Of course, the pirates in the world did not know the movements of the Red Line, nor did they know that the Pirate King of the World Nobles had gone to the last sea of the New World.

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At this time, above the four seas, people were more concerned about the movements of the Wexford Super Pirate.

At this time, Wexford could be said to be the most powerful pirate in the four seas. His every move affected the hearts of the pirates in the four seas.

“The pirates under Wexford attacked the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, Baltigo!”

“The leader of the Revolutionary Army, Dragon, escaped, and a cadre was captured by the pirates under Wexford!”

This was the most explosive news written in the latest newspaper that day.

And this news was reported by Wexford himself to the World Economy News Paper Morgans.

The battle against Baltigo was very simple for Garp and others. Under Borsalino’s lead, the three people quickly landed on the Revolutionary Army headquarters, Baltigo.

Although the Revolutionary Army immediately found traces of several people after Garp and the other two landed, but when Garp, Borsalino, and Enel joined hands, the people of the Revolutionary Army were no match for them.

After a short surprise attack, Dragon was directly injured by Garp. Under the cover of the Revolutionary Army, he successfully escaped from Baltigo.

However, Ivankov, as the primary target of Borsalino, did not escape the attack of Borsalino. Although she moved with Dragon, she was finally taken away by Borsalino, who was very fast.

Borsalino was also a member of the Revolutionary Army in his own world, so after getting Ivankov, they also stopped the attack on the Revolutionary Army.

On the way back from Baltigo, Borsalino also began to interrogate Ivankov.


Borsalino looked at the culprit who had turned himself into a woman with a face full of anger.

“Hehe, this… Boss, why are you looking for me?” When he saw Borsalino, Ivankov immediately recognized her true gender.

As a person with the Horu Horu no Mi ability, Ivankov was very sensitive to her hormones.

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Although she did not remember changing this person who was very similar to Borsalino, she did not think that the other party had definitely been changed by the Horu Horu no Mi.

Borsalino leaned his head close to Ivankov and said with a bad expression, “You should know what I want to do. Turn me back!”

For the current body, Borsalino had wanted to change back a long time ago. Now that he had caught Ivankov, Borsalino naturally could not wait any longer.

“Hehe, don’t you like this? I think it’s pretty good, hahaha.” Although Ivankov was handcuffed by sea stone, she still leaned on the railing of the deck and smiled at Borsalino.

“You better agree quickly!” Although Borsalino and Ivankov were the same in his own world, he could also distinguish different worlds. People were also different, so unlike the others who had been copied, Borsalino had no intention of holding back when fighting Ivankov and Dragon.

“When we reach Wano Country, I can not guarantee your safety.”

At this time, Borsalino also began to threaten the other party. Although Wexford might not punish Ivankov, this did not prevent Borsalino from using this to threaten the other party.

As soon as he heard this, Ivankov was still a little scared. After all, Wexford entered the Grand Line from the East Blue and then went to the New World. He did not know how many pirates and marines he sacrificed along the way.

Such a record made Ivankov not dare to guarantee that the other party would do something to punish him. “This…”

“This is not a loss to you. Think about it.” Borsalino saw that Ivankov was a little shaken, so he began to guide her.


In order to ensure her own safety, Ivankov ultimately chose to agree. After all, transforming Borsalino back did not have much of an impact on Ivankov herself.

After Ivankov chose to agree, Borsalino was also happy. He quickly asked Garp to block Ivankov’s seastone handcuffs so that the other party could use his Devil Fruit power.

What happened next was much simpler. Ivankov, who had been unlocked from the seastone handcuffs, immediately used her ability to transform Borsalino, who looked like a girl, back into a man.

When the familiar body finally returned, Borsalino finally let out a sigh of relief.

He had been reconstructed into the original world by Ivankov when he had turned into a woman, so he could only move around under Wexford as a woman.

“Haha, Borsalino, I didn’t expect you to be like this.” Enel, who had been watching from the side, saw Borsalino’s latest appearance and laughed.

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Compared to the feminine Borsalino, Borsalino, who had transformed into his true self, looked a little wretched.

Although there was still a gap between her and Borsalino in the original world, compared to before, he still felt that he had become a lot worse.

“I think it’s better for you to change back. This is really not good.” After observing for a while, Enel finally suggested to Borsalino.

When Ivankov, who had just used her power to turn Borsalino back, saw that someone had said this, he quickly agreed, “I think so too. Borsalino might as well turn back.”

“Shut up!” Borsalino would not listen to their instigation. No matter what the other party said, he would not change back.

Just as the three of them were talking, Garp, who had just unlocked the handcuffs for Ivankov, looked at a huge stone next to him and said, “How do you bring this Poneglyph back?”

When they attacked Baltigo, because this Poneglyph was too heavy, the Revolutionary Army did not transfer it immediately, so they could only leave it to Garp and the others.

However, the three of them only used a small boat to come to Baltigo from Wano Country. This boat could barely hold four or five people, but it was not enough when facing such a huge Poneglyph.

“Tell the captain to send someone to bring it back.” Enel also looked at the stone with ancient words. Although he couldn’t understand the words, it didn’t stop Enel from knowing its value. “Bell-mere should be able to bring it back directly.”

“That’s right.”

