After Hashirama called out to Wood Release, a huge tree rose from the ground and instantly covered half of Konoha’s.

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All the Konoha Ninjas who rushed over to help were instantly covered by Wood Release.
Tomihashi and Washi, on the other hand, followed the passage that Hashirama had specially created and rushed out of the village.
“Wood Release!”
The 3rd Hokage, who was fighting with Minato, saw the sudden appearance of the Tree World, and immediately stopped what he was doing.
Senju Clan’s Kekkei Genkai, and the only person the 3rd Hokage had seen using it was the 1st Hokage, Hashirama Senju.
“How is this possible” Just like most Konoha Ninjas, the 3rd Hokage had a face full of disbelief. He never thought that he would see this Tree World again.
Not only Hiruzen, Danzo, who was lying on the ground, was also staring at the growing trees.
“Wood Release… Wood Release…”
He knew that Orochimaru was studying Hashirama’s cells, and his arm came from Orochimaru. Was this result of Orochimaru?
When Hiruzen was stunned, Minato did not stop. After his kunai forced away Hayate that was attacking him, he jumped forward and came to the side of Hiruzen.
“Hokage-sama!” Hayate couldn’t catch up with Minato’s speed, so he could only shout from the side.
Hearing the voice, the 3rd 3rd Hokage was shocked. When he came back to his senses, Minato had already arrived in front of him.

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The 3rd 3rd Hokage, who couldn’t dodge in time, was hit in the left arm by Minato, and flew back a distance, stepping on several roofs before stopping.
“Hokage-sama!” Kakashi, who had just arrived from the outside of the Tree World, rushed to the side of the 3rd 3rd Hokage, holding the 3rd 3rd Hokage who was already somewhat out of breath.
“Naruto, save Naruto!” Hiruzen stared at Minato and said to Kakashi without looking back.
Jiraya was also trapped by the other person who used Wood Release, and he could not get away for the time being. Now, he could only entrust this task to Kakashi.
“Naruto?” Kakashi, who had not figured out the situation, looked at Naruto’s residence. There was only Hashirama and Tsunade, who was short beside him. “The other party came for Naruto?”
“Yes, they went out from that direction. Hurry up and catch up with them.” Hiruzen did not want to say more. He pointed to the direction where Washi disappeared and pushed Kakashi.
Kakashi also knew that the Kyubi Jinchuriki was taken away, so he could not delay, so he could only let go of Hiruzen and go around Konoha and Minato’s battlefield to chase Washi.
However, things were not as simple as the 3rd Hokage and Kakashi thought. When Kakashi appeared, Hashirama noticed him.
At first, he thought that the boy with white hair was Sakumo, but when Kakashi left the 3rd Hokage, he saw Kakashi’s face.
“He should be Sakumo’s brother, right?” Sakumo, as Hashirama’s most reliable assistant, was quite familiar with him, so he recognized him at a glance.
“Wood Release – Advent of a World of Flowering Trees!”
In order to let Washi and Tomihashi leave smoothly, Hashirama naturally could not let Kakashi catch up, so he directly blocked Kakashi’s way with vines.

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However, Kakashi did not want to tangle with the caster of Wood Release. Although he was also very strange about the existence of Wood Release, he was not surprised after seeing Yamato. Maybe it was another guy with Hashirama’s cells.
“Guy, you stop him from casting Ninjutsu!”
Because the vines were chasing Kakashi, he did not have a way to continue forward, so he could only shout backwards.
Mighty Guy shouted, getting out of the siege of Minato, and rushed toward Hashirama.
“Wood Release – Gate of the Great God!”
Before Mighty Guy could rush halfway, a wooden door suddenly fell from the sky.
It pressed down on Mighty Guy, who was in the air.
“Reverse Lotus!”
Mighty Guy, who was suddenly pressed down by Gate of the Great God, suddenly emitted a green light all over his body, and his speed suddenly increased, rushing out of the area of Gate of the Great God.
“That was close.” Mighty Guy looked at the Gate of the Great God that was smashed on the ground and said with some lingering fear.

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Is this Wood Release that Hashirama-sama used before? He is really strong. If he did not use Reverse Lotus to instantly accelerate, he might have been locked. At that time, he was afraid that only the Morning Peacock or the Daylight Tiger could help him out.
Thinking of this, Mighty Guy deliberately looked at Jiraya who was trapped by the earth. Even Jiraya-sama could not break through the other side’s blockade. This person’s strength, I’m afraid…
“Guy, what are you waiting for! Hurry up!” Kakashi, who was almost entangled by the vines, shouted at him when he saw the stunned Mighty Guy.
Only then did Mighty Guy realize that he was still in battle. He did not think about Wood Release anymore. He activated Eight Gate went around Hashirama’s vision, stuck to the wall, and touched Naruto.
However, Hashirama, who had already discovered Mighty Guy, naturally would not let him get close to him so easily.
“Wood Release – Explosive Kunai Technique!”
As Hashirama’s voice sounded, several vines grew out of the pillars and quickly grew. In the blink of an eye, they grew into a big tree, trapping Mighty Guy, who jumped out of the corner and jumped into the air, ready to give Hashirama a blow.
“Grandpa is so powerful!” Tsunade, who was standing next to the pillar, clapped her hands after defeating several Konoha Ninjas.
“Haha, Tsunade will be so strong in the future.” After being praised by his granddaughter, Hashirama touched his head and laughed.
“Really?” Tsunade wanted to be fooled easily, but when she heard what Hashirama said, she also imitated Hashirama. She touched her head with one hand and held her waist with the other. She smiled.
“Hey, I didn’t ask you to learn this.”
Hashirama and his grandson were chatting and laughing leisurely, while Minato was fighting fiercely.

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Because they were all Konoha Ninjas, Minato didn’t hit them hard. He only removed their fighting power and stopped attacking.
At this time, next to Minato, there were Hayate, Kurenai, and other Konoha Jonins.
“4th Hokage, Naruto has been taken away. We can go now.”
Hashirama estimated the speed of Washi and the others. They should have reached the periphery of Konoha by now. He held Tsunade and shouted to Minato.
When Hashirama shouted, Minato didn’t react. Who was 4th Hokage?
But the voice came from Hashirama, so he looked back and saw that Hashirama was waving to him, and he knew it was calling him.
“Okay.” After a simple reply, Minato immediately left the battle and jumped back to the side of Hashirama.
Kakashi, who had been chased impatiently by the vines, had given up on chasing Washi and the others. With Thunder in his hand, he leaned over and rushed to Hashirama and Minato.
“Wind Release – Wind Cutter Technique!”
Before Flying Thunder God, Minato sent a Wind Blade to this disciple who had died in battle, and congratulated him for still being alive in this world.
As soon as the Wind Blade flew out, Mighty Guy, who was trapped by the explosive spear in the middle of the pillar, suddenly broke the trees and jumped out.
“Morning Peacock!”

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