Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 197

Just as the Uchiha thought, Washi, who was still not familiar with the Front Lotus, directly smashed into the ground with the member of the Senju Clan who was caught by him.

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Fortunately, the head of the Uchiha he possessed was relatively hard, so after smashing to the ground, there was no dizziness.

“The Eight Gates is indeed not suitable for ordinary people.” After the member of the Senju Clan fainted, Washi patted the soil on his body and stood up from the ground.

After Washi stood up, he attracted the attention of both sides at the same time.

The battle between the clans had been very long. They were very familiar with their opponents, so the people of the clan were also familiar with each of their opponents.

Although the strength of the Uchiha Xiu that Washi played was not very strong, he was still the backbone of the clan, so the people of the clan knew him very well.

In the information they got, this Uchiha Xiu was not a Taijutsu Ninja. He was clearly skilled in fire release. In all the previous battles, this Uchiha Xiu only used fire release ninjutsu. But this time, the Uchiha that Washi played seemed to change his appearance and directly used a Taijutsu that they had never heard of.

“Is this a ninjutsu developed by the Uchiha, or is this only known by the Uchiha?” On the side of the Senju Clan, Hashirama and Tobirama’s father, Butsuma, also saw the clan member who had just been knocked out.

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At this time, he was also very puzzled. If it was newly developed by the Uchiha Clan, then the overall strength of the Uchiha Clan would be raised by one grade. After all, this ninjutsu made a simple fire release ninja who could only attack from a distance become an existence that could cautiously defeat the Senju Clan. Just this alone, the Senju Clan needed to pay attention to it.

“Hashirama, go and save that clan member.” After thinking for a short while, Butsuma turned his head and shouted to Hashirama next to him who was fighting with an Uchiha.

At this time, although his age was not much older, his strength had already surpassed most of the members of the Senju Clan. With the addition of wood release’s ninjutsu, he had already begun to shine in the world of ninjas.

“Yes, father.” After hearing the arrangement of Butsuma, Hashirama quickly pulled out from the battle. In two leaps, he arrived next to Washi.


At this time, Hashirama did not immediately use wood release, because in this warring period, the long blade was still the main force of their daily battle, so after Hashirama got close to Washi, the first choice was to use the long blade in his hand to swing in the direction of Washi.

However, because Washi had opened the first of the Eight Gates, his speed had already improved a little, so Washi took a step back and dodged the Hashirama who had made a mistake in his prediction.

‘Eh, why is his speed faster than before?’

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Before this battle, Hashirama had already fought with the Uchiha that Washi possessed, so he was very clear about the opponent’s speed. The slash he had just swung had already predicted the opponent’s movement speed.

However, this slash of Hashirama did not even touch the opponent’s substitution technique. Washi only took a simple step back and dodged Hashirama’s slash.

However, even so, Hashirama was only stunned for a moment. After that, he quickly rushed towards the clansman that Washi had knocked out. Why would the opponent speed up this problem? It was still not comparable to the life of his own clan.

After all, surviving in the Warring States Era depended on the strength of his own clan. Apart from himself, no one else could believe it. And because of this reason, every Ninja Clan valued the lives of their own clan members very much. For their clan, every clan member was a guarantee to survive in the Warring States Era.

Because of this, Butsuma sent his most proud son to rescue the clan member who was knocked out.

When everyone present, whether it was the Uchiha or the Senju Clan, they did not know that the current Uchiha Xiu was no longer the former Uchiha Xiu.

With the possession of Washi, this guy who used to be an ordinary member of the Uchiha Clan had become an existence that could contend with the top fighting strength of the Warring States Era, and this top fighting strength, of course, included Hashirama.

“Gate of Life!”

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“Reverse Lotus!”

Washi didn’t want to let Hashirama go just like that. Three of his targets were related to the Senju Clan, and one of them was directly related to Hashirama.

Therefore, Washi didn’t intend to let go of this opportunity. It seemed to be a good choice to directly talk about life with Hashirama in this battle arena.

It was precisely because of this idea that Washi directly opened the third gate of the Eight Gates – the Gate of Life. It was precisely because the Gate of Life opened that the accompanying body technique, Reverse Lotus, was directly used by Washi.

After the Reverse Lotus was activated, Washi felt that the body of this Uchiha Xiu had undergone an earth-shaking change.

An invisible shackle was instantly broken, and surging energy began to flow into the body of this Uchiha Xiu. Washi, who was possessed by this body, also felt the change of this body.

“Eight Gates is really a good thing.” Washi raised his right hand and squeezed, and all the joints in his hand burst out a burst of sound, as if to declare his powerful strength.

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Today, I will let Hashirama test the power of the Eight Gates. This Hashirama is still young anyway. Even if he is beaten a few times, his waist will still be able to withstand it.

Thinking of this, Washi no longer delayed. In front of him, Hashirama was about to take away the clansman of the Senju Clan. Therefore, Washi, who came back to his senses, directly stepped down and disappeared from the eyes of the two clans who were paying attention to the situation here.

“So fast!”

“Since when did he have this kind of speed? Could it be that he has been training recently?”

“Training? I don’t think so, but recently he has been circling around Izuna-sama.”


“Could it be that Izuna-sama gave it to him?”

The Uchiha, who were casting Ninjutsu from behind, began to discuss after seeing Washi’s unusual speed. They did not notice that the face of the Uchiha Izuna, who was standing not far away from them, was already dark.

Although she heard the discussions around him, she did not pay attention to them. Now, she was also thinking about the same question. How could the speed of Uchiha Xiu be so much faster than normal?

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