The Ghostly Figure.

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The night was a lonely one, with the cold moonlight seemingly pouring into the forest and only glimmers of silver light seeping through the canopy. The moonlight Illuminating the Baiyun Mountains.

“Ah, finally! Success!”.

After five hours Ye Chenfeng had finally absorbed the last fire.

Continuously absorbing the two powers of Dan, Ye Chenfeng’s body had undergone a transformative change. All the cells in his body had split to the limit and a large amount of impurities had been discharged from his body.

Now, Ye Chenfeng’s muscles were at full strength, it was like tasting sugar for the first time, it was sweet and incomparable.

However, the physical change is only the first step in completing the transformation. Ye Chenfeng wanted to draw power from the second realm of the Six-Pulse God, this transformation requires a lot of blood in order to satisfy this physical potential.

His body was now like a lake that has an infinite potential. He can only be successful however, if he fills the lake with water.

The elixir for qi and blood is extremely rare. Only very occasionally appearing at high value auctions in Zijin. Even is if Ji Dianxue gave 700,000 silver tickets to Ye Chenfeng, it would still be very difficult for him to buy this bloody supplement.

“It is of most importance to enter the Tianhuo Wufu as soon as possible. Maybe only because of where I am may I have the opportunity to get the elixir supplement for my blood.”. Ye Chenfeng muttered this to himself as he pondered his situation.

The transformation of the body succeeded so Ye Chenfeng sat down on the ground to rest for a while. He took something out to eat and also took out two pieces of Soul Crystals which were usually used to smash souls together at high speeds.

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Just as the night became quiet and Ye Chenfeng had become absorbed in his own thoughts, suddenly, a loud noise disturbed him, making him open his thoughtful eyes in order to look into the distance.

“Ji Dianxue, I see where you are going in your attempt to escape.”. The body was made of blood, the blood of the chest was blurred and the leader of the kidnappers who was not hurt, shall we call him Black-Collar was fast, quickly intercepting the two women.

Looking at his now unsettled victims, the eyes of Black-Collar penetrated through the night. The long sword that he held in his hands was like a poisonous snake which lunged out to bite the two women.

“Ice Bird, Attack!”.

Although, Black-Collar was not particularly hurt, he was a first-class illusionist. After all, Ji Dianxue dared not to attack him. He could summon the Soul Beast and Ice Bird.

“Split sword!”.

The Ice Bird fanned its white wings of snow and with a cold wind, the experience Black-Collar did not dodge and quickly lunged with the sword in his hand. This wiped the lights through shadows and with indistinguishable speed, it hit the Ice Bird.

The swords sharpness pierced through the Ice Bird’s soul defence into its body, vaporising it in mid-air.


And just like that the Ice Bird was broken, and Ji Dianxue was immediately attacked by the soul. Blood sprayed into her mouth and the ground became red as her body fell weak.

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“White Snake, Entangle!”.

When Black-Collar used his soul skills and hit the Ice Bird, Bai Xiya controlled the soul beast. The White Snake suddenly came close, slithering along, it’s body more than ten meters long coiled around his body and opening its mouth to bike his head.

Seeing what was unfolding before him, Black-Collar hit hard with a fierce roar that echoed around the mountains.

“Soul Beast, Black Bear.”.

Black-Collars soul burst out and the Soul Beast Black Bear emerged from his body. Bursting out with an earth-shattering force, tearing the hard skin of the White Snake.

The White Snake was torn, and Bai Xiya was then also attacked by its soul. A lot of blood flowed from her seven wounds. Going limp she fells to the ground.

“Since you were so ignorant, you can’t blame me for not being polite.”.

Looking at the two women who fell to the ground seriously injured, Black-Collar’s eyes lit up. He approached them step by step being careful to hold on to his long sword.

“Don’t make things difficult, I will go with you.”.

Ji Dianxue could see the smugness in the cold eyes of Black-Collar and panicked.

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“It’s too late for that I’m afraid.”.

The companions had almost died and they were seriously injured. They looked on at the malicious Black-Collar and he looked back at Ji Dianxue and Bai Xiya’s beautiful faces. He was very happy indeed.    

“If you dare to hurt us. No matter what family you are from, I will not let you go”. Ji Dianxue let off in warning.

“The Jiang Household?”

Thinking of the identity of his victim and then thinking of his master, Black-Collar became a little calmer and cast his cold eyes over to the beautiful Bai Xiya.

“Do you know who I am? Do you know who my father is? If you hurt me, my father will kill you.”. Looking at Black-Collar and then looking at herself, Bai Xiya immediately felt akin to that of prey staring at a hungry world. Goosebumps all over, her hair standing on end.

“Ah, so you are the daughter of Emperor Bai. I say you are so beautiful and it is not in my old nature to be so ungenerous.”.

Black-Collar showed a vile smile, releasing the Soul to bind the body of Ji Dianxue, weak and helplessly resisting Bai Xiya was being held down by her shoulders.

“Let me down you beast, you won’t die a good death. You will not be let free.”.

Black-Collar had her shoulders pinned. Bai Xiya struggled fiercely waving her hands and hitting Black-Collars body, but it was no use, she couldn’t harm him.

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“Shout out? It is useless to shout out here, no one can save you here.” Black-Collar said fiercely as he threw Bai Xiya into the icy rock.

Looking upon Bai Xiya in danger, Ji Dianxue, still bound by the soul force, panicked. The Soul Beast Ice Bird was severely damaged which in turn caused her body to be unusually weak and unable to break the grip.

“You are a beast, I swear before Bai Xiya that I will smash you in the future.”. Watching Bai Xiya fade from life bit by bit, Ji Dianxue’s heart was breaking.

“Be reassured, Master Jiang will not give you this opportunity I give you now. When you fall into his hands, your fate will be far worse than the fate of hers.”. Black-Collar said with delight.

“Jiang Shanshui, he also came to Baidi City?”. Knowing this news, Ji Dianxue’s eyes filled with fear.

She did not think that Jiang could be so crazy, or that his revenge would be so swift.

“Beast! I will not let you go!”. Bai Xiya shouted tearfully as she revealed a decisive colour.

Under the moonlight of the night, Bai Xiya gave up resisting and prepared to capitulate.

Just as Black-Collar was pushing her further and further from life and when Bai Xiya was ready to give up. Her pupils suddenly widened.

She couldn’t believe it, a vague figure, almost ghost like figure appeared and launched a fatal blow at Black-Collar.

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