Although Minato was chanting Rasengan, he was not holding this Ninjutsu in his hand. Instead, he was holding a few kunai.

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He threw out all the kunai in Minato’s hand, and spread it around Orochimaru.

“Rasengshuriken! Flying Thunder God Technique!”

Orochimaru, who was still on guard against Rasengan, suddenly heard a long string of names. When Minato’s voice fell, Orochimaru’s surroundings were suddenly surrounded by a golden flash.


Orochimaru’s clone was directly kicked away by Minato, and the main body was also punched by Minato. Moreover, the attack of Rasenshuriken’s three forms did not stop, and Minato’s hands and feet kept calling out to Orochimaru.

“Let’s go too.” Female Orochimaru, who was in front of Orochimaru, saw that Minato had already suppressed Orochimaru, so she also directed the white snake under her feet to attack in the direction of the snake.

Because she was affected by Minato’s attack, Manda and Orochimaru also dodged together, not paying much attention to the white snake in front of them. When the white snake bit it, Manda suddenly stopped, desperately trying to get rid of the white snake’s attack.

“Damn it, Orochimaru, I won’t accompany you.” This kind of snake would not share the joys and sorrows with the shaman, so after saying that, it directly returned to the Ryuchi Cave with a bang.

Orochimaru, who was once again abandoned by Manda, lost the support of Manda under his feet, and with Minato’s kick, directly flew in the direction of Washi and the others.

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Orochimaru, who was kicked, smashed into the wall of the house next to Washi, and his whole body directly smashed into the house.

However, even so, Minato did not intend to let Orochimaru go, because he had already left a seal on his body. Minato directly use Flying Thunder God to Orochimaru’s position, and before he landed on the ground, he kicked out of the house.


After a burst of noise, Orochimaru landed solidly in front of the pillar.

However, looking at Orochimaru, he did not seem to have suffered much damage, and he stood up like a carp.

“Wood Release – Tree Bind Flourishing Burial!”

Since Orochimaru had fallen in front of him, Washi did not waste the opportunity to practice. He directly made a series of hand seals, and a wooden strip directly emerged from the ground. It rushed forward and wrapped around Orochimaru.

“Wood Release!”

Orochimaru, who had been studying Hashirama’s cells, was very familiar with Wood Release. This Kekkei Genkai was stronger than the Sharingan, but this blood limit was not so easy to take. Therefore, Orochimaru set his target on Uchiha.

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“You actually know Wood Release?” Orochimaru, who knew Tree Bind Flourishing Burial, did not panic. Instead, he was curious about how Washi could use Wood Release. “You are not from the Senju Clan.”

Regarding the people of Konoha, Orochimaru dared to say that no one was more familiar with them than him. Before, he had already studied all of Konoha’s clans. He knew the members of the two clans like the back of his hand. Thus, Orochimaru immediately recognized that Washi was not a member of the Senju Clan.

“You can’t use Wood Release if you are not from the Senju Clan?” Washi smiled and said.


These words made Orochimaru speechless. Among his research subjects, there was a Wood Release who was practice from the cells of Hashirama. Although it was only a fusion of two kinds of escape techniques, it was not too powerful.

“You are the group from the forest, right?” When Washi met Orochimaru and Itachi in the forest, he did not transform, so Orochimaru did not need to think to recognize Washi. “It seems that there is nothing wrong with the information.”

“You must be Hiruzen’s disciple, right?” After Washi finished speaking, Hashirama, who was standing in the corner, also spoke up.

When Orochimaru heard this, he looked over and was instantly stunned.


How could it be Hashirama!

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Orochimaru was not calm at all. He was a person who stole the cells of Hashirama. He knew that Hashirama was dead. How could he still be alive?

“Is there anything wrong with Konoha?” For Orochimaru to betray the village, Hashirama had a lot of opinions. Even if the Konoha of this time and space had nothing to do with him, they had the same roots.

Although there was an incident between Minato and Naruto, he, Hashirama, was still on Konoha’s side.

“This…” Orochimaru didn’t know what to say at this time. Even if he could break free from the Tree Bind Flourishing Burial directly, he didn’t move. Instead, he just stood there.

Minato, Hashirama, the guy who could use the same Ninjutsu as himself, the appearance of these people was too strange for Orochimaru.

Edo Tensei?

No, there was no trace of Edo Tensei at all. It must be a living person. How was that possible? How could Hashirama and Tobirama Senju be alive? There must be something wrong.

“Is this Orochimaru you were talking about?” Tobirama, who had scared Kisame Hoshigaki for a while, stared at Orochimaru, who had heard his name several times in the courtyard.

Orochimaru didn’t feel anything wrong when he heard that, but when his gaze stopped for a while, his eyes changed.

Tobirama Senju!

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This name was much clearer to Orochimaru than Hashirama Senju. He had grown up in Tobirama’s era, and although the body of the white haired man in front of him had become smaller, Orochimaru still recognized that this was the teacher of his teacher, Konoha’s 2nd Hokage, Tobirama.

Why? Why are these Konoha’s Hokage still alive?

Wait, if these people are really the Hokage of Konoha, then the master of the white snake just now!

Orochimaru, who dedicated himself to researching all kinds of Kekkei Genkai, and the cells of Hashirama, had his biggest goal: immortality. But now, the people in front of him had already surpassed his knowledge. Perhaps, these people already knew the mystery of immortality!

Immortality, the thing that Orochimaru had been pursuing, seemed to be right in front of his eyes.

“There’s nothing special about it. Why don’t we just kill him?” Tobirama was still the same Warring States style as before.

“It’s not impossible.” With Female Orochimaru on his side, Washi felt that the existence of Orochimaru was not that important.

It was unknown whether it was because Minato came out of the wall, or because of the words of Washi and Tobirama, Orochimaru unconsciously took a step back.

“What, you still want to run?” Tobirama threw kunai on the wooden stick on Orochimaru.

At this time, Female Orochimaru also removed the Summoning of the white snake, and returned to the side of everyone, “Sama, how should we deal with this… What about Orochimaru? Why don’t you leave him for me to study?”

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