With the combination of these three people, together with the Whitebeard, who was also a member of the Rocks Pirate, the pirates group that once dominated the New World seemed to see the light of day again.

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And Wexford also did not expect that the person who let this Rocks Pirate gather was actually him.

However, it was normal. After all, Wexford was too much of a threat to the pirates of the New World. In a short time, Shanks and Kaido were defeated in succession.

The pirates who had yet to come into contact with Wexford did not want to become the next failure.

“Captain, are we going to take action?” After Rosinante finished the news he just got, he asked Wexford.

Rosinante meant that since the other side wanted to unite, they would directly defeat them before they gathered all their forces.

But at this time, Kaido, Shiki, and Big Mom had already arrived at the Whole Cake Island. The members who had not yet gathered were small fries. If they wanted to directly take action, they would have to face these three powerful pirates.

Therefore, Wexford did not directly agree with Rosinante. Instead, he shook his head and said, “No, since they want to fight a world-shocking battle, then let them wait for a while.”

Wexford himself had a pirate warehouse. If the other side did not take the initiative to attack, then he only needed to stay in Dressrosa.

Once his subordinates were large enough to crush the other party’s members, then Wexford would be able to directly set off.

“Stay in Dressrosa for the time being. Don’t worry about the matters over at the Whole Cake Island.”

Wexford, who had decided to wait in Dressrosa was no longer prepared to continue advancing towards the Grand Line. Therefore, at this time, he did not need to think about dealing with Kaido and his aunt for the time being.

“Okay, captain.”

Since Wexford had decided to stay in Dressrosa, Rosinante naturally agreed.

In the next ten days, Wexford Pirate group didn’t stay idle. The scientist Caesar Clown who was caught from Punk Hazard Island was ordered by Wexford to study the Devil Fruit in Dressrosa.

The fruit for Caesar Clown’s research was taken out from the Donquixote Pirates’s inventory.

As the hub of the underground world trade, the Donquixote Pirates naturally had many inventory.

Although the devil fruit that was placed in Dressrosa was not very good, it was good for Caesar Clown to study it.

As the oppressed side, Caesar Clown was not very resistant. After all, he had always wanted to study the Devil Fruit. Now that Wexford could provide him with a large amount of Devil Fruit for research, it was good news for Caesar Clown.

“Melt the Devil Fruit into the weapon?” The day before Buggy was about to be awakened, Wexford suddenly found Caesar Clown, who was imprisoned somewhere in the palace, and made a special request about the Devil Fruit.

Caesar Clown was puzzled and said, “There are people in the research base who are also studying real things, but I have not seen them.”

When they were on Punk Hazard Island, the marine had many research projects, and the devil fruit was one of them when injected into the weapon.

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“But I should be able to do it.” Although Caesar Clown had never come into contact with that project, compared to the lineage factor, this project was a little too simple.

“Very good, this is Kozuki Oden’s sword. Try and see if you can pour power of the devil fruit into it.”

As Wexford spoke, he handed a weapon he had brought into the research room to Caesar Clown.

The owner of this sword belonged to Kozuki Oden, who was under Wexford. When he heard of this plan, Kozuki Oden had rejected it in the beginning.

After all, this research seemed a bit too magical in Kozuki Oden’s eyes. Whether it was human or animal, it was reasonable to eat the devil fruit, but to let a weapon eat the Devil Fruit, it sounded like a lie.

However, the one who had this request was his captain, Wexford, so although he was extremely reluctant, Kozuki Oden still handed over his own weapon.

“Lord Kozuki Oden’s?” Although Kozuki Oden was only a crew member under Wexford, Caesar Clown did not dare to call his name directly. Instead, he added the word “Lord”.

“Yes, it’s his.” Wexford saw that Caesar Clown was a little careful when he took the sword, so he added, “Don’t be afraid, do whatever you want.”

After that, Wexford turned and left the research room specially arranged for Caesar Clown.

