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Note: This takes place after the assault on Kazuno Tech's headquarters and before the assault on the Dokuro clan

Warning: a little graphic?


Kiyota Anri was a woman with very strong will. She lost her job at the illustrious Ringo Corporation because of who her parents were and the feud they had with Muimina Budou. She was determined to file a suit for unlawful termination but that was when she was taken by the Dokuro clan's people.

For the first time in her life she learned how unfair it had really been. The laws only protected those who it could see and she was transformed into a girl that worked for these Yakuza. She was further thrown into despair and helplessness after finding out that the Dokuro group took an interest in her because of Muimina Budou.

If the world had been unfair in the first place, then why should she remain fair? This was why she accepted her fate and just decided to work for the Dokuro clan. At least they wanted to have her work for them and they were easy enough to control.

As an intelligent and educated person, she quickly rose up the ranks and held the respect of the simpletons who made up the Dokuro clan. The only ones she feared were the main lieutenants and Dokuro Domon himself. This was why she looked forward to taking over Kazuno Tech when she first received the order to do it.

There was no one capable of running it aside from her so she thought that this was her way to get back on the work she originally intended to do. She showed much enthusiasm and even made intricate plans to make sure that their attack would go smoothly.

Everything had been going well and it seemed like everything had been under control. The people from Kazuno Tech may have been very stubborn but they were slowly showing signs of breaking. This was made clear by looking at the ones who were supposed to be in charge the moment Mahiru was shown to be in their custody.

To make things a little more interesting, one of her subordinates even brought back a child that seemed to have been conned into coming. The clueless child was surprised when he saw the situation and so were the people from Kazuno Tech who saw the new hostage. They seemed to have been more concerned about the stranger rather than one of their employees' children.

It wasn't until Anri was sprawled on the floor with only one limb working did she understand why those people gave such looks when they saw the frail-looking boy. This was someone who held much significance to the company!

She was taken to one of the rooms in the security office by two men who appeared to be leading figures of the security team. They actually followed the orders of such a kid and even showed him more respect than they did to Matsuri.

"Lady, I will give you one piece of advice as a person that was once in your position. Do not try to reject anything the Boss tries to ask. I have regretfully gone against the young master before and after that, I don't ever want to think about doing it again" Ousame warned.

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"Boss?" Anri was confused. When did she ever meet their boss?

"You wanted to meet the person behind Kazuno Technologies right? You just did" Mame chimed in. He looked at Anri quite pitifully because he could tell that she didn't take Ousame's warning to heart.

Anri was shocked. How could she not be? The mysterious boss was a frail looking boy that looked to have been in elementary school? She almost forgot all of the pain she was in as her mind tried to process just how can such a kid create this company from scratch. Who in the world was this kid?

It wasn't until the frail looking boy entered the room did she stop thinking about what was happening. Everything had been so unbelievable that she thought that she had been dreaming.

"Now then, have you decided to change your previous rejection to answer my questions or shall I use you to improve my craft in making people feel endless pain?" The boy grinned mischievously at her.

Anri had previously rejected answering any of his questions. She was confident in her tolerance for pain as proven by her current predicament. She didn't writhe in pain nor did she cry. This was proof of just how much she had to bear while working for the Dokuro clan.

"Do your worst. Let's see how long until you get tired of it" Anri scoffed and looked the boy right in the eye.

"Ah yes, I remember when Ousame here was in your position" Kazuya turned to Ousame who shuddered after Kazuya started reminiscing about the time they first met. "But first…"

Anri braced herself as Kazuya slowly placed his hand over her broken limbs. She knew the basics and it would be to attack the places that are easy to inflict pain on. What surprised her however was that what she felt was not pain but relief.

"Wha—" witnessing her own injuries starting to heal, she couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

"Shh!" Kazuya quickly silenced her and pulled the bent limbs towards their rightful place which caused another bone chilling scream of pain. Anri had not been prepared and Kazuya counted on it.

Anri panted as she shivered on the couch she was placed on. Neither Mame nor Ousame made any moves to hold her down nor restrict her movements. They were merely standing there observing and made sure that she wouldn't be able to pass through the door behind them.

True enough, her willpower was strong and Kazuya noticed this. Anri was already thinking about how to escape and it looked like she was looking at him in an interesting way. The only thing stopping her was the confident smile plastered on Kazuya's face as if saying 'come and take me hostage if you can'.

"What d-did you do?!" She tried moving her limbs and although she was still feeling some lingering pain, her limbs were responding as they were supposed to.

