“That flash just now is a bit familiar.” Jiraya stopped Minato from getting close to Danzo, standing next to him in light clothing.

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At this time, Hiruzen also looked at Minato, who was blocked by the Earth Wall. He also saw the flash of light after Minato stabbed Danzo.
“I saw it, it should be Flying Thunder God.” As a ninja doctor, Hiruzen Sarutobi was familiar with all kinds of ninjutsu. If he and Jiraya were not mistaken, the one who used it was definitely the ninjutsu invented by the 2nd Hokage – Flying Thunder God.
After the 3rd Hokage finished speaking, he looked at Jiraya. Flying Thunder God was a forbidden technique of Konoha. Except for the 2nd and 4th Hokage, no one could use this ninjutsu alone.
This is Flying Thunder God! Who is he? Why is he using the forbidden technique of Konoha? Moreover, it seems that the other side is very familiar with him.
“The 3rd Hokage of Konoha!”
After Hiruzen and Jiraya appeared, he stopped attacking Danzo, who was still lying on the ground. At this time, he jumped to the roof opposite of Hiruzen and looked straight at Hiruzen Sarutobi.
“I am the 3rd Hokage of Konoha.” Hiruzen stood on the roof with his hands behind his back, and the ribbon on his hat danced in the wind, looking like an expert. “I wonder why you are looking for me?”
Jiraya squatted on the roof on the other side, looking at Minato.
“I want to take away Uzumaki Naruto.” After Hiruzen asked, Minato got straight to the point.
This question was beyond Hiruzen’s expectation. He did not expect that the other party would take Konoha’s Kyubi Jinchuriki away as soon as he came up.
“In your dreams!” Before the 3rd Hokage could reply, Danzo who was lying on the ground shouted.

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However, although Danzo didn’t say anything, his answer was something the 3rd Hokage was prepared to say, so Hiruzen Sarutobi didn’t say anything.
“It seems that you have refused.” Minato looked at the 3rd Hokage who had sealed the Kyubi with the ghouls, and his teacher, Jiraya.
“Of course, the Kyubi can not be given to anyone.” The 3rd Hokage replied.
“But his father seems to be the 4th Hokage of Konoha, and you are not ready to treat him well.” Minato did not immediately attack, but continued to ask.
“It seems that you know a lot.” Hiruzen looked at this strange figure with narrowed eyes. “This is our own business, it has nothing to do with you.”
“And how do you know the Flying Thunder God of Konoha?” At this time, the 3rd Hokage was more concerned about this problem.
Flying Thunder God had never told anyone about it. In addition to the subordinates of the Hokage, even the Uchiha and Hyuga Clans did not have any information about Flying Thunder God. However, the other side, who had never heard of him before, used Flying Thunder God skillfully.
“It has nothing to do with you.”
Minato’s anger was rising. He did not want to continue in Konoha, but this was not his world. Here, it was not the 3rd Hokage who sealed the Kyubi, but the other one, Minato, who used his life to seal the Kyubi.
However, the result was even more miserable. Naruto did not have the surname of Minato, nor did he know that his father was the 4th Hokage of Konoha, and he was even known as the Kyubi.
I don’t need to treat this as the former Konoha, and this place does not belong to me…
“Wind Release – Wind Blade!”

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The negotiation did not go in the direction Minato expected, so he did not want to continue talking. His reason had been drowned by anger. At this time, the only thing left in Minato’s mind was to take Naruto.
When the Wind Release was cast towards the 3rd Hokage, Tobirama rushed up again.
Just now, Tobirama saw Minato and the 3rd Hokage chatting, and thought that the matter would end here. Unexpectedly, after a few words, the two sides began to fight again.
“Earth Release – Earth Dragon Bullet!”
“Fire Release – Fire Bullet Technique!”
The voice of the 3rd Hokage and Jiraya rang out in unison,
Ninjutsu collided with Minato’s wind blades from both sides.
“Big brother wants you to go back!” When the three Ninjutsu collided with each other, a huge roar was heard. Tobirama also came to Minato’s side and shouted loudly.
“I’m sorry, 2nd Hokage.”
After hearing Tobirama’s words, Minato did not turn his head, but directly rushed out of the smoke towards the direction of Jiraya.

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“Needle Jizo!”
Sensing that Minato was rushing toward him, he instantly used his hair to wrap around his body.
Because he was familiar with Jiraya’s ninjutsu, Minato didn’t directly use his foot to attack his hair, which was also extremely hard. Instead, he kicked the roof under his feet.
After a loud noise, Jiraya, who was wrapped in his hair, fell down directly.
“Fire Reease – Great Fireball Technique!”
3rd Hokage who was familiar with five types of ninjutsu skillfully changed his ninjutsu. A Great Fireball shot out from his mouth towards Minato.
“Water Release – Water Dragon Bullet Technique!”
On the side, Tobirama was also not idle. Although Hashirama had asked him to call back Minato, he was still his teammate after all. When it was time to help, he had to help.
However, Tobirama’s Water Release was different from the common people. Although he only had the strength of a Jonin, his talent in Water Release was still extraordinary.
After Tobirama summoned Water Dragon Bullet Technique in the air, the water dragon rapidly expanded. When Water Dragon Bullet Technique extinguished the 3rd Hokage of Great Fireball, its momentum did not decrease. It rushed towards the two Konoha Ninjas who were rushing over.
In order to prevent Konoha’s Ninjas from getting injured, the 3rd Hokage did not stop. He hurriedly made a seal with his hands. “Water Release – Water Formation Wall!”

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The 3rd Hokage used the water that Tobirama had just summoned to directly erect a water wall, directly absorbing the weakened Water Dragon Bullet Technique.
“The opponent is a bit strong, old man.” Jiraya who fell off the roof had jumped up again. At this time, he was next to Hiruzen, carefully staring at Hashirama, Washi and others in front of Naruto’s door.
There are only two people on the other side, and it seems that they are all at the Kage Level, and there are three people at the door. If their strength is the same, Konoha…
“Go and save Naruto, don’t let them take the Kyubi!” At this time, the 3rd Hokage also realized that things seemed to be a little out of control. The strength of the other party was much higher than predicted.
“But…” After hearing the words of the 3rd Hokage, Jiraya was a bit hesitant. If he attacked, he could only leave the 3rd Hokage alone to fight against the other two. This was too dangerous.
However, the 3rd Hokage did not care, “Go!”
“If I’m not here, you will be the new Hokage of Konoha!”
“Old man…”
Jiraya didn’t expect such a thing to happen when he returned to Konoha.
“Quick!” The 3rd Hokage shouted, then instantly summoned Enma and rushed towards Tobirama.
The strength of this little guy seems to be a bit weaker. If we can deal with him first, the situation should be better.

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