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The southern part of the Zweifel Kingdom's capital; Maynira, usually had quite the amount of visitors. The knights' graveyard, the hero park and the temple of the hero were located in the southern part of the large capital of Maynira.

The temple of the hero had been closed down for a month due to the Zweifel Kingdom's efforts in renovating the sacred temple that was once the residence of the former hero that helped their kingdom rise against the Demon Race. This was due to the fact that a room of summoning had been prepared so that they would be able to call upon another hero.

Today had been the 16th day since they began the endeavor of summoning a new hero to the zweifel kingdom. Many of the nobles have already been bored and tired of waiting but most of the ones that stayed were hell bent on making connections to the hero if the ritual did succeed.

Both the church and the kingdom's most talented mages and researchers have been working hard on making sure that the formation had been working properly. The repercussions of making a mistake of a spell in this grand scale would most likely destroy the southern part of the capital. This and the reason that summoning a hero lowered the density of mana had been the primary reason why there were many against calling upon a hero in the capital.

For the past 16 days, the hero's temple had worked like the castle since the king and the nobles had been doing their meetings and discussions about the kingdom in one of the rooms. The Kingdom's princess herself even worked with the priestesses of the church and the mages responsible for maintaining the summoning circle as she had been chosen to represent Edea in exchanging first greetings with the hero.

"How is everything Alicia?" King Benino von Lichtenstein III, approached Alicia who had been on standby by the summoning circle.

"We have been increasing the input of mana in hopes that the hero from the other side would notice our call." Alicia replied and made sure that the nobles that had been wearing impatient expressions would hear it. "Is this morning's meeting over with already?"

"Well, there isn't much to be discussed since the arrival of the hero is an event everyone is looking forward to." The king replied

Alicia frowned. She was sure that there were very few amongst the people with them who were present because of their beliefs of the holy being which was the 'hero'. She gave a quick glance over to duke Eberbach in particular because he had been one of the people who had been against this but had stayed with no particular interest in case they failed.

The king noticed the direction of her stare and knew what had been on Alicia's mind. The Eberbach family had been a military family that although loyal, upheld a stubborn sense of chivalry that would make the other nobles be dissatisfied with them.

"You don't need to worry about Elrich all that much. a plan has already been set in motion to take care of the Eberbach forces soon." The king whispered. "If you can, delaying the success of the summoning for a few days will ensure that he wouldn't be a problem."

"Though it may not be a guarantee, I can let the others lower the mana—"

A sudden surge of mana made Alicia stop speaking to turn towards the summoning circle.

"""Whoaaa!""" the people near the room's entrance had exclaimed as a pillar of light suddenly rose from the formation.

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"Tsk!" Alicia clicked her tongue and turned towards the king who could only give a nod before going back to his position.

Just as they were planning to delay the summoning, the signs that someone from the other side of the summoning had responded to their calls. None of the people in the room had been present in the previous hero summoning so they could only base their knowledge from records that had survived the test of time.

Alicia moved back to the forefront of the summoning circle. She silently wished that this was just a false alarm.

"(Though it may not have been your fault. I'll make sure to remember that you caused us an inconvenience if you come out at such a time hero.)" Alicia stared intently at the pillar of light that slowly turned into a person's silhouette.

"(A young man?)" Alicia had been the first to confirm the summoning's success. "(This would be easier than I thought.)" She couldn't help but smile after judging that the hero that has been summoned was close to her age.

"(He looks younger than me… and jet-black hair like the description of almost all the previous heroes.)" Alicia continued to observe the boy who had his eyes closed while slowly completing his materialization to their world.

A handsome young man wearing dark clothes that reminded them of the military garbs that duke Eberbach made his soldiers wear appeared before them. Many of the nobles had started congratulating the king for the ritual's success.

Alicia noticed the closed eyes of the hero respond to the sudden noise that filled the room. This was enough proof that his senses have been active. Alicia stepped forward seized the opportunity that was given to her.

"Hero? Can you hear me?" she stopped just outside the inner formation and stood in front of the hero that slowly opened his eyes.

"…" he started glancing around the room with a cold but neutral expression.

"(Such a deep penetrating gaze…)" Alicia tried to prevent herself from shuddering under the crimson pupils of the person in front of her. She felt like everything would have been seen through by this person, including the fact that they had specific plans to make use of him. It was like she had no choice but to feel naked in front of his gaze no matter what she did.

"?" The hero's gaze changed into what appeared to be similar to curiosity as soon as it landed on duke Eberbach. The noble that had been wearing garbs that were similar to the hero's although not as extravagant.

"hero?" Alicia immediately called out to him once more. She wanted to put all his attention to her before his curiosity took over. This was the only time they would be able to control how the hero saw things in their world after all.

"Daughter, the hero still does not know our language" the king noticed her intentions and immediately spoke a reminder. "The ring of the knowledge we prepared for him should allow the hero to—"

"I can understand the language you're using very clearly." The hero suddenly spoke in the human language that Edeans used. "How is it that you are able to use one of the languages that only few people in my lineage use to deter spies?"

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"!? (Spies?)" Alicia trembled as the hero's gaze focused on her. The fact that she wasn't able to see through the thoughts of any man that was close to her age made her mind go into panic. She didn't know what the hero was thinking but it was like he had been looking at her like he was looking at someone he recognized.

"Hajimemashite~" the hero spoke in words that were foreign to her as he slowly pulled out a metallic object and pointed it in front of her.

"What did you—"


Sparks suddenly appeared from the metallic object that he held in front of her.

"!!" Alicia had no idea how the others saw it, but she was a person that had been trained by various individuals about battles. Her instincts immediately told her that something that threatened her had just happened so she immediately cast a barrier to protect herself.