"I healed you" the boy answered as if it was a matter of fact. "You'd be too distracted because of the pain on other parts of your body for me to make an accurate judgement of the pain levels you're going to be experiencing" without warning, a tremendous amount of pressure pressed down on Anri.

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"!!" She fell on her back as Kazuya pulled her to the floor. The two men who remained in the room looked at her pitifully as they tried to turn to head for the door.

"You two will stay. I need both of you to keep that door closed so that grandpa Jirou or anyone else doesn't disturb what's going to happen to this woman" Kazuya ordered.

""Y-yes"" both responded as they moved to block the door.

"Now then..." He turned back to Anri who seemed to have been paralyzed on the floor. "Compared to two years ago, I've actually studied the bodies of humans quite extensively. I'm going to be using you to see if my theories are correct, so I would like to thank you in advance for being a brave girl and hope you don't break too early"

Kazuya pulled a few short pieces of iron and pierced her palms through using them to hold her in place. The pressure he had been using to hold her down used mana and he wanted to save both his energy and concentration so he could focus on doing many things.

"AHHHH—" Kazuya placed an iron bar in her screaming mouth to shut her up. He tied it with a rag he found lying around the room to keep it in place.

"Hmm… Looks like that isn't as painful as it looks" Kazuya's judgement made the three look at him in surprise. Just how did it not look painful enough to him!?

Kazuya placed his arm slowly on Anri's wrists. This caused her to be afraid that he was going to cut off her hand but instead of feeling pain, the feeling in her hands disappeared.

"Looks like that method works…" Kazuya crossed his arms and talked to himself. he moved towards her legs and before Anri could react, Kazuya mercilessly put additional bars through her feet and pinned her down completely.

Ousame and Mame's faces were deathly pale. They couldn't believe how unfazed Kazuya was after pinning a human being on the floor like a frog to be dissected. The amount of blood on his hands and on the floor was not an amount that could be ignored! He even did something to Anri's ankles so that she wouldn't be able to feel the pain she was supposed to be feeling.

"Don't worry about your limbs. You will be able to regain feeling in them soon enough" Kazuya moved to the couch and took a pillow to place under Anri's head. "This reminds me of the time they let us dissect frogs in school. The teachers say that it is in the name of science or learning but I've always found it to be barbaric"

The three had the same thought. Just how old was this kid and what have they been teaching children in school these days? What they didn't know was that Kazuya was talking about his experiences in his previous life.

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"To be honest, I find humans on Earth to be hypocrites" he took out a few safety pins and a knife from his pocket and placed them next to Anri. "They like talking about peace and what-not but what about the creatures under them? They slaughter them without mercy or experiment on them when necessary. What if there were other species that were above humans and basically saw them as food?" He gave a chilling smile before he reached towards Anri's face.

"Humans would fight and eradicate them whilst telling their people it is for survival. They wouldn't even try peace, they would label them human eaters and try to eliminate every last one of them. Peace is a convenient word that is used only when people find it necessary"

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Kazuya continued talking but as he lectured. Anri could barely understand what he had been trying to say. She tried hard to resist his overwhelming strength as Kazuya used the safety pins he took out earlier to attach them to her eyelids without mercy. He pinned her eyelids open so that she wouldn't be able to blink or close her eyes.

"Humans are peaceful when it is convenient but they turn on you once they have more to gain by betraying you. This is why I absolutely detest traitors. I will make every single one of the people who try to betray me suffer enough to make them wish they would die through all their reincarnations just to escape my grasp" he stood up and took a look at Anri whose eyes were secured to be open for what he was about to do next.

"And I don't just mean physical pain" He touched her neck and made Anri lose her control over her own body and sat on her torso and slowly unbuttoned the suit and shirt she was wearing. "People like to claim they know every inch of their body but that isn't true" Kazuya placed the knife in her abdomen and swifty slid it down.

"They have never seen their own insides before so how can they know every inch? Sounds silly doesn't it?" Kazuya ignored whatever pain Anri seemed to be in because she had been pinned down to the floor. She could barely move from her position with her neck paralyzed.

How could she have brushed off the serious warning given by Ousame before? She felt extremely foolish to have been confident about her willpower and confidence over the boy when he threatened to make her feel like she was in hell. This was worse than that!

Not only was she subjected to levels of pain she had not experienced before, she was forced to watch the whole process. She was shown her own innards as the boy dug into her like he was playing in a sandbox. He even showed Anri her own intestines.