With Enel’s reminder, Garp stopped eating the doughnut and took out a Den Den Mushi from his pocket.

Not long after the Den Den Mushi was taken out, it was connected to Wexford, who was far away in Wano Country, “Garp? What’s the matter?”

“Captain, we found a piece of Poneglyph in Baltigo.” Garp approached the text and replied to Wexford.

“Poneglyph?” Hearing these words, Wexford was interested. “What type is it?”

Now, there was still a gap between ordinary Poneglyph and the Road Poneglyph, so Wexford asked this question.

“It’s an ordinary piece of Poneglyph.” From the color of this Poneglyph, Garp had seen through its attributes.

“An ordinary Poneglyph? Then you can stay in Baltigo for now. I will get Bell-mere to pick you up.” As Enel had expected, Wexford finally sent Bell-mere, who carried the heaviest weight, to Baltigo to bring the Poneglyph back.

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However, this way, they would not be able to leave Baltigo for a short time. They could only wait for Bell-mere, who had taken off from Wano Country, to return to Wano Country with this Poneglypht.

At this time, in Wano Country, the search for the Poneglypht had not stopped.

As a country that produced Poneglypht, this piece of land should not be left with only one piece of Poneglypht. It was also with this idea that Wexford’s search for Wano Country had not ended.

However, although he did not find it, many of the Beasts Pirates hidden in Wano Country were caught.

At this time, the Beasts Pirates had not started to use the artificial Devil Fruit, so most of the members were powerless. These pirates looked no different from ordinary people. Once they entered the village town, if they were not exposed, it would be difficult for the pirates under Wexford to find them.

Fortunately, the Beasts Pirates and Kurozumi Orochi had always been under high pressure on Wano Country. Now, one of the Beasts Pirates and Kurozumi Orochi were arrested, and the other directly died after Kozuki Oden.

It was also because these two people no longer continued to rule Wano Country that the people of Wano Country finally dared to stand up.

“There is not a single piece of Poneglyph in Udon?” After hanging up Garp’s Den Den Mushi, Wexford looked at Rosinante in front of him and asked.

“Yes, we searched carefully for Udon in the quarry, but we did not find a piece of Poneglyph.” Before this, the pirates under Wexford had basically searched Udon, but in the end, they still could not find any trace of Poneglyph.

After hearing this, Wexford was a little puzzled, “Eight hundred years ago, this was the place where Poneglyph was produced. Countless words in Poneglyph were engraved by the craftsmen of Wano Country.”

“Why is there only one Poneglyph in this place?”

“Did the World Government search this place?”

Wexford felt that his idea was quite reasonable. After all, Wexford knew about the Poneglyph of Wano Country, and the World Nobles people of the World Government would definitely know.

Eight hundred years ago, these World nobles people were not all good-for-nothings.

The reason why the twenty countries could unify the world and establish the World Government was not because they were full of fat. In that era, every king of the twenty countries was an existence who could fight well.

They were not like the younger generation who were raised like pigs, and they must have attached great importance to the Poneglyph at that time.

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Although Poneglyph was not easy to destroy, it was still very possible to move it.

And Wano Country was the place where the Poneglyph was produced. It was also reasonable for the World Government of the twenty countries to target it.

“It is very likely that the World Government will not let Wano Country go.” Rosinante also felt that Wexford’s idea was reasonable. After all, the World Government would not be at ease to put Poneglyph in Wano Country.

As long as it was in the field of vision of Wano Country, the Poneglyph must be cleaned up.

“That’s a pity.” Wexford was still a little regretful that he could no longer find the Poneglyph in Wano Country. After all, a piece of Poneglyph was a Pirate King. If Wano Country could capture ten or eight pieces, it would definitely be good news for Wexford.

But now, let alone ten or eight pieces, other than the piece of Poneglyph found in Onigashima by Yamato, there was no other Poneglyph in Wano Country.

“Forget it, that’s all for now.” Since they couldn’t find any Poneglyph, Wexford didn’t want to let his subordinates waste their time here.

“Inform Bell-mere to go to Baltigo. Garp and the others found a piece of Poneglyph in Baltigo. Ask Bell-mere to bring it back.”

“Okay, I will go now.” After receiving the order, Rosinante directly left the Shogun’s Mansion and went to contact Bell-mere, who was eating and eating on the street.

As a female Tyrannosaurus rex, Bell-mere’s appetite could be said to be one of the top existences under Wexford.

At this time, Kozuki Oden, who was sitting below Wexford, was also a strong competitor in the ranking.

Although Kozuki Oden took back the position of Shogun after taking back Wano Country, in front of Wexford, this Shogun of the Wano Country could only sit down.

“Oden, has Whitebeard replied?” Wexford didn’t stay idle during this period of time in Wano Countryy. In addition to searching for Poneglyph, he began to plan the route to enter the last sea area of the New World.

And the Whitebeard Pirates who guarded the last part of the sea area of the New World was the biggest obstacle to entering Laugh Tale.

Although the Whitebeard Pirates won’t stop Wexford anymore, when he entered the other side of the sea, he still needed to confirm it.

As Kozuki Oden who once boarded the Whitebeard Pirates, he was a good contact person.

“No reply, he might not want to reply to us.” Kozuki Oden finally stayed in his world for a long time, so he was quite familiar with the character of Whitebeard.

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