Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 161

Konan had seen Yahiko die in front of her with her own eyes. Moreover, he had died in Nagato’s hands. Right now, Nagato’s Path was created using Yahiko’s body. So no matter what, Konan would never believe that this person in front of her was Yahiko.

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“Paper Shuriken!”

Konan, who was in a hurry to rush back, was not long-winded at this time and she waved both of her hands forward. Her unique special ninjutsu, ‘Paper Shuriken’, was directly activated. The two paper shuriken appeared out of thin air under Konan’s shout, flying straight towards Yahiko.

“We have always been in favor of peace.”

At some point in time, Yahiko had already grabbed a handful of kunai. As he spoke, he slowly walked towards Konan.

“We have always hated extreme martial arts.”

Yahiko stepped out with his left foot, and the two shuriken in his hands were separated by the kunai in his hand.

“But Nagato and you are walking down this path.”

By the time Yahiko’s right foot landed, he was already in front of Konan.

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“We have always wanted a peaceful world, haven’t we, Konan?” Yahiko retracted his kunai and lowered his head to look at Konan, who was breathing rapidly because of Yahiko’s words.

Yahiko’s words made Konan suddenly recall the days when he was still in the Amegakure, Yahikowho wanted to become the god of the world.

Was it really him?

“Are you really Yahiko?” Konan raised her head and looked at this face that she could see every day, but it was not real.

“Other than me, who else can be Yahiko? Who else can be the god of this world?” Yahiko smiled and said half-jokingly. Ever since he joined Konoha and became the Hokage, he rarely mentioned this sentence. “Who else would know about the one under your ribs?”

Yahiko’s words instantly made Konan unable to control herself. Tears that were already welling up in her eyes suddenly burst out, flowing down her cheeks and onto her clothes.

“Yahiko.” Konan reached out and covered Yahiko’s mouth. “It really is you.”

It was understandable if other people knew about other things. After all, when they were still in Amegakure, many people knew about Yahiko’s ambitions. However, only Yahiko knew about the scar under her ribs. Only he had seen this scar before. Even her other companion, Nagato, had never known about this.

Yahiko removed Konan’s hand and smiled. “It’s good that you recognized me. Now we are going to meet Nagato.”

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After Yahiko removed his right hand, Konan wiped away the tears that were still flowing out of her eyes. Although she did not know why Yahiko came back to life before Nagato used Outer Path, it was still a good thing for him.

However, when Yahiko mentioned that he was going to enter Akatsuki base with Washi and the others to meet Nagato, she stopped him and said, “No, don’t go in.”

Yahiko heard this and asked in confusion, “What’s wrong?”

Now that Washi and the others had entered the base of Akatsuki, as a member of the team, it was impossible for him to be absent. More importantly, this world’s Nagato was also inside. Although they were separated by a world, he still did not want Nagato to be killed by Washi and the others.

With experts like Madara and Hashirama, Yahiko believed that the battle would not last too long, so he did not have much time left.

“After Nagato and I left, we met the Legendary Ninja Uchiha Madara. He was also inside.” Konan had never known that Uchiha Obito was a fake, so she advised Yahiko.

“Haha, that is fake, not Madara.” Yahiko, who already knew the identity of Madara, said with a smile, “But he is also an Uchiha.”

Konan was surprised to hear this, “Not Uchiha Madara?”

“No, he is just an Uchiha, but not Madara. Let’s go in and see what the strength of this person who claims to be Uchiha Madara is.” After Yahiko explained, he directly turned around and walked towards the direction of the Akatsuki’s base.

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However, it seemed like Konan was still not ready to let Yahiko pass. She reached out and grabbed Yahiko’s arm, “No, not Madara! There is more than one Uchiha inside. In addition to the mysterious person who pretended to be Uchiha Madara, there is also Itachi, as well as the guy who came back with the mysterious person two days ago.”

That person is also an Uchiha, and he is very powerful. He can launch space-time ninjutsu with just a look, and Nagato’s Six Paths were destroyed by him.


Yahiko was shocked when he heard this. He had never heard Washi say that there was a third Uchiha in this Akatsuki. Could it be that the information was wrong?

“Then we can’t delay any longer. I have to hurry over.” Yahiko directly broke free from Konan’s hand and rushed towards the direction where Washi disappeared.

If there was an error in intelligence, then the Uchiha who could use space-time ninjutsu as he pleased would likely cause a lot of problems for the organization.

“Yahiko! He is very strong, even stronger than the one who pretended to be Madara. It would be useless for you to go over.” Konan used her wings to quickly catch up with Yahiko. In her opinion, although Yahiko’s current organization had Minato and Sakumo, their strength was still a bit weaker than that of the Akatsuki organization.

Therefore, Konan did not want Yahiko to participate in this battle. If Yahiko was not careful, he would be in trouble.

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“Konan, didn’t I say that I was going to become the god of the world? God, how could I be afraid?” While traveling at high speed, Yahiko did not forget to give Konan a smile.



Just as Yahiko and Konan were rushing towards the interior of Akatsuki base, the entire passage suddenly made a loud noise. The surrounding stone walls also began to shake violently. They seemed to be unable to withstand the huge shock just now.

“Hurry up and leave, it’s going to collapse!” Yahiko saw that he could no longer move forward, so he could only reach out and grab Konan. His right foot kicked on the stone wall, and he used this force to run out of the base.

Right after the collapse of Akatsuki base and Yahiko barely managed to avoid the collapse, two groups of ninjas jumped out of the ruins one after another. On one side were members of Akatsuki wearing black background and red cloud pattern clothing, while on the other side was Washi’s team in blue royal robe.

Because of the battle just now, there seemed to be injured people on Washi’s side. The only two superior Ninja in the team, Tomihashi, was holding his arm and falling beside Yahiko.

Meanwhile, Washi who was still in the air, together with Hashirama, clapped his hands in front of his chest. “Wood Release – Wood Dragon Technique!”


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