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"Don't give me a reason to go against your family again. I am not Stockton Jonson, I don't intend on stopping after a few skirmishes. I am not the type of person who will stop until my enemies have completely been taken care of" Takaya didn't know what Kazuya was thinking but he tried to deliver the message as best he can with a dominating atmosphere.

"(Did he just threaten the Kurogane family?)" Ringo couldn't help but put a hand over her gaping mouth. This Kouzuki Kazuya was quite bold to have just said such a thing.

"I have no reason to be amicable with you since you are no stranger to the friction between our families. You claim that your family had no part to play in the attempt to kill me two years ago but your family also did nothing to stop or reprimand Hashiyama Lee after his mistakes have been discovered multiple times.

Need I mention the gun used against me that was traced back to your household? Speak honestly, would the Kurogane family have reprimanded him if he had not been caught?"

"I…" Suzaku could not speak. He knew very well that his family would do whatever it took to cover it all up. They might have even pinned the crime on Kazuya and killed Kurumi if they could have.

"You talk big for someone who has the support of Stockton International" Ringo interrupted. She was disappointed at Suzaku for not being able to retaliate so she chose to intervene.

"Who is the little girl talking? Err… oops my bad" Takaya accidentally repeated the question Kazuya meant for him and looked down on the girl before realizing his mistake.

"Her name's Muimina Ringo, the eldest daughter of the Ringo Corporation. A member of S class of the 6th grade" Takaya held his ear and explained.

"Little girl? You have a lot of gall calling me that from afar" she was of course irritated after being called a little girl by someone who was younger than her. She knew about Takaya's talents so she knew that he definitely asked that question the same way Takaya had acted it out.

"I have no reason to go to a place I'm not interested in. I assume you are this guy's friend since you've collaborated with him earlier so because I don't have anything against you, I would advise you to either discourage your friend if he has absurd ideas of taking revenge or steer clear from him if you discover he does" Takaya resumed his act and turned towards Ringo.

"Like I said, stop being so arro—"

"I don't need to explain myself to a little girl like you. The Ringo Corporation is not the Kurogane Conglomerate so I doubt Stockton International would make a move if you don't involve their princess. I don't care if you both team up but I have already given my warning. I'd like to enjoy the rest of my lunch so I hope you two are smart enough to know what to do" Kazuya broke off the connection that made Takaya sigh. He didn't understand why Kazuya even provoked Ringo.

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"Aoki Takaya! Is that kid really like that!?" Ringo couldn't help but stomp her feet in irritation after being treated like that. She was the eldest daughter and most likely successor to the Ringo corporation that she was named after. How dare Kazuya threaten and treat someone like her like this?

"Yep. He's really not a bad guy. The way he speaks tends to get on people's nerves" he sighed again.

"Are you really going to side by him?" Ringo looked at Takaya seriously. Both of them knew that she meant if he would stand with him if she were to go against Kazuya.

"Let me give you a piece of advice 'senpai', I've hung out with Kouzuki for a while and he has not failed to do whatever he said that he would do. It would be in both of your best interests to do as he said and do what you need to do with the Stockton girls when he isn't around. That way he wouldn't be compelled to act even if you apply pressure to them.

It would not be wise to go against him because after I got to know him, I would dread to be in the opposing side of him" Takaya shrugged and turned to walk away without turning back. Kazuya instructed him to get out before the two could ask him to show them the way.

"Huh? Where's that boy?" by the time Maron finished teaching her how to use the device, there was no one left in the room. She let Kurumi try out the machine by herself since to make sure that she could do it by herself and checked the outside of the corner where the small room hosting the devices was.

"All done!" Kurumi went out after the screen indicated that everything was set. She wanted to go to Kazuya immediately but as she looked for Takaya to guide them, all she found was a spacious room that seemed so stuffy just a while ago.