She should have long passed out due to blood loss and extreme shock but a helpful little spell that Kazuya cast on her prevented her body from functioning as it should. She passed out from pain once before so what was the boy doing to prevent her from experiencing the same thing now?

To the three, none of them could understand what the innocent looking boy was thinking as he dug through Anri's insides. What they didn't know was that he was doing things very slowly to study Anri's reaction while trying not to make her mind break to the point of no return.

"Hmm…" He looked at her and the status of her body before slowly putting things back together.

To their surprise, Kazuya meticulously assembled everything back into place. Anri felt that she couldn't possibly shed any more tears because this boy was indeed not lying when he said that she would experience hell.

He traced the incision he had made on her abdomen using his finger and closed it as if he had done nothing to it. Kazuya looked a little pale because of how much mana he had expended but he was still not done.

"How about we let you see your beating heart next?" He reached towards the other half of her clothes he had left untouched so far. Anri shuddered and squirmed and wanted to run away from the approaching hand but she couldn't.

"Young master!" Ousame couldn't take it anymore and interrupted. Anri may have already been healed but the smell of blood and her insides still lingered in the room. Both he and Mame wanted to run out of the room the moment their boss opened up a human right in front of them but they feared that they would be next if they went against his orders.

"What?" Kazuya's brows furrowed. Anri's reactions have been very helpful to him. Kazuya felt that he had a better understanding of the human body now. Truly nothing beats first-hand experience.

"I was informed that Shiroyuki Jirou-sama has arrived" he was trying to hold the urge to vomit.

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"Is that so?" Kazuya moved towards Anri who looked at him with an incalculable amount of fear. This boy had been serious when he said that he was going to show her her own heart. She didn't know how he was able to do the things he had done but it didn't matter.

He removed the things he attached to her and healed her wounds. The moment she was able to regain movement, she backed herself up to the corner and began mumbling to herself. Kazuya sighed because he knew that he had succeeded in breaking her.

"Humans here are so fragile…" he shook his head looking disappointed. "I haven't even begun to test out the methods I think are quite effective" his words sent cold shudders to the three inside the room.

"(Just what exactly did he mean by those words? Was he really not human like the rest of them?!)" these were the questions that the three instantly asked inside their heads. They didn't want to ask it out loud because they were afraid of what would happen if it actually turned out that this seemingly harmless boy was actually a devil in disguise. Who would believe them!? It was better for them to keep their mouths shut and remain on his good side because not only did Ousame and Mame benefit greatly from it, their lives have gotten a whole lot better.

"You two step out of the room and delay grandpa Jirou a little" Kazuya ordered. He used his mana to clean up the room and restore any damage. "No one shall know of what you two witnessed you hear?" Kazuya's eyes narrowed at them threateningly.

""YES!"" the two answered obediently and hurriedly bowed before stepping out of the room. It wasn't too long after they did that sounds of vomiting could be heard.

"Looks like those two still have a long way to go" Kazuya smiled as he stood in front of Anri. "Now then, I stopped because I really don't want to deal with explaining things to Shiroyuki Jirou but we can always continue this later"

"I-I'll talk... sir" Antri trembled. She felt that her hesitation would have earned her punishment like she did when she was still under the Dokuro clan.

"You shall address me as 'Master' or 'Young Master'. Do I look like a 'sir' to you?" Kazuya scoffed.

"N-no… I'm sorry, M-master!" Anri immediately placed her forehead on the floor and did a complete dogeza as she was afraid of going through a similar hell she had just experienced. "I will follow all of your orders and do whatever you ask of me even if it is d-death" she was afraid of death before but not anymore. How could she prefer whatever this little demon had planned out for her instead of a quick death?

Kazuya smiled and gave her a pat on the head. What Anri wasn't aware of was that he cast a calming spell that made her feel warm as she looked up at the boy that she was going to serve from this day forth. She listened to everything he had to say and put it to heart and answered every query he had.

This was the same person who put her through so much pain and agony but why didn't she feel even a little resentment towards him? He even went as far as to heal her wounds and not even a scar remained. She thought that maybe, just maybe, this person was capable of protecting her from this unfair world.

"Serve me well and you will be protected, rewarded and eventually given a chance to live as you want" Kazuya said just as she was thinking about it. "Betray me and… well I think you would understand better than Ousame now" he gave a light grin before turning his back on her and leaving her alone in the room. Anri looked at his tiny back. It was the back that she would be looking at from this day forward.

"Master… my master…"


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