Monet seemed to have known that Wexford would say such words, so after Wexford finished, she also smiled and said, “Lord Wexford, of course you can take the Devil Fruit and weapon. Even if it is Dressrosa, it is easy for you to take it.”

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When Wexford saw Monet suddenly speak like this, he didn’t know what this Donquixote family wanted to say, so Wexford didn’t interrupt and let Monet continue.

Monet saw this and continued, “In addition to what I just said, the young master can also provide you with some special information.”

“Oh? Special information?” When Monet talked about the information, Wexford looked at the member of the Donquixote Family with great interest and continued, “Is it about the World Noble or the World Government?”

Before Doflamingo was taken away by his father, he was a ‘World Noble’, and as a World Noble, he may really know some information that ordinary people do not know.

Monet smiled and whispered, “It seems that Lord Wexford also knows some things about the young master. Yes, it is about the World Government and the World Nobles.”

“How is it, is Lord Wexford interested?”

For Monet, coming to Wexford to negotiate was related to the survival of the Donquixote Family.

If Wexford refused to cooperate, then the Donquixote Family that took over Dressrosa would most likely die.

After all, before this, the strength that Wexford displayed was too strong.

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Although Doflamingo had already started to build the ‘Torikago’ in Dressrosa, but the construction of the ‘Torikago’ had just begun. Not to mention a pirate like Wexford, even a task like the All-Stars, it would not be able to defend against it.

Therefore, when Wexford came to the outer seas of Dressrosa, Doflamingo sent Monet to negotiate with Wexford.

However, after Monet finished speaking, Wexford pointed at the black clothed Doflamingo beside her and said, “I also have a ‘World Noble’ here. I have all the information you need.”

Although Wexford said this, his words were half true and half false.

Although Doflamingo on his ship had similar backgrounds, the world he was in was very different.

The power of each world and the state of the World Government were extremely different, just like the 2nd parallel world that Wexford had been to before, the World Government there could even own the ancient weapon, ‘Pluton’.

And because of these differences, even if the background of the two Doflamingo were similar, the information they had was definitely different.

After Wexford finished speaking, Monet turned his head and looked in the direction of Doflamingo.

This black clothed mirror, this guy who looks similar to the young master, does he really have the same memory and the information he has?

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Although Monet was very suspicious, but when Wexford spoke, it was too easy, and the Donquixote Family did not take the initiative.

So, even if what Wexford said might be false, Monet could only quickly say, “Lord Wexford, you have to know that the Donquixote Family really wants to cooperate with you.”

“Even if your pirate group is very powerful and can defeat all the pirates in the New World, but what about after? How do you control this New World?”

Because Wexford Pirate ship was getting closer and closer to Dressrosa, Monet’s speed was getting faster and faster. She had to pave a way for the Donquixote Family before Wexford and Kaido fought.

Even if she continued to speak, she might anger Wexford, the pirate, but for her young master, Monet was willing to do this.

“I can use the Fishman People, the Charlotte Family, and even cooperate with Whitebeard. Why should I use the Donquixote Family?”

After Wexford finished, she turned around and no longer looked at Monet, but looked at Dressrosa’s dock and observed the movements of the Beast Pirates.

Seeing that Wexford no longer wanted to pay attention to her, Monet anxiously took two steps forward, preparing to approach Wexford and fight for a chance to cooperate.

However, just as Monet was about to walk behind Wexford, a ball of glutinous rice suddenly appeared on the deck and wrapped Monet in it.

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And the one who locked Monet in place was Wexford’s subordinate, Katakuri.

After binding Monet, he said, “The lady of the Donquixote Family, since you can’t cooperate, you should leave.”

“Lord Wexford!” Even though Katakuri’s glutinous rice ball was bound to the deck, Monet still didn’t want to give up.

“Go back, you tell Doflamingo to stay in the palace of Dressrosa. After I finish Kaido, I will go to the palace to find him. At that time, we will discuss whether there is a chance to cooperate.” Wexford said to Monet without looking back.

After saying that, Wexford took two steps forward and walked to the bow of the deck.


When Wexford said those words, Monet breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what, Wexford finally gave the Donquixote Family a chance.

Although she didn’t know if this opportunity would bring luck or disaster to the Donquixote Family, but for Monet, her heart that had been hanging for a long time could finally calm down a little.

When Wexford said that, Katakuri had already released the glutinous rice ball under Monet’s feet. This member of the Donquixote Family could finally move freely.

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“Let’s go, Buffalo, let’s go back.” Monet quickly walked back to Buffalo, who had the fruit ability.

Buffalo had been watching the conversation between Monet and Wexford in fear. Seeing that the conversation had finally ended, he let out a sigh of relief. “Okay.”

After saying that, the Devil Druit user carried Monet back to Dressrosa.

After Monet left, Rosinante, who had been watching from the side and did not say anything to participate, he walked to Wexford and said, “Is the captain ready to cooperate with them?”

According to the situation ‘them’, of course, it referred to Monet, who had just arrived on the deck, and the Donquixote Family she represented.

Before coming to the new world, Rosinante knew what the Donquixote Family in this world had done.

In this world, Rosinante parents were also killed by Doflamingo, and even Rosinante himself in this world was killed by Duflamingo. This behavior made Rosinante have no good impression of Doflamingo in the main world.

“I will hand this matter to Doflamingo, of course, there is also you.” Wexford turned around and looked at Rosinante.

Wexford mentioned that Doflamingo and Rosinante were members of the Donquixote Family, so after the battle with the Beast Pirates, Wexford was ready to hand over Dressrosa the two brothers.

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