Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 175

People who had fought with the Tailed Beast knew that his killing power of the Tailed Beast Jade could not be underestimated.

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Even if the Tailed Beast Jade in front of Washi was a circle smaller than the previous one, but Washi knew that this thing might be able to break the Sunanoo on his body.

So, when the Nine-Tailed began to gather in the mouth of the Tailed Beast Jade, Washi control of the Sunanoo hands to hold the sword, going towards the Nine-Tailed mouth to stab.

At this time, the sealing team urged by Sarutobi also rushed to the side of Washi, they thought that this some strange toad had the Nine-Tailed under control, so they were not ready to fight.

But a dozen members of the sealing team were startled when they saw the Tailed Beast Jade that was taking shape in the mouth of the Nine-Tailed, which had just caused an explosion that was still fresh in their minds.

Washi, who was stabbing at the Nine-Tailed with his sword, saw this scene and shouted to the Konoha Sealing Team next to him, “Get out of my way!”

One of Wanshi’s four mission objectives was that the number of deaths of Konoha personnel could not exceed eight, but Sarutobi sent more than ten at once, this is not the rush to send heads.

“Okay… Okay.”

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A dozen members of the sealing team had never seen such a battle, and after replying to Washi, who still had the appearance of a Gamabunta, they hurried in the direction of Sarutobi in the distance.

But just as these people were moving, Nine-Tailed, who was lying on the ground, raised his head upward and touched the long sword that Washi was pressing downward.


When the two super creatures, a fox and a toad, touched together, a loud sound rang out abruptly. This sound even passed through the mountains and reached the nearby Konoha Village.

“Mission three has failed, the Konoha fallen ninja has hit 16 people.”

After the end of the ringing sound, Washi, who fell to the ground because of the impact of the explosion, immediately received a bad news from the Naruto Warehouse, his third mission objective had failed with the explosion just now.

“Damn, you sealing team came here to make some trouble.” Washi cursed, but still had to get up from the ground. Although he had now lost mission three, the Nine-Tailed was still in front of him, and as long as he sealed this big guy, his mission for this trip could still be counted as completed.

After seeing Washi standing up again, Nine-Tailed said in a very stunned voice not far away, “You’re actually still alive.”

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The Tailed Beast Jade exploded at Nine-Tails’ mouth, so this Nine-Tailed also suffered considerable damage, half of his head, was destroyed by the explosion of the Tailed Beast Jade. But because it was a large number of chakra polymer, so the destroyed body was healing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

In the opinion of the Nine-Tailed, the Tailed Beast Jade explosion just now was full of killing power, if not for his own preparedness, perhaps even himself would have been directly taken away by a wave.

But compared to himself as a Tailed Beast, the opposite guy was just a toad. Could it be that the shell of the opponent was really from the Uchiha Clan’s Susanoo? If that was the case, that toad should be controlled by someone from the Uchiha Clan, right?

The more it thought about it, the more it felt wrong, a small contracted beast could resist his Tailed Beast Jade, this thing must not be right.

The first thing he did was to get to the ground. His hind legs gave him a hard push, and the whole fox body quickly ran in the direction of Washi.

The distance between Nine-Tailed and Gamabunta was not too far. As it ran hard, only a blink of an eye, Nine-Tailed appeared in front of Washi’s eyes.

But after standing up, Washi had been paying attention to the movement of the Nine-Tailed, and when the Nine-Tailed just moved, he controlled the long sword in his hand and crossed it, using the blade in the direction of the Nine-Tailed.

Although the intelligence of the Nine-Tailed was not too high, but it was not stupid. Facing the sharp edge of the blade, the step also knew that it could not resist. So after Washi showed the blade, the Nine-Tailed folded hard in one direction.

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After two jumps, it instantly appeared in the back of Washi.
When dealing with the enemy, you have to attack from the weakest point. The Nine-Tailed of course also know this truth, so it turned a corner to come behind Washi, it aimed at the back of Gamabunta in front of him, its mouth once again gathered the Tailed Beast Jade composed of chakra.

The strength of this Gamabunta was a little beyond his expectations, so Nine-Tailed did not dare to take it lightly, and could only use his best and most powerful skills to face this toad with Sunanoo hanging on the toad body.

“Swallow the Return!”

After a few big battles, Washi of course knew that his back could not be exposed to the enemy, so when the Nine-Tailed just landed in position, he stomped his feet. The large toad directly to a somewhat unconventional overhead flip, the entire body pressed in the direction of the Nine-Tailed.

This move was of course a random call by Washi, he didn’t know much about swordsmanship, he just thought it seemed like a good name, so he yelled it out.

But the effect of this roar seems to be quite good, when the Nine-Tailed was still thinking about the name represents what jutsu, Washi’s long knife has again close to the Nine-Tailed head.

At this time, the Nine-Tailed hadn’t formed the Tailed Beast Jade, so the Nine-Tailed didn’t dare to take the knife directly, so he was forced to lower his head slightly to avoid this swing from Washi.

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In the not too far away from the battle between Nine-Tailed and Washi, Kushina, who was being supported by Minato, was looking at the scene in front of her with an incredulous face, “How did your toad become so flexible?”

“I… I do not know.” At this time, Monato was even more puzzled than Kushina, he had never seen Gamabunta fighting like this before.

The athletic stance, the strong protective purple shell, and the sword art that was different from the usual, were not at all like Gamabunta that Minatoknew. “Did I summon the wrong Mount Myoboku Toad, or was Gamabunta swapped?”

Just as Minato was still thinking, Sarutobi, who was looking for the two, had also rushed over, and after hearing their conversation, he landed next to Minato and said, “How is it possible that the Toad of Mount Myoboku know the Uchiha’s Susanoo, Minato, what is going on?”

“Sarutobi-sama, I was going to ask you the same thing, when I fought with Gamabunta before, I never saw it use this move.” Not knowing the reason, Minato could only say truthfully to Sarutobi.


Sarutobi did not have time to reply, when a Tailed Beast Jade of the Nine-Tailed landed not far from the three, the powerful shock wave directly broke the huge tree next to the three.

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