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Kuronuma Ayame was successfully cheered up by her best friend Kaguya and she left after promising to send any update about the matter. Though she was still a little worried about the whole incident, Kaguya's opinions about the matter convinced the girl that relying on her best friend was the right thing to do. Ayame secretly praised herself for having such a good eye on people.

Unlike Ayame however, Kazuya was quite upset. He felt that Kanade and Mei had him right where they wanted him. He had no choice but to go with the act because Kazuno Tech was raking in all the benefits of his current identity.

Though he was initially bothered by how he needed to make an appearance as Kazuno Kaguya just because of Ayame's demands, because he was able to obtain information that he normally wouldn't have gotten with his real identity, Kazuya didn't could only shake his head as another issue suddenly appeared.

The issue of being betrothed to the robot girl Shiroyuki Tomoyo was something that he never expected at all. Well, it was something that fit the troublesome nature of Kouzuki Kou but seeing at this incident happened before he was even born, there was no way he could have prevented it.

"(Was this the reason that robot girl has been hanging around me all the time?)" Kazuya thought.

He didn't think of himself as one of those dense characters that were most of the times annoying in literature because he was aware of some people's feeling towards him but how could someone get an accurate read on the feelings of someone who barely even talked?

That's not the hardest thing about it though. Kazuya started to ponder about how he was treated by the Shiroyuki Tomoyo of this life and from the other one. While he was not sure of how the current one felt about him, what he learned from Ayame a few moments ago shed a lot of light into the matter on how the Shiroyuki Tomoyo who persistently hunted him down treated him.

"(So she was my fiancé without my knowledge… That was her way of integrating herself into the past me's life?)" he shrugged his shoulders and was a little glad that he was able to change the Shiroyuki Tomoyo in this life. Though she wouldn't be able to do anything to him as he was able to retain his past life's memories, just the fact that she would be gunning for him like that again would definitely be troublesome.

The robot girl though as unemotional as she might appear was a very abedient girl after all. she would remember everything that she was told and would follow them as much as she could. If she chased after him in the state he was in his previous life then it meant that she was aware of their grandfathers' arrangements at a very young age because Kouzuki Kou, Shiroyuki Tomoyo as well as a bunch of their friends did disappear even before his mother and him got into the accident that changed his life forever.

"(Then did I… hate her while she had good intentions?)" Kazuya's frown got a little deeper since he felt a little guilty about treating her like an enemy he wanted to kill when they first met in this life. If he wasn't aware of the good relations both their families had then he would have hurt her very badly just because of what he experienced in his past life.

"(No…)" Kazuya sighed and shrugged his shoulders. Though found himself unreasonable, anyone else who was in the same situation wouldn't have acted differently. Even though he was given a second chance, he still considered himself as normal as everyone else when it came to reacting as a human being. He had no way of finding out the reason why he was treated by her that way.

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Hashiyama Lee would always find ways to create trouble for him and would even send a few of his goons just to beat him up. The princess of Stockton International wasn't helping with her stalking antics either as multiple fans of hers would pressure Kazuya and would sometimes vent their jealousy on him which was why the addition of Shiroyuki Tomoyo didn't make much of a difference to him at that point.

Never would anyone as handicapped and disfigured as his previous self would think that she approached him because she was his fiancé. Even if he was told, he wouldn't believe that someone who approached him and beat him up that badly would be willing to be his wife.

Kazuya comforted himself as he thought about this and gave another deep sigh. Even though he knew that he was right about this, the fact that knowing about it now made him feel a little guilty. This was no one else's fault except for this troublesome grandfather who seemed to have forced Shiroyuki Jirou to give his word on the matter.

"You seem to have a lot on your mind despite gaining so many benefits." a mischievous voice immediately snapped Kazuya out of his inner thoughts as he found Kanade grinning at him together with her son whose mischievous personality was definitely taken from his mother.

"What benefits? All the benefits are towards someone or something else other than me who has to deal with everything else." Kazuya couldn't help but give another sigh.

"You should really stop that bad habit of yours of sighing too much. Don't you know that each sigh takes away a little of your life's happiness?" Kanade scolded in a light tone.

