After experiencing the forbidden experience of the last time Moria appeared, Nico Robin was not too surprised to hear the voice that suddenly appeared.

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However, when Nico Robin shifted her gaze from the text to Mjosgard, her eyes suddenly widened. “World Noble!”

Although Mjosgard had been removed from his identity as a World Noble, apart from the fact that he was not wearing a transparent cover on his head, his clothing was no different from that of a World Noble.

The reason for this was mainly because Mjosgard believed that the world needed to be reformed not because of anyone’s clothing, but because of the heart.

As a result, when Mjosgard was fighting with the world government, he was still wearing the World Noble uniform that he wore when he left the Holy Land, Mary Geoise.

It was also because of this that Nico Robin recognized Mjosgard’s identity at a glance.

“This is?” When Mjosgard heard the cry of Nico Robin, he turned around and asked Robin.

When Wexford saw that Mjosgard did not know the identity of Nico Robin, he introduced, “The archaeologist of Ohara.”

“Ohara?” When he heard these three words, Mjosgard fell into deep thought. He seemed to have heard of this place before, but he could not recall it.

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“What? There’s no Ohara with you?”

In most parallel worlds, Ohara had a great reputation. After all, this was a well-known ancient Holy Land in the world, and there was also the tree of knowledge that stored the most books in the world.

If Ohara existed in the world of Mjosgard, she would definitely know the location of this island, and judging from her expression, it seemed like she didn’t know much about Ohara’s existence.

In other words, in the world of Mjosgard, it was very likely that Ohara wasn’t right, or perhaps she had already been destroyed a long time ago.

“Ohara.” At Wexford’s question, Mjosgard repeated those three words again before saying, “I remember, there is such a place.”

“However, this place has been razed to the ground by the World Government a hundred years ago. I only saw the story of this island in a book when I was still Mary Geoise.”

To Mjosgard, Ohara, who had been destroyed a hundred years ago, had become a story instead of an actual island.

“What are you talking about?” After a few incidents like this, Nico Robin seemed to have noticed something.

At this moment, Nico Robin seemed to have discovered something. She quickly walked to Wexford and asked, “These people are not from this world, right?”

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As Nico Robin said this, in her mind appeared the pirates under Wexford, Garp, Doflamingo, Sakazuki, and so on.

Before this, Nico Robin thought that these people were created by the Devil Fruit, but after encountering Wexford’s copying of the characters, she finally thought of another possibility.

That was, these people did not belong to this world, but came from a completely different world.

Although this idea was very terrifying, it was not impossible.

Faced with the question from Nico Robin, Wexford smiled and said, “Yes.”

Wexford did not intend to trick Nico Robin. Instead, she told the truth, but those two words made Nico Robin feel as if she had been struck by lightning. She was stunned on the spot.

This was because for Nico Robin, this was too subversive of her common sense. Even in the Tree of Knowledge of Ohara, she had never seen such a thing.

However, soon after, Nico Robin looked at Wexford with some excitement and said with a trembling voice, “Then, is my mother still alive in another world?”

The mother Nico Robin was referring to was none other than the thought female archeologist, Nico Olvia, also from Ohara.

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Although Nico Robin also knew that there were still some differences between Olivia of other worlds and her own mother, the differences, however they were, gave Nico Robin a glimmer of anticipation.

“Of course.” Wexford nodded.

“Perhaps you don’t know that there are thousands of worlds that are the same as this world. And the world with your mother, Olivia, naturally exists as well.”

“That, that’s good.” After hearing Wexford’s explanation, Nico Robin calmed down a little.

When Wexford saw the expression on her face, he knew what she was feeling. After all, from a few years old, Robin had lost his mother. The place where she had lived was directly destroyed by the Demon Slaying Order.

Since she was young, she had been living a life of poverty, and she was also worried about the capture of the marine and the betrayal of her companions.

This kind of life continued until she joined Wexford Pirate, and it was also because she joined Wexford that she felt a little calmer.

After asking these questions, Nico Robin knew that it was impossible for her to leave Wexford Pirates. After all, Wexford would never let her bring out such an important information.

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Thinking of this, Nico Robin no longer hesitated. Instead, she turned around and walked towards the direction of the Poneglyph.

Wexford looked at Robin who was gradually walking towards the text of history and said, “Maybe next time, the one who will come here will be Olivia.”

Nico Robin, who was walking toward the Poneglyph, was stunned again when she heard this. However, she did not turn around to confirm Wexford’s words. Instead, she continued to walk towards the Poneglyph.

“Let’s go. Let’s go out. This Poneglyph should still be left to the professionals to see.” After completing the copy and reconstructing the Mjosgard, Wexford did not intend to disturb Robin deciphering the Poneglyph in this tree hole. Instead, he brought Mjosgard out of the tree hole and arrived at the branch of Whale Forest.


When Wexford brought Mjosgard out of the tree hole, Rosinante, who was chatting with Bell-mere and the others, turned his head and saw Mjosgard, who was dressed in World Noble clothes.

As a member of the Donquixote Family, Rosinante, when he left Mary Geoise, of course, he also saw Mjosgard.

Although he was still young when he left Mary Geoise, his memory of the Donquixote Family was very clear, so when he saw Mjosgard, he immediately recognized the other person.

“Rosinante?” When Mjosgard heard someone call out to him, he followed the source of the voice. When he looked over, he happened to see Rosinante, who was staring at him.

“I didn’t expect to meet you here.” When Mjosgard first came to this world, he had thought that he was the only one who was by Wexford’s side. But now, it seemed that he wasn’t.

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