Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 187

In this period of time, apart from studying the miniaturization of Tailed Beasts, Female Orochimaru and Orochimaru hadn’t done anything else.

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Therefore, after seeing this little slug, Washi no longer stayed in Female Orochimaru’s laboratory. After rushing for a long time, he still wanted to go back to his room and have a good rest.

However, the people in the team didn’t seem to want him to rest like this. When he passed a corner in the corridor, he was blocked by a few people from the Senju Clan.

When Washi went to Female Orochimaru’s laboratory, Hashirama took Tsunade and Tobirama back to prepare to have a good chat, but when he was halfway there, he happened to meet the young Tsunade who was playing with the dice with Hinata.

When these two Tsunade met other Tsunade, Tsunade from the main world suddenly couldn’t move. In the courtyard, that Tsunade was playing with a little girl from the Hyuga Clan. Why did she look more and more like when she was a child?

Tsunade didn’t bury this question in her heart. Instead, she directly asked Hashirama.

Hashirama, who originally wanted to let the two Tsunade know each other, directly introduced her after Tsunade asked her.

When Tsunade knew that this little girl who looked exactly like her when she was a child was Tsunade, her mind was suddenly full of ideas.

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At this time, Washi walked out from the corner of the corridor.

When Hashirama saw Washi, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. It was better to let Washi explain this kind of thing.

“Tsunade, you should ask Washi about the little Tsunade.” After Washi approached, Hashirama directly handed the Tsunade to Washi, and he returned to his room with Tobirama.


Washi, who had yet to figure out what was going on, looked at the pillar in the distance with a puzzled face.

“What did you guys say?” Washi wanted to understand what the two of them were talking about and directly asked Tsunade who was still in the same place.

After being asked by Washi, Tsunade finally came to her senses. However, the impact of the young Tsunade on her had not dissipated yet. This powerhouse, one of the Three Ninjas of Senju Clan, directly asked Washi, “What’s the situation with the child in court?”

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“What do you think of Little Tsunade? What kind of situation can there be? Just like you, they are both Tsunade. And most importantly, gambling luck is also similar.” The most important memory of Washi for Tsunade was that they both had the same super good gambling luck, and they would lose every bet. This kind of thing was not easy to see.

But now, two appeared in the courtyard. For a time, Washi had a strong interest in what would happen between the two of them.

“What’s going on with Tsunade?” After listening to Washi’s explanation, Tsunade frowned and continued to ask.

Washi also knew that this kind of thing was difficult for ordinary people to understand. Before, when Female Orochimaru and Orochimaru met, it took a long time for Orochimaru to acquiesce to this fact. Therefore, for the existence of Tsunade in the young world, it might take a while to get used to it.

“You can see her as an existence like you, or another you.” Washi thought about it and explained to Tsunade, “Don’t continue to be entangled in this problem. Other than you, Orochimaru also encountered this problem. Look at him, isn’t he fine?”

“Orochimaru is also here? He also met someone who looked at him?” In Washi’s latest sentence, Tsunade extracted two very important words.

Tsunade didn’t know about Orochimaru joining Washi’s team from Hashirama. After all, Hashirama didn’t put Orochimaru in his mind. What he valued the most were still Washi, the people of the Senju Clan, and Madara. The others were not too important to Hashirama.

“Yes, you can look for him at night or tomorrow. Maybe he can give you a good explanation.” Regarding the information of the Naruto Warehouse, Washi naturally would not tell Tsunade, who was a native. Hashirama, who vaguely knew about the existence of the warehouse, would not reveal this information to others.

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So, if Tsunade wanted to know why there were two Tsunade, it was best to ask Orochimaru. Maybe this research giant who had been working with Female orochimaru for a long time could give him an answer that he made up his own brain, and this answer that could convince himself might also be useful to Tsunade.

“I will go find him.” Tsunade saw that Washi was not going to tell her the reason for the appearance of another young Tsunade, so she was not going to continue asking.

However, when she asked Orochimaru for his opinion, Tsunade was going to meet the young Tsunade who was still sitting on the grass in the courtyard.

“But before that, I want to go and see it myself.” After Tsunade said this, she directly lifted her legs and bought over the wooden fence of the corridor, striding in the direction of the young Tsunade and Hinata.

Washi was also very curious about their meeting this time, so after Tsunade left, she also followed her to the grass in the courtyard.

At this time, the young Tsunade was playing happily with Hinata. Although she had never won against Hinata even once, Hinata was different from Jiraya before. Even if this outgoing Hokage Hinata won the money from the young Tsunade, he would return it to her later.

Therefore, when Washi left, the relationship between the young Tsunade and Hinata could be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds, becoming the best pair of friends in the City Lord’s Mansion.

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“Can I participate in one too?” Tsunade walked to the back of the young Tsunade and said to the two people who were still sitting on the ground.

Because they were sitting face to face, when Hinata approached Tsunade, she noticed that this person was also Tsunade, and because she was with Washi, Hinata knew that she was not an outsider, so she did not say anything.

When Tsunade’s voice came out, the young Tsunade turned to look at Washi. When she saw Tsunade standing behind him with her hands in her eyes, her little head suddenly had a big doubt.

When the young Tsunade saw the person who looked like her, she reached out her little hand and scratched her head, “Who are you?”

“I am Tsunade.” Tsunade stared at the face that she had seen countless times in the mirror and said.

Tsunade’s words were righteous. After all, this was her real name.


However, for the young Tsunade, this name was stolen by her name. Therefore, this young Tsunade did not want to be outdone. She stared at the person behind her who was several times taller than her and said, “I am Tsunade.”

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