"How can I not sigh? I'm the one who has to deal with all these troublesome things just for things I didn't even ask for." Kazuya complained in a self depreciatingly.

"That's why you're the boss. It's your job to shoulder on these responsibilities" Kanade's words surprised Kazuya and made her look at her in surprise. It was rare to have this mischievous lady say something appropriate and insightful.

"…" Kazuya was speechless as she looked gazed at her and Takaya who was also taken by surprise. Both youths expected Kanade to add salt to the wound.

"Why are you two looking at me like that?" Kanade felt a bit insulted as she twisted her son's ears. "Can't I say something worthy of a parent?" She looked at Takaya sternly and made her son tap out a couple of times before finally letting him go with a throbbing ear.

"Can't say I can deny those words but even though you're correct, it doesn't mean that I can just take everything in stride. I do have a conscience after all. Though I do not have any favorable impressions about Kuronuma Ayame, it doesn't make what I'm doing right." Kazuya again gave another sigh.

"It's already too late the moment we accepted her to this company. I'm surprised you haven't confronted me yet about telling her the truth as I have prepared myself." Kanade paused a little after taking a look at Kazuya's reaction. "It looks like my worries about it are for nothing because you don't seem to have any intentions of telling her separately." Kanade was inwardly surprised by this. She already gave him the chance to open up the topic.

"Why?" Takaya whose grin disappeared felt a little uncomfortable. He felt that though Kazuya was a little selfish, he didn't do anything that was wrong. This was what he liked about him as he expected Kazuya to want to expose the identity of Kaguya to Ayame the moment he was used as a person she could gain information about him from. "Don't you think that all of this will hurt her deeply once the truth is revealed? Don't you have any plans of telling her at all?"

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"She will know once everyone else knows. Kuronuma Ayame will be hurt along with the fans that admired Kazuno Kaguya." Kazuya couldn't help but answer bluntly.

"Looks like I've misjudged you. I thought that even though you're not a person who would help someone out selflessly you wouldn't keep doing something as bad as taking advantage of a girl that has deep feelings for you." Takaya couldn't help but scold his friend. He was the person who tried to convince his mother to give Kazuya the chance to at least let Ayame know who he was.

"Idiot" Kazuya looked at Takaya before turning his head over to Kanade.

"I didn't explain anything to him because even I don't know what's going on in your mind for sure. You may have reasons aside from what I'm thinking of so I'll leave it to you to educate this son of mine." Kanade smiled.

"Fine…" getting the go signal from the mother, Kazuya turned to his friend. "Do you think I want to keep up with this farce?" he narrowed his eyes.

"Uh…" Just from the first sentence that came from his best friend's mouth, Takaya knew that he barked up the wrong tree. "Then why…"

"What do you think her reaction would be if she found out that the friend she talked to Kouzuki Kazuya about turned out to be the person himself?" Kazuya didn't answer and asked another question that left Takaya speechless.

"The existence of Kazuno Kaguya is still necessary I can't risk anyone exposing the secret. This is one way of keeping the Kuroganes on their toes as they have been spending a lot of effort into making sure that there isn't a chance of collaboration between Kazuno Tech and the Kouzuki Corporation because that would only make things a lot worse for those prideful swine who would rather create troubles rather than accepting defeat towards the clan that they bullied the most.

Kuronuma Ayame wasn't even supposed to be involved with this but you shouldn't blame me but rather the person beside you for letting her get involved in this." Kazuya turned towards Kanade who wasn't able to avoid blame.

"Hey it wasn't just me! Even Kazuno-san agreed to it! Besides, if it wasn't for both of you, Kazuno Tech's popularity would be a lot less than it is now." Kanade replied.

This was true. Kazuya wasn't able to refute it since not only did the combination of their surprisingly high popularity as friends help Kazuno Tech, it also helped the Aoki theatre group a lot. Another good part that came from this was Kyouko's permission for him to join S class which gave him a lot of time to train and take care of matters that had to be done.

"It's fine, I think I get it." Takaya immediately backed out after Kazuya turned to him once again with the intention of continuing. He felt a little dumb for doubting Kazuya who put his overprotectiveness over his family before anything else. Though he was supposed to be older than Kazuya and considered himself to be the more mature one, he slowly losing his confidence when it came to serious matters such as these.