After Wexford left, Caesar Clown turned to look at the three devil fruits on the table. “Which one should I use?”

“Use this one.”

After thinking about it, Caesar Clown directly picked up the rightmost Devil Fruit of the three, and was ready to start the research of the Devil Fruit into the weapon.

However, this project could not be completed in one or two days, so Wexford did not urge the captive after that.

On the second day after handing Kozuki Oden’s sword to Caesar Clown, the new Pirate King, Buggy, who Wexford was waiting for, was also ready to be copied.


Your Excellency, the new personnel has been remodeled. Do you want to copy them directly?

After Wexford received the notification from the warehouse, he did not hesitate and directly responded, “Yes, copy them directly.”

“Yes, Your Excellency.”

After receiving Wexford’s order, the warehouse directly began to copy the new Pirate King, Buggy, to change to a new job.

Body of consciousness is being copied. Please wait a moment.

Name: Buggy(38 years old).

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Strength: S.

Affiliation: 996 universes.

‘From the same parallel world as Sakazuki, and under the guidance of Sakazuki and the others, this king of the sea gradually grasped the true power of his Devil Fruit.’

However, this Pirates King is still a short distance away from awakening his Devil Fruit power.

In the introduction of Buggy, in addition to the large part of life introduction that Wexford saw more than 20 days ago, there was also an introduction about Buggy’s strength.

“It seems that this Buggy is still not fully trained.”

When Wexford saw that the fruit ability of Buggy had not awakened, he knew that this Pirate King still had not reached his peak state.

But according to the introduction, Buggy was very close to awakening his Bara Bara no Mi.

“What kind of scene will it be when the Bara Bara no Mi awakens?”

When Buggy was about to be reconstructed, Wexford did not forget to imagine the scene when Buggy used the awakening fruit.

“The remodeling has been completed.”

As soon as the voice of the warehouse fell, a red-nosed, ugly pirate appeared in front of Wexford.

This Buggy, who had just been remodeled, was not much different from the one in the original world. The only difference was their eyes.

In the original world, Buggy always acted like he was strong on the outside, but he didn’t look imposing at all from the outside.

However, Buggy, who came from a parallel world, was completely different. Perhaps he had joined Sakazuki’s camp and learned Sakazuki’s temperament.

Buggy, who had just arrived in the original world, glanced around coldly. Then, he looked at Wexford and said, “Captain.”

“Yes, welcome to this world.” After Wexford finished speaking, he pointed to the stool behind Buggy and said, “Sit down first.”

After Buggy listened to Wexford and sat down, he pointed to the nearby flowers and plants and said, “Captain, what is this place?”



When Buggy heard this name, he was stunned for a moment before saying, “It seems that I didn’t go too far. When I left, I was in Dressrosa. When I appeared, I was still in Dressrosa.”

In Buggy’s own world, the stronghold that Sakazuki built after entering the New World was in Dressrosa, so Buggy, a member who followed Sakazuki, said this.

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“Isn’t that just right? There is no need to adapt to the new environment.” Wexford smiled and said.

“By the way, your teacher Sakazuki is also in this world.”

When Wexford finished speaking, Buggy, who had always been relatively calm, suddenly raised his head when he heard Sakazuki’s name. He asked, “Teacher Sakazuki is also here?”

“Yes, from a world.”

Sakazuki was the same as Buggy. They both came from the world of 996. It was unknown if it were for related to their personalities. Not to mention Buggy, who did not know much, Wexford knew the other Sakazuki very well. He was very compatible with the number 996.

“Where is teacher? Is he also in Dressrosa?” When he heard that Sakazuki was also here, Buggy obviously could not sit still.

“He is not in Dressrosa. He is in the Sabaody Archipelago.” Wexford raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the Red Line. Sakazuki was at the other side of the Red Line, guarding the Sabaody Archipelago that had entered the new world.

