Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 166: 166

After hearing the words of the black clothed Doflamingo, Rosinante stared at the dark acupuncture point under his feet for a few seconds, and then turned to look at the black clothed Doflamingo.

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But at this time, the black clothed Doflamingo had already walked to the edge of the square, towards the direction of the Dressrosa’s Royal Palace.

The Doflamingo under Wexford didn’t choose to directly take over the Donquixote Pirates, but was ready to hand over the pirate force that controlled the Dressrosa to the Rosinante family.

Although Rosinante had just killed Doflamingo, he still believed in Rosinante and was Doflamingo’s younger brother.

“If you want to leave, you can leave directly. From today on, you will no longer belong to the Donquixote Pirates.”

When Rosinante was in his own world, he was a member of the Donquixote Pirates, so he was very familiar with these people. This was the reason why he didn’t know these people.

After talking to Monet and the others, Rosinante looked at the original Princess and said, “Viola, you go to the palace.”

At this time, Viola’s face had already turned pale. Just now, Doflamingo was killed by the other side, the impact on her was very big.

Although she was only a spy in the Donquixote Pirates, but she had been in this pirate force for a long time. Unconsciously, Violet had brought her into the state of a member of the Donquixote Pirates.

But after the shout of the Donquixote Pirates, Viola suddenly came back to his senses, he looked at the Rosinante and said, “Okay, okay.”

After saying that, Rosinante directly ran in the direction where Black Doflamingo disappeared.

At this time, the other members of the Donquixote Pirates were not idle to care about the departure of Rosinante. Because Doflamingo was dead, and the words of Rosinante were said, they didn’t know what to do for a while.

If they wanted to avenge Doflamingo, even if all of them added up, it would not be enough for the other side to fight alone.

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But if they left directly, Buffalo and the others couldn’t do it.

“What, what should we do?” Buffalo looked at the other members of the Donquixote Pirates and asked.

“Kill him!”

Monet was the most loyal member of Doflamingo.

But before Monet could do anything, a black liquid rose from the ground and directly wrapped her in it.

After Monet was suddenly killed by Rosinante, Trebol, who was next to her, was shocked. As a sensible person, he already knew what to do.

“My lord, from today on, you are the young master of the Donquixote Pirates!”

After that, Terbol directly lowered his head to Buffalo.

“I, leave.” After Terbol chose to submit, another member of the Donquixote Pirates, Diamante, chose to leave Dressrosa.

Like Monet, he was a firm supporter of Doflamingo, but compared to Monet’s desperate attack, Diamante was not ready to do such a meaningless thing.

Whether it was to join other forces to take revenge or to wait for his own strength to become stronger, wasn’t it a wise decision?

And the one who had the same decision as Diamante was the Devil Fruit user, Buffalo.

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However, other than these two people, the rest of the Donquixote Pirates members stood in place. Although these people didn’t say anything, Rosinante already knew the other party’s choice.

“Okay, the rest will stay.”

“Sugar, contact with the control of the people of Dressrosa and change them from a toy state.”

“Terbol, you contact the Totto Land, they have freedom.”

These instructions were discussed with Wexford before entering Dressrosa. If he was alone, he did not have such a large authority.

Although Terbol, Diamante, and others did not know why Rosinante, as a pirate force, wanted to cripple his own martial arts and change Dressrosa his original appearance, but since the other side had said so, they just went to carry it out directly.

Just as the remaining members of the Donquixote Pirates began to carry out the mission that was given to them by Rosinante family, black Doflamingo had already brought Violet to the open space outside the palace.

“He’s coming over.”

Before Doflamingo could get close, Wexford directly looked away from the square and turned to Doflamingo.

“How do you feel?”

As the young master of the Donquixote Pirates in another world, Doflamingo must have a very complicated feeling at this time.


However, under Wexford’s culture, Doflamingo smiled and said: “Hey hey, I don’t feel anything.”

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“The world is different. The things in this world have nothing to do with me.”

Doflamingo seemed to be very free and easy, he didn’t have any feelings for the Donquixote Pirates in this world. Although they looked the same, Doflamingo knew that there was a fundamental difference.

Viola, who was following behind Doflamingo, listened to the conversation between the two, but he couldn’t hear anything.

‘World? In this world, how many worlds do you have?’

Viola frowned and thought.

However, Wexford did not give Viola too much time to think and waved at him.

When Viola saw this, she hurriedly took two steps forward and opened her mouth, but she did not know how to address him.

“Lord… Lord Wexford.” After a short pause, Viola finally spoke a sentence.

“I heard that you are the Princess of Dressrosa?” Wexford leaned against the railing and said with a smile on his face.

After occupying Dressrosa, Wexford was ready to directly control this island. After all, this was a new world, and Wexford had to control some territory.

Otherwise, after his power grew, he couldn’t always float on the sea, right?


“Yes, yes.” Viola nodded and replied.

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“Find your father, and you will still be the royal family of Dressrosa.” Wexford was not going to control the island like Doflamingo, he had a strong strength, no matter what, he would be in control of Dressrosa.

In that case, it would be a good choice to let the original King of Dressrosa take charge.


Viola was obviously shocked when he heard this. How could this Wexford return the King of Dressrosa to them?

“But I have a request.”

As expected. After Wexford added another sentence, Viola revealed an expression of understanding.

The other party returned Dressrosa to their Royal Family with a purpose.

“Dressrosamust declare to the newspaper that he has left the World Government and put my flag on it.”

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