"Then if you would be as kind as to restore my appearance…" Kazuya turned towards Kanade. "I would like to get back home and have a word with my dear 'grandfather'" Kazuya emphasized the last word which gave the mother and son pair shivers.

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Looks like Kouzuki Kou was in trouble this time. Both of them wondered just what Kuronuma Ayame said to incur the wrath of this scary youngster.


Kazuya arrived at the Kouzuki household after discussing a few matters with Kanade and Takaya. It was already night out when he arrived.

"Kazuya!" he was immediately pulled by his mother into her arms as soon as he arrived. This habit had developed as soon as Kazuya entered middle school. Kyouko had been afraid that now that he was entering puberty, he would act like the other children who would always avoid their parents and rebel.

"I'm back mom…" Kazuya didn't reject her since he was well aware of why this habit developed. He already promised her that he wouldn't change so he let Kyouko indulge herself whenever she could. This was also caused by the anxiety of him spending some time with the Kuroganes after all. "You're back quite early today?"

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"I heard about what happened in your school today" Kyouko nervously played with his hair as they sat on the couch.

"A day hasn't even passed by…" Kazuya frowned. He originally planned to open this conversation up once the culprit he wanted to punish showed himself but Kyouko had already taken the initiative.

"You forget, Yumi was once a student in your school. She pays attention to any news about you." Kyouko reminded.

"Yumi-nee-san huh…" Kazuya thought about the pretty secretary who was probably left in the office to deal with the rest of his mother's work.

"Even if Yumi didn't let me know, I've received a lot of calls today from various peers who asked about your revelation both directly and indirectly. Your school is filled with the next generation of these people after all." Kyouko informed.

"You didn't answer them didn't you?" Kazuya was a little nervous. Kyouko wasn't a stranger to the discussed method they had to use if they had no choice but to answer.

"What do you think?" Kyouko gave a mischievous smile as she softened her hold on Kazuya so that he could peek at her face.

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"Phew… so I'm safe…" he relaxed after getting confidence in his read on his mother.

"Muu…" Kyouko pouted. "Am I really that easy to read?" she felt a blow to her confidence because she was a queen in her field after all.

"My mom is the best woman who cares for me after all!" Kazuya hugged her tight and returned her affection. Kyouko did like to be hugged by him after all.

"Hmph! I'll let you off this time…" she returned the hug but her nose caught a whiff of something.

"You reek of women…" she frowned. After finding about his secret, she had started to pay attention to these things because she was afraid that he might give into his hormones at a young age. "Hmm… the usual ones are there but why is the one from grandpa Komori's granddaughter so strong?"

"Well…" Kazuya was about to explain himself when he felt a familiar presence enter the living room.

"You shouldn't be too overprotective of that aspect of his growth my dear daughter. He is a man of the Kouzuki house so he should enjoy himself like a real man before he settles down." Kouzuki Kou entered the room with a grin on his face after hearing Kyouko's inquiry.

"My Kazuya isn't the type to fool around with women!" Kyouko turned to her son. "Right?"

"Don't worry mom. I don't plan on getting into that kind of relationship until later on" Kazuya tried to alleviate Kyouko's worries before turning towards Kou. "Grandfather…"

"!!" Kou immediately took the hint and tried to leave the room. He enhanced his legs quickly to get away but he felt a threatening presence holding onto his clothes to prevent him from getting away. His grandson would only call him formally when he was in trouble and it would usually end up with him being a sparring partner for this little monster who he has seen numerous times fighting on par with Tsuna Nagato. How could he not be afraid?

"What did you do now father?" Kyouko narrowed her eyes and looked at her father as if he was already guilty.

"I don't know! I've only been busy with the plans for your security and haven't had any time for anything else I swear!" Kou didn't know what he had done this time and was pulled to the couch where the mother and son pair stood in front of him with their arms crossed.

"What did he do?" Kyouko turned to her son. She didn't doubt that her father had done something but was curious as to what this troublesome man who was more of a child than his actual grandson had done this time.

"Mom, were you aware that grandfather tried to arrange my marriage before I was born? It was even towards all his friends who had granddaughters!"


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