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Four peaceful years later. Kazuya stood in front of the people that had earned his trust after he had been given a second chance and live another life.

They stood inside the new facility that was Kazuya's very own research laboratory. It was located in what used to be a forest behind the new headquarters for Kazuno Tech's research and development employees.

After obtaining everything the Kurogane clan had owned, Kazuya had no intention of using the land that was left to him by Kurogane Tenma. Therefore, with the help of his mother, they negotiated with Sacred Forest Academy in hopes of obtaining the land where the academy stood in exchange for the entirety of what used to be the Kurogane estate.

It was a well-known fact that even though Kazuya was the sole heir of everything the Kurogane clan used to own, he had no intentions of taking advantage of such dirty riches. This was why he had offered to offer the more suitable and developed lands that the Kurogane clan had worked on for several decades. It was a better place for an academy to stand rather than the mountainous terrain that had given the students a challenge to attend.

After negotiations that lasted for a month, Sacred Forest Academy agreed to the deal and the Kouzuki clan was given shares of the illustrious Academy in exchange for the land that land that was twice as large and developed compared to where the academy had been built.

Of course, since there were still students attending the school, Kazuno Tech and the Kouzuki clan could only focus on the development outside the school premises in which Kazuya's research center, as well as the new home for Lailah and Natsu were built. It took a year after the negotiations were settled until the brand-new Sacred Forest Academy was able to open their school.

Lailah and Natsu had chosen to develop their new house in a place surrounded by nature while Kazuya's personal research center was located in a very specific location. This was the place where he was going to be summoned. The center of the structure had been built into a sturdy room where Kazuya had trained under the tutelage of the high elf Lailah and the two former heroes in preparation for his departure.

"It's almost time" a tall young man who had recently turned 17 smiled at the people who had gathered to see him off.

Kyouko, Mei, Yumi, Tsuna, Tomoyo, Nanami, Lailah, Natsu, and Kou stood anxiously before the young man who wore a dark outfit that looked somewhat similar to a military uniform. People who mistake him for someone that had the intention of cosplaying if they saw him walking around in this outfit.

"Be careful okay?" Kyouko approached the son that was now taller than her and stroked his cheek. He no longer had his long hair as Kyouko was convinced that it might put him at a disadvantage in battle.

"I will, mom. Don't worry!" Kazuya kissed his mom's forehead as he was given a hug. "I'll be back with souvenirs before you know it" he laughed.

Kyouko of course didn't want her only son to go on such a dangerous journey. She tried a few things to make him reconsider going on the trip for the past few years but none of them worked. With Natsu and Lailah providing them with information about the effects of this journey, as a mother, nothing could make her worries go away.

"Kid." Kou who now looked a few years younger than his age stepped up. "Don't cause too much trouble alright?"

"I should be the one saying that grandpa!" Kazuya retorted. "Please don't cause too much trouble make sure that everyone is safe while I'm gone." Both of them stared at each other. They were men so a few words were enough.

"Young master…" Yumi nervously approached and helf out something with both hands. "Please take this with you."

"Protection charms?" Kazuya immediately identified the three charms that were emanating Yumi's mana.

Of all the people who Kazuya had taught, only Yumi had put in a lot of effort towards making things such as these charms. Though she was a talented mage, despite her busy schedule as Kyouko's secretary, her talent in making magic accessories were better than anyone. Kazuya had left her to be responsible for casting protection magic over whatever new things that his family members bought while he was away.

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"Please… stay safe." She shyly spoke.

Her resistance towards Kazuya had lessened as he grew more. Kyouko's encouragement and Yui's teasing after her return didn't help much either.

"Thank you Yumi-nee." He took the charms and placed them on his breast pocket. "Please don't work too hard okay? I've always been worrying how little time you take to rest."

"Y-yes…" Yumi shyly made a retreat as soon as she felt people coming up behind her.

Kazuya turned to the trio who approached him next. These were the only people that knew where he would be going as two of them were his predecessors and one had been born there.

"Kazuya-kun, don't forget to stop by the elven territories when you have time." Lailah smiled at him warmly.

"I definitely will. I wasn't able to explore much of the elven territories last time so I'll make sure and visit and give your regards to them." he then turned to his grandfather's friend and his godfather.

"I have little doubt that you'll have any trouble with all your preparations for the past few years." Tsuna patted Kazuya on the shoulder. "Unlike our first trip there, you already have knowledge and control of your mana, not to mention your training."

"Haha…" Kazuya laughed. "Wasn't it you who always said to never be overconfident?"

"That was before I started losing to you consecutively." Tsuna shook his head and felt proud of this godson of his. He had lost the confidence in an all-out fight against this young man about a year ago. "There shouldn't be that many in Edea that can take on you seriously after you receive the hero's blessing."

