eFate: An MMO Story

Chapter 80

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As the crowd watched, the referees on each stage rang a small gong, signifying the true beginning of the tournament. As the fighters closed in on each other, the projection above the stages transformed once more, this time to display four different views, one for each stage.

The first round was nothing special. It seemed that the roar of the audience had done nothing for the players nerves, causing the ensuing fights to be fairly wooden. Each fighter clumsily threw out low level skills, trading hits back and forth as if they were playing an oldschool role-playing game, taking turns to strike each other.

Jumping back, the fighter who'd dropped his hammer stumbled, tripping over his own feet and rolling awkwardly on the stage as he tried to avoid the thrust of his opponents spear. Seizing the opportunity, the spearwielder jumped forward, attempting to skewer his helpless foe to the floor of the arena.

As the hammer-user tried desperately to fend off the attacks, a bright light surrounded him, teleporting him off the stage, and leaving the spearwielder standing awkwardly mid-thrust.

"And it looks like we have our first winner! Korusc Shadefire advances to the next round!" Halfthur announced, pointing to the division B stage.

"Looks like I'm up. See you in a bit," Eric told Rob, standing up and making his way towards the stage.

Walking up the steps to the stage, Eric was struck with a bout of anticipation, half nervousness, and half excitement. This was it, he thought to himself. The first step on their path to the top of Fate, and the moment of truth. If they couldn't at least place near the top of this tournament, a minor event that would probably be forgotten by most within a few weeks, then there was no hope of them making it anywhere on the world stage.

Unconsciously, Eric's hands had balled into fists, his fingernails digging into the seat of his palm. Waking up from his reverie, Eric shook his head. This was the first step, but that didn't mean he was okay with it being the last. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Eric exhaled softly. No matter what the future contained, wasn't it all fine if he won? Suppressing his nerves, Eric walked forward, standing tall on the stage.

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The stage was roughly fifty metres in diameter. While the stage had looked somewhat small from the stands, standing here now, Eric could see that the stage provided ample room for both melee and ranged tactics to be employed. Scuffing his feet against the rough sandstone, Eric's attention was drawn away from the stage by the arrival of his opponent at the opposite end of the ring.

His opponent was a stocky dwarf that looked to be just over forty. With greying hair and an impressive beard, it was evident that he'd modelled his character after a traditional dwarven warrior. On his back was a large, double-bladed axe, worn in a sling over his chainmail hauberk.

According to the pairings list which had replaced the projection for the group B arena, his opponents name was Glin Axesmasher, a very impressive sounding fantasy sounding name, Eric thought to himself, wondering not for the first time if Erick Kystfyr was slightly too unimpressive sounding.

"Fighters, are you ready?" the referee asked, a youngish looking man who looked like he might have had a giant somewhere in his family tree.

Giving an affirmative nod to the referee, Eric drew his falchion, the blade producing a pleasing ringing sound as it left the sheath. Staring at the shining blade, Eric considered how to approach the fight. If he didn't want to give away too much of his fighting style to any potential competitors, then he would need to win without relying on his most powerful skills. Of course, if he messed up, then he would be eliminated from the tournament in the most humiliating fashion, and Jun would most likely never let him live down.

Considering his options briefly, Eric nodded firmly to himself, hiding some of his abilities was the best way to win. If he could get through the early rounds without revealing the true extent of his abilities, he could surprise opponents who were unprepared for his more powerful magic abilities.

"Begin!" the referee's voice cut through Eric's thoughts.

Charging forward, his opponent held his axe high, ready to bring it down upon Eric's skull. With a shout, Axesmasher leapt high, holding his axe aloft. Gleaming in the sunlight, the axehead descended like a thunderbolt from above, smashing through the space Eric had occupied only a moment before and slamming into the stagefloor.

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Blinking in surprise, Axesmasher looked around for his opponent, only to wince in pain as a flash of light announced the arrival of Eric's falchion, shaving off a portion of Axesmasher's healthbar.

