What to do…

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Tobirama was silent. He held his bowl and was stunned. His mind was in a battle between heaven and earth.
“Washi-sama, can I follow you to Konoha?” Tobirama couldn’t think of a reason, so he put down his bowl and asked Washi.
Although he knew that there was no more powerful Uchiha in this world, he still wanted to go to Konoha to take a look at the Konoha that he and his brother Hashirama built together.
“Of course, no problem.” Washi didn’t care. The plan to go to Konoha was originally proposed by Minato. It was not impossible to travel with a few more people.
Moreover, with the addition of Tobirama, Hashirama would definitely come.
Sure enough, when Washi agreed to Tobirama, the already full Hashirama immediately said from the side, “Oh, if Tobirama also wants to go, then I will go and take a look. Little Tsunade, do you want to go?”
“Where to?” Tsunade used her chopsticks to fiddle with the bowl. After hearing Hashirama’s words, she stopped moving and looked up to ask.
“Go home.” Hashirama said to his granddaughter with a smile.

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“Go home?” Tsunade was confused. Didn’t they just buy it here? Where were they going?
Hashirama knew that his granddaughter didn’t understand, but he didn’t explain.
“Since Hashirama wants to go, then let’s go. Tomihashi, you also need to prepare. We will go to Konoha tomorrow.” After Tobirama Senju agreed, Washi directly said to Tomihashi.
Since Hashirama also wanted to go to Konoha, Tsunade would definitely not stay. In this way, there was no one else in this courtyard except Tomihashi. Therefore, as a nanny, Tomihashi could only go together to the Land of Fire.
“Okay, okay, sama.” Tomihashi replied as he ate. It did not affect Tomihashi where he went. In any case, he just needed to cook on the road and be a nanny. It was not his turn to fight.
The monsters in this group would not give him any time to act. Even an eight-year-old child had strength stronger than him. Other than that little Tsunade, he did not know who else he could protect.
“By the way, sama, should we also do the same thing as that Akatsuki and get some cool clothes?” After everyone finished eating, Tomihashi suddenly stopped and asked Washi.
“Clothes?” Washi really did not think about this question.
However, before Washi could think it through, Minato, who was about to leave the room, turned back and said, “Washi-sama, I think it’s possible. We can get a full set of golden clothes, and then draw a flashing emblem. It’s best to add Konoha’s…”

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Washi really couldn’t appreciate Minato’s aesthetic standard, so before he could finish, Washi waved his hand and said, “No, no, no, I’ll think about it. You go ahead.”
“Don’t you need this? I think it’s good.” Minato didn’t think there was anything wrong with the clothes he designed. It was golden. How good was it? With some patterns, was it not good to look at?
With this question in mind, Minato walked out of the hall, leaving only Washi and Tobirama, who was still sitting on the stool in a daze.
After Minato completely disappeared, Tobirama turned his head to confirm, and then he said to Washi, “Washi-sama, I have an idea. How about wearing blue clothes? Then…”
Tobirama, who was good at inventing, still had a lot of talent in designing. At least, compared to Minato, it was much better.
After Tobirama finished with the design, Washi said, “There is no hurry. Let’s just talk about it now. When we come back from Konoha,
Let’s do this again.
Because they were going to leave for Konoha tomorrow, Washi did not have time to care about the clothes of the team. It was good to wear a black windbreaker for the time being.

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“Ah, is that so? Alright.” When he learned that his design could not be immediately realized, Tobirama was a little disappointed. “Then I’ll go take care of onii-chan. His waist doesn’t seem to be too good.”
After saying that, Tobirama also stood up and walked out of the hall to Hashirama’s room.
After Tobirama left, Washi did not continue to stay in the hall. He also had to prepare the things he needed to bring tomorrow. However, Washi did not bring much. Most of the preparations still fell on Tomihashi.
After Tobirama slept in the room in the pillar room, Tomihashi could still be seen in the entire courtyard.
“Good morning, sama.”
Early the next morning, when Washi got up and walked out of the room, he saw Tomihashi with dark circles under his eyes.
“You haven’t slept yet?” Washi said in surprise. They had just bought a new house, so there shouldn’t be much to prepare.
“I slept for a while, but just after I fell asleep, Tobirama-sama was already training…” Tomihashi felt bitter. He was preparing to sleep after packing up his luggage last night when he heard the sound of a sword breaking through the air outside the house. The target of the sword happened to be on the other side of his room. Therefore, Tomihashi could only lie down in a half-awake and half-asleep voice. This morning, when they slept together, they had become like this.
“En? Then what about Tobirama?” In the courtyard, Washi did not see Tobirama’s voice.

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“Tobirama-sama left for a while. He said that he went outside the city to practice Ninjutsu. He should be back soon.” Tomihashi replied.
Because Tobirama wanted to practice Water Release, it was not suitable for him to practice in the courtyard. With that Ninjutsu, he estimated that this large area of residence would be flooded.
Just as Tomihashi said, when Hashirama walked out of the room, Tobirama just jumped into the courtyard. After Tobirama entered the courtyard, Washi helplessly looked at the gate of the courtyard. This thing seemed to have become a decoration. Other than himself and Hashirama, no one wanted to use the door to enter and exit.
“Brother.” Tobirama landed on the ground and greeted Hashirama at the first time.
“He went out to practice?” Seeing Tobirama like this, Hashirama knew that this kid had gone out to practice ninjutsu.
Tobirama nodded, “Yes, brother, my Ninjutsu is still lacking. I need to consolidate it.”
These words were simply not human words. You were already so strong, but you were still not enough. Then what was he? In any case, he was also a Hokage. Why did I feel like he was living like a Genin?
“It’s still too weak. It hasn’t been long since I reached Hokage.” Hashirama gave Tomihashi another heavy blow.
“Hokage?” In the Warring States Period where Tobirama was from, there was no clear division of ninja ranks.

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