eFate: An MMO Story

Chapter 91

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"With that, Seryllia Vespin is the final fighter to advance to the top sixteen. Only four rounds remain. Sixteen fighters are left fighting for the top spot. Audience. Are. You. Ready?!" Halfthur screamed.

With a resounding roar, the stadium shook as audience members responded, clapping their hands and stomping their feet to show their approval.

"Well then. Let's not delay. Your first fight will be between Gorin Greatarm and Hydrus Mortang! Fighters. To the stage!"

Hydrus' second fight took slightly longer than the first had; however, this was only because, as a fighter, Gorin was wearing far more armour than Tanix had.

With a huge swing, Hydrus sent Gorin flying, Gorin's club soaring out of his hands and crashing heavily onto the stage. Staring impassively, Hydrus watched as the blue light enveloped Gorin, whisking him away as Hydrus raised his sword in triumph.

"And Hydrus Mortang wins! With an incredible showing, he has dispatched Gorin Greatarm and taken the first spot in the top eight. Can any of the other fighters put a halt to his rampage? Well, we'll have to watch carefully as Astrid Feathershot faces off against Tamira Copperhair! Which of these beauties will advance? And which will have her journey cut tragically short? Vindammer, let me hear you make some noise!" Halfthur roared, hyping up the crowd as the two ladies entered the ring.

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Regarding her opponent venomously, Tamira checked her spear, ensuring that it was in good condition for the fight. In order to avenge Katzy, who'd been eliminated earlier by Astrid, she would need to be in top condition. Stretching lightly, Tamira began to run through combat scenarios in her head, each one ending with Astrid impaled upon the end of her spear.

For her part, Astrid was calm. Glancing over at Tamira, Astrid flashed her a quick smile. There weren't many women left in the running, so being friendly with one of the few who were wasn't a bad idea.

To Astrid's dismay, Tamira flashed her a glance of pure loathing. I guess she's not the type to fraternize with the enemy, Astrid considered carefully, drawing an arrow and checking its fletching. Satisfied with her equipment, Astrid stood still, waiting for Halfthur to begin the fight.

"Fighters, are you ready?" Halfthur asked, his voice seeming to emanate from all around them.

Nodding, both Tamira and Astrid assumed combat stances.

"Let the fight begin!" Halfthur roared, signalling the beginning of the round.

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As Astrid watched, Tamira began to charge forward with her spear at the ready. Nocking an arrow to her bow, Astrid focused upon her target.

Weaving back and forth, Tamira was doing her best to make aiming hard for Astrid.

"Sorry, but you'll have to do better than that," Astrid muttered, loosing the arrow.

Schwii, the arrow pierced through the air, slamming into Tamira mid-dodge. With a cry of pain, Tamira faltered, her speartip trembling slightly as she stared at the arrow that was now growing out of her chest,

Glaring at Astrid in annoyance, Tamira ripped the arrow out and resumed her charge. Acting quickly, Astrid nocked another arrow to her bow, loosing arrows one after another towards the charging redhead.

"Incredible! Every arrow that Feathershot has released so far has been a solid hit! Tamira cannot allow this to continue, she needs to close the distance now!" Halfthur commented, the crowd going wild as Astrid landed her fifth shot in a row on the unfortunate spearwoman.

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Gritting her teeth in frustration, Tamira activated a skill. Leaning forward, Tamira grew faster, her steps growing longer as she rushed towards the overly accurate archer. The top of Tamira's spear also began to glow with an orange, earthen energy that flickered ominously in the sunlight.

"And Tamira uses Rockslide Rush! She's gaining rapidly on Feathershot. If she can catch Feathershot, then she can turn this fight around right here and now!" Halfthur yelled excitedly.

"Yes. Rockslide Rush also increases her defenses against physical attacks, so it's an excellent skill to use against an archer such as Astrid Feathershot," Wavesun added, giving insight to Tamira's strategy.

As Tamira rushed towards her, Astrid smiled, You think I don't know that being brought to melee range is an archer's biggest weakness? Astrid thought derisively. Activating a skill, her arrowhead began to glow with a watery light.

Taking careful aim, Astrid fired the arrow, the shaft speeding towards Tamira who was now almost upon her.

Hmph, you won't break through my defenses that easily, Tamira sneered, taking the arrow head on. As the arrow struck Tamira, it exploded, the watery light transforming into crystals of ice that pierced her chest and assaulted her eyes.

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With a cry of pain, Tamira fell, writhing helplessly on the ground as she clutched at her eyes. Taking out another arrow, Astrid fired it pointblank into the redhead's chest, eliminating the last of Tamira's healthbar.

"And Astrid Feathershot wins! Tamira Copperhair is unable to even touch the blonde-haired archer as she is eliminated in the round of sixteen. Wavesun, what do you think of the end there?" Halfthur asked, turning the commentary over to Wavesun.

"Feathershot's aim is uncanny. Despite Copperhair's attempts to dodge, each and every arrow Feathershot fired this match landed on Copperhair. Copperhair had the right idea at the end there, using Rockslide Rush to raise her defenses and rush in. However, Astrid countered with a beautiful Frost Shot, which did magical damage, something Tamira was clearly unprepared for. Had Tamira used Rockslide Rush sooner, I feel she might have had a chance; however, her overconfidence in her ability to dodge Feathershot's arrows cost her," Wavesun analyzed.

"Well said. Do you think Feathershot has a chance to defeat Hydrus? We saw him bat spells out of midair in the first round against Tanix. Can Feathershot slip arrows past his defenses? Or is she doomed to fail?" Halfthur asked.

"Tough to say. Feathershot has incredible accuracy, but I don't think we've seen all of Hydrus' abilities just yet. All I know is, we're in for one hell of a round," Wavesun predicted.

"I agree. Now then! Our next pair of fighters are up, and it's going to be a teamkill! Erick 'Kyp' Kystfyr will be fighting his fellow Riptide member, Sweet 'Hope' Sins! It's a battle between friends, so let's hope that neither holds back as they each fight for a place in the top eight!" Halfthur announced, introducing the pair as Eric and Rob took to the stage.

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