"Thank you for bearing with me for the past couple of years!" Kazuya bowed with gratitude.

"Haha! Think nothing of it. It was fun for me too! I never thought that I would be able to push myself to the limits. I will be waiting for you to tell the story of your journey once you return."

"Please make sure my grandfather keeps himself out of trouble." Kazuya smiled and turned to the high elf's husband who had been keeping a serious expression.

"Remember your promise." He didn't have much to say. After all, he was the person next to his family, Kazuya spent his time the most with.

The reason for this was simple; Natsu and Lailah had helped him with his plans when he returned to Edea. Not only did he receive teachings from both of them when it came to magic, he also took advantage of their wisdom and discussed many scenarios which helped Kazuya's preparations immensely.

"I will." Kazuya nodded. "I'll also give Mallum-san your regards." He smiled.

*tug tug*

Kazuya turned sideways and saw the familiar robot girl who wore the ribbon he had given her after she passed his test a few years ago. Behind her, was the graceful girl who was once a well-known delinquent.

"You still haven't fixed that habit?" his mouth twitched.

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Tomoyo had been using her voice to communicate with him nowadays, her old habits were something that stubbornly remained.

"Kazu…ya-kun, I still haven't changed my mind." the robot girl, whose voice had once been considered a legend by her peers spoke softly yet clearly.

Tomoyo entered Sacred Forest Academy's S class after she had recovered from the incident that almost took her life years ago. This was because she and Nanami had started training under Kazuya and Tsuna's strict tutelage.

Kazuya looked at the girl who stood at the same height as him and compared this beautiful and popular girl to the quiet bully that had beaten him to a pulp in his previous life. Though they did look the same, Tomoyo's expressions was much more humanlike compared to the stoic girl that he once hated. Her treatment towards him was also a complete opposite from his previous life.

Unlike his previous life, Kazuya and Tomoyo had remained on the same grade. With the accident not occurring, Kazuya didn't take a year off to recover from his injuries completely. Both of them were known as modern sword saints who had never lost a match when they participated in kendo tournaments.

"You don't need to remind me every year…" Kazuya sighed. He ruffled the robot girl's hair. "You should take this time without me and make more friends. Think of it as training for when you attend university without me."

"Bully…" she pinched his arm.

Tomoyo hated it when she found out that Kazuya didn't have plans on ascending to Sacred Forest Academy's university department. When Kazuya noticed, he always used this as encouragement to make her meet other people. She almost cried after it relented and called it his way of bullying her.

"Sigh…" Kazuya shook his head and ignored the stubborn robot girl. He hoped that some time apart from each other will help Tomoyo get rid of her relentless attachment towards him.

"Kazuya-san, Please take care!" Nanami smiled at him as soon as their gazes met. She had absolute confidence that Kazuya will come back unscathed like every other time he encountered trouble.

"Sure!" Kazuya smiled back and acknowledged her. "I know you're not like this robot girl so we'll hang out when I come back."

"P-please take this with you." Nanami nervously handed him a multi-layered lunchbox for his trip. Thought it may not last for his whole journey, it would at least be enough for a few meals after he had arrived in his destination.

"Thanks! You're cooking only gets better and better so I won't be polite and take it with me." Kazuya gratefully took the lunchbox from her and stored it in his ring to main its freshness.


Tomoyo and Nanami perked up immediately and stood to the side after they heard that.

"Big sis…" Kazuya awkwardly looked at Mei who had her arms crossed and wore a dissatisfied expression.

"Flirting right in front of me. You three sure have guts." Mei grabbed Kazuya's collar and pushed him against the sealed doors that separated them from the training space that was also the spot where Kazuya was supposed to be summoned.

"Umm…" Kazuya couldn't help but be a little nervous.

Among all the people who knew about his departure. Mei was probably the person who was against it the most. Though Kazuya didn't think much about telling them about his intention to leave for Edea four years ago, thinking back, he might have told them too early.

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Mei was especially very specific about asking Kazuya about the companions he intended to save after he found out that majority of them were women. How could anyone blame him? Women were more gifted with their control over mana even on earth. Only heroes such as Tsuna, Kazuya and Natsu were exceptions because of the hero's blessing.

She once thought that Kazuya being more carefree and approachable after he had told them everything was a good thing. It showed that he had gotten over the issues that held him back and was finally able to show them the real Kazuya. Unfortunately, the Kazuya that once pushed away people stopped pushing away most of them and started getting along with those who didn't come at him with ulterior motives.

With Kazuya's popularity, Mei's possessiveness towards him was made more apparent after his change.

"Two women…" Mei muttered.

"Huh?" Kazuya tilted his head in confusion.

