Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 160: 160

The originally large scale attack was concentrated in one place by Wexford, directly striking at Kaido who was in mid-air.

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At the same time that Wexford attacked, Kaido who was crazily attacking Kozuki Oden because of his front claws, suddenly had a bad feeling.

Just as this feeling became stronger, a wave suddenly appeared around Kaido.

“Damn, what is this thing!” When Kaido saw that the space around him was constantly churning and his scales were bleeding, he knew that things were going to get out of hand.

Although Kaido really liked to court death, when death really approached, even Kaido would feel his heart palpitate.

‘No! I can’t let him continue to attack!’

When the vibration became bigger and bigger and began to shake off his scales, Kaido was also afraid.

At this time, Kaido directly gave up attacking Kozuki Oden and locked his eyes on Wexford Pirate ship.

‘That’s him!’ When Kaido saw Wexford who raised his right hand to release the power of Gura Gura no Mi, a dragon flame came out of his mouth and flew towards Wexford on the pirate ship.

The burning dragon flame flew very fast, but when the flame was about to reach the pirate ship, it was directly shattered by an inexplicable force and dissipated in the air.

Even the surrounding space cracked?

Naturally, Kaido also saw this scene. The opponent easily destroyed his attack. This kind of strength was too terrifying.

Even the real Whitebeard was not so powerful, right?

When Kaido was in the Rocks Pirates, he had been a teammate with Whitebeard. Although the two of them had been separated from the Rocks Pirates for many years, they still met each other in this new world.

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Therefore, Kaido more or less had some understanding of Whitebeard’s strength.

And from the years of contact with Whitebeard, he knew that Whitebeard’s control over the Devil Fruit was not as good as this person?

Kaido who was tortured by the fruit naturally didn’t know where Wexford’s ability came from. His Gura Gura no Mi came from Whitebeard at his peak, and he completely received the Devil Fruit ability of Whitebeard at his peak.

More importantly, this Whitebeard was not the one in the original world, but the Whitebeard Newgate in the parallel world who could compete with ancient weapons.

“Its defense is really strong.” On the pirate ship, Wexford, who was shaking the space around Kaido, looked at the dragon creature in the air and said.

Although Kaido was surrounded by the space, but it was only bleeding and his flesh was not broken.

If it were for Katakuri and Doflamingo on the ship, they would not be able to do this.

“Then I’ll add another ten percent to your strength.”

After Wexford finished speaking, a large amount of glutinous rice appeared under his feet, and after these glutinous rice appeared, Wexford was lifted up.

As the glutinous rice continued to rise, Wexford gradually approached Kaido in the air.

Kaido saw that Wexford was getting closer and closer. He also knew that nothing good would happen after he got close to him. So while enduring the shock around him, Kaido also took back his Dragon form and turned into a half-dragon and half-human creature.


As Kaido transformed into his dragon form, he used the move he was most proud of.

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Although there was still blood left in Kaido’s body, he started to spin after using the move.

As Kaido spun faster, his blood was thrown away.

Kaido, who was dancing with blood, was like a devil that came back from hell. He rushed towards Wexford with endless and violent attacks.

Kaido who was attacking, the mace in his hand overflowed with black “lightning”. Although his attack was not close to Wexford, Wexford had already felt the power of it.

“As expected of the sea Emperor.”

After seeing Kaido’s violent attack, Wexford couldn’t help but sigh.

Just as Wexford finished speaking, Kaido who was spinning at high speed approached him.

“But so what!”

Wexford shouted and gathered the power of the fruit in his hands. When Kaido’s attack was about to land on him, he waved his hands and attacked Kaido’s mace.


The attacks of the two made the people watching the battle feel a flash of white light in front of their eyes, and everything disappeared from their vision.

And just as the white light slowly disappeared and the surrounding scenery returned to their eyes, the originally clear sky had already darkened.

“What… what’s wrong…”

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For the people around them, all of this had come too strangely.

They had seen the exchange between the strong and dispersed the dark clouds, but they had never seen the dark clouds suddenly gather in the clear sky.

This situation was completely beyond their imagination. The current battle was not something these onlookers could understand.

While everyone was still in a daze, Kaido and Wexford in the air had already separated in the air, and each of them descended towards their pirate ship.


Kaido, who had transformed into a dragon, smashed into his flagship.

Because the deck of the flagship had been destroyed, Kaido was already on the third floor of the flagship.

“Lord Kaido!”


“Captain, are you alright?”

The pirates who survived a few rounds of attacks shouted at Kaido.


Just when the pirates were worried that Kaido would die and they would be attacked by Wexford’s pirates, the surrounding Sea Emperor opened the wooden boards on his body and stood up.

At this time Kaido was covered with small cracks, the blood that was oozing out had condensed into blood scabs on his body. From the perspective of others, Kaido has become a monster.

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When the Beasts Pirates saw this scene, they were scared and took two steps back.

“Cough.” Kaido stood up and put his mace on the ground and coughed.

At the same time, a blood flowed from the corner of Kaido’s mouth.

Seeing this, Jack, who was at the bow of the ship, quickly jumped down and ran to Kaido’s side.

But before Jack could speak, Kaido pushed her away.

After that, Kaido grabbed the mace beside him and jumped to the bow of the ship.

At this time, Kaido’s opponent, Wexford had returned to his pirate ship, but compared to Kaido who was in a sorry state, Wexford was much calmer.

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