Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 138

“What did you say? Madara?” Washi suddenly heard this familiar name and unconsciously asked Danzo.

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Seeing the surprised expression on Washi’s face, Danzo said with some sympathy, “Yes, he said that his name is Madara Uchiha. I see that his right eye under the mask has Sharingan.”

As soon as Washi heard the mask, he immediately guessed who the person pretending to be Madara was. Who else could it be other than his brother, Obito, who had always acted as Madara? When this Uchiha was in Kirigakure, he said that he was Madara.

However, in Kirigakure, Obito’s identity had been directly exposed by Minato. He didn’t expect that this guy would actually attack Danzo, who was staying in the Land of Wave.

“Are you sure it is Madara?” The inquiry was heard by Danzo again, but this time, it was not Washi who asked.

When Danzo looked behind Washi with some doubts, he wanted to see who was asking him, but he unexpectedly saw a familiar person.

The person in the Valley of the End, the one who fought with Hashirama-sama there – Madara!

Danzo had just broken two clones in the hands of another ‘- Madara’. When he suddenly saw the real Madara, he was stunned. If not for the fear that Washi and the others would not be able to find him, Danzo would not continue to stay here. However, he did not expect that Washi-sama would meet Madara when he returned.

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“Sama, it is him!” As Danzo spoke, he took out the kunai and prepared to throw it out of the wall.

The moment Danzo took out kunai, Madara was ready to attack his teammate. However, Washi stopped Madara immediately. If he did not stop this guy, Danzo’s avatar might be gone in the next second.

“Don’t be excited. This is our new companion.” Washi also knew that Danzo was wrong. He treated Madara behind him as the enemy he met a few days ago. So after stopping Madara, he explained to Danzo.

“Companions?” After Washi explained, Danzo took back the kunai that was about to be thrown out from his waist, “Is Madara Uchiha-sama also joining the organization?”.

Washi faced Danzo’s question, nodded and replied, “Yes, he just came a few days ago. Madara you just mentioned is the fake one. Although that person is an Uchiha, he is not Madara Uchiha, but is called Obito Uchiha.”.

“Obito Uchiha?” Danzo repeated the name, but found that he didn’t have this person in his memory.

When Danzo was still thinking, Washi patted his shoulder and continued, “Well, don’t think about it. Just know who it is. Let’s go in first.”

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After saying that, Washi directly led Madara and the others into the residence of Gato.

Because of the attack that Obito Uchiha launched when he retreated from Kirigakure, Kaido and the others had already moved out of the residence, leaving only Danzo, the clone, to wait for the arrival of Washi and the others.

When everyone sat down in the living hall, Danzo also began to talk about the attack that happened a few days ago.

At that time, Danzo was studying the Biju chakra that was left for him in the residence. Perhaps it was because of this chakra that it attracted Obito Uchiha who returned from Kirigakure.

The silent attack came from behind Danzo, and it was because of the godly appearance of Kamui that caused Danzo to immediately fold a diversion into it.

But fortunately, Danzo had always had a habit of using clones, so he did not get attacked immediately.

And after the first clone was destroyed,

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In fact, Danzo had no intention of showing up, but when Obito Uchiha found that there was something wrong with the corpse on the ground, and was ready to check it out, Danzo had to show his second clone.

When one of them was successfully thrown out of the window, the dark part of the body appeared, the first threw several kunai in the direction of Obito Uchiha, when the dark part of the body was officially fighting with Obito Uchiha.

However, because Obito Uchiha was stronger than the dark body, the second clone could not resist for long, and was destroyed again, becoming the second clone of Danzo.

“The kunai that was thrown out of the window is you, right?” While Danzo was still talking, Washi had already guessed the next story.

Danzo must have gotten out of this dwelling with that kunai, and Obito Uchiha must not have been able to find anything more from the darker part of the body.

“Yes, Washi-sama.” Danzo nodded and said.

“After Madara and Obito left, you started the construction of the three walls, right?” The three outer walls of this residence could not be said to be small. Moreover, the walls created by these tens of meters tall ninjutsu were also placed by Danzo with many Explosive Tag and Ninjutsu Scrolls. This guy completely regarded this place as a fortress.

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“Yes.” Danzo continued to nod.

Perhaps because he was satisfied with this wall, Danzo continued to say, “SAma, there are thousands of Explosion Tag and Ninjutsu Scrolls in this wall. The next time the person called Obito comes back, he will definitely not get any benefits. In fact, I want to get more, but unfortunately, I let Gato plunder the entire Land of Wave and only collected hundreds of them. This place is really too small and poor. Washi-sama, I don’t want to stay here anymore.”

When Danzo was praising the power of the wall he made, he did not forget to ridicule the weak and poor Land of Wave. The Explosion Tag and Ninjutsu Scrolls here were completely unable to satisfy Danzo’s combat needs. After this steady Hokage came to this Land of Wave, the ninja tools in his backpack were not filled.

Especially after a battle with Obito, he lost two clones and spent a few big bags of Explosion Tags, which made Danzo increasingly dislike this place.

“Don’t want to stay here? That’s good, I was just about to tell you.” After Danzo finished speaking, Washi also remembered that Kirigakure of the Land of Water was still waiting for Danzo to pick up Minato. “I am going to send you to Kirigakure to monitor for a period of time.”

After hearing Washi’s words, Danzo was stunned and said, “Kirigakure? That is a Great Ninja Village.”

In Danzo’s way of thinking, the Great Ninja Village meant a great risk. If he stayed there alone to monitor, wouldn’t it be more dangerous than dealing with the Uchiha in the Land of Wave?

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