"I will only allow you to bring back two women!" She raised her voice in annoyance. "You mentioned two people who you wanted to save the most right? I will only allow you to bring back two at most! You should be thankful that I'm even allowing you more than one!"

"Haha…" Kazuya gave a dry laugh.

He told her the experiences he had in Edea with his companions and the realizations he had after being under interrogation for a long time. Two individuals specifically were able to make Mei feel grateful as those two had sacrificed their lives for Kazuya.

"Thank you big sis…" Kazuya held her close and gave her a tight hug.

Mei remaining by his side in this life was enough of a reason for him to come back to his own world. With the rest of his family and friends waiting for him, how could he even consider not coming back?

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"Rucy-chan, unlock training center." Kazuya turned towards the orb at the top of the doorway and put his palm against the door.

"[Mana recognition confirmed. Access granted Kazuya-sama!]"

The solid doors slid opened and the group found a formation in the middle of the room that hadn't been there before emitting a faint radiance.

"I'm off!" Kazuya didn't turn back and immediately leaped on top of the formation.

Enveloped in a blinding light, Kazuya felt the minute changes in his body as he started receiving the hero's blessing. Though he was supposed to be standing still, his body felt that it had been travelling in a direction that he really couldn't tell.

The familiar voice that was already identified as a recording through Natsu's research was once again heard by him. In a short moment, he would be arriving at the land that once gave him the life he wanted.

Kazuya felt weird. Thinking about his previous life, he left the world that made him feel like a speck of dust and entered a world that treated him as he was the most important person alive. Now, he was entering the world where the people who summoned him, would have seen any person that answered their summons as a disposable tool for their schemes while he left the world that he would never have left if it were not for his companions.

"I'm almost there." As the hero's blessing reached its peak in his body, Kazuya opened his eyes and saw the light at the end of the tunnel that moved him through an unknown amount of distance.

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His vision was still blinded by light but Kazuya was able to hear distinct voices that was made by various different people. He slowly felt the feeling of gravity back on his body as both of his feet landed on solid ground. He tried to shake off the uncomfortable feeling he felt after being summoned and tried to confirm his surroundings.

"Hero? Can you hear me?" he heard and understood the language the melodious voice that was close to him speak.

As his vision cleared up, the first thing he saw was the person who kept calling out to him. A beautiful maiden who was wearing a pure and white dress that complimented her long golden hair and clear and alluring emerald colored eyes. He couldn't help but stare at this beautiful maiden as his mind seemed to have been frozen.

"It worked!" the handsome middle-aged man wearing a crown immediately celebrated.

"Congratulations your majesty! The hero summoning that only our Zweifel kingdom is capable of is a success!" the round faced noble didn't waste time and flattered the man who appeared to be a king.

"He looks to be wearing similar garbs that are very similar to the collections left behind by one of the strongest heroes in history!" The king excitedly commented after observing Kazuya's attire. "He should be one of the people that hold some kind of position in the realm of heroes!"

The people looked excitedly at the dazed Kazuya after the king's comments. The noise they were making grew louder and caused Kazuya to snap out of his thoughts. He looked around and observed the faces and expressions of the people that gathered.

"Hero?" the beautiful girl called out to him once more.

"Daughter, the hero here is still unable to understand our language." The king spoke. "You should give him the magic ring of knowledge so that he may able able to understand our tong—"

"I can understand you very clearly." Kazuya interrupted the king. "How is it that you are able to speak the language that my lineage uses as a means to deter spies?" Kazuya spoke in the language the humans used commonly in Edea.

"Language to deter spies?" the beautiful woman was the very first to react. She turned to look at the handsome features of the hero that had been summoned but she immediately froze after their gazes met.

The hero in front of her shot her a glare that sent chills down her spine. She was a princess that had various amounts of accomplishments. She hardly ever met people that could give her any pressure yet, the man before her gave her a feeling that she was already in front of death's door.

With her keen senses, she immediately noticed the seemingly normal action of the man before her who had reached for something in the side of his body. Though it appeared to be slow for her, the rest of the people who wasn't accustomed to battle didn't realize it until the hero was already pointing some sort of device towards the princess of the Zweifel kingdom.

A metallic object which no one had ever seen before was on the Hero's hands. It had no sharp edges so no one considered it to be a weapon that could hurt the princess even if it had been a weapon.

"(Alicia von Lichtenstein…)" Kazuya would never forget this mesmerizing beauty that he was once infatuated with. "Hajimemashite~" he suddenly spoke in a language that she didn't recognize. The atmosphere immediately loosened up after the people noticed that he had given her a warm smile.

"What did you sa—"

*BANG!* *BANG!!*

"Your 'hero-sama' has arrived"


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