Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 18: Pirate Garp vs. Admiral Kuzan

At the same time, Kuzan raised his right hand, and suddenly a huge ice bird flew out.

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After this ice bird appeared, it flew straight towards the pirate ship that Wexford and others were on.


When Buggy saw the ice bird, he immediately lost his mind and shouted, “It’s Marine Admiral Kuzan!”

‘The Admiral of the Marine Headquarters, the highest fighting force. How could he appear in this East Blue? Is here to catch us?’

When Buggy saw Kuzan, he knew that he had to hide in this battle. He was definitely unable to participate in this level of confrontation.

“Shanks, quick hide!”

Although Buggy had always taken the teenage Shanks as a fake, he still shouted to the Shanks next to him.

After shouting this out, Buggy didn’t even know why he was like this, but he continued to say to Shanks as he ran to the cabin, “Come on!”

Although Shanks did not want to go back to the cabin, after Buggy repeatedly urged, he still followed.

After Shanks arrived next to Buggy, the Shanks, he asked, “What are we doing in the cabin? If we get hit, isn’t it more difficult to run?”

“Who said I have to go to the cabin, there is a small boat on the side, so let’s drive away quickly.”

Although Buggy knew that Garp was very strong, the opponent was an Admiral. When the two exchanged blows between them could sink the ship.

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Just when Buggy took Shanks just to the side, suddenly there was a loud bang in the direction of the bow. When Buggy looked back, the huge ice bird had been shattered by Garp’s fist, leaving only a few ice chips scattered on the deck.


After smashed Kuzan’s ice bird, Garp stomped his feet, and his whole body flew in the direction of the pier like a cannonball.

When Garp quickly moved over, Kuzan carefully observed Garp’s appearance, “Besides a head full of white hair, the rest of the place really looks similar to Vice Admiral Garp.”

“Admiral Kuzan, let me do it!” Oniguma that came along with Kuzan, held two swords, and his six spider legs behind him also held a sword each. All eight swords met the direction of Karp’s arrival.

After the ghost spider took the initiative to ask for a fight, Kuzan did not immediately open his mouth to answer him. At this time, Kuzan had withdrawn his raised right hand, looking at Oniguma next to him with an ambiguous gaze.

“He is very strong, you still…”

Kuzan hadn’t finished his words when a black figure came. A punch sent Oniguma, which had just leaped forward, flying out and smashed on the house behind the pier.


Oniguma was sent flying backward. He knocked down several walls before finally being crushed underneath the collapsed house.

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The divisional marine watching the battle from the side saw Oniguma and hurriedly ran to pick him up.

However, after punching Oniguma, Garp did not stop his attack. As soon as Oniguma flew out, Garp lifted his right hand and slammed his fist towards Kuzan in front of him.

‘Very strong! I can’t fight back!’

With a sudden jolt in the brain, Kuzan, who wanted to fight with Garp, suddenly swung out in a strange position, turning into a piece of ice on the ground, avoiding the straight punch of Garp.

Although Kuzan had Hie Hie no Mi Devil Fruit ability to avoid the straight punch of Garp, and he had retreated to ten meters away, the wind of Garp’s fist still left a bloody scar in the face of Kuzan.

‘What a strong Busoshoku Haki.’

After a brief exchange of blows, Kuzan knew that the person who looked like Vice Admiral Garp was so powerful. He feared that only Vice Admiral Garp could really fight against him.

Thinking of this, Kuzan also realized that he was careless. If Vice Admiral Garp was not able to reinforce the words in a short time, this group of people would probably have defeated the marine in Loguetown, which also included himself as the Admiral of the Marine Headquarters.


Realizing that he couldn’t make direct contact with Garp, Kuzan condensed two ice swords in both hands, ready to fight Garp through the length of the weapon.

Garp, who forced Kuzan with one punch, raised his closed hand to his chest and pressed his knuckles one by one, “Marine Admiral? It’s been a long time since I’ve had a fight with a Marine Admiral.

“But whether it’s an Admiral or a Fleet Admiral, don’t try to win over me in a fist fight.”

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After Garp finished, his hands suddenly raised. His right foot stomped hard, and the boulders of the pier were stepped out of a deep pit by Garp.

‘So fast, even faster than just now!’

Holding a double ice blade, Kuzan watched Garp stomp on the dock boulders. However, this time, Garp used several times stronger force. In such a force burst, Kuzan’s eyes could only see a vague shadow.


The speed was so fast that the marine couldn’t see Garp’s fist punched the ice saber crossed in front of Kuzan’s body.

When Garp’s iron fist and Kuzan’s ice blade met, the ice blade instantly shattered. The iron fist went through Kuzan’s crossed hands, straight to Kuzan’s face.


Garp’s fist attacked Kuzan, just like Onigumo. Sent him flying directly into the air.

However, Kuzan, after all, was the Marine Headquarters Admiral, compared to Vice Admiral Onigumo, his strength was still much stronger. Although the power of Garp’s strikes also increased, Kuzan remained stable in the air. He turned around twice in the air and landed smoothly next to Momonga.

“Admiral Kuzan….”

At this time, Momonga had been stunned by the rapid battle just now, and it was the first time he had seen the Admiral of the Marine Headquarters being suppressed.

The first thing he did wasn’t look at Momonga beside him but wiped a handful of blood seeping from the corner of his mouth. Kuzan slightly narrowed his eyes and slowly walked in the direction of Garp.

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He was the Admiral of the Marine Headquarters. Even if the opponent’s strength was strong, he must carry the glory of the marine forward, not backward.

“Very good. It seems that your Fleet Admiral did not choose the wrong Admiral.”

Seeing Kuzan went towards him again, Garp smiled faintly and said to the gradually approaching Kuzan.

Kuzan did not go to answer Garp’s words but stopped at a distance of fifty paces from Garp, squatting down, extending his right hand, said, “ICE AGE.”

Soon, a stream of ice spread out quickly from Kuzan’s feet, quickly surged towards Garp.

Docks, warehouses, residential buildings, ships, the sea…

Under Kuzan’s control, more and more areas were frozen. The power seemed to have the momentum to swallow everything.

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