Because Sujo City was far away from the major villages, there were not many stores related to ninjas in the city, so Orochimaru encountered a lot of difficulties in choosing her own things.

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Fortunately, most of the things could be found in ordinary stores, and the most important thing was that the cells of Hashirama needed the cooperation of other members in the team.

This Orochimaru, who also came from the origin of the parallel time and space, was not very interested in practicing ninjutsu. If she put her energy into practice, Ninjutsu would not have reached S-Rank.

“It’s time to go back and find Hashirama.” Most of Orochimaru’s things had already been purchased, and she only needed the most important thing, Hashirama’s Cell. “However, it seems that it is not easy to get from the 2nd Hokage.”

“Well, why does that look a little familiar?” Just as Orochimaru was about to return to the courtyard with big and small bags, she saw a familiar figure appear on the street. From the back, this person was no different from her other than clothes.

At this time, Orochimaru did not know that in Sujo City, there was a guy with the same name as him who was watching him.

Now, Orochimaru was not thinking about the mission of this trip, but about Itachi’s Sharingan, Kekkei Genkai, which was what Orochimaru had always wanted. Joining Akatsuki was only for the sake of better obtaining his own goal.

After finishing this, Orochimaru was not ready to continue staying in this Akatsuki. Catching tailed beasts or something was not in his plan.

“Wait, why do I have a familiar feeling?” Orochimaru, who had been thinking about Itachi’s eyes, was walking casually on the street. When he passed by a street, he suddenly felt that there was something wrong nearby.

Feeling something, Orochimaru looked around, but he did not find anything. “What was it?”

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“Who are you?”

Just as Orochimaru was about to move again because he had no gains, a female voice suddenly came from behind him.

“Huh” Orochimaru was shocked. He did not sense that someone had appeared behind him. After hearing the voice, Orochimaru suddenly turned his head. Half a step behind him, there was a person who was the same height as him.

This person was the Hokage of Konoha that Washi had awakened from the parallel space, Female Orochimaru.

“You!” Orochimaru looked at the woman who looked almost the same as him, and was stunned. How could she look so similar?

“So it’s you.” Female Orochimaru looked like he understood. She knew that there was another Orochimaru in this world, but she did not expect that she would meet the real owner of this world so soon.

Orochimaru did not know why the other party would say that it was you, but he knew that this person must have something to do with him. Perhaps, it was the same as the cells he studied?

Moreover, this person seemed to be a woman.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru smiled and said, “Interesting.”

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After saying that, regardless of whether they were in the city or not, he directly used his Hidden Shadow Snake Hand to attack Female Orochimaru. The snakes that were originally hiding in Orochimaru’s sleeves suddenly sprang out and attacked Female Orochimaru’s face.

“How impolite.” Female Orochimaru complained about the sudden attack of the big snake pill as she leaned to the left to avoid the attack.

“Then don’t blame me.”

Female Orochimaru said and put the thing in her hand on the ground. Then she waved her sleeve, “Hidden Shadow Snake Hands!”

“This…” Orochimaru looked at the same ninjutsu cast by the other party, and was somewhat confused about the situation. It was fine if he looked like me, but why did he have the same ninjutsu?

Although he was a bit shocked, Orochimaru still had the strength of a Kage Level after all. A-Rank Ninjutsu, and the one he was most familiar with, Hidden Shadow Snake Hand, was still not a threat to him.

Just as the two of them were fighting,

The nearby Sujo City residents had already fled the scene one after another. This kind of battle between ninjas was not something they could watch from the sidelines. If they were accidentally killed, there would be no place to talk about it.

“Who the hell are you?” Orochimaru stared at the guy who threw the Hidden Shadow Snake Hands at him, and said with a fierce look on his face. He used the same ninjutsu, and his appearance was similar to his. This guy must have been eyeing him for a long time.

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“Guess?” Female Orochimaru smiled and said.

This Female Orochimaru was different from the gloomy Orochimaru. When she smiled, she was like Minato, making people feel very close to her. Moreover, the glasses on her nose gave people a harmless feeling.

“Hmph.” Orochimaru was not ready to play this kind of trick with Female Orochimaru. He threw another ninjutsu at Female Orochimaru, “Summoning Technique!”

Along with Orochimaru’s voice, several big snakes appeared out of thin air, and quickly rushed in the direction of Female Orochimaru.

“Hehe.” Seeing and Ninjutsu, Female Orochimaru smiled. He was too familiar with these Ninjutsu used by Orochimaru.

Ninjutsu, identical to Orochimaru, appeared again. The two big snakes on both sides were entangled in the open space between the two.

At this time, Orochimaru finally realized the seriousness of the problem. The person opposite him, apart from his gender, seemed to be completely his own copy. The Ninjutsu he used was actually completely the same.

“Summoning Technique – Manda!”

At this time, Orochimaru naturally had to use a single type of Ninjutsu. This Ninjutsu now belonged to the Ryūchi Cave, and there was only this one snake. The person opposite him couldn’t be like him, summoning Manda.

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This was the first time that Manda had appeared on Orochimaru’s side after being scared away by Hashirama. As soon as it appeared, it first sensed the enemy. After confirming that it was not Hashirama, it said to Orochimaru, “Two hundred sacrifices can’t be less.”

“Two hundred?” Orochimaru looked at Orochimaru. Why did this greedy guy raise the price? Usually, it would be one hundred.

“Including the one hundred from last time.” Orochimaru did not immediately join the battle, but first began to talk about the price with Orochimaru.

“Didn’t you say you don’t want to…”

Before Orochimaru could finish, a loud noise suddenly came from Female Orochimaru. After the smoke, a white giant snake suddenly appeared in front of the purple striped snake.

“It seems that there are still some differences.” Female Orochimaru stood on the head of the white giant snake and looked at the snake.

The giant white snake under her feet also said, “Orochimaru-sama, what is this place?”

Orochimaru glanced at the giant white snake under Female Orochimaru’s feet, and then looked at her.

Compared to his snake, Female Orochimaru’s summoned beast was much more docile. The voice of the giant white snake was also more feminine, and it formed a sharp contrast with the snake that was bargaining with Orochimaru.

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