My words don’t like to repeat themselves.

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“Stop, Lian Sanjun, if you dare to let go. Today is the day of my grandfather’s 70th birthday. If you dare let go! Do not blame me, it’ll be no problem.

It was just Ye Chenfeng’s morning. Today Lian Sanjun was arrogant, and Bai Xiya simply could not stand it and he stood up in front of Ye Chenfeng and warned him loudly.

Ji Tingxue’s face was also gloomy, Although, she feels no particular affection towards Ye Chenfeng. She is just of the opinion that Ye Chenfeng would publicly harass this girl far less than the flirtatious woman.

“Xiya, I don’t want you to lose face. This kid is really hateful though.”.

Lian Sanjun did not expect this from Bai Xiya so early. His heart grew angrier as he lowered his voice.

“I believe in Chen Feng’s character, he would never do that kind of thing.” Bai Xiya ignored the angry glare that came from Lian Sanjun and kept on in support of Ye Chenfeng.

“Ye Chenfeng. You are a pussy. You have made things difficult and you will only hide behind your woman? You’re not a man yet. What happened to the momentum you just had?”

Lian Sanjun looked at Bai Xiya, Ji Dianxue continued to press him, with his face looking gloomy amongst the droplets of water on his face.

It can be said that he humiliated Ye Chenfeng and allowed Ji Peng’s plan to fall through.

“Qingxue, Xiya, they’re goal is me, if they’re not successful they won’t just give up. Let me resolve this!” Facing Lian Sanjun’s provocation Ye Chenfeng was not affected in the slightest. He said slowly;

“Chenfeng, Lian Sanjun is a Third Level Spirit Beast. You are definitely not his opponent.”

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Bai Xiya already knew that Ye Chenfeng could not draw a soul beast because of his soul and his inability to cultivate soul power. Therefore, he challenged a Third Level Spirit beast with the mere strength of a mortal, it was no different than just seeking out abuse.

“Don’t worry, I can hold my own.”. Ye Chenfeng said with a confident smile. “Lian Sanjun, how about we make a bet? the loser climbs out from here.”.

“Ye Chenfeng. It would seem that you are very confident in yourself.”.

Upon hearing Ye Chenfeng’s terms, Lian Sanjun’s brow wrinkled as a change came over Ye Chenfeng’s eyes.

“Really? you wouldn’t dare”. Ye Chenfeng sneered, imitating the words that Lian Sanjun had just used to ridicule him. “You’re not a man yet. What happened to the momentum you just had?”

“Ye Chenfeng, I would like to see who climbs up and leaves here”. A sense of irritation came over Lian Sanjun hearing the raucous laughter erupting around him. He was completely irritated by Ye Chenfeng and a powerful soul force radiated from his body.

“Soul Beast Black Turtle, integrate”.

Lian Sanjun’s thoughts moved, the body and the Soul Beast Black Turtle became one and at the highest power with the feeling of a strong sense of oppression, shot at Ye Chenfeng.

“This will end badly for you.”.

Ye Chenfeng quickly stepped forward with a sound just like thunder that was produced where his feet once stood. Ye Chenfeng swung his right hand and greeted Lian Sanjun with his fist.

When Lian Sanjun was taking the full force of the fist, Ye Chenfeng’s skin began to wobble a bit.

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The force that Lian Sanjun could not falter broke through the palm of his hand.

The powerful force made Lian Sanjun unable to go any further. It also shattered the Soul power that had existed in his fist and the feeling of shock led his arm to feel weak, even breaking.

“How could this be?”.

Lian Sanjun’s brow screamed and his face was a picture of horror. “Is this Ye Chenfeng humanoid or monster? How can he possess such physical strength?

Just as Sanjun was lost, Ye Chenfeng appeared before him and with a quick movement his powerful fist slammed into his chest.

Lian Sanjun was in a dangerous situation and this seemed to draw more potential from his body. He quickly took a step back and then swung his legs quickly like a gyro. He managed 18 kicks in a row, drawing them together quickly as he wanted to force Ye Chenfeng back.

The quick succession of Lian Sanjun’s counterattack was fierce and made it very difficult for Fourth Level Spirits to resist.

However, Ye Chenfeng’s physical strength can quite easily crush a Six-Level spirit beat and he simply ignored the counterattack.

Bang! Bang! Ye Chenfeng only heard the sound of his legs and rushed to its shadow, his fist full of oppression smashed into Lian Sanjun forcing his ankle to buckle.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng pulled his right shoulder back and his skin shook again. The powerful forces grabbed Lian Sanjun’s soul straight away and pulled him out of the air heavily onto the ground.

“Black turtle, attack!”

In that moment when his body was squatted on the ground, Lian Sanjun clenched his teeth tightly and managed to summon the Soul Beast Black Turtle attacking Ye Chenfeng at close range.

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“Ye Chenfeng, be careful!”

Seeing Ye Chenfeng in danger made Ji Tingxue’s stomach turn over. The soul in his mind instantly burst out, bringing the Soul Beast Ice Bird to bear in an attempt to help.

“Give me a break.”

After practicing the soul-eater, Ye Chenfeng’s soul perception is superior to that of his peers. He reacted straight away when Lian Sanjun brough the Soul Beat Black Turtle attack.

A force equating to approximately 2500 kilograms instantly from Ye Chenfeng’s right fist made contact with the Black Turtle.

Even though, the Black Turtle is a Soul Beast, it’s body defence is far greater than that of a general soul beast, even a four-level spirit beast has difficulty breaking through its defence.

In this instance however, it was attacked by Ye Chenfeng’s fist with the power of 2500 Kilograms behind it. The hard body of the black turtle began to crack just like broken glass. With eventually the Black Turtle letting out a painful scream and splitting open.

“The silhouette…”

Witnessing Ye Chenfeng’s battle and the exploding Black Turtle. A silhouette from Bai Xiya’s soul wandered from her mind.

The very idea that she had been vetoed earlier appeared again her mind giving her the feeling that Ye Chenfeng was the master of the morning.


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The soul beast black turtle was broken by Ye Chenfeng, and Lian San was immediately attacked by the soul. Several blood vessels in his head exploded resulting in a large amount of blood being sprayed into his mouth.

Having seen what unfolded in front of him, Di wan, looked as if he had just had a bowl of freezing cold water poured over him. Shuddering and unfocussed eyes.

And of the flirtatious woman who was framed by Ye Chenfeng, she was even more frightened and dared not to look into Ye Chenfeng’s eyes.

“Lian Sanjun, it has been decided who has been victorious and who has been defeated. You must not climb out of here”. Ye Chenfeng, hed his hand, almost indifferent to his injury. With seven bloody wounds Lian Sanjun could not resist his command.

“Ye Chenfeng, my advice to you is to do what is best and leave. Otherwise you will regret it.

To make him climb out like a dog is a worse fate than death. If he does climb out he will become the laughing stock of Baidi City.

“My words don’t like to repeat themselves. If you don’t go then I will only be able to help you.”. Ye Chenfeng’s eyes became thin like a line, with the road like a sharp edge.


Making contact with Ye Chenfeng’s stunned eyes, Lian Sanjun felt as if he was suffocating. He legs trembling uncontrollably.


In the face of defeat when Lian Sanjun could not stand Ye Chenfeng’s physical pressure any more. He was at a loss. A loud roar was heard.

Lian Sanjun’s father, Lian Wansong, the head of the Lian household had heard what had happened and had appeared with a number of low-ranking masters.

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