“But you should be able to see him soon.” “Sakazuki will come in two days.” Wexford stood up and continued.

In order to deal with the joint forces of Kaido, Shiki, and Big Mom, Wexford specially transferred Sakazuki, who was left in the Sabaody Archipelago, and the ones who replaced Sakazuki to defend the Sabaody Archipelago were Katakuri and Borsalino.

In Wexford’s original plan, Katakuri was the most suitable candidate to guard the Sabaody Archipelago. If Sakazuki had not taken the initiative to ask for permission, this Pirate King who had fought the shocking battle in the Sabaody Archipelago would definitely appear at the scene to welcome Buggy.

And because he had already defeated the navy twice, Sakazuki no longer insisted on staying in the Sabaody Archipelago, but accepted Wexford’s temporary order.

However, after completing the battle with Kaido and the others, Sakazuki was ready to return to the Sabaody Archipelago to defend.

“Is that so? That’s great.” When Buggy knew that Sakazuki would arrive in a few days, he finally revealed his first smile after coming to the original world.

“By the way, other than Sakazuki, there is someone you might want to see.” Wexford said after introducing Sakazuki’s situation.

As for his acquaintances, Buggy knew very well that it was already very lucky to meet his teacher Sakazuki again in this world. Could it be that Captain Wexford had a second acquaintance under him?

Wexford did not give Buggy too much time to think, but went straight to the steps on the side of the garden, “Let’s go and see Shanks.”


When Buggy heard this name, his eyes suddenly widened. After Wexford left, this pirate king who had just arrived in the main world still had some time to recover.

However, when Wexford was about to disappear at the corner, Buggy also hurriedly chased after him.

The Shanks that Wexford wanted to let Buggy see was precisely the young Shanks who was first reconstructed.

At this time, Shanks was in the square of Dressrosa, chatting with the daughter of Kyros and the little girl, Rebecca.

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When Wexford brought Buggy to the square, Shanks quickly stood up and introduced Rebecca, “This is our captain!”

“Eh? That is…”

After introducing Wexford to Rebecca, Shanks looked at Buggy and asked, “Buggy! Aren’t you at the Sabaody Archipelago? Why are you here?”

Seeing that Shanks had recognized the wrong person, Wexford waved at him and smiled. “This is not the Buggy of the Sabaody Archipelago.”

“That is?” After thinking for a while, Shanks opened his eyes and continued, “Did you come from other places like me?”

“Yes.” Wexford nodded and replied.

Wexford did not tell too many people about Buggy, so Shanks did not know about this situation.

“This, this is Shanks?” Just like Shanks was puzzled, when Buggy saw Shanks, who was much smaller than himself, he was obviously a little uncomfortable.

“Of course, it’s a fake deal.” Wexford smiled and said.




Before Wexford could speak again, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the sky.

When Wexford and the others looked up, there was a giant red dragon flapping its wings in the sky.

The inhabitants of Dressrosa seemed to have adapted to the arrival of this giant dragon. So when the giant red dragon continuously waved its wings and descended, the inhabitants of Dressrosa did not panic at all.

And the one who fell was the member of Wexford’s group, the’ queen of the children ‘and’ queen of the female Tyrannosaurus ‘, Bell-mare.

“Captain, we are back.” After descending, Bell-mare, who was in his dragon form, greeted before a man dressed in red jumped down from her back.

“Teacher!” When he saw his teacher, Sakazuki, he hurriedly ran over.

When Sakazuki, who had just jumped off the dragon’s back, saw this, he also exclaimed, “Buggy?”

After being remodeled, Sakazuki really did not think that Buggy of his own world would come to this original world.

It must be known that after Sakazuki learned that these pirates under Wexford were not from the same world, he knew how difficult it was for the members of the same world to come.

If not for the fact that Sakazuki was too familiar with the breath of this Buggy, he would have thought that Buggy from Sabaody Archipelago had followed him.

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