eFate: An MMO Story

Chapter 55

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Fortunately, Eric was saved from having to respond by Tom. After a few minutes of hammering, the shield had been returned to Griffin as good as new, with a fresh shine upon the boss which had been polished to a mirror like surface by the smith. Admiring the work, Griffin tossed the smith another handful of Cirts in thanks which got an appreciative grin out of the man. Using the shield as a pretense, Eric gave Seryllia a quick wave goodbye and fled back to the group, pretending to admire Griffin's shield as Seryllia's gaze bored holes in his back.

After Mark purchased a brand new iron mace from Tom, the group left the happy blacksmith with directions on how to get to the church for Mark's healing spells. Waving goodbye, the party set off once more, headed for Tonbura villages only chapel.

"So what was that about?" Asked Griffin once the forge was in the background.

Mark laughed, "Remember that berserker chick that almost killed Eric? The one he invited to join us?"

"Yeah why?"

"That was her."

Griffin's head whipped around so fast that Eric could have sworn it was on a swivel as he stared towards him. In response to Griffin's burning gaze, Eric nodded to confirm Mark's statement.

"So that's the girl who nearly messed you up?" Griffin asked.

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"Yup. That's Seryllia."

"How did the conversation go?" Mark asked, the grin on his face showing that he was enjoying this.

"Well she didn't try to kill me this time. Just made a few death threats. So it seems like we're making progress."

"Yeah at this rate only a few more meetings and you'll be married," Griffin remarked dryly.

"Don't even joke about that. She might seriously try to kill me the next time I see her," Eric replied. Laughing at his misfortune, the three navigated their way through the village towards the chapel.

The chapel was a well kept, two story building done in the style of a medieval church. With walls of stone, a sloped roof, and a steeple with a strange insignia at its peak, the chapel presented a charming appearance that complemented the sleepy village nicely.

"It's a nice place," Griffin commented as the trio approached the door.

"So is the forest, and there's loot and experience to be had there," Mark replied.

"I mean. We could probably get loot and experience here if we really tried…" said Eric. Seeing the confused looks of his friends he continued, "We've just got to pretend we're vikings."

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Griffin paled at this, "Can we not joke about slaughtering and pillaging the NPCs?" he hissed.

"I mean it could work…" Mark began slowly, exchanging a wink with Eric as Griffin's face began to contort in panic. Breaking into laughter, Eric and Mark nearly cried, tears of mirth streaming down their faces as they watched Griffin's expression go from panicked to exasperated.

"Sometimes I don't know why I stick around with you guys," he informed them tiredly, striding forward to open the chapel door. Grinning at each other, Eric and Mark made to follow their friend, heading through the large double wooden doors and into the chapel itself.

The interior of the chapel was as charming as the exterior. Large windows on both walls allowed the light to illuminate the pews where a few villagers were currently seated, their hands clasped together in prayer. A confessional booth off to the side lay empty, a bored looking servant dusting the sides without much vigor. A massive circular stained glass window at the far end of the church shone a multicoloured light over the pulpit, beside which stood an unused harp with faintly glowing strings. On the other side of the pulpit was a desk covered with a white cloth. Various implements occupied the desk, behind which sat a woman looking over some papers, her face scrunched up in a frustrated expression that Eric found to be equal parts concerning and adorable.

As the party made their way up the aisle, the woman looked up from her papers, a huge smile blossoming on her face as she beheld the newcomers. Standing up, she accidentally knocked over the stack of papers she'd been working on, causing a panicked expression to appear on her face.

Okay, now that is a one hundred percent adorable look, Eric thought to himself as he jumped up the stairs to the pulpit, bending down to help her pick up the papers. Making their way over, Griffin and Mark began to help as well, the four of them making quick work of the scattered papers.

As Eric handed her the last paper, the woman's face broke into a radiant smile. Now that he was closer, Eric could see that the woman was actually fairly young. In her late twenties at the latest, with red hair, dimples, and blue eyes. She was wearing a nondescript gown in the style of English monks, the threadbare garment seemingly a little too large for her as the hem swept against the floor. Her hair was tied in a neat bun with a few stray wisps of hair floating down over her eyes. Sweeping these strands out of her face, the woman looked at the party happily.

"Hello! Welcome to the church of Leralitas, Goddess of Generosity. I'm the head priestess, Maria. Have you come to receive the blessing of Leralitas?"

