Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 2: Ga Ga Garp

In addition to the words on this door saying that it is reshaping the body, there is only one name left underneath it, “Donquixote Doflamingo”.

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This was the first time Wexford saw the name on this door. When he entered the warehouse last time, there wasn’t even a name.

“It’s actually Doflamingo…”

For the third Pirate King who would be awakened, Wexford had been thinking about Roger, Rocks, and even Kaido, but he would never think that Donquixote Doflamingo would also sit in the position of Pirate King.

“It seems that everything that happens in each parallel universe will also have earth-shaking changes.”

Maybe this version of Doflamingo had directly defeated Big Mom and others to became Pirate King.

“But it will take a while, seeing this progress bar.”

After several days of observation, Wexford roughly judged the time when would Doflamingo finished being copied. If his estimation is correct, Doflamingo should take about a week to be copied.

Except for the Doflamingo’s door, there were no signs on the other doors.

“If there’s really no boat passing by the island, we can only wait for Doflamingo’s copy to be finished after a week. The thing is, I still don’t know if this Doflamingo will be helpful or not.”

With no ships passing by, Wexford can only put his hope on Doflamingo for the time being.

After watching the progress bar for a long time, Wexford withdrew from his consciousness and returned to reality.

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At this time, on the beach in front of Wexford, the young Shanks had jumped into the sea, ready to catch a few big fishes back.

“Captain Wexford! Mr. Garp! There’s a boat, there’s a boat ahead!”

Shanks, who was swimming in the sea, suddenly turned around and yelled at Wexford and Garp on the island.

After hearing Shanks’s shout, Wexford quickly looked in the direction Shanks was pointing. There was indeed a big ship sailing in the direction pointed by Shanks.

“Red nose*?”

After seeing the flag on the ship, Wexford smiled slightly and shouted to Shanks who was going ashore.

“Shanks, it seems you still have an acquaintance.”

“What?” Shanks, who was catching a big fish in his hand, asked Wexford somewhat puzzledly.

Wexford jumped off the boulder. He had obtained some of the Garp’s and Shanks’ abilities, and he basically had no problems jumping at that height.

“I said, that ship is probably your acquaintance.” Wexford, who walked to Shanks, patted Shanks on the shoulder and continued, “Go light a campfire you prepared before.”

“Aye, Captain.”

After hearing Wexford’s order, the young Shanks threw the big fish directly on the beach, ran near the boulder, and lit the prepared bonfire.

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The ships sailing at sea immediately noticed the situation on the island after the bonfire was lit, and Wexford’s guess was not wrong. The pirate group with the red-nosed skull pirate flag was Shanks’ old friend, Buggy.

“Captain! There are people on the island!”

Cabaji, the acrobat on the boat, spotted the bonfire. He quickly reported to Bucky, who was resting in the captain’s room.

Even though Buggy, who was lucky enough to have Cabaji spotted it, was a little dissatisfied. He still walked out of the captain’s room and looked in the direction of the campfire, “Is there really someone?”

“Little ones, we have work to do! Go closer!”

Buggy, who had been sleeping for a long time, quickly commanded his helmsman to drive towards the island. He had not yet established himself in the East Blue and needed to increase his own bounty value.

Under Buggy’s command, the ship quickly turned around and sailed towards the island.

“Captain Wexford, they’re here!”

The young Shanks, who had just finished lighting the bonfire, was pleased. After they had a boat, they would be able to leave this uninhabited island.

“I see.” Wexford nodded. “That’s a group of pirates. Prepare to seize their ship.”

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With Garp’s existence, Wexford didn’t think the Buggy Pirates had the slightest chance of winning. This Garp might be different from the Garp in the main universe, but he was definitely of a superb level. Let alone a little pirate from the East Blue like Buggy, he won’t stand a chance even in the future.

“Aye, Captain.”

Although Shanks was still young, he had already boarded Roger’s ship at the age of being copied. As a former member of the Great Pirate Group, Shanks would never be afraid of the little pirates from East Blue.

“The East Blue’s still so weak….”

Garp, who had been silent next to Wexford, suddenly said something when Buggy and others began to land.

This old man Garp had taken over the world ever since the destruction of the Windmill Village. He had been active since then. He hadn’t returned after entering the Grand Line. His evaluation of the pirates on the East Blue was weak.

“It’s the weakest sea after all. Weaknesses are normal…”

Wexford looked at Buggy and the others who were walking over and said with a smile.

While they were talking, Buggy brought his pirate group members to where the three were.


At this time, Buggy had basically got rid of his sleepiness. So when he looked at the other side intently, he was stunned for an instant.

“Ga- ga- ga- ga-” Buggy kept stuttering.

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Although Garp was wearing a black suit, not a Marine uniform, he was still a deadly person in Buggy’s eyes.

In the past, Garp fought against the Roger Pirates countless times, and Buggy became familiar with Garp. Although Garp’s head was all gray hair, his looks and body were still absolutely top-notch.

“Little guy, do you still remember me?” Garp saw Bucky’s nervous expression, and he walked forward slowly with his hands in his pockets.

As soon as Buggy saw Garp’s movements, cold sweat dripped from his head.

“Captain?” Mohji, a beast tamer and a new member of the Buggy Pirates, was a little puzzled by his captain’s actions.


At this time, Buggy finally pronounced Garp’s name clearly.

Mohji’s and Cabaji’s eyes widened when they heard the name. The name of “Hero of the Marines” was hyped by the Marine. How could they not know that?

“Not bad. You know who I am.”

Garp was very satisfied with everyone’s reaction; his title as the Pirate King also worked in this universe.

Just as Garp nodded in satisfaction, Shanks also walked out from behind Garp, smiled, and said to Garp, “Mr. Garp is really amazing.”

Buggy, who had been stunned, saw Shanks’s figure, and his mouth grew big. His eyes looked straight at the head behind Garp, “Sha- Sha- Shanks!”

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