Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 207

Just as Washi and the others entered Konoha, the 3rd Hokage of Konoha, Hiruzen Sarutobi, was also welcoming the ninjas who came from the five villages.

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These villages responded to Hiruzen Sarutobi’s previous proposal to fight against Washi and the others, and then they gathered in Konoha. The news of the five villages coming at the same time was extremely secretive, and even the stable clone who was wandering in the upper ranks did not receive any news.

Today, after the contact of the five villages had gathered, the stable clone was notified to go to the Hokage building to discuss the relevant matters.

Apart from Konoha, who was known as the strongest Ninja Village, there were the ninjas from Iwagakure were led by one of Onoki’s creation. They had sent a group of elite Jonins had entered Amagakure to investigate, and it was unknown whether it was intentional or not. After staying in the north of the city for a while, they directly went east and took a detour to the Land of Fire.

Sunagakure was led by the elite Jonin Baki. Although the level of the leader was not too high, as a hardcore ally of Konoha, Sunagakure sent the most number of ninjas. More than twenty ninjas even directly booked a hotel.

Komugakure had always been at odds with Konoha, and the eyes of the Hyuga Clan made the two villages hostile to each other. But this time, the information sent by Konoha was too important, so Komugakure did not neglect it. They sent out A’s adoptive son, who was also Jinchuriki. Of course, in order to make this negotiation safer, Komugakure’s higher-ups also let the Yugito Nii as partners to prevent unnecessary trouble.

The remaining Kirigakure was already under the control of Washi and the others, so Mei didn’t want to send anyone to see this meeting at first, but in the end, under the suggestion of Steady Danzo, Mei sent a team led by Chojuro and Ao into Konoha.

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Before entering Konoha, Chojuro sent a ninja to Sujo City under the instruction of Steady Danzo to inform Washi and the others that the major countries were already carrying out a specific alliance plan, but to his surprise, Washi and the others had already arrived in the Konoha before Kirigakure Ninja arrived in Sujo City.

In the Hokage building.

As soon as Ao entered the conference room of the Hokage building, he saw that the room was filled with ninjas from several big villages.

“Danzo, sit down.” When Hiruzen Sarutobi saw that his clone had entered the room, he called out to his fellow disciples.

Although what Danzo had done had put Hiruzen Sarutobi in a passive state, and he had even manipulated several events that Hiruzen Sarutobi did not want to see, Hiruzen Sarutobi was still quite tolerant of him.

After ‘Danzo’ completed the mission to pursue Kirigakure, Hiruzen Sarutobi once again adjusted his authority. Although he could no longer be the consultant of the Hokage, he could still participate in the discussion of government affairs.

And it was precisely because of this that his clone, who was steadily hidden, was able to enter this conference room to pay his respects to the battle plans for Washi and the others.

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“Alright, almost everyone is here. Let us begin.”

After sitting down, Hiruzen Sarutobi, who was sitting at the head of the round table, announced the start of the meeting.

Since everyone present was from different Ninja Village, Ku, who came from Iwagakure, was not polite. After Hiruzen Sarutobi announced the start, he directly said, “We have already received the message that Konoha sent to Father, but I wonder if this organization is really so powerful?”

Although Konoha Ninjas had sent the message many times, they still didn’t know how strong Washi and the others were.

Therefore, after loess asked the question, the other ninjas also turned to look at Hiruzen Sarutobi, hoping that he could give an answer.

In fact, among the people who looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi, Chojuro from Kirigakure already knew the strength of Washi and the others. There were Minato, Madara, and the others. In terms of strength, even if all of them were added together, they still couldn’t help but feel that they were very powerful.

They were definitely no match for the other side.

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When they were in Kirigakure, Chojuro and Mei had always thought that Washi’s team was made by Konoha to weaken the strength of the other villages and finally control the five villages.

Chojuro and Mei had this idea, mainly because everyone in Washi’s organization was familiar with them. Everyone in it was basically Konoha, or they used to be Konoha Ninjas, so it was normal for Kirigakure to have this idea.

But compared to Kirigakure Ninjas, the other villages had never seen Washi’s group, so they were still curious about the mysterious opponent.


In the face of everyone’s curious eyes, Hiruzen Sarutobi put down the pipe in his hand, and then said, “The information we transmitted is true. Konoha has already experienced two battles with the other side, so you can completely believe in their strength.”

“Moreover, in addition to Minato and Sakumo in the letter, their organization also has Uchiha Madara, as well as our Konoha’s 1st Hokage.” Actually, Hiruzen Sarutobi did not want to tell about Hashirama, because this Ninja God had always been synonymous with Konoha. If he had not seen the real Hashirama with his own eyes, they would not have believed that his opponent was the former Hokage.

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“Uchiha Madara?!”


When the ninjas heard these two names, their eyes widened. These two names represented too many things that they could not digest for a while.

“Is this true?” Baki of Sunagakure swallowed his saliva. These two names were even more intimidating than Minato and Sakumo.

If Minato and Sakumo were two excellent ninjas who could fight against ten ninjas, then Uchiha Madara and Hashirama Senju were epic characters. For most people, these two only existed in legends.

Among those who were still alive, only Hiruzen Sarutobi and Onoki had seen the strength of these two.

Hiruzen Sarutobi sighed and said, “Of course, I saw it with my own eyes. In the second battle, our Konoha also fought with Hashirama-sama.”

However, Baki still couldn’t believe what Hiruzen Sarutobi said. He said in a slightly frightened tone, “How is this possible? That is the 1st Hokage, how can he still be alive? Moreover, wasn’t Madara killed by the 1st Hokage? How could the two of them come out of the current organization and want to destroy Konoha?”

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