Chapter 128 - Who's JusticeWhile the Red Hair Pirates were fighting with Wexford, Sengoku took Kuzan and Fujitora to the depths of the Sabaody Archipelago.

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With the bombardment of Sakazuki’s 12 fleets, Sengoku didn’t encounter any obstacles when he entered the Sabaody Archipelago.
“It seems like he really left.”
After Sengoku went around the Sabaody Archipelago, he didn’t find any other people under Wexford.
From this, it could be seen that apart from the opponent’s Sakazuki, Wexford really did not have any backup plans on this Sabaody Archipelago.
“I just don’t know if that Rayleigh is real or fake.” Because when Sakazuki was blocking the Demon Slayer Fleet, the right hand of the Pirate King had appeared before, which was why Sengoku said this.
The reason why he could not distinguish the identity of Rayleigh was mainly because there were too many uncertainties in Wexford’s team.
Sakazuki could even appear on the other side, let alone Rayleigh, so the current marine couldn’t judge whether the pirates under Wexford were real or not.
However, even if the pirates under Wexford were fake, their strength was definitely not weak. This experience could be considered as the summary of the two previous battles.
“Since Wexford killed the two World Nobles, there has been no World Nobles, right?” Sengoku observed the surroundings while muttering to himself.
Because Sabaody Archipelago was very close to the Red Line, and there were many entertainment facilities on the island, they were also favored by the World Nobles on the Red Line. For eight hundred years, the World Nobles had always regarded Sabaody Archipelago as their own back garden.

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But now, this back garden had completely fallen and was no longer under the control of the World Nobles.
After Sengoku finished speaking, Fujitora, who was using a sword and followed at the back, said, “Lord Fleet Admiral, the World Nobles is one…”
Before Fujitora could finish his words, Sengoku suddenly and loudly stopped Fujitora from continuing.
Although there were no World Nobles in this area, Fujitora’s idea was too dangerous. Even if Fujitora didn’t finish his words, Sengoku had already guessed what the other side would say.
Although Sengoku sometimes had the same thoughts, he couldn’t say these words. This was the rule of the marine.
The marine was in charge of maintaining order on the sea. They were in charge of protecting the World Government and the World Nobles. Protecting the World Nobles was their duty.
“Sigh.” After Fujitora was stopped by Sengoku, he could only sigh. He stopped talking and continued to follow Sengoku.
In fact, the task of the three of them in the Sabaody Archipelago was already completed. After confirming that there was no Wexford in the archipelago, the three of them should leave.
But Sengoku seemed to want to know more, so he led Kuzan and Fujitora toward the residential area.

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Because of the death of the two World Nobles, a large number of residents had escaped from the islands. At this time, there were not many people in the residential area.
When Sengoku brought Aokiji and Fujitora into the residential area, there was no one in sight. The bustling Sabaody Archipelago area was no longer as glorious as before.
After Sengoku and the other two went deeper into the residential area, a few figures finally appeared.
However, when these people saw Sengoku appear, they didn’t have a happy expression on their faces. Instead, they looked scared.
These residents were afraid of that moment, yet their faces were full of anger.
“It’s the marines!”
“The marines are coming, chase them away!”
“The lackeys of the World Nobles!”
As residents of the Sabaody Archipelago, they had endured for too long. Previously, just because they were close to the Red Line, they had suffered endless oppression from the World Nobles.
The resentment of eight hundred years finally erupted after Wexford controlled the Sabaody Archipelago.

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The Sabaody people who were still in the residential area also took out their weapons from their homes and prepared to fight with the marine who had already entered the island.
“Marine… Fleet Admiral Sengoku!”
“Kuzan! It’s Admiral Kuzan!”
There were still many people who recognized Sengoku and Kuzan. After all, the speed of these two people in the newspaper was quite high.
In the face of such a strong enemy, the residents of the Sabaody Archipelago were silent for a moment, but they still held the iron shovel knife in their hands, which didn’t make any sense to them.
The people who could stay in the Sabaody Archipelago under the deterrence of the World Government had nothing to fear.
“If not for your marine and the World Government, how could I have been captured by the World Nobles as a slave?” A slave who chose to stay in Sabaody Archipelago took off his clothes, revealing the unique mark of the World Nobles slave hidden under his clothes.
“This time, even if the World Government’s Five Elders comes, don’t think of capturing me back to that damned Mary Geoise!”
Mary Geoise was the holy land of the world, but no one was willing to go to the paradise of the World Nobles, because for ordinary people, that place was as terrifying as purgatory.
After Sengoku heard these words, his face turned pale and his hands were tightly clenched.

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Although Sengoku knew that what these people said was the truth, even if the evil of the World Nobles were to be turned into paper, it would still be endless.
But so what, no one could change what was happening now.
Although Sengoku didn’t agree with the existence of the World Nobles, for the sake of justice, sacrificing a small part of the benefits in exchange for the vast majority of benefits was acceptable for Sengoku.
And Sabaody Archipelago was obviously the one that was sacrificed.
“Fleet Admiral Sengoku, how are you going to deal with this?” Fujitora, who was holding a sword with both hands, asked Sengoku after hearing the words of the residents.
“Phew.” After Sengoku let out a sigh of relief, he turned around and said, “Let’s go, it’s time to leave.”
After Fujitora heard Sengoku say that he wanted to leave, he was relieved.
As a world recruit Admiral, Fujitora and most of the marines had different thoughts. He valued the people and hated them. If Sengoku ordered them to attack this group of people, Fujitora wouldn’t even know if he would listen to Sengoku.
Fortunately, Sengoku didn’t intend to attack the residents but chose to leave.
In this way, Fujitora didn’t need to think too much and directly turned around to follow Sengoku.
However, when Sengoku was about to leave the residential area, a tall and sturdy figure in a red suit stood in front of the three marines.

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