouldn't block hers and Kazuya's vision.

Shishio ignored Kyouko's words and glanced towards the gentle looking boy who was holding her hand. He knew that he wasn't as simple as he looked after he had dealt with Suzaku so cleverly the other day. This was their first official meeting so, unlike his earlier demeanor, it was like he had transformed into a harmless gentleman.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Kazuya. I am your father"


Note: Hajimemashite = Pleased to meet you.


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