Takaya successfully made it to the place where the three of them would hide from students. It was an empty room that used to be an old library before a new one was constructed. It was located on one of the top floors of the elementary department so not many students bothered to come. The key to this room was held by Takaya who used this room to study or rehearse his lines whenever he bothered to go to school.

"About that favor…" he rubbed his hands together and looked at Kazuya like a debt collector.

"It was but a small favor that you were also happy to accept. I'm not accepting any of the previous offers to play the parts you want me to play" Kazuya knew what this friend of his was thinking because he has never failed to try and convince him whenever he had a chance to.

Kazuya was surprised that this guy, as carefree as he seemed to be was able to figure out why he asked to learn the Aoki family's trade. Takaya had been a lot more intelligent that he was given credit for. Nevertheless, even if he started to trust this friend of his, he had no interest in actually joining the entertainment scene.

"I'm not asking you to play the main roles I've asked you before" the grin Takaya showed made Kazuya instantly have a bad feeling.

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"Then…" his eyes narrowed and his presence even startled Tomoyo who was silently enjoying her lunch.

"…" she looked at Takaya who she knew that made Kazuya accept and threatened him with her own presence as well.

"I-I'm not going to let you two intimidate me with your bloodlusts!" Takaya didn't know anything about mana but from all the books and movies he had to watch, he made the assumption that this was what he had felt.

"Tsk…" Kazuya clicked his tongue. This used to work on Takaya before but he had slowly grown accustomed to it because he never actually did do anything to this troublesome friend.

"It was a small favor a small part!" Takaya believed that Kazuya only needed to try and he would immediately have the interest.

"What part? I really don't like being in front of too many people" ever since realized that everything about him being a hero was a lie, Kazuya felt that he had disappointed all those people who believed in him. They may also have been fooled by the rulers of their kingdom or the high ranked clergymen but he felt that he had let them down.

This made him feel uncomfortable when he was the center of attention. He was fine with the competition because he only had to focus on the opponent but awards ceremonies always made him feel a bit stifled.

"I still haven't decided! I'll ask my parents if there are any ones that are a good match!" he was so excited that he jumped in celebration. "You don't need to worry to much. I won't deliberately make things hard for you"

To Kazuya, he wasn't comfortable about owing people debts. This was why he took the chance to repay the one he had with Kurumi. This way, he was able to repay it on his own terms. He was a bit relieved after getting a little consideration from Takaya though he was a bit skeptical.

Takaya settled down as soon as he realized that he had yet to have any food. The three of them had a peaceful lunch together. This had been pretty much the usual for the three of them. Kazuya and Tomoyo would sometimes go to the cafeteria to eat but that was when they didn't bring lunch and Takaya was not present.

"Hey Kouzuki, why did you provoke them?" the sudden topic was raised.

"I didn't provoke them though. Besides, since I've been watching through your phone, I already noticed that the two of them had a relationship that was not just of acquaintances.

"You mean they got together?" Takaya was a bit startled.

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"You forgot who I am. Our side has been expecting a counterattack for a while now. They are just biding their time and still recovering from their previous loss"

"You mean a political connection?"

"It wasn't confirmed information until now. The Kuroganes have set their sights on the technological market and have been trying to thwart our family from getting a solid foothold on it even as they were trying to deal with the aftermath of the incident" Kazuya explained.

"I see… so they plan on joining hands with the Muimina Corporation with those two" Takaya really didn't think much of it. For people like them, this was a common thing. He even considered the two of them to be lucky since they already know and get along with each other.

"You've already had a glimpse of how they do things. I would eventually have to deal with them so I took the initiative since an opportunity presented itself" he knew that Takaya did not think like people of his age so he wasn't uncomfortable discussing things like this with him. Their lives were basically those that would be exaggerated in the movies or stories he plays so there was little reason for him not to get it.

"Yeah…" The two shamelessly tried to approach the Stocktons and even wanted to get along with them after what they just pulled. He was even worried that those two would try to pull something to get the girls to go against Kazuya so he knew that they had to be cautious.

