Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 205

When Washi walked out of the room, he found that Tobirama was still standing outside the room. He did not leave.

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“Why are you still here?” Washi saw that Tobirama had no intention of leaving, so he asked him.

Tobirama did not expect Washi to come out so quickly. He wanted to wait outside for Izuna, but he did not expect that the first to come out was Washi.

“I, I was just about to wait for you to come out.” Tobirama, who was a little embarrassed to say the name of the Uchiha, had to bite the bullet and tell a lie.

Although Tobirama said so, Washi knew that this guy could not help but lie. He did not need to guess twice to know that this guy must be waiting for the Uchiha.

However, now that the Izuna was chatting with Madara, it was estimated that he would not come out for a short time, so Washi did not want Tobirama to wait, so he directly said to him, “Then let’s go. I’ll tell your brother that you and Izuna are going to the Ninja School to study.”

“Ah? Okay.”

Tobirama, who was stopped by Washi, naturally did not want to leave. But he had already said that he was waiting for Washi, so he could not refuse. After looking around and seeing that he had already sat down in the room, Tobirama followed Washi to the room next to Hashirama.

At this time, Hashirama did not stay in the room. Instead, he sat in the grass with his granddaughter

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After seeing Hashirama, Washi stood in the corridor and shouted to Hashirama who was on the grass outside.

“It’s Washi. Hey? Tobirama is here too.” Turning around, Hashirama saw the two of them and waved, “Come over first. Is there anything you need?”

Washi stepped into the grass under Hashirama’s guidance. After coming to the side of Tsunade, Washi said, “Tobirama is going to stay in Sujo City to learn from you. After the completion of the Ninja School, let him go in and train for a while.”

As soon as Washi finished speaking, Hashirama looked at Tobirama with a puzzled expression. He did not believe that this was what his brother could say.

A few days ago, when Washi decided to go to Konoha again, Tobirama, who had not been chosen, told Washi that he wanted to go out with him. It had only been two days, and Tobirama would not change his mind so fast. Moreover, with his character, he did not seem like a person who could stay in Sujo City to study.

“Did you really say it yourself?” Hashirama put down the young Tsunade and let her play by herself for a while before saying, “Washi, you didn’t ask him to stay, did you?”

“No, I wanted to stay.” Tobirama, who was misunderstood by Hashirama, naturally refused. If it was someone else who said this, Tobirama would not pay attention to it, but the one who said this was his brother, so Tobirama naturally couldn’t be silent.

Hashirama looked at Tobirama and frowned, “You?”

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“It’s really me, brother. How can you not believe me?” Tobirama was very sad and disappointed with Hashirama’s distrust. Although he was very happy with the arrival of Uchiha Izuna, he might still choose his brother, THashirama, in the end.

Washi, who was watching from the side, saw that Tobirama was so excited, so he could only help him explain, “Tobirama said it himself.”

“Oh?” Although Washi also said so, Hashirama, who did not know Tobirama well, knew that there must be something wrong with this result.

“It was the Uchiha Izuna who came just now. It was Izuna from Tobirama’s world, so…”

Washi did not finish his words, but even if it was only this, Hashirama knew the reason.

When he was discussing with Washi about the problem of Tobirama, Hashirama asked about the world of Tobirama, and when he knew thatIzuna in Tobirama’s world was a woman, he knew why Tobirama always talked about beautiful Uchiha.

So that’s how it is.

When thought of this, he nodded slightly.

If that was the case, Hashirama could understand. After all, the Tobirama was not small. It was right.

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“Brother, I will go train first.”

Under the strange gaze of Hashirama, Tobirama really couldn’t stand it. So after leaving a sentence, without waiting for Washi and Hashirama to reply, he directly turned around and left the garden, running to the courtyard he had just trained in.

“This kid.” Hashirama looked at Tobirama’s hurried back and said with some amusement, “I have been in this world for so long, but this is the first time I have seen him like this.”

After Tobirama disappeared at the corner of the corridor, he said to Washi, “Where is that Izuna? Did she go to find Madara?”

As a member of the Uchiha Clan, as well as the younger brother of Madara, Hashirama felt that it was reasonable for him to go and find Madara as soon as he came to this world.

“Yes, we are still in Madara’s room. Tobirama and I came from there just now.” Washi looked at Tsunade who was chasing a bug and said.

Hashirama narrowed his eyes and thought about her appearance, then said, “I’ll see what this Uchiha Izuna is like later.”

Although he was more than 90 years old, and he had already seen Orochimaru, this was the first time he had seen the Uchiha Clan he was familiar with. Therefore, this old Hokage Hashirama suddenly became a little interested.

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“Oh right, the Madara in his world is also the same.”

Before Washi could finish his words, Hashirama interrupted him and said, “The same as Izuna?”

“Yes.” Although the two of them did not say anything, Washi and Hashirama knew what the other party was talking about.

However, Washi’s side was playing riddles, which made the young Tsunade, who had already run to their feet, puzzled. She looked up at the two adults and said, “Grandpa, Washi-sama, what’s the same?”

“Nothing, what, you don’t want to play anymore?” After hearing the voice of the young Tsunade, Washi bent down and picked her up.

“I don’t want to play anymore. I am going to find big sister Tsunade.” Just now, she caught half Hashirama but did not catch the bug that he liked. The young Tsunade did not want to continue to catch it.

After hearing that the young Tsunade was going to find the old Tsunade in the main world, Washi asked doubtfully, “Why are you thinking of looking for her?”

“I only won money from Sister Tsunade. She told me to play dice again in the morning. It’s almost time. I have to go.” When Tsunade finished speaking, she let Washi put her down.

After shouting, she ran towards Female Orochimaru’s lab. The place she agreed with Tsunade in the main world was outside Female Orochimaru’s lab.

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