Big Mom was completely enraged. This was the first time she had been suppressed like this since the Four Emperors dominated the New World.

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As a Sea Emperor, Big Mom certainly couldn’t stand such a situation.

With the addition of Zeus and Prometheus, Big Mom was unstoppable all the way, and all the giant magma arms blocking her way were shattered one by one.

However, Sakazuki certainly would not let Big Mom directly approach. As a powerful pirate, he certainly had a way to deal with it.

When the woman was about to approach, Sakazuki directly turned his hands into lava, and raised his hands to point in the direction of Big Mom, “Dai Funka!”

As Sakazuki’s voice sounded, a large amount of lava spurted out from the front end of Sakazuki’s arms and went straight to Big Mom who was attacking.

A large amount of lava suddenly appeared, temporarily blocking the way of Big Mom.

However, Big Mom would not be easily blocked by the magma. Although she could not advance quickly, a large amount of flame power burst out from Big Mom.

Along with the voice of the woman, a large amount of flames suddenly descended from the sky, crossed the magma, and directly smashed towards Sakazuki.

These flames with soul power also had extremely destructive power, and in order not to be scratched by these flames, Sakazuki could only stop the attack of the magma, and then retreat a few steps.

As soon as Sakazuki stopped the magma in his hand, the woman who had already been prepared jumped over the magma pool in front of Sakazuki, and directly came to his front.

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After Big Mom roared, she threw a powerful punch at Sakazuki.

“Dragon Flame!”

Seeing that Big Mom’s attack was about to land on Sakazuki, the voice of Bell-mare suddenly came from behind Sakazuki.

Because Wexford had already subdued Katakuri of the Charlotte Family, Bell-mare also left the battlefield, and Bell-mare, who had left the battlefield, also turned and joined the battle between Sakazuki and Big Mom.

Bell-mare’s timely dragon flame directly broke between Big Mom and Sakazuki, directly interrupting Big Mom’s attack.

After Bell-mare’s dragon flame, Sakazuki directly pushed out the range of Big Mom’s attack, which also made Big Mom’s full strength attack miss in an instant.

“Despicable guys!”

Big Mom raised her head, looked at Bell-mare’er in the sky, and roared.

“Flame Spray!”

Big Mom directly raised her right hand, and a flame shaped whip directly lashed out towards Bell-mare’er who was in the sky.

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“Wild Flame!”

Bell-mare’er who was flying in the sky naturally wouldn’t sit still and wait for death. When she saw the flame whip that flew out from Big Mom’s hand, the dragon flames in her mouth converged once more, and she instantly spat it out.

This time, the dragon flames were completely different from the previous attacks. At this time, the flames that came out of Bell-mare’s mouth had already turned from red to blue. The range of the attack had also increased significantly. It changed from a thin line into a fan shape.


The flames of both sides directly came into contact in the air, making a loud noise.

However, Bell-mare, who had strengthened the dragon flames, was clearly better than Big Mom in this battle. After the collision of the flames, the dragon flames in Bell-mare’s mouth pierced through the flame and continued to fly towards Big Mom.

In the face of the dragon flame that broke through her own flame, Big Mom raised her hands, and the thunder Zeus and the sun Prometheus, who had been injected with their souls, stood in front of Big Mom.


After the dragon flame broke through the flames, it went straight to the last layer of defense of Big Mom, and collided with the thunder Zeus and Prometheus.

Just as the gate was fully defending against the dragon flames coming from the sky, Sakazuki, who had just pushed open, suddenly came up.

At this time, it was the time to deliver a fatal blow to Big Mom.

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“Inugami Guren!” After putting some distance between them, Sakazuki suddenly raised his right hand and a ball of lava flew directly towards Big Mom.


Because Big Momwas resisting the dragon flames that continued to come from the sky, her side was the most vulnerable part, and Sakazuki, who was very fast, also hit the side of Big Mom.


When the Charlotte Family members around saw this, they suddenly shouted four times.

Although these Charlotte Family members knew that their mother was very strong, this time the opponent was completely different, a super pirate group above all pirates.

In today’s battle, whether it was the Charlotte Family members or the pirates of the Beasts Pirates, they already knew that Wexford was absolutely not an existence they could defeat.

Although this battle had only been going on for a short time, the scale of the war seemed to not be on the side of the original Rocks Pirates.

But this time, they were not all depressed.

For example, Shiki who was fighting with Buggy in the sky, he was very satisfied with the victory of Wexford.

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Shiki had already thought about working with Wexford before working with Kaido and the others, but he had never been in contact with Wexford, so the cooperation he thought of was not successful.

But this time, Wexford was already right in front of him, Kaido and Big Mom were gradually unable to compete with each other, so now was the best chance to cooperate with Wexford.

Although Shiki was still Wexford’s opponent and was a member of the pirate alliance, but for Shiki, this problem was not too difficult to solve. In Shiki’s mind, he was very strong. Since he could throw an olive branch to Wexford, the other party should be very happy to accept it.

Regarding the failure of roping in Roger and cooperation in the past, the Golden Lion only attributed the problem to the other party and did not think that there was any problem with himself.

Now that the Golden Lion had gathered his strength again, if Wexford was not like Roger who was ‘stupid’, then he should agree to his cooperation.

“Chi o Hau Bara Bara Ho!”

Just as the Golden Lion was looking in the direction of Wexford, Buggy, who was fighting with him, did not idle. Instead, he pointed at the location of the Golden Lion and shouted softly.

As soon as Buggy’s voice fell, the Golden Lion felt the space around him begin to jump irregularly.

The Golden Lion sensed the danger and quickly rose up, leaving the area that was somewhat strange.

After the Golden Lion rose a distance, he looked down and saw that the place he had just been at had become blurry.

As the Buggy Devil Fruit continued to function, the mosaic-like space also began to collapse, revealing a pure black area.

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