"Your family still plans on venturing into the technological scene while knowing that those two forces are working together?" Takaya found this strange. This was not something Kouzuki Kyouko would do. He had already done his homework about the Kouzukis because Takaya wanted to understand his friend's situation better so this seemed inconsistent with what he learned.

"No. We already have half a step in and mom decided that we would stay in that state until we get a chance. The news about the two joining hands in the future makes it harder for us to make a move compared to the past so things will remain as is for the Kouzuki Corporation"

"Then why did you provoke Muimina Ringo!? Isn't that just making things harder for your mom's company?"

"I said that that Kouzuki Corporation will keep the status quo. I never said anything about myself" Kazuya's words shook Takaya. What was this guy planning this time? The expression Kazuya had on his face was something he had grown to fear. He was definitely up to no good immediately entered his thoughts.

Takaya thought about it and found no way for him alone to affect things that were going on in the world of adults. He may have been an intelligent person whose schemes grew as time went by but Kazuya was still powerless to affect anything.

"(Unless…)" cold sweat poured from the top of his head. There had been one incident that Kazuya had been involved in that moved the seemingly unmovable mountains and set a new playing field. It was the very incident that almost cost him his life.

"Don't think too much. Just wait and see" Kazuya smiled. He was appreciative that this guy worried about him but Takaya's guess was considering the Kazuya of two years ago. He had already grown and learned a lot since then.
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"I'll cooperate with you but I want your word that you will not endanger your life for your schemes" he made himself clear. He was worried this friend of his would do something reckless again. He did not want to experience the same anxiousness he felt back then.


Tomoyo who had been staying quiet moved in between the two to express her opinion. It need not to be said that she intended to protect him because she had been trying to do so ever since she got him back. To her, it was her responsibility to do so.

"Are you guys worried about me or think that I can't handle it?" he could only dryly laugh at their reactions. He felt a little happy inside and hoped that these two would never change but in his mind, he still saw them as children who would eventually open their eyes to the real world one day.

"You're probably the only person that doesn't think that going against two powerful corporations by yourself is nothing" Takaya shrugged his shoulders. He knew that this friend of his had his own plans and he didn't even bother to ask something so scary. "Stop changing the topic and say the words of guarantee"


The two of them of course were no stranger to the promise of a member of the Kouzuki family. This was something that would assure them without worrying after all. All those who have broken this before were cast out the by family no matter who they were, they would lose the right to bear the Kouzuki name.

"You guys win…" Kazuya raised his hands in surrender. "I promise in my name as a member of the Kouzuki Family that I will not do something that will cause my death in my struggle against those two members of S class and their families" he put his right fist on his chest and hit it before looking at his two friends in the eye.

The two were finally satisfied. Kazuya couldn't help but sigh inwardly after the two stopped thinking about it. Although he had understood how heavy the promises were when using the Kouzuki name, that didn't mean that he couldn't use wordplay. He was pleased that his ploy worked but was a little worried about the two's sensitivity to details.

The three of them finally went back to their classroom. Kazuya waited until the last second and only entered when the school chimes started sounding so that he could avoid dealing with the two transfer students for now. However, things have started getting complicated once again and it didn't only mean it was for Kazuya.

Tomoyo was the very first person to notice the quest state of the room as soon as she entered. The two boys were wondering why everyone in the class was looking at the robot girl. They only realized the cause of the awkward atmosphere when they followed Tomoyo's gaze who started to release a small amount of pressure unconsciously.

From the time they left for lunch, there had been one unique change in the room; A person was sitting on the seat that Tomoyo had occupied since Kazuya arrived. The seat Kazuya was occupying was left empty and so was the seat in front of him that belonged to Takaya.

"Welcome back Kazuya-kun!" Kurumi smiled happily and waved at Kazuya that immediately made the room feel cold despite the unchanged expression on Tomoyo's face.


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