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Stepping forward, Mark spoke up, "Hi. I'm Mark, I was hoping to learn a healing spell, and Tom told me that here at the church of Leralitas was where I could learn to become the one who takes care of my wounded allies."

Hearing this, Maria's eyes shone, "That's such a noble and selfless reason to learn the divine spells. Leralitas is the patron of the generous and the selfless, she would never turn away one with such altruistic reasons. I will gladly teach you a healing spell. All that I ask is that you use it to help those in need, and not to ask for compensation in return."

"That would be my honour. I believe that all should be rewarded with salvation, regardless of the value assigned to them by the material world," Mark replied.

Exchanging a disbelieving look, Eric and Griffin watched as Mark conversed with the priestess, chatting about his will to become a man who saved thousands. Clapping her hands together, Maria took off a rosary that had been hidden with the folds of her gown. Bringing the rosary up to her face, she closed her eyes, using the rosary as a wand as she drew a pair of runes in midair which sparkled with a golden light.

Opening her eyes, the priestess smiled happily as she observed the runes floating in midair, "These are divine runes. The first is the rune for a minor healing spell. The second is the rune of light, the rune that allows us to invoke the power of the divines," she explained, allowing the runes to hang in midair as the trio observed their shapes.

Seeing that they were done, Maria finished casting the spell, a pale light emerging from her rosary and flowing into Mark's body which emitted a slight glow where the spell had entered him. As Eric and Griffin watched with interest, Mark's healthbar appeared, a soft golden glow appearing briefly above it before disappearing.

"Do you need a rosary to cast divine magic?" Eric asked curiously, looking at the small rosary in the shape of a sheaf of wheat clutched in Maria's hand. Following his gaze, Maria shook her head, "Divine idols can help increase the power of divine spells. But they are not necessary to cast them, just like wands are not required to cast magic."

"Would it be possible for me to get a divine idol? My friends are often throwing themselves recklessly into danger, any increase in healing ability would be appreciated," said Mark.

"We do sell idols here at the church. It's five silver Sricks for a small idol that has received the blessing of Leralitas. It has the effect of increasing the healing done by a small amount, as well as allowing the wearer to purify corruption in the name of Leralitas. Would you like to buy one?" Maria asked, her demeanor changing instantly as she turned into a saleswoman in front of their eyes. Nodding wordlessly, Mark handed over five Sricks to the priestess who promptly disappeared through a tiny side door behind the desk.

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Reappearing a minute later, Maria handed him a smaller version of the rosary she wore, "Thanks for doing business with us!" she told him cheerfully.

"Yeah no problem. Thanks for the idol," Mark replied.

"Does the church not have a problem with selling divine idols?" Griffin asked, speaking up for the first time. Maria shook her head, "Oh of course not. In order to be generous one must possess things to give away. Sometimes people need more than healing spells or prayers - they need material possessions. Leralitas recognizes that and allows her devotees to raise funds so that we can be even more generous," she lectured.

As Griffin nodded slowly, Eric spoke up, "Apart from Leralitas, are there any other gods or goddesses in Nasvencia?"

"Of course! There are dozens of various gods and goddesses. Arawm, Bran, Inriona, Grannis, Mirna… There are deities for everything. Blacksmithing, fletching, construction, magic, war, governance, water, wind, luck, love, everything!" Maria explained passionately, her raised voice causing some of the villagers in the pews to look up and shush her.

Blushing in an embarrassed manner, Maria continued in a softer voice, "Most pray to whichever god or goddess governs the issue they're having trouble with. Mothers might pray to Rhannia, a goddess of fertility to ensure a safe birth. While a warrior marching off to battle might pray to Maser, the god of battle or Arawm, one of the gods of war. A mage attempting to learn a new spell might pray to Mirna, the goddess of magic and trickery, or perhaps to her brother Maricks, the god of magic and knowledge. Many also have a patron deity that they pray to for general things, often associated with their trade or profession. I know that Tom the village blacksmith is a follower of Inriona, the goddess of metalworking and he has a shrine to her in his forge," she explained.

"Is there any benefit to choosing a patron deity?" Mark asked, twirling his rosary between his fingertips.

"There can be," Maria said with a playful smile.

"There can be?" Eric echoed. Maria nodded, "Yup. But as otherworlders you need to become stronger if you want a godly patron. I believe that the journeyman level of skill is the earliest level at which you may take on a godly patron. At that time, you'll naturally find out more about the benefits and perks associated with having your own godly patron," Maria said with a wink.

Thanking Maria, the trio left the chapel in high spirits, ready to begin grinding.

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