“A woman?”

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Among the crowd, the one who reacted the fastest was Kozuki Oden, who was next to the Poneglyph, and he had detected the movement behind the Poneglyph stone before Neptune raised his trident.

In fact, Nico Robin was also very close, but this scholar from O’Hara was more fascinated by the information in the Poneglyph.

And just as Wexford and Kozuki Oden were staring at the newcomer next to the stone, Borsalino, who had just been copied and reshaped was full of indignation.

“Damn Ivankov!” After cursing in a low voice the Revolutionary Army that Dragon had just pulled into the fold, he began to survey the surroundings.

While Borsalino was observing, Neptune was already preparing to attack the other side directly.

Just when Neptune was about to stab out with his trident, Wexford spoke up and stopped the king of Fishman Island, “This is my crew.”

“Your Excellency’s crew?” Neptune, who had stopped attacking because of Wexford’s words, turned his head in confusion, he had not seen this woman in Wexford’s group.

However, since Wexford had said so, then Neptune certainly couldn’t attack again. Anyway, with Wexford present, even if there was something bad, there would be someone to support the scene.

If it was Wexford who wanted to do something, it would be impossible to defeat the other side, even if the entire battle force of Fishman Island was involved.

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So Neptune, no matter what, could only go along with Wexford’s wishes.

When Neptune put the trident in his hand back away, only then did Wexford lift his leg and walk towards the direction of the Poneglyph.

“Captain.” After Wexford walked near the stone of the Poneglyph, Borsalino took a step forward and greeted Wexford.

The two were only two steps apart at this time, so Wexford’s observation of Borsalino was a little more careful.

Although he had seen Borsalino’s long hair from a distance, he still wanted to get closer and confirm it.

The long hair, the diminutive figure, and the somewhat changed voice, all of these no longer indicated the identity of this new king.

”It’s really a female.” For Borsalino’s identity, so Wexford was obviously still a little surprised. After all, the gap between this and Wexford’s memory of Borsalino was just too big.

Borsalino, who was being looked at by so Wexford, also seemed to know so Wexford’s doubts, so he hurriedly explained, “Captain, I was not like this before!”

“It was Ivankov! That fellow Ivankov turned me into this shape, and I just wanted to go to her to change me back, but I didn’t expect to be brought here by the captain.” Borsalino said this with unusual indignation. After all, he did not have the same hobby as Ivankov, for Borsalino, it was better to change himself back.

“Ivankov?” After hearing Borsalino say this name, Wexford was able to understand a bit.

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After half a day, it turned out that this Borsalino was not a woman from beginning, but was turned into a woman by Horu Horu no Mi ability of the Okama King’s Ivankov.

For Borsalino, he just wanted to see how strong that new Okama King who joined the Revolutionary Army really was. However, when he just let the other party demonstrate it, this newcomer directly used the power of Devil Fruit on himself.

The result of this display was just in time for the copy to be reshaped into the main world.

“Yes, that’s him.” Now Borsalino already greatly unwilling to hear this name again, he now just wanted to quickly change himself back, “Captain, do you know where she is?”

“Ivankov, she’s a long way from here.” Wexford swept another glance at Borsalino before answering.

“Far away?”

The moment Borsalino heard the word far away, he was immediately dumbfounded.

‘Could it be that he would only be able to look like this for a long time?’

Thinking of this, Borsalino lowered his head to look, but did not see his feet.

Just as Borsalino was silent, Nico Robin, who had already finished reading the entire Poneglyph, came over.

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Nico Robin did not notice the arrival of Borsalino, she had been engrossed in deciphering the Poneglyph before. When she saw this somewhat familiar, yet some strange people, her eyebrows slightly clustered, and said, ” Is he, Borsalino? How did he become a woman?”

Nico Robin’s confusion was also the King of Fishman Island Neptune’s confusion, just now he did not look carefully, now after hearing Nico Robin’s words, he also felt that this person was somewhat like the Marine Headquarters’s Admiral’s Borsalino.

Before the great battle of the Water 7, Neptune was also aware that the news of the captured Borsalino reached the Fishman’s Island, so it was not so unacceptable that Borsalino was in this Wexford Pirate group.

It was that the appearance was a little too different.

“I am not a woman.” Borsalino was now very helpless, although the mouth said so, but compared to the real appearance, his words really seemed a bit pale and powerless.

“Don’t dwell on the gender of Borsalino, let’s talk about the Poneglyph first.” Wexford saw that Borsalino really did not want to talk about the topic of his gender, so only then pointed to the Poneglyph behind Nico Robin and said.

Speaking of the Poneglyph, Nico Robin immediately withdrew her gaze from Borsalino’s body.

After Wexford asked, the scholar from O’Hara turned around and looked at the Poneglyph , “Indeed, as King Neptune said, this is a thank-you text written by Joy Boy to the fish people eight hundred years ago.”

Nico Robin said, Neptune also put the focus of attention from Borsalino to the stone of the Poneglyph.

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As the king of Fishman Island, Neptune, of course, also wanted to know what was written in the Poneglyph that had been passed down for eight hundred years.

“That year Joy Boy borrowed the Poseidon from the Fishman Clan to fight the World Alliance’s attack.”

“And the condition of borrowing, is the promise of a promised land under the sun.”

“But unfortunately, Joy Boy lost the battle.”

“The fish people did not get the land under the sun, and after Joy Boy backed the promise, he wrote this Poneglyph.”

“Alas.” After listening to Nico Robin’s narrative, Neptune sighed.

As the King of Fishman Island, he certainly knew that his race was bent on going to live in the sunshine, and this seemingly simple wish, had not been realized for a full eight hundred years.

“Perhaps, this is the destiny of our fish people.”

Neptune finished, turned around directly, and rushed back directly in the direction of the royal palace.

Wexford did not bother with the leaving Neptune, but looked at the Poneglyph, and said, “Eight hundred years ago Poseidon lost, the former world alliance, the current World Government, what exactly is their bottom card? Is it just the Heavenly King or the Underworld King?”

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