Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 20: Devil Fruit Technique

Although Kuzan felt that Wexford said too much, he couldn’t refute it. After all, the opponent’s strength was indeed higher than his own.

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At this time, the only way to shut the opponent up is to defeat these pirates. However, for Kuzan, today’s task seemed a bit difficult.

“Admiral Kuzan, cough….”

Momonga, who was next to Kuzan, covered his chest. His face showed pain. Although Kuzan caught him, Garp’s attack had caused a serious blast on his body.

Momonga moved next to Kuzan and said, “Admiral Kuzan, we may not be able to apprehend them.”

Kuzan didn’t respond to what Momonga said. He just looked in Garp’s direction and said, “You take our people to retreat successively.”

“Admiral Kuzan!”

Once Momonga heard the words of Kuzan, he knew that the other side wanted to stay alone to face the opponent’s attack. Such an order was impossible for Kuzan to do.

“Do as I ordered.”

After saying that, without looking back, an ice blade appeared in Kuzan’s hand again.

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Momonga looked at the opposite Wexford and Garp, hesitated for a moment. Finally, he dragged his seriously injured body to gather the nearby marine soldiers.

In this degree of confrontation, a few ship of Marine Headquarters was simply unable to solve the problem. The marine of Loguetown, needless to say, need to retreat.

Under Momonga’s order, although a large number of marine soldiers still wanted to stay at the dock, the crowd gradually withdrew from the dock and retreated towards the Loguetown.


After taking a look at the gradually departing marine, Wexford turned his head to the ice dagger-wielding Kuzan and said, “Do you think they can go away? If you fail, which marine can leave Loguetown in peace?”

Although Kuzan acted tough, he knew it was not safe for these marine soldiers. After all, once Kuzan lost, no one could protect these marine soldiers who came all the way from Marineford.

With the ice sword in hand, Kuzan did not answer Wexford’s words. He turned his back on the marine soldiers who were moving away, and his eyes were fixed on Garp and Wexford.

“Captain Wexford, let me finish him off.” Garp wasn’t familiar with Kuzan in this world. So, for this Marine Admiral, he wouldn’t hold back a bit.

When Kuzan heard Garp’s question, he unconsciously brainstormed. If this man was the captain, didn’t it mean that he was more powerful than this pirate who looked like Garp?

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‘This pirate who just debuted in the East Blue… does he have the same strength as the Four Emperors?’

Now Kuzan couldn’t help but doubt if this was really the East Blue and not the New World?

However, Wexford did not let Kuzan think. He opened his mouth after glancing at Kuzan, “Well, since this Admiral refuses to give way…. There’s no other way.”


After Garp finished speaking with Wexford, his entire body instantly sprang from the spot. He ran straight to the not too far away Kuzan.

" "

The first time he saw Garp, he knew that the attack was very strong, and he had already suffered at the hands of Garp. He had already started to dodge to the side in advance when the opponent moved.

Due to the early dodge, Garp’s attack did not land on him, and it fell short. However, although Garp’s punch fell short, the fierce punch directly collapsed a warehouse building behind Kuzan.

‘The speed is too fast.’

Hiding to the edge of the dock, Kuzan’s eyes looked straight at Garp, staring at his opponent’s every move. Kuzan knew that if his pre-judgment were a hair slower, there would be no next round in this fight.

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However, Garp’s speed was too fast, and he had no room to launch an attack when all his energy was focused on Garp’s attack route.

In this way, it was basically impossible for Kuzan to defeat these pirates with only dodging. After all, Kuzan’s body had been injured, and he simply has no way to compete with each other’s body and energy.

‘What to do? This time I seem to be defeated.’

Since he became an Admiral, Kuzan had not encountered a defeat. However, today in the East Blue, the weakest sea, the Marine Admiral Kuzan seemed to be experiencing his first defeat since his promotion as an Admiral.


At the same time, Garp attacked again. Under this fierce attack, the pier was directly blown away, and Kuzan also had no choice but to retreat to the frozen sea.

“Are you ready to retreat, Marine Admiral?”

Garp stood on top of the destroyed pier and taunted Kuzan on the ice.

The pirate Garp had the title of ‘Pirates King’ in his world, and this title made Garp had fought face to face with many Admirals countless times. —Because of this, Garp had no good feeling about the Admiral. After becoming the Pirate King, Garp was even planning to lead the New World pirates to directly attack the Holy Land Mary Geoise.

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Because of this experience, when Garp faced Kuzan, he didn’t hold back. Every punch was to the bone, so what Admiral Kuzan experienced what was called the real Busoshoku Haki.

For Garp’s provocation, Kuzan did not answer but directly inserted the ice blade on the frozen sea, softly said, “ICE SABER!”

A five or six meters high ice spike with Kuzan as the centre of the circle from the surface of the sea rose, quickly expanding outward.

If one looked from the sky, this battlefield seemed to be an ice flower growing on the sea surface and was still growing rapidly.


Kuzan conjured up the ice spikes moving unusually fast.

When Garp just heard the sound from Kuzan, the ships docked around have been hit by the ice spikes, directly from the bottom of the ship to the deck, to come through.

Garp, standing on the ruins of the dock, didn’t even move. He only looked at the fast-moving ice spikes with a relaxed face and said, “Cheap trick of the Devil Fruit user.”

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