"How impressive…" the hero whispered to himself as a powerful barrier was erected in front of Alicia. "But it's no use…" he smirked as the bullets reached their intended target.

"Ukkk!!" Alicia felt hot searing pain on her knees as she lost the power to stand. She shut her eyes expecting her face to crash on the floor but she was unexpectedly caught by the very person who just gave her injuries.

The hero remained nonchalant and immediately caught the falling princess and pointed the metallic object that had been identified as a weapon and pointed it towards her head. This immediately halted the knights that were currently present in the room.





"Now then, I believe I suppose I was right to assume that this girl is in a position importance?" The hero grinned towards the person he assumed to be a king because of the flashy crown on his head.

"How dare you!"

"Let go of the princess this instant!"

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"Someone call a healer!"


The people making a ruckus immediately shut their mouths as the hero moved his weapon behind the slowly moving arm of the princess and shot her elbow without hesitation. The knights who drew their weapons immediately lowered their weapons as they didn't want to cause another injury.

"KUK!" Alica but her lips in pain and gave up trying to do anything in her current situation.

*drip* *drip*

The sound of the princess' blood falling on the floor could be heard as everyone stared nervously at the hero who had been observing them with his gaze.

"Has everyone settled down now?" he glanced at the people who looked at him with different kinds of expressions. "I have a pretty good guess about what this place is after taking a look at the people in this room. Now then, shall we start our talk?"

"Why did you suddenly attack my daughter?" the king was displeased at the hero's calmness. He didn't understand how he could be calm after just attacking someone he knew was of importance out of the blue.

"Why wouldn't I? I suddenly woke up in a room surrounded by people who could suddenly use the language we use to deter spies. Some of you even have weapons and give off a dangerous feeling of being able to use mana." The hero commented.

"The last thing I remember before I woke up here was that I was supposed to be headed towards a battlefield against one of my enemies. So, you tell me, should I not ensure my own safety before talking with people who most likely kidnapped me to some strange place?" The hero kept his gaze at the king looking for an answer.

"…" the king didn't know how to respond. He understood that what the hero had just said made a lot of sense and couldn't come up with anything to refute him with.

"I am a person who is in a sensitive position so do pardon me if I take my own safety into priority before anything else. There are a lot of people who are after my life after all." The hero spoke again after the king had remained silent.

"Pardon me." Duke Eberbach took a step forward and caught the attention of everyone in the room almost instantly. "I couldn't help but be curious about your earlier statement about having a good guess on where this is. I wonder if clearing that up would prove that everyone here does not have any intention of causing you any harm."

"And you are?" the hero curiously looked at the duke.

"Pardon me. I am Elrich Eberbach, a duke of the kingdom which you are currently in. May I ask that you grace us with your name young hero?" he smiled amicably.

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The duke and the hero stared at each other with respect. Both of them have come to a silent understanding that they might get along with each other.

The duke looked highly upon the hero's show of intelligence and the swift action into turning the unknown situation in his favor. He knew that the hero would be able to pick up the subtle hints he had already gave him in their short exchange of words.

"I see… so is this the Zweifel Kingdom? Or is it another human kingdom that called me here?" his innocent response startled everyone including the hostage that had forgotten the pain she was in at the moment. "I had a feeling that this place had been the Edea I heard so much about after seeing everyone's attires and sensing the mana around you people."

"Y-you know where you are?" the duke stuttered.

"I do." The hero nodded and lowered his weapon. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kazuya, the successor to two of Earth's most influential organizations and the current commander of the Mana Security Forces."

His introduction had given the people of the Zweifel Kingdom quite a shock. The records indicated that the summoned heroes from old had been given a hero's blessing and possessed enormous amounts of mana but, since they were from a world that barely contained any mana, they had no idea how to use it.

That wasn't the only reason. Many people have already realized that this hero was not a normal person because of his actions. With his introductions, they understood that they have summoned someone with an extraordinary standing in his world.
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"I am honored to meet you Sir Kazuya." The duke politely bowed. "I am relieved that you have some knowledge of the situation. This is indeed the Zweifel kingdom of Edea. May I ask if you can release the princess so that she may be able to receive medical treatment?"

"Do you swear on your honor and the lives of your family members that you have no intention to harm me?" the hero's smile faded as he gave the duke a serious look.

"I swear upon the Eberbach name that my family bears you no ill will. Neither me nor my soldiers will make a move to hurt you unless you endanger us." He declared.

"I see…" the hero nodded and then turned towards the king. "What about you? You're the king right? Do you swear upon your crown that none of you will attack me once I release this girl?"

The king already stared at the hero blankly as he felt a sense of loss after the unexpected turn of events. Not only did Alicia fail to ensnare the male hero with her uncontested beauty, duke Eberbach had gotten on the hero's good graces after just a short exchange of words.

"Yes. I swear upon my crown that we will not hold you responsible for this misunderstanding." He couldn't help but swallow the loss as there was far too much at stake if he and the hero had a falling out now.

"Very well." Kazuya entrusted his hostage to the knights the priestesses that approached. "I apologize about this seemingly worst way of meeting. I made sure I aimed for spots that should not ruin your beauty I hope you give me a little credit for that fact." He smiled at the bitter looking princess as she was being carried out of the room.

"(I'm sure you're going to hate me to death after you realize that no normal healing magic will be able to affect the damage that my anti-magic bullets caused. Until then, have fun trying to figure out how you will be able to walk again Alicia.)" Kazuya laughed in his mind. "(I look forward to the time when you swallow your pride and ask me for any solutions to your predicament.)"

"Now then, shall we begin the discussion on why it is that I am here?"


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