Wielding the falchion, Eric dealt Axesmasher several quick slashes, jumping back to avoid the dwarf's furious counterswing. Watching the axe soar inches in front of him, Eric stepped in, delivering a furious hack to Axesmasher's shoulder.

Attempting to step back to gain room to swing his axe, Axesmasher was startled to discover that Eric wouldn't give him the chance. Keeping close to his foe, Eric took advantage of his shorter weapon to hammer Axesmasher with blows, using his blade and fists to keep the fighter off-balance as he steadily reduced his healthbar.

With a furious cry, Axesmasher activated a skill, jumping back and swinging his axe in an enormous horizontal sweep, the axe glowing with a dull white light, as he attempted to repel his agile foe.

With a grin, Eric ducked low, using his free hand as a support as he lashed out, his legs catching the stocky dwarf's and sending him crashing to the ground. Before he could recover, Eric jumped high, bringing his falchion down in a stabbing motion and nailing his opponent to the floor.

Raising his fist high, Eric rained blow after blow on his helpless foe, ignoring the fighter's feeble attempts to ward off the hail of fists that assaulted him. As Eric's fist descended once more, aiming for the dwarf's eye, a bright light surrounded the dwarf. A moment later, he disappeared, Eric's fist soaring through where he had been only a moment before.

"Erick Kystfyr wins! Glin Axesmasher is eliminated, and Kystfyr advanced to the next round!" Halfthur announced, pointing to the victorious half-elf.

Waving to the audience, Eric smiled as he descended the stairs to the arena floor, drinking in the sound of the cheers. Making his way back over towards the others, he passed Rob, heading to the stage for his own fight. Giving his friend a fist bump, Eric wished him luck as he headed back towards the groups seats.

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"That was a pretty good fight," Wavesun remarked, watching the half-elf weave his way through the crowd.

"Aye, far more exciting than those training dummies in the first round. I thought I was gonna fall asleep watching them," Halfthur complained.

"That's one of the fighters I have my eye on. He's a militia member from Tonbura Village," said Alistair.

"I can see why. He's quick, those dodges were great to watch, and the way he neutralized the opponent's weapons reach advantage shows that he knows how to fight. Even if he did have to beat a dwarf to prove it," Halfthur remarked sourly.

"Now now Halfthur, no showing favouritism," Wavesun chided gently, with a mischievous look in his eye.

"Ah shut it, Wavesun," Halfthur groused.

"Anyways. I can see why you've got your eye on him Alistair. Are you planning to try and recruit him?" Wavesun asked, ignoring the sulking dwarf.

"Maybe if he makes it into the elite unit. It's strange though," said Alistair, stroking his chin pensively.

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"What is?" Wavesun asked curiously.

"Well, that half-elf is Lucy's protege. The only otherworlder she's accepted as a student so far."

"That crazy mage is still in Tonbura Village? And she hasn't burned the entire place down yet? I would have thought she'd have been forced to help with the war effort, or to teach at the royal academy," said Wavesun, a surprised look on his face.

"Yeah. Tonbura is her home, and she has a powerful teacher. Even if she's feuding with the Rimestone Circle, she still has more than enough power to do as she pleases. She makes Tonbura safer by being there, so I can overlook her prickliness. But that half-elf is her student, so I'm surprised that he didn't use any magic," Alistair replied.

"Good with the blade and with magic eh? I'm getting excited. Commentating matches for versatile fighters like him is always exciting," Halfthur interjected, rubbing his hands together gleefully.

"Are you sure you're not just excited because you placed a wager on him, Halfthur?" Wavesun asked, arching an eyebrow as he looked down at the dwarf.

Halfthur just smiled, waggling his eyebrows suggestively, "I don't know what yer talking about mate. I'm just excited for some good fights, that's all."

Alistair rolled his eyes, "Well there are several other talents that I have my eye on that are also present today. So don't count your dragons before they hatch. Kystfyr might not even be the strongest fighter from Tonbura Village."

Hearing this, Alistair's companions grinned, settling down as they watched the ongoing fights. Regardless of who won, this tournament was already shaping up to be far more interesting than they'd thought.

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